项目简介: 这个项目通过Spring框架使 得Google WebToolkit (GWT)应用程序的开发能够应用反转控制(IOC)的思想。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Sigma Grid is a pure javascript development of Ajax data tables . javakaiyuan.com |
对于.NET开发人员来说,寻找一个功能强大的工具用于创建 像Google和Outlook风格 的web应用程序,这是一个您必须拥有的工具包。 evget.com | NET developers looking for a powerful [...] tool tocreate Google-like and Outl ook-style webapplications, this [...]is a must-have for your tool kit. evget.com |
一些高 级Web应用程式使 用GoogleChrome Frame 为您提供额外功能和更佳的效能。 unyousual.com | So meadvanced web apps use GoogleChrome Frame to provide [...]you with additional features and better performance. unyousual.com |
与谷歌签署了一项协议,目的是利 用GoogleBooks搜索功能在网上推广教科 文组织的出版物。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An agreement with Google was signed to promote UNESCO’s publications on [...] the web using the GoogleBooks search function. unesdoc.unesco.org |
比如,您可以在同一时间使用同一副耳麦听手机上的音乐以及打网络电话(如:Skype 或GoogleTalk)。 jabra.cn | For example you can use the same headset for [...] both listening to music from your mobile phone and for Internet [...] telephony (e.g. Skype or Google Talk) at thesame time. jabra.com |
谷歌文档是一个免费的,基 於Web的文字处理器,电子表格和演示由谷歌提供的应用程序。 tw.anypdftools.com | Google Docs i s a free, Web-based word processor, [...]spreadsheet, and presentation application offered by Google. resource.anypdftools.com |
使用该标记库,利 用Google为你的网站提供网站查询,并且可以直接在你的网页里面显示搜查的结果。 javakaiyuan.com | Use the tag libr ary , using Google for your website [...]website , and can be directly on your web page which displays search results. javakaiyuan.com |
基于联合国教科文组织 与GOOGLE之间的伙伴关系,在 AFRICOM 上启动了非洲博物 馆绘制培训活动,以期 在GOOGLE和Africom 网站上宣传。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Building on [...] UNESCO’s partn ershipwith Google, trainingwas launched at AFRICOM for mapping museums in Africa to be featured on Googleand Africom websites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此应用程序捕获蓝牙数据并自动上传至一 个Google电子表格。 tec-it.com | The App captures Bluetooth data and [...] automatically uplo ads itto a Googlespreadsheet. tec-it.com |
如 果GoogleDesktop 已完成索引编制,则会显示找到档案的 [...]tib 存档。 seagate.com | I f Google Desktophascompleted [...]indexing, it will show you the tib archives where it has found the file. seagate.com |
InfiView的开放式架构和它整合的分层系统使您很方便的使用不同的地图(例如,地理,天气,交通,政治,等),或来自多种 的web地图源(例如 ,Google,Microsoft, Yahoo),这些对任何的InfiView应用程序都是可用的。 evget.com | InfiView's open architecture and it's integrated layers system enables live use of dissimilar maps (for example, geographical, [...] weather, traffic, political, etc.), or webmaps from [...] multiple sources ( for example Google, Microsoft,Yahoo) for any [...]InfiView applications. evget.com |
这些cookie让我方可以计算网页访问和流量来源,以便我方能够使 用GoogleAnalytics提供的服务来衡量和改善我方的网站表现。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | These cookies allow us to count page visits and [...] traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site, using a [...] service p rovidedbyGoogle Analytics. lsbf.edu.sg |
