

单词 g t the heart
另一种激振杆设计是一种细长的杆,比 TheModal Shop2150G12使用通孔衔铁设计。
Another alternative is a thin rod stinger design, such as The Modal Shop 2150G12, which also utilizes the through-hole armature design.
g件属於选修课程,选择的科学课程需符合该选修课程之资格:实际來說就是一 个学分(相当於兩学期课程)的额外实验科学。
The “g” requirement pertains to elective courses, for which selected science courses may qualify: specifically, one unit (equivalent to two semester courses) of an additional laboratory science.
物密嘟」启动礼仅定於一月八日在协会的周年会员晚宴举行,地点为尖沙 TheOne。
The 'Consumer Connect' launching ceremony will be
held at the GS1 Hong Kong Annual Member Dinner which is due to take place at The One in
[...] Tsim ShaTsui on January 8, 2013.
g) the party is a post-employment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of the Group, or of any entity that is a related party of the Group.
一直以可靠性和 控制领导者闻名于整个行业的圣万提,G24器中将具有竞争力的价格与卓 越的性能结合在了一起。
Synventive, long known as the reliability and control leader in the industry, combines a competitive price with superior performance in the G24 controller.
就有关期间以外的所有期间 而言,即使董事或其任何联系人在任何合约、安排或交易或建
议合约、安排或交易拥有或可能拥有权益,惟仍可投票,而若 其投票,其票数将会计算在内,且其可在提呈考虑任何该等合 约、安排或交易或建议合约、安排或交易的任何董事会议计入
[...] 法定人数,惟其须(倘适用)事先於会议提呈考虑该等事项前 根(G)露其权益。
In respect of all periods other than the Relevant Period, a Director may vote in respect of any contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction notwithstanding that he or any of his associates is or may be interested therein and, if he does so, his vote shall be counted and he may be counted in the quorum at any meeting of the Directors at which any such contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction shall come before the
meeting for consideration provided that he has, where relevant, first disclosed his
[...] interest in accordancewith paragraph (G).
(g)提出或进行任何刑事诉讼或按照香港法律 而进行的任何调查,有必要作出的披露。
(g) are necessary with a view to the institution of, or otherwise for the purposes of, any criminal proceedings, or any investigation carried out under the laws of Hong Kong.
(g)任何董事会会议内产生任何关于董事(除会议的主席外)或其联系人 的权益或关于任何董事(除该主席外)的表决及被计入法定人数的权利的 问题,且此问题没有因为他自愿放弃表决或被计入法定人数内而得到解 决,此问题应提交会议主席处理,他对于该董事的裁定应属最后和最终的 裁定,除 非 以该董事所知该董事或其联系人的利益的性质和范围没有公平 地披露予董事会知道。
(g) If any question arises at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the chairman of the meeting) or his Associate, or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote or be counted in the quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interest of the Director or his Associate concerned as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
指港灯在每年度年底为履行附表G及的责任而 估计合理支付金额。
means the estimated amount that HEC will reasonably pay to settle the obligation referred to in Section G of Schedule 2 at the end of each Year.
(g) 事如知悉其以任何方式直接或间接於与本公司订立之合约或安排或拟订 立之合约或安排拥有利益,则须於(倘其当时知悉其利益存在)首次考虑订立该合 约或安排之董事会会议或於任何其他情况下在彼得悉有关利益存在後首个董事会会 议申报其利益。
(g) A Director who to his knowledge is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first taken into consideration if he knows his interest then exists, or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he is or has become so interested.
Our reporting is based on criteria recommended by future (a “self-help” initiative run by various German companies) and IÖW (the German
institute for Ecological Economy Research) as well as the international Global
[...] Reporting Initiative(GRI) G3 guidelines.
