语言设置 — 可在 [...] “配置管理器”中的 “设置”按钮下或 “管 理GUI”中找到。 graphics.kodak.com | Language Settings — found under the Settings button in the Configuration [...] Organizer or A dministrationGUI. graphics.kodak.com |
IQS-9100基于Windows的图形用户界面 (GUI)有多种控制方式(按钮、前面板功能键或键盘),提供在线帮助,使用户具有一流的灵活性。 exfo.com | The IQS-9100’s Windows-based graphical [...] user i nterface (GUI) offerscontrol [...]choices—buttons, front panel keys or keyboard—and [...]online help, for first-class user flexibility. exfo.com |
此外,浏览 器GUI介面更提供多国语言介 面,可减少管理人员的学习时间并提高生产力。 tw.aten.com | The bro wserbased GUIoffers a multilanguage [...]interface to minimize user training time and increase productivity. eng.aten.eu |
它提供的一些功能有:日 历GUI,周期,冲突管理,层次结构,完全可配置的资源和保留类型。 javakaiyuan.com | It offers some of the [...] features are: CalendarGUI,cycles, conflict management [...], hierarchy , and fully configurable resource reservation type. javakaiyuan.com |
彩色的触摸屏提供简单明了的图形 用户界 面(GUI),让您轻松操作设备和分配输出。 graphics.kodak.com | The color touch screen offers a simple, graphical [...] user i nterface (GUI) tooperate the [...]device and direct the output. graphics.kodak.com |
工具套件内有Linux演示套装软体和图形使用者介 面(GUI),套装软件与工具套件相容。 ipress.com.hk | A kit is delivered with a Linux demonstration software and a graphical [...] user i nterface (GUI) based onQt. ipress.com.hk |
应用程序采用全新外观:用户界面现在基于新的 Micro softGUI标准设计而成。 digikey.cn | Application has a new look: User Interface is now based on [...] new Microsoft stan dards for GUI. digikey.ca |
GUI包括服务目录导航,以及简化的服务部署订购和 触发。 opendatacenteralliance.org | T he GUI includes service catalog [...]navigation, and simplified ordering, and triggering deployment of services. opendatacenteralliance.org |
谨向你们转递几内亚政府和建设和平委员会关于在几内亚建设和平相互承 诺的声明,这是 2011 年 9 [...] 月 23 日通过的(P BC/5/GUI/2),几内亚总统阿尔法·孔 [...]德出席了仪式。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to transmit to you the statement of mutual commitments on peacebuilding in Guinea between the Government of Guinea and the Peacebuilding [...] Commission, which was adopted on 23 September 2011 in the presence of Mr. Alpha Condé, [...] President of Guinea(PBC/5/GUI/2). daccess-ods.un.org |
由于它配备了EXFO高度直观的图形用户界面 (GUI)、简化的流程和预定义的配置,因此新用户只需少量甚至不需要任何培训。 exfo.com | Thanks to EXFO’s highly intuitive graphical [...] user interface (GUI), streamlined procedures [...]and predefined configurations, it [...]requires minimal to no training for new users. exfo.com |
开发期间,相机中的图像将直接输送到 Sher lockGUI,并直接在相机上执行该程序中的指令。 tipschina.gov.cn | During development, images from the camera are fed [...] directly to the SherlockGUI andcommands from the [...]program are executed directly on the camera. tipschina.gov.cn |
有了 Navicat 极完备的图形使用者介 面(GUI),Navicat for SQLite 让你可以简便地以安全且简单的方法建立、组织、存取和共享资讯及进行 [...]SQLite 的管理。 navicat.com | With Navicat well-designed Graphical User I nterface (GUI), Navicatfor SQLite [...]lets you quickly and easily create, organize, [...]access and share information in a secure and easy way, taking SQLite administration to the next level. navicat.com |
将系统开机到桌面,用开始功能表或以滑鼠按兩下工作列的 RST 储存图示(画面右下方)开启 RSTGUI。download.asrock.com | Boot system to desktop, open RST GUI from either Start Menu or by [...] double-clickin g RST Storage icon in Icon [...]tray, lower right-hand corner of the screen. download.asrock.com |
Log4j是Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件 、GUI组件、甚至是套接口服务器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX [...]Syslog守护进程等;用户也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式;通过定义每一条日志信息的级别,用户能够更加细致地控制日志的生成过程。 javakaiyuan.com | Log4j is an open source Apache project , through the use of Log4j, we can control the log [...] information transmission destination is [...] the con sole, files ,GUI components,and even [...]socket servers , NT event logger , UNIX [...]Syslog daemon , etc.; user can also control the output format of each log ; by defining the level of each log message , the user can more carefully control the generation of logThe process. javakaiyuan.com |
易于导航的图形用户界 面(GUI)为所有程序功能提供了用户友好的中央窗口。 avast.com | Our easy-to-navigate graphical [...] user i nterface (GUI) offersauser-friendly [...]central window to all program functions. avast.com |
