当您访问网站时,我们可能会以“cookie”(基本上是一个小型文本文件或单 一GIF)形式在您计算机的硬盘驱动器上储存信息。 clarinsusa.com | When you view our websites we may store [...] information on the hard drive of your computer in the form of a "cookie" (essentially a [...] small text f ile or singleGIF). clarinsusa.com |
其实可以通过把工作表存为一个HTML文件的方式来实现,在另存为网页时,Excel会自动将图表转换 成GIF文件。 oapdf.com | In fact, the work table can be [...] saved as an HTML document to achieve, in the Save as Web page, Excel will [...] automatically b e converted to GIF files charts. oapdf.com |
这种图像格式 较GIF新颖,它能於相片及图像中显示百万种色调。它是压缩得最好,及最普遍应用於全球资讯网中作储存及传输照片的格式。 nw-imedia.com.hk | JPEG isagraphics format newer than GIF which displays photographs [...]and graphic images with millions of colors, it also [...]compresses well and is the most common format for storing and transmitting photographic images on the World Wide Web. nw-imedia.com |
这些组件支持3D,支 持GIF,JPEG,PNG和SVG等多种图片格式,易于使用。 javakaiyuan.com | These components support [...] 3D, s upport forGIF,JPEG, PNGand [...]SVG and other image formats , easy to use. javakaiyuan.com |
这是一个很好的上载图片方式如档名为 B MP,GIF,JPG,或一般的文字档如 TXT。 w1.iproom.com | This is good for uploading an image with filename [...] extension su chas BMP,GIF,JPG, orplain text [...]file such as TXT. w1.iproom.com |
它的特点:易于安装;提供跨平台剪切和缩略图片的工具;支持PNG,J PG和GIF格式;支持使用.zip上传来批量导入图片;按设置自动调整图片大小;支持通过标题,描述,摄影者,位置和关键字搜索图片;支持为图片加文本水印。 javakaiyuan.com | Zip upload to batch import images ; by setting automatically adjusts the picture size ; support title, description , photographer , location, and keyword search for images ; support for picture and text watermark . javakaiyuan.com |
自动导入继续支持许多常用的影像文件格式,包括tiff、jpeg、b mp、gif和png。 graphics.kodak.com | Auto import continues to support many popular image files including [...] tiff, jpeg, bmp,gif,and png. graphics.kodak.com |
由於在为图像解码时产生漏洞,恶意使用者可利用漏洞,透过特制 的GIF图像,导致堆阵缓冲记忆体下溢。 hkcert.org | The vulnerability is caused due to an error [...] when decoding image data and can be exploited to cause a heap-based buffer underflow via [...] a speci ally craftedGIF image. hkcert.org |
运行宏之后所生成 的GIF文件会以图表的名称来命名,并被保存到该工作簿所在的文件夹,打开该文件夹,就可以看到生成 的GIF文件,使用任一图象浏览软件即可浏览该文件,在其它程序当中可以很方便地插入这 个GIF文件。 oapdf.com | Acer generated afte r running the GIF file will be named after the name of the chart, and was saved to the workbook's folder, open the folder, you can see the generatedGIF files, to use any image browser software that is The document can be found in other programs which can be easily in serted into the GIF file. oapdf.com |
文档转换器明示的文件转换为PDF或图片(BMP,TIFF,JP EG,GIF,PNG)免费在线。 tw.anypdftools.com | Document Converter eXPress Convert files to PDF or [...] Image(BMP, TIFF,JPEG,GIF,PNG) freeonline. resource.anypdftools.com |
支持图像格式,包括jp eg、gif、bmp、png、emf;图像可以按比例或进行旋转后放置在页面的任何位置;嵌入式的图像是放在高速缓存中的,因此当同一幅图像在PDF文件中被多次使用时,它仅仅只被嵌入一次。 evget.com | Support for images, [...] includ ing jpeg, gif, bmp, png, emf; [...]images can be placed anywhere on the page, scaled and rotated; Embedded [...]images are cached, so when the same image is used multiple time in the PDF file, it is embedded only once. evget.com |
我们的一些网页可能包含电子图像(称为清 晰gif文件或网络信标),它们可以帮助我们计算访问这些页面的用户数量。 jaguar.com | Some of our Web pages may contain [...] electronic images known as Web Beacons (sometimes [...] known as clear gifs) that allow us [...]to count users who have visited these pages. jaguar.com |
