公司首席执行官Joh n A.Graham将在会上介绍公司的最新情况、2010年发展策略以及针对亚太地区增长的重要合作机遇。 | C EO John A. Grahamwill providean updated [...]overview of the Company, its strategy for 2010 and key partnering opportunities for growth in Asia Pacific. |
首席执行官Joh n A.Graham表示:“我们很荣幸接到会议邀请,并在此次摩根大通会议上启动2010年公司计划。 | J ohn A.Graham,ChiefExecutive Officer, [...]said, "We are delighted to be invited, and to kick off our 2010 corporate initiatives at JP Morgan. |
凡涉及东道国的事项,均请向美国常驻团 Russe llF.Graham询问(正常上 班时间电话 212 [...]415-4330;下班后电话 212 415-4444)。 | All enquiries concerning host country matters should be [...] directed t o Russell F. Grahamatthe United States [...]Mission to the United Nations during [...]regular business hours (telephone 212 415 4330; after hours 212 415 4444). |
我们已经知道,篮形烟壶在宫廷很受欢迎,大概是因为花蓝的联想 (M oss,Graham,andTsang 1993, 页 642, [...]也可参照 Treasury 1, 编号 97下的论述)。 | We know that the basket-weave design was popular at court and was probably associated [...] in inspiration with the basket of [...] flowers d esign (Moss,Graham,and Tsang1993, p. [...]642, and see discussion under Treasury 1, no. 97). |
近期强调发展中国家社会发展的贫穷阶段中微量营养素与健康危害联 系(Graham和Welch, 2000),这也应该得到国家的关注。 | Also, recently emphasized micronutrient-deficiency related health hazards in [...] poor segments of the society in developing [...] countries oftheworld(Graham andWelch, 2000) merit [...]attention in the country. |
如想获得更详细数据和信息,以下内容可供 订阅。详情请联 系。 | For more detailed data and information, the following are available for subscription. |
在第4 次会议上 ,Graham先生报告了联络小组的磋商情况。 | At its 3rd meeting, the SBSTA agreed to [...] consider this item in a contact group, [...] cochaire d by Mr. Peter Graham (Canada) andMs. Victoria [...]Tauli-Corpuz (Philippines). At [...]the 4th meeting, Mr. Graham reported on the contact group’s consultations. |
英国视光 师GrahamCutler和Tony Gross於1969年在伦敦的Knightsbridge创立Cutler [...]and Gross眼镜店,成为将眼镜由医学实用品化为潮流饰物的第一人。 | Britis h opticians Graham Cutler and Tony Gross [...]founded Cutler and Gross in Knightsbridge (London) in 1969, pioneering the [...]concept of functional yet stylist eyewear. |
董事(包括已於听取独立财务顾问之意见後表达观点(见本通函第26页所载独立董事委 员会函件)之独立非执行董事及各自将於批准买卖协议及据此拟进行交易之董事会会议上放 弃投票的杨先生、叶嘉伦先生、叶展荣先生及Ste phenGrahamPrince先生)认为,收购事 项将为本集团提供良机,以将其业务范畴拓展至制鞋业所用胶黏剂产品以外的其他类型胶 黏剂产品。 | The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors whose views has been given in the letter from the Independent Board Committee as set out on page 26 of this circular after taking into account the advice from the independent financial adviser, and each of Mr. Ieong, Mr. Ip Ka Lun, Mr. Ip Chin Wing, Mr. Stephen Graham Prince who had abstained from voting at the Board meeting to approve the SP Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder) consider that the Acquisition will provide a good opportunity for the Group to expand its business horizon to other type of adhesive products apart from adhesive products used for footwear industry. |
在此之前,她是巴哈马顶级律师事务 所GrahamThompson的一名合伙人,专业从事金融服务及一般企业法顾问。 | Prior to this she was a partner in top tier [...] Baham aslaw firm,Graham Thompson, specializing [...]in financial services and general corporate law. |
