单词 | aeroscout | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
使用AeroScout的MobileView软件可以在一张地图上查看到每个工人的位置,它还可以让用户在任何特定时间搜寻特定工人的位置。 tipschina.gov.cn | The location of every worker can be [...] viewed onamapusingAeroScout's MobileViewsoftware, [...]which also enables users to search [...]for the location of specific workers at any given time. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout公司的全球客户群包括领先的医院、制造业和物流业的机构,也包括许多财富500强的成员。 tipschina.gov.cn | AeroScout's globalcustomer base [...] consists of leading hospital, manufacturing and logistics organizations, including many of the Fortune 500. tipschina.gov.cn |
日本政府打算通过私人主动融资,利用创新的解决方案来解决这些问题,AeroScout可以为监狱全面管理系统提供重要的辅助价值。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Japanese government is spearheading many innovative solutions to these [...] types of issues through the Private Finance [...] Initiative,and AeroScout was able tooffer [...]significant additional value as part [...]of the overall prison management system. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout为采矿业提供的资产跟踪和管理解决方案凭借地上地下的无线网络,自动化地监视地下隧道和地面设施中的设备或人员的位置。 tipschina.gov.cn | AeroScout'sAssetTracking and [...] Management solution for mines leverages on-the-surface and underground Wi-Fi networks to [...]deliver automated monitoring of the location of equipment or people throughout underground tunnels and above-ground facilities. tipschina.gov.cn |
客户们使用AeroScout公司的产品提高了运营效率,该产品利用标准Wi-Fi网络来跟踪和管理移动资产和人员的位置和状况。 tipschina.gov.cn | Customers improve [...] operational efficiency usingAeroScout products that leverage [...]standard Wi-Fi networks to track and manage [...]the location, condition and status of mobile assets and people. tipschina.gov.cn |
由于AeroScout和MST的采矿解决方案促使标准的Wi-Fi网络进行了改变,从而降低了其安装成本,并且能够提供完整的在复杂的采矿环境中的资产和工人的可视信息。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since it leverages standard [...] Wi-Fi networks,the AeroScout and MST mining solution [...]is cost-effective to install and delivers [...]complete asset and worker visibility in complex mining environments. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout的罪犯与狱警追踪解决方案具有很强的灵活性和可调性,它的室内和室外监视功能可以提高我们对同狱犯人的监视的透明度。 tipschina.gov.cn | The AeroScout Prisoner and Staff [...] Tracking solution offers flexibility and scalability, and having both indoor and outdoor [...]capabilities increases our visibility of inmates. tipschina.gov.cn |
一个采矿点的环境会带来一些非常特殊的挑战--纽蒙特之所以选择AeroScout公司和MST公司是因为他们具有专业的行业技能以及市场上领先的技术和解决方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | A mine site environment presents some very specific challenges [...] -- Newmont choseAeroScout and MST because [...]of their industry expertise and market-leading technology and solutions. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout的解决方案已经整合到NEC和NEC网络系统整合公司提供的监狱管理安防系统之中,这个解决方案可以降低狱警与罪犯的比例,提高运作效率,同时改善狱警与罪犯之间的关系,加强监狱的保密性和安全性。 tipschina.gov.cn | The AeroScoutsolution isintegrated [...] into a full prison management security system, implemented by NEC and NEC Networks [...]& System Integration Corporation, and enables the customer to reduce staff-to-inmate ratios and increase operational efficiency while improving officer / prisoner relations and enhancing security and safety. tipschina.gov.cn |
这个系统从2008年10月起开始运行,到明年达到满负荷运行时,最终将包括3000个AeroScoutWi-Fi标签。 tipschina.gov.cn | The system has been in operation since October 2008 and will [...] ultimately include 3,000 AeroScoutWi-FiTags when at [...]full capacity next year. tipschina.gov.cn |