Microsoft 网页可能包含称为 [...] Web 信号的电子图像(有时也称为单像 素gif),它们可用于协助传递我们站点上的 [...]Cookie,并允许我们对访问过这些网页的用户进行计数,以及提供合作品牌服务。 microsoftstore.com | Microsoft web pages may contain electronic [...] images known as web beacons - sometimes [...] called s ingle-pixel gifs-that may be used [...]to help deliver cookies on our sites, [...]let us count users who have visited those pages and deliver co-branded services. microsoftstore.com |
等完工后你可以将图片以PNG, JPEG, TIFF, PDF,GIF和BMP等格式导出,就是如此方便简单。 voila.cn.uptodown.com | The output formats that Voila supports are: PNG, [...] JPEG, TI FF, PDF, GIF, and BMP. voila.en.uptodown.com |
GIF系统可以快速得到高敏感度的高对比影像,在EFTEM模式下可以获得不同能损范围的影像,并且结合成定量的元素分布图 ;GIF另一个强又有力的技术是电子能量散失分析仪(EELS),它可以运用於试片中非弹性散射电子的能损分布,而获得试片中原子内电子结构的讯息,例如化学键结、介电性等,以提供各业界在材料分析上之需求。 isti.com.tw | In EFTEMmode,GIF imagesshow different ranges of energy losses and form a quantified element distribution map. Another powerful technolog y thatuses GIFsystem isElectro Energy [...]Loss Spectroscopy [...](EELS), which can be used to acquire energy loss distribution of inelastic scattering electrons, attaining information of electron schemes in atoms, such as chemical bonding and dielectric characteristics that meet material analysis requirements of the industry. isti.com.tw |
对于应用程序需求条码在 bitmap [...] 格式下(网络或移动设备),您可以生成图像格式,如:JPG, PNG,GIF或TIF。 tec-it.com | For applications requiring barcodes in bitmap format (web or mobile applications) you can generate image [...] formats like JPG, PNG,GIF or TIF. tec-it.com |
为了帮助客户更便捷地使用日立高新的网站,本公司网站的部分内容可能使用Cookie*1或网络信标(C learGIF)*2。hitachi-hitec.cn | Cookies *1 or web beacons (clear GIFs)*2are used on some HHT websites in order to make our websites more user-friendly for customers. hitachi-hitec.cn |
宜特在硬体部分特别添加了EDS、HAADF(STEM)、 EELS(GIF)等许多设备,当电子束通过试片时,EDS侦测器可侦测微区特性X-ray及其衍生出的光谱,并利用此光谱获得未知材料之化学成分,可提供快速而有力的材料分析。 isti.com.tw | IST has newly acquired EDS, [...] HAADF (STEM), EELS(GIF)and otherfacilities. [...]By beaming electrons through the specimen, EDS [...]is capable of detecting micro area characteristic X-rays and their obtained spectrum which can provide information of chemical ingredients in an unknown material, rendering a prompt and effective material analysis. isti.com.tw |
GIF是Windows系统中常用的文件格式,用于处理图形文件。 analog.com | GIF is a common file format [...]used in Windows for handling graphics files. analog.com |
网站信标通过要求并将以透明图形表示 的GIF图像从IBM Coremetrics传送至有关的国泰集团网站促成数据的转移。 dragonair.com | Web beacons facilitate the transfer of data by requesting and delivering the [...] transpare ntgraphicGIF image fromIBM Coremetrics [...]to relevant CX Group Site. dragonair.com |
通过访问顶部Adobe Fla sh和GIF网页横幅链接,预订引擎,及其他一系列我们的创意广告资源,获取更好的推广卡塔尔航空公司的方式。 qatarairways.com | Access to our [...] top Ad obe Flash andgif webbanners, booking [...]engine, and an array of other creative assets and ideas on how [...]to best promote Qatar Airways to your audience qatarairways.com |
不过如果你真想用它的话,我还是建议你下载下面那个 zip [...] 文件,因为这个计算器使用了很 多gif图,如果你在本机安装它的话,会大幅提高响应速度。 bsdmap.com | If you really want to use it then [...] I recommend to download the zip file below [...] becau seit usesgif images andthe response [...]is much faster when you install it locally. bsdmap.com |