玛泽会计师事务所担任此交易的申报会计师,由Richard Metcalfe先生带领团队,并 由GrahamDuncan先生及何如心女士提供支援。 | Mazars LLP acted as reporting accountants on the transaction, led by Richard [...] Metcalfe, supported by GrahamDuncan andMay Ho. |
在这近20年中 ,Graham把位于德国海德尔堡的EMBL数据库服务迁移到了英国剑桥的EBI,到现 在Graham不但负责管理EBI数据服务,而且为EBI许多数据项目筹集到了多笔欧盟赞助。 | In nearly 20 years, by starting with the [...] transferring [...] the EMBL Data Library service from Heidelberg Germ any to EBI, Graham has been incharge of overseeing services activities, as well [...]as coordinating [...]various EU grants for various database projects at EBI. |
WWU 行政总 裁GrahamEdwards 先生(右)向长江基建集团董事总经理甘庆林先生 [...](左)介绍营运配气业务使用的一些气管设施。 | P hoto 2:Mr Graham Edwards, Chief Executive [...]of WWU (right) and Mr H L Kam, Group Managing Director of CKI (left) inspect [...]the gas pipe work on one of the WWU coil trailers. |
首届研讨会有幸邀得美国爱荷华大学放射科核医学部主任Michae l M.Graham教授亲临主讲正电子扫描於当代医学的应用。 | For the first Li Shu Pui Lecture, the Hospital was honoured to [...] have Pro f.MichaelM.Graham,Director of Nuclear [...]Medicine, Department of Radiology, [...]The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics as the speaker, sharing his invaluable insights on PET in Contemporary Medical Practice. |
凡涉及东道国的事项,请在正常办公时间向美国常驻联合国代表团 Russe llF.Graham询问(办公时间电话 212 415 [...]4330;下班后电话 212 415 4444)。 | All enquiries concerning host country matters should be [...] directed to Russell F. Grahamat the United States [...]Mission to the United Nations during [...]regular business hours (telephone 212 415 4330; after hours 212 415 4444). |
由於杨先生为主要股东、董事会 [...] 主席兼执行董事,叶嘉伦先生、叶展荣先生及Ste phenGrahamPrince先生(均为执行董事) 分别为中国公司之董事、经理及监事,因此收购事项构成本公司之关连交易,并须获独立股 [...]东於股东特别大会上批准。 | As Mr. Ieong is a substantial Shareholder, chairman of the Board and an executive [...] Director Mr. Ip Ka Lun, Mr. Ip Chin [...] Wing and Mr.Stephen Graham Prince, all being the [...]executive Directors are the director, [...]manager and supervisor of the PRC Company, respectively, the Acquisition constitutes a connected transaction on the part of the Company and will be subject to the approval by the Independent Shareholders at the EGM. |
Graham在她2002 年出版的《以披露实现民主》一书中简明扼要地概述了环境法规信息化的理论 和实证基础,以及为何能够发挥优于直接监管或经济激励机制的作 用(Graham,2002)。 | Justified on both an empirical and [...] theore tical ground,Graham summarized succinctly in her 2002 book Democracy by Disclosure why and how an informational approach of environmental regulation is effective and different from direct regulation or financial incenti vemechanisms(Graham 2002). |
延续音乐主题,Welker为Furthur的New Years [...] Run创作了一幅8层丝印海报,这是在洛杉矶 BillGrahamAuditorium举行的3晚演出。 | Continuing on the music theme, Welker created an [...] 8-layer screen print poster for Furthur‘s New Years Run, a 3 [...] night sh owat the Bill Graham Auditorium in San Francisco. |
当温特豪德项目经理Dou glasGraham告诉我他能保证每次都能有完美的效果时,起初我感到怀疑," [...]Tim Edwards说到,"但最后事实证明了他的断言。 | When Winterhalter [...] project man ager Douglas Grahamsaid he could guarantee [...]perfect results every time I was initially sceptical," says Tim Edwards. |
