单词 | gfp | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
项目简介:GFP是一套个人财务管理软件。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information:GFP isa personal finance [...] management software. javakaiyuan.com |
可用的下一代SONET/SDH测试功能包括通用成帧规程(GFP)、虚级联(VCAT)和链路容量调整机制(LCAS)。 exfo.com | Available next-generation SONET/SDH test functionalities include generic [...] framingprocedure(GFP),virtualconcatenation [...](VCAT) and link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS). exfo.com |
用户通过使 FTB-8130NGE 在 SONET/SDH Analyzer (SSA) [...] 模式下运行,可以将 10 GigE 数据流配置为基于GFP的伪随机比特序列 (PRBS) 测试图案并配置到 [...]OTU2 净荷中。 exfo.com | Running the FTB-8130NGE in SONET/SDH Analyzer (SSA) mode, the [...] user can configure a 10 GigE stream with pseudo-random bit sequence [...] (PRBS) testpattern overGFP andinto anOTU2 payload. exfo.com |
培训光盘(GFP),分发给总部执行局各办事处以及总部外两性平等问题协调中心,这套培训 光盘为将两性平等问题纳入日常工作提供了全面资源和工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 264. Training modules on gender [...] developed and offered to all regions: A [...] Gender FocalPoint (GFP) Training CD-ROM was [...]developed and provided to all Executive [...]Offices at HQ and GFP’s in the field, providing a comprehensive set of resources and tools that can help integrate gender equality concerns into daily work. unesdoc.unesco.org |
原代细胞可以通过慢病毒或逆转录病毒载体(如引入gfp转染的癌细胞或肝细胞)进行转基因,然后导入小鼠体内。 labome.cn | Primary cells can be genetically modified using [...] lentiviral or retroviral vectors (e.g. [...] the introduction of gfp-transduced cancer [...]cells or hepatocytes) and then introduced into mice. labome.com |
他们有下列筛选标记:灭瘟素、潮霉素、新霉素、嘌呤霉素和GFP。 labome.cn | They include the following selectable markers: Blasticidin, Hygromycin, [...] Neomycin, Puromycin, andGFP. labome.com |
红系特异的GFP基因在转基因小鼠中整合和表达 actazool.org | Integration [...] and expression ofGFP gene directed by the [...]erythroid-specific element in transgenic mice actazool.org |
荧光激活细胞分选术可被用于富集表达荧光标记(如GFP)的细胞。 labome.cn | FACS sorting can be used to enrich for cells which express a [...] fluorescent reporter (suchasGFP). labome.com |
作为另外一种办法,ITU-T G.7041 通用成帧规程(GFP)(修正 1)和 ITU-T G.709 [...] OTN(修正 3)中提出的一种新方法保留了标准 OTN 信号的优点,如帧结构和线路速度,同时为 10 GigE LAN PHY 客户端信号采用经济高效的映射方法。 exfo.com | Alternatively, a new approach proposed in ITU-T G.7041 generic [...] framing procedure (GFP) (amendment 1) and [...]ITU-T G.709 OTN (amendment 3) retains the [...]benefits of a standard OTN signal, such as frame structure and line speed, while adopting a cost-efficient mapping solution for 10 GigE LAN PHY client signals. exfo.com |
在该映射方案中,净荷类型 (PT) OPU 开销字段设为专用 [...] (0000 1001),称为GFP-F帧的 64B/66B 映射。 exfo.com | In this mapping scheme, the payload type (PT) OPU overhead field is set to proprietary (0000 1001) called [...] 64B/66BmappingofGFP-F frames. exfo.com |
此外,使用FTB-8120NG和FTB-8130NG Transport [...] Blazer模块,用户可以购买一种或多种下一代选件(例如GFP、VCAT、LCAS)和/或OTN选件(OTU1、OTU2),以便在新需求出现时自定义配置。 exfo.com | In addition, with the FTB-8120NG and FTB-8130NG Transport Blazer modules, [...] users can purchase one or more [...] next-generation options (e.g., GFP, VCAT, LCAS) and/or [...]OTN options (OTU1, OTU2) to customize [...]their configuration as new needs arise. exfo.com |
与FTB-8510B Packet Blazer以太网测试模块一起使用时,EXFO的FTB-8120NG/8130NG [...] Transport Blazer测试模块可在启用GFP的SONET/SDH链路上进行多个以太网测试数据流的生成和分析。 exfo.com | Used in conjunction with the FTB-8510B Packet Blazer Ethernet Test Module, EXFO’s FTB-8120NG/8130NG Transport Blazer [...] test modules allow for the generation and analysis of multiple Ethernet [...] test streamsover a GFP-enabledSONET/SDH link. exfo.com |
在该过程中,FTB-8130NGE Power Blazer 提供全面的GFP统计数据以及 OTN 告警和误差,以用于鉴定 [...] OTN 传输层。 exfo.com | In this process, the FTB-8130NGE Power [...] Blazer provides fullGFP statisticsas well [...]as OTN alarms and errors for qualifying the OTN transport layer. exfo.com |
圣迭戈--(美国商业资讯)--AntiCancer公司的科学家与日本冈山大学的科学家合作,采用一种对癌症具有针对性的腺病毒将绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)选择性地传递到小鼠散播性癌症模型的肿瘤细胞中,并在其中表达。 businesswirechina.com | SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AntiCancer, Inc. scientists, collaborating with scientists from Okayama University in Japan, have utilized a cancer-specific [...] adenovirus to deliver and express the green [...] fluorescentprotein (GFP) gene selectively [...]in tumors in mouse models of disseminated cancer. businesswirechina.com |
慢慢地将冰川SS毛细管进入准备IBP蛋白质样品管(2.4μM的熔点IBP-GFP在20mM的CaCl 2和25mM的Tris-HCl在pH值为8,用于制备细节,见参考文献10)和拉玻璃注射器,直到玻璃毛细管含有0.1微升的蛋白质溶液。 jove.com | Slowly insert the glass capillary into the prepared IBP protein sample [...] tube (2.4μM MpIBP-GFP in20mM CaCl2 and [...]25 mM Tris-HCl at pH 8, see reference10 [...]for the preparation details) and pull the glass syringe until the glass capillary contains 0.1 μl of the protein solution. jove.com |
在受训者中,72 人(总部外办事处 44 人、下属机构 7 人以及总部 21 人)新近被指定为性别平等问题协调人(GFP),他们都是第一次接受这种 培训。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Support to the Serbian Government (Ministry of Culture) has been provided for the preparation of the Annual South-East European Seminar of Experts on Intangible Cultural Heritage held in Belgrade, 11-14 May 2011 (see paragraph 24 under regional activities). unesdoc.unesco.org |
RC6400 采用GFP-F封装协议,支持多支路低阶虚 级联(VCAT)和链路容量调整规范(LCAS),能够在不丢失 [...] 以 太 网 数 据 的 情 况 下 动 态 地 增 加 或 减 少 传 输 带 宽 。 raycom.com.cn | Complying with ITU-T [...] standards, RC6400adopts GFP-F encapsulation, [...]low-order virtual concatenation (VCAT) and link capacity adjust scheme (LCAS). raycom.com.cn |