在启用之后,又努力增加对网站流量的跟 [...] 踪,并且在新的语言目录中在顶层页面采 用GoogleAnalytics,这使得对网站使 用情况的追踪更加高效,并且改进了按语言分列的使用情况分析(见图一至图 三)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Shortly after the launch, a new effort was undertaken to improve [...] the tracking of site traffic with the [...] impleme ntationofGoogle Analytics on top-layer [...]pages within new language directories [...]which has enabled more efficient tracking of site usage, as well as better analysis of usage by language (see figures I-III). daccess-ods.un.org |
这个拥有大量用户和其他伙伴的网络已进一步扩大到人权高专办 [...] 和儿基会等联合国机构,以及亚洲减灾中心 和Google.org 等实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | The dense network of users and other partners has expanded to include other United Nations [...] agencies, such as UNHCR and UNICEF, in addition to other entities, such as the Asian [...] Disaster Reduc tion Centre and Google.org. daccess-ods.un.org |
在最新版本中还加入跟 踪google爬虫的功能。 javakaiyuan.com | Also added in the latest version of the [...] tracking function ofgoogle crawler . javakaiyuan.com |
将 Solemate 与 Skype™ 、Google™Talk 以及其它视频聊天服务配合使用,让您的视频聊天体验升级。 jabra.cn | Take your video chats to the next level by using [...] Solemate w ith Skype™,Google™Talk, and other video [...]chat services. jabra.com |
受网页营运者的合同委托 ,Google会运用这些信息对您的网页使用情况进行分析,从而为网页营运者整理出一份关于网页活动性的报告并为继续通过网页和互联网使用提供相关的服务。 synflex.com | On the orders of the operator [...] of th iswebsite, Google willuse this information [...]to analyse your use of the website in order [...]to compile reports on website activities for the website operator and to provide further services associated with the use of the website and the Internet. synflex.com |
这是您的选择!使用手动输入数据 或导 入GoogleDocs™ 电子表格中保存变量条码数据 [...]来创建标签。 tec-it.com | Create the labels with manually entered data or import variable [...] label dat a stored in GoogleDocs™spreadsheets. tec-it.com |
不需要有内嵌 GPS [...] 座标,你也可以透过拖曳照片到一个可搜寻 的Google地图上,然後将照片放下到特定地点,为照片添加地点资料。 mammals.org | Assign locations to photos without [...] embedded GPS coordinates by simply dragging the photos [...] onto a searchableGoogle mapand dropping [...]them on a specific location. mammals.org |
在为汽车量身打造的国度,身为单车骑士可能会很辛苦,毕竟美国多数道路都是为汽车和卡车而设,在各大都会区很少见到单车专用道,各位固然可运 用Google地图单车功能,找到骑乘单车的地点与路线,但不会注明途中是否有土地或庞大车潮,也毫不清楚周遭区域安全性,或是否有停车架,更不会提及沿途的美景。 thisbigcity.net | Sure, you can use the Google Maps bike function to help find ways to bike from place to place, but it will not tell you whether there is construction or heavy traffic on the road and it has absolutely no idea of the safety of the surrounding area or the availability of bike racks. thisbigcity.net |
与 Google其他接口不同,GCM服务没有配额限制,所以无论有多少消息、多少设备使用这项服务,都是完全免费的。 infoq.com | And unlikeotherGoogle APIs, there are no [...]quotas on the GCM service, so it's entirely free for any number of messages or devices using the service. infoq.com |
根据互联网搜寻服务供应商谷 歌("Google")每半年发表的《资讯公开报告》,政府曾於2012年上半年向该公司提出192次公开其用户资料的要求,但其中约有三分之二的要求不获该公司受理。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Transparency Report published [...] biann ually by Google, an Internet search-engine [...]service provider, the Government [...]had made 192 requests to the company for disclosure of its users' information in the first half of 2012, but about two-thirds of such requests were not acceded to by the company. legco.gov.hk |
虽然这仍然是一个实验特性, 但Google推荐将其用于应用程序中,因为它完全向后兼容之前的Java版本,而 且Google打算在未来的某个版本中停止对Java 6的支持。 infoq.com | While still an experimen tal feature, Googlerecommendsusing it for applications because it is fully backward compatible with previous [...]Java versions and they intend to stop [...]supporting Java 6 in an upcoming unspecified GAE version. infoq.com |
