复选框 内显示 的X表明泵B是否向上或向下、泵 A 是否向上 或向下、气流开关 1 或 2 是否打开和喷枪是否在洗枪 盒内。 gww.graco.com | An X displays in the box to indicate if Pump Bis upor down, if Pump Ais upor down, if Air Flow Switch 1 or 2 is on, and if the gun is in the Gun Flush Box. gww.graco.com |
1.1 2007年1月8 日来文提交人 ,X.H.L.先生是1991 年出生的中国公民。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1.1 The author of the communication, dated 8 January 2007, is Mr. X. H. L., a Chinese national, born in 1991. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以提及以下实例:(a)延长登记的有 效期(登记延期) ;(b)在已登记通知确定两名或多名有担保债权人的情况下删除 一名有担保债权人;(c)增添一名有担保债权人;(d)在已登记通知确定两名或多 名设保人的情况下删除一名设保人;(e)增添一名设保人;(f)删除设保资产;(g) 更改设保人的身份识别特征 ;(h)更改有担保债权人的身份识别特征;(i)有担保 债权人转让附担保债务;(j)有担保债权人排序居次;(k)有担保债权人权利排序 居次 ;(l)更改设保人或有担保债权人的地址;及(m)更改对担保权可予强制执行 的最高金额(如予适用)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following examples could be mentioned: (a) the extension of the effectiveness of a registration (renewal of a registration); (b) the deletion of a secured creditor where two or more secured creditors are identified in the registered notice; (c) the addition of a secured creditor; (d) the deletion of a grantor when two or more grantors are identified in the registered notice; (e) the addition of a grantor; (f) the deletion of encumbered assets; (g) the modification of the identifier of the grantor; (h) the modification of the identifier of the secured creditor; (i) the assignment of the secured obligation by the secured creditor; (j) the subordination by the secured creditor; (k) the subrogation of a secured creditor’s right; (l) the modification of the address of a grantor or secured creditor; and (m) the modification in the maximum monetary amount for which the security right may be enforced (if applicable). daccess-ods.un.org |
X.H.L遣返回中国的决定其本身即构成了单独违反《公约》第二十四条的行为,不论遣返 决定是否会损害该未成年人的身心健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the particular circumstances of the case, the decision by the Netherlands to return X.H.L. to China constituted in itself a violation of article 24 of the Covenant, independently of whether or not the decision could do harm to the minor’s psychological well-being. daccess-ods.un.org |
对建议征求书中应当列入的信息作了修改:(a)(d)项 、(h)项、(l)项和 (o)项所列信息已被删除,因为此类信息无关紧要 ;(b)对其 余条文作了修 改,以反映对规范公开招标中招标文件的内容的类似条文的修改(见上文第 9 段),将一些相关信息合并在一起,以便于参考;(c)列入了额外的信息(特别是 关于响应性方面的最低限标准、程序细节以及(在通过对话征求建议书中)不 属于对话内容的任何要素、被邀请参加对话的供应商或承包商的最低数目和最 高数目及如何选择这些供应商或承包商)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The list of information to be included in the request for proposals has been amended: (a) the information listed in subparagraphs (d), (h), (l) and (o) has been deleted, as it was not relevant; (b) the remaining provisions have been amended to reflect the changes to the equivalent provisions regulating the contents of the solicitation documents in open tendering (see paragraph 9 above), and some related information has been grouped together for ease of reference; and (c) additional information has been included (in particular, regarding minimum responsiveness criteria, details of procedures, and (in request for proposals with dialogue) any elements that will not be the subject of dialogue and the minimum and maximum number of, and how to select, the suppliers or contractors to be invited to the dialogue). daccess-ods.un.org |
( l) 只要香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则有所规定,董事不得就其所知本 身拥有重大利益之合约或安排表决(或计入法定人数内),惟此限制(a)并不适用於上 文第 100(h)条(i )至(vii)项(首尾两项包括在内)所述事项; 及(b)受限於联交所可能授 出之豁免。 equitynet.com.hk | (l) In so far as it is required by The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, a Director shall not vote (nor be counted in the quorum) on any resolution of the shareholders in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he is to his knowledge materially interested provided that this prohibition (a) shall not apply to any of the matters specified as (i) to (vii) inclusive in Article 100 (h) above; and (b) is also subject to any waiver which may be granted by the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |
委员会若因 为X.H.L.还生活在荷兰境内,实际上未被送回中国,裁定存在着 “潜在的违约”现象,那么,委员会即未考虑到违约行为本身的存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the Committee had decide d thatthere was a “potential violation” owing to the fact that X.H.L. is still living in the Netherlands and has not actually been sent to China, it would then have failed to consider the violation itself. daccess-ods.un.org |
在每个供气管路 (B、C、D、 E、X、Y)上安装一个 放气型空气调节器 (M),控制喷枪气压。 graco.com | Install a bleed-type air regulator (M) on each of the air supply lines (B, C, D, E, X, Y) to control air pressure to the gun. graco.com |
根据各会员国在回复普通照会时提供的资料,本报告概述了各国为解决暴力 侵害妇女行为而采取的各项措施,这些措施涉及(a) 国际文书、立法及刑事司法 系统(第 63/155 号决议以下各段特别提及:第 11、12、13、16(b)、(c)、(d)、 (k )、(l)、(m)和 18 段);(b) 国家行动计划、战略及国家协调机制和协作(特别 提及:第 16(a)、(f)、(g)、(j)、(n)、(q)和(t)段);(c) 包括提高认识和能力 建设在内的预防措施(特别提及:第 14、15、 16(b)、(h)、(i)、(j)、(o)和(s) 段);(d) 向受害者/幸存者提供保护、支持和服务(特别提及第 15、16(l)、(m)、 (p)、(q)和(r)段);以及(e) 数据收集和分析(特别提及:第 16(e)段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on inputs received from Member States in response to a note verbale, the present report summarizes measures taken by States to address violence against women in relation to (a) international instruments, legislation and the criminal justice system (addressing in particular resolution 63/155, paras. 11, 12, 13, 16 (b), (c), (d), (k), (l) and (m) and 18)); (b) national action plans, strategies and national coordination mechanisms and collaboration (in particular para. 16 (a), (f), (g), (j), (n), (q) and (t)); (c) prevention measures, including awareness-raising and capacitybuilding (in particular paras. 14, 15, 16 (b), (h), (i), (j), (o ) and(s)); (d) protection, support and services for victims/survivors (in particular paras. 15, 16 (l), (m), (p), (q) and (r)); and (e) data collection and analysis (in particular para. 16 (e)). daccess-ods.un.org |
决议草案 36 C/DR.40(多米尼加共和国)建议修改 36 C/5 增补件第 04000 段第 1.(b)(x)小段 ,在落实 2003 年《公约》的目标群体中明确提及“文化机构和人员(西班牙文是 “actores culturales”),即“[…… ]为社区、从业人员、非政府组织、非营利组织、专家和专 业性中心以及文化机构和人员,特别是青年和妇女参与《公约》的落实创造便利条件; [……]”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Draft resolution 36 C/DR.40 (Dominican Republic) proposes to modify subparagraph 1 (b) (x) of paragraph 04000 of document 36 C/5 Add. to include an explicit reference to “cultural agents” (in Spanish, “actores culturales”) among the target groups for the implementation of the 2003 Convention, as follows: “[…] facilitate the participation of communities, practitioners, NGOs, nonprofit making organizations, experts and centres of expertise as well as cultural agents in the implementation of the Convention, with a special focus on youth and women; […]”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在截取 及监察的申请中,必须提醒有关授权当局( 小组法官或授权人 员或部门首长) 留意取得享有法律专业保密权的资料的可能性 ( 見条例附表 3 第 1 部 (b)(ix)段、第 2 部(b)(x)段和第 3 部(b)(x)段)。 legco.gov.hk | In the applications for interception and surveillance, attention of the relevant authorizing authority (panel judge or authorizing officer or head of department) is required to be drawn as to the likelihood of obtaining any LPP information (see Part 1 paragraph (b)(ix), Part 2 paragraph (b)(x) and Part 3 paragraph (b)(x) of Schedule 3 to the Ordinance). legco.gov.hk |
除南非S A S O L公司的 F-T合成技术外,荷 兰Shel l公司的S M D S技术(在马来西亚建厂)、 Mobil公司的 M T G合成技术(在新西兰建厂)等都是已商业化的间接液化技术。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The main products are up to 113 kinds including gasoline, diesel oil, wax, burning gas, ammonia, ethylene, propylene, polymer, alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, etc. Beside the F-T synthesis technology of the SASOL Company in South Africa, there are other commercialized technology for indirect liquefaction, such as the SMDS technology o f ShellCompany, Netherland (the factory is built in Malaysia), the MTG synthesis technology of Mobil Company (the factory is built in New Zealand). unesdoc.unesco.org |
同时购买 了L-3的PX™ 系 列X光系统,用于 检查邮件、手提行李和包裹。 safeviewinc.com | The CCDOC purchased 10 ProVision systems to be used [...] throughout their facility, as well [...] as L-3’s PX™ series X-ray systems for screening mail, [...]hand-carried items and packages. safeviewinc.com |