我们感到高兴能够与众多创新企业进行合作,使我们的嵌入式开发人员能够选择他们喜欢的整合式开发环境、编译器、实时操作系统(RTOS)、堆叠 和GUI。ipress.com.hk | œWe are excited to team with a number of innovative companies to allow our [...] embedded developers the ability to select their preferred integrated development environment, [...] compiler, RT OS, stack andGUI. ipress.com.hk |
通过本系列文章,我们将要学习如果用 GTK 编写图形用户界 面(GUI)。bsdmap.com | In these article series, we will learn how to write graphical [...] user int erfaces(GUIs) usingGTK. bsdmap.com |
标准的以太网和RS-232数码界面简化了系统集成 ,GUI(图形用户界面)允许多种操作界面的配置。 spellmanhv.cn | Standard Ethernet and RS-232 digital interfaces simplify system [...] integrat ion anda GUI(graphical user [...]interface) allows configuration of many operational features. spellmanhv.com |
您还可以得到一个MVC数据接口,一组数据接口beans,并为每个基本图表类型自定义基于Swi ng的GUI。evget.com | You also get an MVC data interface, a collection of data interface beans, and [...] Swing-base d customizerGUIs for every basic chart type. evget.com |
使用虚拟化通用桌面,您可以找出有关通用桌面的多种优势,如与 PC 机难分辨的丰富的用户经验、及多种本地软件工具如 [...] Firefox 浏览器、媒体播放器或 SAPGUI及协议客户机如 RDP、ICA、VDM、NX [...]和 X11R6。 igel.com | With the virtual Universal Desktop you will find out about the many benefits of the Universal Desktop, such as a rich user experience that is indistinguishable from a PC, and access to a variety of local [...] software tools like e.g. a Firefox browser, [...] media p layer or aSAP GUI, as well as protocol [...]clients like e.g. RDP, ICA, VDM, NX and X11R6. igel.com |
一个Visual-B asicGUI可以通过RS-232/USB进行远程控制,以太网的接口经由嵌入式JAVA程序来控制。 spellmanhv.cn | A Visual-Basic GUI is madeavailable for [...]remote RS-232/USB operation; the Ethernet interface has an embedded applet for control. spellmanhv.com |
按「确定」按钮後,SRT 会自动启用, RSTGUI也会自动更新,显示加速後的系统设定。 download.asrock.com | After clicking OK button, SRT will enable [...] automatically, and the RSTGUI will refreshto show [...]the newly accelerated system configuration. download.asrock.com |
注意:如果您的系统不兼容 V2GUI版本,可以使用 V1 文字版本。 seagate.com | Note: If you have system compatibility [...] problems with the v2GUI version, please use [...]the v1 Text version. seagate.com |
易于使用 的GUI用于评估并优化MAX98089的5波段参数均衡、自动电平控制(ALC)、扬声器漂移抑制、扬声器功率抑制和扬声器失真(THD)抑制等功能。 acrossemi.com | T heGUI supports evaluation and [...]optimisation of the MAX98089's 5-band parametric EQ, automatic level control (ALC), speaker [...]excursion limiter, speaker power limiter, and speaker distortion (THD) limiter. acrossemi.com |
其他工具,如命 令行界面 或GUI也非常重要,但是 API 是云用户协调最理想的工具。 opendatacenteralliance.org | Other tools, such as command [...] line inte rfaces or GUIs, are alsoimportant, [...]but APIs are ideal for cloud subscriber orchestration. opendatacenteralliance.org |
有别於 Petite 系列中的带线型 KVM 切换器,CS661 笔电型 USB KVM 多电脑切换器於功能特性上有着更大提升,除了为2台笔记型电脑或桌上型电脑提供简易的随插即用 KVM 多电脑切换器功能之外,使用者亦可透过具 备GUI图形化介面的创新档案管理工具,快速、方便地在2台电脑之间进行档案传输。 aten.com.tw | The CS661 Laptop USB KVM Switch takes a giant step forward from previous cable KVM models in the Petite series. In addition to offering simple plug and play KVM switch functionality for two USB-enabled laptops or PCs, the CS661 also allows you to quickly and easily transfer files between the two computers using an innovative File Management tool with an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). aten.com |
记住,Linux正趋向主流,人们不想再看见命令行,因此如果每件事都可以 在gui的环境下去做,人们就不需要了解内部的构造, [...]并且不需要知道到底是什么在运行,他们只要能配置并知道这是行之有效的就行了。 bsdmap.com | Remember, now that Linux is going mainstream, people don't [...] want to see the command line, so if [...] everything isdone atagui level,they don't [...]need to see the guts and they really don't [...]need to know what is going on -- they just need to be able to configure it and know that it just works! bsdmap.com |
参与设计的项目有:皮尔森银行指纹加密器、 捷赛多功能烹饪锅、 LG未来概念机设计、 B&D 咖啡机设计、 [...] 亿阳播放器终端、GST温控器ID设计和UI界面设计、第一视频彩票 IOSGUI设计/、海信手机设计等。 peopeo.de | Pearson Bank Fingerprint encoder, Jie Sai Multipurpose Cooking pot, LG future concept designs, B&D coffee machine design, Yi Yang Player [...] terminal, GST thermostat ID design and UI interface design, Di Yi Cai [...] Piao Lottery iOS GUIDesign, Hisense handset design. peopeo.de |