(g)或其联系人如就其所知以任何方式直接或间接於与本公司所订合 约或安排或拟定合约或安排中拥有权益,而倘其知悉其权益当时存在, 则须於首次考虑订立该合约或安排问题的董事会会议上申报其权益或 其联系人权益性质,或在任何其他情况下,则须於其知悉其或其联系人 就此拥有或已变得拥有权益後的首个董事会会议上作出有关申报。
(g) A Director who, to his knowledge, is interested or has an associate who is interested, in any way, whether directly or indirectly, in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest or the interest of his associate at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first taken into consideration if he knows his interest or the interest of his associate then exists; or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he or his associate is or has become so interested.
该Baraithoth,即格言的律法中没有发现密西拿,以及法律段落总是在希伯来文给予的,因此是最追加阐发,其余是在西阿拉姆语方言书面G.曼, “Grammatik DES judisch - Palastinischen Aramaisch”,莱比锡,1905年)。
The Baraithoth, ie the maxims of the Torah not found in the Mishna, as well as the legal paragraphs are always given in Hebrew, and so are most of the appended elucidations; the remainder is written in a West Aramaic dialect (G. Dalman, "Grammatik des judisch-Palastinischen Aramaisch", Leipzig, 1905).
Using DENSETEC® high-cell-density
[...] fermentation inthe manufacture ofpharmaceutical [...]
proteins, WACKER has developed processes
that yield up to 400 g wet biomass/liter.
(G)个人或其公司可以专业人士资格为公司服务,其个人或其公司应有 [...]
权获得提供专业服务的酬金,犹如其并非董事般論,惟本细则概无授权董事或其 公司作为公司之核數师。
(G) AnyDirector may himself [...]
or by his firm act in a professional capacity for the Company, and he or his firm shall be
entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director Provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise a Director or his firm to act as Auditor to the Company.
在未来的十年里,我们预测这个趋势会继续下去,中国之外的新兴市场也将在 2018 年赶G7的规模。
For the next ten years, we forecast this trend will continue and EMs without China will catch up G7 economies on year 2018.
Adrenocortical carcinomas usually have bigger sizes, which are often above 100 g. Some can reach more than 1000 g. They aggressively grow, have blur boundary, with brown yellow or multi-color section, soft nature, and often cause bleeding, necrosis, as well as cystis degeneration.
发 展 中 国 家 重 点 市 场2G建 设 和 扩 容,发 达 国 家 对 带 宽 升 级 和 创 新 业 务 的 需 求,是 本 集 团 国 际 市 场 保 持 稳 定 的 基 础,公 司 与 全 球 主 流 运 营 商 的 合 作 不 断 深 入,为 未 来 市 场 的 纵 深 发 展 拓 展 了 空 间。
Second-generation(2G) network construction and capacity expansion in key markets in developing countries coupled withthedemandforbandwidthupgradesandinnovativeser vicesindevelopedcountries,formed the cornerstone that underpinned the stable development of the Group’s international market.
如果要安装市面销售G规格的堵头与接头时,请将尺寸表内 「*1」 的尺寸变更为12.5 。
If the market available plug and connector with G screw specs are considered to be mounted, “*1” in the specification list is 12.5.
骨干技术基 础架构:需要再次强调的是,宽带3G+很可能成为网络零售 市场最重要的增长引擎。
Backbone technology infrastructure: Again, broadband and 3G+ coverage are likely to be the most important drivers for e-tailing market growth.
According to the consolidation approach of Unicom Group, the mobile call center client service system (10010) and the landline network call center client service system (10060) needed to be generally merged and retrofitted as soon as possible to have a uniform client service interface and create a uniform service image for the company while consolidating client service resources and processes, realizing full-business client service support and constructing a client service center with uniform support tofull 3G business and integrated service and marketing, with 3G service innovations as a chance, to fulfill the ultimate objective of enhanced service function and creation of a service edge.
因此,即使信号电平低,信号峰值也 可达到幅G
Even at the lowered signal level, signal peaks with the amplitude G can also appear.