我赞同委员会就第 1564/2007 号来文,关 于X.H.L诉荷兰案,表达的《意 见》,因为我完全认同,委员会关于缔约国违反与第七条一并解读的第二十四条 规定的论点和结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1. I concur with the Committee’s Views as expressed in communication No. 1564/2007 concerning X.H.L. v. the Netherlands, as I fully share the Committee’s reasoning and conclusion that the State party has violated article 24, read together with article 7, of the Covenant. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人 ;(b)索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的 ;(h)索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的;(i) 根据索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。 daccess-ods.un.org | In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席的总结 (TD/B/56/L.1/Add.2) 强调必须采取创新的办法来解决这 [...]场危机中与贸易有关的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President’s [...] summa ry(TD/B/56/ L.1/Add.2) stressed [...]the need for innovative solutions to tackling the trade-related aspects of the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些事项包括下列问题:(a) 设保人是否必须与借款人同为一人 ;(b)担保协议是否对所有相关的义务实行担 保;(c)担保权是否必须服从任何法律限制;(d)贷款中是否必须有明确的支付时 间表;(e)是否有任何特别权利或义务(例如道路权或场地通行权);(f)是否有任 何特别义务保全设保资产;(g)是否有任何义务不得转让设保资产或在该资产上 设定另一担保权 ;(h)在发生违约和强制执行时如何可以通知设保人和其他利益 相关方;(i)是否应当提及非司法执行;以及(j)是否应当有关于解决纠纷的条 款。 daccess-ods.un.org | These matters include the questions whether: (a) the grantor has to be the same person as the borrower; (b) the security agreement secures all the relevant obligations; (c) the security right is subject to any legal restrictions; (d) there must be a clear payment schedule in the credit; (e) there are any special rights or obligations (such as rights of way or rights of access to a site); (f) there are any special obligations for the preservation of encumbered assets; (g) there are any obligations not to transfer the encumbered asset or create another security righ t init; (h) ways in which the grantor and other interested parties could be notified in the case of default and enforcement; (i) there should be a reference to extrajudicial enforcement; and (j) there should be a dispute resolution clause. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第 1082 [...] 次(闭幕)全体会议上,理事会通过了 TD/B/58/L.3号 文件所载的 临时议程,但有一项谅解是,将就议程项目 [...]2 的结果进行进一步磋商。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 1082nd (closing) plenary meeting, the Board adopted the [...] provisional agenda as contained in [...] document TD/B/5 8/L.3,with the understanding [...]that there would be further consultations [...]on the outcome for agenda item 2. daccess-ods.un.org |
除 上 文 披 露 者 外 , 范 先 生 与 本 公 司 任 何 董 事 、 高 级 管 理 人 员 、 主 要 股 东 或 控 股股东 概 无 任 何 其 他 关 系 , 亦并无 於 过 去 三 年 出 任 公 众 上 市 公 司 之任何 其 他 董 事 职 务 , 且 并 无 其 他 资 料 须 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 第 17.50 (2)(h)条至 第 17.50 ( 2)(x)条规 定 而 作 出 披 露 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Save as disclosed above, Mr. Fan does not have any other relationships with any directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company and has not held any other directorships in listed public companies in the last three years and there is no other information to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of Rule 17.50(2)(h) to 17.50(2)(x) of the GEM Listing Rules. cigyangtzeports.com |
关于决议草案 A/C. 3/64/L.36执行部分第 30(b)段所载有关特别报告员的要求,秘书长已在其关于人权 [...]理事会第十届和第十一届会议通过的决议和决定引起的订正概算的报告 (A/64/353)中通知大会,理事会第 10/27 号决议(见 [...] A/64/53,第二章,A 节)要求开展的活动的执行工作具有“常年性质”,因此已在 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算第 23 款(人权)下为执行特别报告员的活动编列了估 计所需经费 145 000 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the request [...] contai ned in operative paragraph 30 (b ) ofdraft resolution [...]A/C.3/64/L.36, pertaining to the [...]Special Rapporteur, the Secretary-General has informed the General Assembly, in his report on the revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council at its tenth and eleventh sessions (A/64/353), that implementation of the activities called for in Council resolution 10/27 (see A/64/53, chap. II, sect. A) are considered of a “perennial nature” and as such, provision of an estimated $145,000 to implement the activities of the Special Rapporteur has been made under section 23 (Human rights) of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