使用和/或访问本“网站”均表明您同意遵循这些服务条款以 及Google的常规服务条款 和Google的常规隐私权政策。 html5rocks.com | By using and/or visiting the Website, you consent [...] to be bound by these terms of service [...] as we llas Google'sgeneral Terms of Serv ice andGoogle's generalPrivacy Policy. html5rocks.com |
关键字竞价是於搜寻引擎上,以竞价形式来决定关键字的排名, 於Google、雅虎及其他以点击收费的搜寻引擎内,关键字竞价决定广告商广告於搜寻结果及合作夥伴的网站内的排名及位置。 nw-imedia.com.hk | Keyword Bidding is the way or procedure used by search engines [...] marketers to determine the ranking of paid [...] keywor dsresultsin Google, Yahoo, andother search [...]engines pay per click advertising [...]to decide advertiser's rank and position in their search results and in content results on partners' sites. nw-imedia.com |
它 是Google的主DNS 服务器,因此它可以视为可信的,通常不会被过滤系统或代理屏蔽。 wiki.archlinux.org | It is th e address of Google'sprimary DNS server, [...]therefore it can be considered reliable, and is generally not blocked [...]by content filtering systems and proxies. wiki.archlinux.org |
2009年2月17日,西班牙巴塞罗那,2009年全球移动大会 - [...] NVIDIA®(英伟达™)公司于今日宣布,公司已同谷歌 (Google)和开放手机联盟(Open Handset [...]Alliance)开展密切合作,在Tegra™系列单芯片电脑处理器上支持运行Android [...]- 一套完整的开放式移动电话软件栈。 nvidia.cn | MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS – BARCELONA, SPAIN – FEBRUARY 16, 2009 [...] – NVIDIA today announced that it has [...] worked clos ely with Google and the Open Handset [...]Alliance to unleash Android, a complete, [...]open mobile phone software stack, with the Tegra™ series of ‘computer-on-a-chip’ processors. nvidia.in |
但在营运了6个月后他发现,越来越多的大客户要求退出不在和他合作,而且在地区代理的推广上经常是谈到一半,对方就不在愿意继续洽谈,而且慢慢的发现很多网上的负面新闻和出现越来越多的客户投诉,Mr.Robinson一直不知所因,困惑不已,後来 他google的推广网页发现了TFP,把情况告知了我们的客服专员,希望我们能未他解决现状。 topmmplanner.com | However, by 6 months after the operation he found that a growing number of major clients are not required to withdraw his cooperation, and promotion agency in the region often when it comes to half of the other party is not in the willingness to continue negotiations, but the discovery of slowly a lot of negative press and the emergence of online an increasing number of customer complaints, Mr.Robinson has been [...] I do not know the cause, puzzled, and [...] later hefound thegoogle web pages topromote [...]TFP, to inform our customer service [...]commissioner, hoping that we can not his solution to the status quo. topmmplanner.com |
来自两大流动通讯业开拓者 - Samsu ng及Google™最强智慧结合,Nexus S此刻锋芒诞生!Samsung设计新颖,力求完美的硬件,精致的弧线不仅取悦视觉,更与手掌耳畔紧合;配 合Google最新开发的Android™2.33作业平台,效能及速度极致提升,操作更简易,让Nexus S於创意、功能及外型美感都更胜一筹,将最高水准的智能手机魅力淋漓尽现。 samsung.com | A winning combination, Samsung's groundbreaking hardwa reand Google'spopular software power the Nexus S with the highest standards in innovation, usability, performance and design. samsung.com |
Google展现广告网络可能会在您的电脑上置放永久cookie,用於网上行销推广活动,以增强展现广告的相关性。 sunlife.ca | The permanent cookies that may be placed on your computer by the Google Display Network relating to web marketing campaigns are used to increase the relevance of display ads you may see when you visit other websites that are serviced by the Google Display Network. sunlife.ca |