在 新 的 一 年 中,公 司 和 董 事 会 将 致 力 於 建 立 更 为 完 善 的 企 业 治 理 结 构,提 高 企 业 运 作 的 透 明 度,以 中'G、 手 机、光 通 信 市 场 的 快 速 发 展 以 及 国 际 通 信 市 场 的 持 续 增 长 为 契 机,创 造 良 好 业 绩 回 报 股 东 和 社 会。
In the forthcoming year, the Board of Directors will continue to dedicate its efforts to improving the Company’s corporate governance structure and increasing operational transparency, delivering strong results to reward shareholders and the community on the back of rapid development of the home markets for 3G products, handsets and optical communications systems coupled with continued growth of the international market for communications products.
在这方面的主要特点是令人印象深刻的高达1.6G线轴动态响应,以及高达 60 m/min 的显着提高 了生产率的快速轴运动。
Key features in this context are the impressive dynamic response of up to 1.6 G in the linear axes as well as fast axis movements up to 60 m/min, which significantly increases productivity.
(G) 本第3段任何其他条文的规定,不得作出任何换股比率调整,以致或导 致:(i)减低发行可换股优先股时的初步换股比率,惟合并任何普通股或产生 上文(A)分段所述增加普通股面值影响的任何企业行动除外;或(ii)於转换时 须按低於普通股面值的价格发行任何普通股。
(G) Despite any other provisions of this paragraph 3, no adjustment to the Conversion Rate shall be made which has the effect or result of: (i) reducing the initial Conversion Rate upon the issue of the Convertible Preference Shares, except upon any consolidation of Common Shares or any corporate exercise with the effect of increasing the nominal value of the Common Shares as mentioned under sub-paragraph (A) above; or (ii) any Common Share, upon conversion, falling to be issued at a price below the nominal value of the Common Share.
(g) 所批准授予本公司豁免遵守上市规则第 14 章所载之披露及股东 批准规定,内容有关本公司於该等技术服务协议(经该等补充协议修 订)项下之持续关连交易,惟须受本公司所接受之该等条件限制。
(g) the Stock Exchange granting a waiver from strict compliance with the disclosure and shareholders' approval requirements as set out in Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules in favour of the Company, in connection with the on-going connected transactions of the Company under the Technical Services Agreements (as amended by the Supplemental Agreements), subject to such conditions which are acceptable to the Company.
专注於所有客户长期投资的表现,以及配合多元化的业务组合和建立分销能 力,令M&G强劲的销售净额表现,而管理基金和利润亦錄得增长。
The core focus on long-term investment performance for all clients, combined with a well-diversified business mix and established distribution capabilities, has helped M&G achieve strong net sales performance, growth in funds under management and increased profitability.
作为一个业界全新3G信令捕获和分析的平台,主要是通过路测的方式,2G2.5G2.75G、3G通信网络的空中接口和无线事件进行准确、实时地测试,对GSM/CDMA/GPRS/EDGE以及WCDMA, EVDO,TD-SCDMA等网络服务质量进行全面深入的网络评估,通过提供大量的分析工具为网络优化提供更精确的分析与支持。
As a leading platform to catch and analyze the 3G network signaling in industry, CCTF3G uu Probe uses driving test to test the air interface and wireless event of mobile communications network of 2G, 2.5G, 2.75G, 3G, evaluate comprehensively the network quality service of GSM/CDMA/GPRS/EDGE and WCDMA, EVDO, TD-SCDMA, etc. It provides network optimization with more precise analysis and report by a lot of analyzing equipment.
使G05根据生产批量的需求按需投资;该装配系统可随市场需求逐 渐从半自动生产线或试制生产线跨越升级至全自动生产线。
With the G05, it is possible to invest as needed, based on product volume requirements; the assembly system grows to meet market demands from a semiautomatic line or a pilot line to a fully automatic production solution.
(g)、采集、取得、开采、炼制、锻烧、提炼、调制、熔合、操作及为推销而制作各类矿 石、金属及矿物物质,以及进行可能被视为有助於本公司任何一项宗旨之任何其他冶金业 务。
(g) To crush, win, get, quarry, smelt, calcine, refine, dress, amalgamate, manipulate and prepare for market, ore, metal and mineral substances of all kinds and to carry on any other metallurgical operations which may seem conducive to any one of the Company’s objects.




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