束腰葫芦形烟壶在乾隆後期是很受欢迎的(参阅M oss,Graham,andTsang 1993),编号188、189的论述)而到了十九世纪初十年代、二十年代,乾隆皇帝的影响还在,一直到二十世纪,其余波未完。 | The double-gourd form was a popular one at court during the late [...] Qianlong period (see discussion under nos. [...] 188 and 189 inMoss,Graham,and Tsang 1993) and [...]probably for some time afterwards, [...]since the influence of the emperor’s taste in jade-carving continued to make itself felt for a decade or two into the nineteenth century and Qianlong style remained influential on into the twentieth century. |
长 江 基 建集 团 董事总 经 理 甘庆 林 先生 (左 )专 程 [...] 前 往英 国与 WWU 行 政 总 裁GrahamEdwards 先生(右)会面。 | END Photo 1: Mr H L Kam, Group Managing Director of CKI [...] (left), met with Mr GrahamEdwards, Chief Executive [...]of WWU (right), in the United Kingdom. |
作者 2012 年 10 月 10 日 [...] 全球建筑能效网络(GBPN)执行主任 P eterGraham博士和中国可持续能源 项目(CSEP)的建筑节能项目主任莫争春(Kevin [...]Mo)博士是这个项目都最早 发起人。 | Authors, June 25, 2012 This report was initially [...] concei ved byPeterGraham,ExecutiveDirector [...]of Global Building Performance Network [...](GBPN), and Kevin Mo, building program manager of China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP). |
土壤缺乏微量营养元素,会导致饲料和食物缺乏锌和铁,从而引起动物和人类的营养失调 (Graham和Welch, 2000)。 | Micronutrient deficient soils, [...] produce Zn and Fe deficient feed- and food-stuffs, which in turn cause animal and [...] human m alnutrition (Graham and Welch,2000). |
研讨会首先由纤维技术包装解决方案有限责任公司总裁、TAPPI理事会成员Davide R. Friedman [...] 致开幕辞,随后,英国莱瑟黑德Pira国际有限公司战略顾 问GrahamMoore博士将以“纸板包装的全球展望”为主题进行演讲。 | Following opening remarks by Davide R. Friedman, President of Fibre Tech Packaging Solutions and member of the TAPPI Board of Directors, the symposium will kick off with a close examination of [...] the “Global Outlook for Containerboard [...] Packag ing” by Dr.Graham Moore,a Strategic Consultant [...]at Pira International Ltd. |
我们的两个产品有幸成为这些极具影响力的行业大奖的候选产品,这仅仅是 RGB [...] 的最新成就,今年是 RGB 硕果累累的一年”,RGB 网络公司首席执行官 JefGraham表示。 | Having two of our products chosen as finalists for these influential industry awards is just [...] the latest achievement for RGB, which is having an exceptional year of [...] successes ,”said Jef Graham, CEO ofRGBNetworks. |
在 金融中,投资是将金钱投入某事,期待 获得收入,经过透彻分析,在预期的时 期内,原则上安全程度很高,回报可靠 ( [...] 来源:Security Analy sis,Graham,Benjamin and David Dodd, [...]1951年)。 | In finance, investment is putting money into something with the expectation of gaining revenue, that upon thorough analysis, has a high degree of security of principle, as well as [...] security of return, within an expected period of time [...] (source: Sec urity Analysis, Graham, Benjamin andDavid Dodd, 1951). |
上述情境听来遥远,但这正是未来几年内,道德购物可能出现的场景,附有RFID技术的产品日益常见,最新型Android智慧型手机亦内建NFC装置,整幅画面中看来最不可能之处,即为与RFID码对应的网路资料库,并交由一般民众维护、而非通讯专家,不过事实上,牛津大学网路研究所研究员葛拉罕( MarkGraham)正准备推出这个平台。 | The seemingly improbable part – an online database of production data matched to RFID codes and maintained not by communications specialists [...] but by people on the ground – is about to be launched by a Research Fellow at [...] the Oxford Internet Ins titute,Mark Graham. |