在收 取 PPTP [...] 传输的数据时,PPTP 伺服器会处理并移除 IP、GRE和PPP 标头,然後将 PPP 数据解密(及/或解除压缩)。 infosec.gov.hk | Upon receipt of the PPTP tunnelled data, the PPTP server processes [...] and rem oves the IP, GREand PPP headers, then [...]decrypts (and/or decompresses) the PPP data. infosec.gov.hk |
思格(Lewis [...] Siegel),这位前美国研究生入学考试委员 会 (GRE)主席和杜克大学的研究生院的院长把辍学问题称为 [...]“当今美国博士教育的核心问题”。 fgereport.org | Lewis Siegel, the [...] former ch air of theGRE Board and graduate [...]dean at Duke University, referred to the attrition problem [...]as “the central issue in doctoral education in the United States today. fgereport.org |
我们提 供GRE/GMAT,托福和雅思考试准备服务。 englishlci.edu | We provide Test Preparation [...] servi ces forthe GRE/GMAT, TOEFL, and [...]IETLS tests. englishlci.edu |
这样产生 的GRE和PPP 压缩数据将被加入 IP 标头, 该标头包含适当的来源和目的地 [...]IP 位址,为 PPTP 客户和 PPTP 伺服器提供资料。 infosec.gov.hk | The resultingGRE-and-PPP-encapsulated [...]data is then encapsulated with an IP header containing the appropriate source and [...]destination IP addresses for the PPTP client and PPTP server. infosec.gov.hk |
本课程帮助学生建立必要性的词汇,托福,SAT的考试 和GRE等标准化考试的成功率。 zoni.com | This course helps students build the vocabulary necessary for success in [...] the T OEFL, SAT,GRE andother standardized tests. zoni.com |
大学准备课程包括五门课程:大学级别的写作课 、GRE准备课、托福准备课、公共演讲课和高级语法课。 englishlci.edu | University Prep consists of five individual classes: [...] university-level wri ting, GRE preparation, [...]TOEFL preparation, public speaking and presentations, and advanced grammar. englishlci.edu |
导致此问题的最常见原因是,您的计算机和 VPN 服务器之间至少有一台 Internet [...] 设备(例如防火墙或路由器)没有配置为允许通用路由封 装(GRE)协议包。 bsdrc.com | The most common cause of this problem because your computer and the VPN server at least one [...] Internet device (such as a firewall or router) is not configured to allow Generic [...] Routing Enca psulation (GRE)protocol packets. bsdrc.com |
据ETS大学与研究生计划副总裁兼首席运营官David [...] GPayne表示:“据最新ETS调查显示,已有四分之三的商学院表示,接 受GRE考试可以让它们的MBA项目更有竞争力。 tipschina.gov.cn | According to a recent ETS survey, three out of four business schools indicate that accepting the GRE test allows their MBA programs to be more competitiveThe launch of an enhanced version of our popular comparison tool makes it even easier for these schools to compare GRE and GMAT scores," says David GPayne, VP and COO for College and Graduate Programs at ETS"In the [...] same ETS survey, 96 percent of MBA [...] programs ac cepting the GREtest reported that [...]GRE scores are treated the same as GMAT [...]scores in admission decisions. tipschina.gov.cn |
他的丰富教学经验包括历史,学习技巧,英文写作以及词汇技巧 ,GRE口语,SAT阅读与写作。 thelearningcenter.cn | Aaron also teaches history, study skills, writing and [...] vocabulary skills, GRE Verbal, and SAT [...]Writing and Critical Reading. thelearningcenter.cn |
如需了解更多关 于GREGeneral Test以及为商学院项目开发的相关工具和资源的信息,请访问网站www.ets .org/GRE/business,或观看视频“A Good Business Decision”以了解研究生和商学院社区谈使 用GRE分数入学的好处,以及即将在2011年推出的修订 版GRE(R)General Test考试的信息。 tipschina.gov.cn | To learn m ore about the GRE General Test and related tools and resources for business programs, visit ww w.ets.org/gre/businessOr, watch the video "A Good Business Decision" to view members of the graduate and business school communities discuss the benefi tsof using GREscores for MBA admissions and the much anticipated laun chof the GRE(R) revised General [...]Test in 2011 tipschina.gov.cn |
全球已有大约450个MBA项目接受 了GREGeneral Test,包括美国新闻与世界报道评选的前100个美国项目中将近一半的项目和金融时报评选的全球十大MBA项目中的7个项目。 tipschina.gov.cn | About 450 MBA programs [...] worldwide now acceptthe GRE GeneralTest, including [...]almost half of the U.SNews & World Report's [...]top 100 U.Sprograms and seven of the top 10 Financial Times' global MBA programs, including the highly respected INSEAD, which recently announced it would accept GRE test scoresBecause of the significant increase in the number of business schools accepting the GRE test, the yearly survey of business schools conducted by U.SNews & World Report for the first time collected GRE test data tipschina.gov.cn |
本系列是生产玻璃纤维增强(GRP)管材和玻璃纤维增强树 脂(GRE)管材的理想选择,这两种管材可用在多种领域,如水下管道、水处理生产线、污水处理管道系统、发电厂冷却网系统、石油石化行业以及地热管道等。 mikrosam.com | This model is ideal solution for production of glass [...] reinforced polyester (GRP) pipes and [...] glass rein force epoxy (GRE) pipes for various [...]applications, such as underwater pipelines, [...]water treatment process lines, sewage disposal pipe systems, pipes for a power plant cooling network systems, chemical processing and effluent systems, oil and petrochemical industries, and geothermal lines. mikrosam.com |
最 新GRE商学院比较工具是ETS发布的多款增值工具和服务之一,它还发布了ETS(R)个人潜力指数(ETS(R)PPI) 和GRE(R)搜索服务。 tipschina.gov.cn | T he newGRE ComparisonTool for Business Schools is one of many value-added tools and services from ETS, including the ETS(R) Personal Potential Index (ETS(R) PPI) and the GRE(R)Search Service tipschina.gov.cn |