否则,您必须使用连结去显示储存在公开网站上的图档,例如:http://www.example.com/my-pic ture.gif而不能直接连结到储存在您的电脑(除非您的电脑是一个公开的网站伺服器)或者是需要授权网站上的图档,例如您的 [...]hotmail [...]或者 yahoo 信箱,或是受密码保护的网站。 forum.qnap.com.tw | Otherwise, you must link to an image stored on a publicly [...] accessible web server, e.g. [...] http://www.example.co m/my-picture.gif.You cannot link to [...]pictures stored on your own PC (unless [...]it is a publicly accessible server) nor images stored behind authentication mechanisms, e.g. hotmail or yahoo mailboxes, password protected sites, etc. To display the image use the BBCode [img] tag. forum.qnap.com |
Skype与其广告服务合作伙伴可通过cookie和/或网站信 标(Gif)收集此类信息。 skype.com | Skype and our Ad Serving Partners may use cookies [...] and/or web- beacons(Gifs) to collect this [...]information. skype.com |
使用它可以为您的Web站点,帮助和培训手册的辅助材料,在线支持内容,甚至增强的错误报告创建完整的Flash或快速 的GIF动画演示。 software.evget.com | Use it to create full Flash or quick animated GIF demonstrations for your Web site, supporting materials for Help and training manuals, online support content, and even enhanced bug reports. software.evget.com |
图像可以在您的发表的文章中出现,您不一定要把图像上传到讨论版上,您只要指定图像的连结位置,例如: [...] http://www.some-unknown-place.net/my-pic ture.gif。您不能将路径指向您的电脑中(除非您的电脑是开放性的伺服器)以及将图像存在需要确认的主机中,例如:hotmail或是yahoo的信箱,以及需要确认密码的地方,等等。要显示图像必须使用 [...][...]BBCode[img]标示或使用HTML(如果允许)。 ai920827.forum888.com | Therefore you must link to an image stored on a publicly accessible web [...] server, e.g. [...] http://www.some-unknown-place.ne t/my-picture.gif. You cannot link to [...]pictures stored on your own PC (unless [...]it is a publicly accessible server) nor to images stored behind authentication mechanisms such as Hotmail or Yahoo mailboxes, password-protected sites, etc. To display the image use either the BBCode [img] tag or appropriate HTML (if allowed). garuda.forum888.com |
GIF图形交换格式是一种图形文件格式,此格式能支援8位色,於单一图像的调色板中有256种颜色,而这些颜色是於24位RGB色彩空间中拣选出来的。 nw-imedia.com.hk | GIF,Graphics Interchange [...]Format, is a bitmap image format. This format supports up to 8 bits per pixel, allowing a single [...]image to reference a palette of up to 256 distinct colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space. nw-imedia.com |
世界上最小的PDF浏览器/阅读器(只有626KB下载),查看,打印和PDF文件转换为TXT,BMP,J PG,GIF,PNG,WMF,EMF,EPS。 tw.anypdftools.com | The world's smallest PDF viewer/reader (only 626KB for download) to view, print, and convert PDF files [...] to TXT , BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, EPS. resource.anypdftools.com |
追踪源于网站报告或每日资讯 的gif图像将有助于我们了解您的喜好。 wgsn.com | Tracking gifs are small image files within the content of our site or the body of our newsletters so we or third parties can understand which parts of the website are visited or whether particular content is of interest. wgsn.com |
此播放器至少需要Flash版本7,但是在该版本下运行时,不能使用“显 示Gif/Png图片”,“平滑缩放图片/视频”,VP6和h264编码视频,JavaScripting和控制栏数字显示等功能。 allvideos.fritz-elfert.de | The player requires at least Flash version 7, however [...] when running under that version, the [...] features "display of GIF/PNG images", "smoothing [...]of scaled images/video", VP6 and H264 [...]encoded video, javascripting and the digits in the controlbar are not functional. allvideos.fritz-elfert.de |