这种标签可以佩戴在矿工身上或安装在车辆和设备上,用于将一个采矿点的标准Wi-Fi网络发出的重要信息传送到AeroScout的MobileView软件,从而为该采矿点的资产提供实时的直观显示。 tipschina.gov.cn | The tags, which can be worn by miners or mounted to vehicles and equipment, transmit [...] critical information over a mine's standard [...] Wi-Finetwork to AeroScout'sMobileView software, [...]which provides a real-time visual [...]representation of the assets in the mine. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout的解决方案还有一个关键的优势,即它将室内追踪与室外追踪结合到了一起,这样典狱官就可以在一个系统中密切监视犯人的活动。 tipschina.gov.cn | A key benefit ofthe AeroScout solution isits combination [...] of both indoor and outdoor tracking, which allows officers to [...]closely monitor inmate movement across the entire grounds within one system. tipschina.gov.cn |
在紧急情况下,AeroScout的解决方案可用于自动召集工作,确保煤矿的所有工人能快速准确地说出确切的撤离点。 tipschina.gov.cn | In the event [...] of an emergency,AeroScout's solutioncan be [...]used to automate the mustering process, ensuring that all workers [...]in the mine are quickly and accurately accounted for at specific evacuation points. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout的Wi-Fi标签、位置接收器、激振器和位置引擎都已经整合到了统一安全管理系统之中,典狱官可以监视每一名犯人所处的位置,然后将它与每日活动计划表对照。 tipschina.gov.cn | AeroScout Wi-Fi Tags, Location [...] Receivers, Exciters and Location Engine are integrated into a unified security management [...]system, enabling prison officers to monitor the location of each inmate and compare it with their planned schedule of movements and activities for the day. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout公司总部设在加州雷德伍德城,同时在欧洲、中东、亚洲、澳大利亚和拉丁美洲均设有办事处。 tipschina.gov.cn | Headquartered in Redwood [...] City,California, AeroScouthas offices in Europe, [...]the Middle East, Asia, Australia and Latin America. tipschina.gov.cn |
这所监狱利用AeroScout的Wi-Fi RFID解决方案完善了在监狱内跟踪罪犯、典狱官和狱警的活动的方法,加强了监狱的管理。 tipschina.gov.cn | The correctional [...] facilityusesthe AeroScout Wi-Fi RFID solution [...]to improve prison management by streamlining the way it [...]tracks prisoner, officer and staff movement throughout the facility. tipschina.gov.cn |
与利维尔金矿相似,MST的其他矿产公司客户正在运用AeroScout的解决方案来进行更有效地运作和改善采矿的安全性。 tipschina.gov.cn | Similar to Leeville Gold Mine, the other MST mining [...] clientsare usingAeroScout solutions to operate [...]more efficiently and improve mine safety. tipschina.gov.cn |
纽蒙特公司的利维尔金矿已部署了500个AeroScout公司的Wi-Fi标签,其中450个装在ICCL矿工的帽灯上,以提高安全性和用于人员召集,其余的标签用于监视车辆和其他高价值的资产。 tipschina.gov.cn | Newmont's Leeville Gold Mine [...] has deployed 500 AeroScoutWi-FiTags,with [...]450 of those integrated in the ICCL miners' cap [...]lamps for improved safety and mustering. tipschina.gov.cn |
此项部署表明,在矿业公司关注提高安全性和生产效率之际,AeroScout公司和MST公司开始强势进军全球采矿业。 tipschina.gov.cn | The deployment highlights a period of strong [...] global momentum forAeroScout and MST inthe mining [...]industry, as mining companies focus [...]on improving safety and productivity. tipschina.gov.cn |
统一资产可见性解决方案的领先供应商AeroScout今日宣布,当今日本最大的私人主动融资(Private Finance Initiative)模式的监狱Shimane Asahi Rehabilitation Program Center已经成功应用了AeroScout的罪犯与狱警追踪(Prisoner and Staff Tracking)解决方案。 tipschina.gov.cn | AeroScout, the leading provider of Unified Asset Visibility for improving operational efficiency, today announced that Shimane Asahi Rehabilitation Program Center, the largest Private Finance Initiative (PFI) correctional facility in Japan to date, has successfullydeployed AeroScout'sPrisoner and Staff [...] Tracking solution. tipschina.gov.cn |
AeroScout公司的领先的Wi-Fi网络资产跟踪技术与我们的ImPact地下数字网络技术的结合,提供了一套可靠且具有高度扩展性的资产跟踪和管理解决方案,用于满足采矿的特殊需求和特殊环境。 tipschina.gov.cn | The integration of AeroScout's leading Wi-Fi asset [...] tracking technology with our ImPact underground digital networks provides [...]a reliable, highly scalable Asset Tracking and Management solution that serves the specific needs and circumstances of mining. tipschina.gov.cn |