音频档案材料由广播和会议支助科处 理(L-B1-30 室,电话分机: 3-9485),可付费要求复制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Audio archival material is handled by the Broadcast and Conference Support Section (room L-B1-30, ext. 3.9485) and is subject to duplication fees. daccess-ods.un.org |
食物业规 例》(第 132X章)第 10B条在规定任何人不得携带狗只进入食 物业处所的同时,亦明确订明为完全或局部失明人士充当 向导的狗只则属例外。 legco.gov.hk | While section 10B of the Food Business Regulation (Chapter 132X) stipulates that no person shall bring any dog onto food premises, the Regulation provides for an exception for the presence of a dog serving as a guide for a totally or partially blind person. legco.gov.hk |
在便携式计算机 索尼 VAIO VP C-Z21X9R/B,在以前的机型, 实现混合视频系统的概念。 driver-download.ru | In laptop Sony VAIO VPC-Z21X9R/B, as in previous models, implements the concept of a hybrid video systems. driver-download.ru |
也在同次会议上,在匈牙利观察员(代表欧洲联盟)发言后,委员会进行了唱 名表决,以 26 票对 2 票、8 票弃权通过了决议草案E/CN.6/ 2011/L.2(见第一章 ,B节)。daccess-ods.un.org | Also at the same meeting, following a statement made by the observer for Hungary (on behalf of the European Union), the [...] Commission adopted draft resolution [...] E/CN.6/20 11/L.2 bya roll-call vote of 26 to 2, with 8 abstentions (see chap. I , sect. B). daccess-ods.un.org |
在一次创新性裁决中,最高法院审议了体育机构的资金配给问题,并裁 定,为解决长期不平等问题,地方理事会拨付给女性体育活动的资金应是男性的 150%(H.C.J 5325/01,发展女性篮 球L.C.N 协会诉 Ramat-Hasharon 地方理事会 案)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In an innovative ruling, the High Court of Justice examined the issue of the fund allocation to sports institutions, and ruled that in order to redress long-standing inequality issues, local councils should allocate funds for women’s sports at 150% of that allocated to men’s sports (H.C.J 5325/01 L.C.N Association for the Advancement of Women Basketball v. Ramat-Hasharon Local Council). daccess-ods.un.org |
复选框内显 示 的X表示配料阀 (B和A1、A2 及 A3)、溶剂阀 (B 和 A)、喷枪扳机及报警器的电气开启状态。 gww.graco.com | An X displays in the box to show an electrical state of On for the dose valves ( B,and A1, A2, and A3), solvent valves (B and A), the gun trigger gww.graco.com |
在同一次全体会议上,理事会通过了 TD/B/58/L.2号文件所载的主席团关于 出席理事会第五十八届会议代表的全权证书的报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also at its 1081st plenary meeting, the Board adopted the report of the Bureau on credentials of representatives participating in the fifty-eighth session of the Board, as contained in document TD/B/58/L.2. daccess-ods.un.org |
( TD/B/58/SC.I/L.2),其中“促请贸发会议继续应对最不发达国家所 面临的贸易和发展挑战,包括将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的有关规定纳入秘书处 工作及其政府间机制的主流,并根据贸发会议的任务授权,在贸发会议现有的资 源范围内,加强司际协调和后续机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The LDCs Group welcomes the agreed conclusions recently adopted by the fiftyeighth session of UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Board (TD/B/58/SC.I/L.2) that “urges UNCTAD to continue to address the trade and development challenges facing the LDCs including by mainstreaming the relevant provisions of the Istanbul Programme of Action into the work of the secretariat and in its intergovernmental machinery with a strengthened interdivisional coordination and follow-up mechanism, in accordance with the mandate of UNCTAD, within UNCTAD’s existing resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
36 C/DR.40(多米尼加共和国)建议修改 36 C/5 增补件第 04000 段第 1(b)(x)小段,在落实《教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产公约》(2003)的目标群体中明确 提及“文化机构和人员”(西班牙文)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 36 C/DR.40 (Dominican Republic) proposed to modify subparagraph 1(b)(x) of paragraph 04000 of document 36 C/5 Add. to include an explicit reference to “actors culturales” (in Spanish) among the target groups for the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一个运算放大器加上4个电阻可以用来接 收X,Y,R,G或B的信 号,然后生成一个“单终结”的信号连接到振镜功放或者二极管驱动器上。 pangolin.com | A single op-amp along with four resistors can be used to receive the differential signal from the X, Y, R, G, or B signal, and generate a “single ended” signal which is then connected to the scanner amplifier or laser diode driver. pangolin.com |