

单词 15-fold





fell trees
但其结果是,无效保留问题被从委员会和会议的 工作中剥离出来,如此直至后来通过《维也纳公约》。
But as a result, invalid reservations fell outside of the work of the Commission and the Conference and would remain so until the adoption of the Vienna Convention.
有关非法砍伐树木事件的报告会 转交规划署,而规划署可能会把报告转交城市规划委员会,以 便城市规划委员会在考虑规划申请时作为参考。
Reports on illegal tree felling incidents would be referred to Planning Department for possible referral to the Town Planning Board for reference in the consideration of planning applications.
咨询 委员会获悉,虽然审计委员会主张联合国披露离职后健康保险负债,但 审计委员会并未就这些负债的供资选择办法采取任何立场,除了下列实 体及方案和活动之外:(a) 任务有限、且任务期限将要届满的实体,如 卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭;(b) 自愿供资的 方案和活动,无供资和不断增加的离职后健康保险负债可能在自愿捐款 不足时消耗掉方案资金。
The Advisory Committee was informed that, while the Board of Auditors had advocated for the disclosure of after-service health insurance liabilities by the United Nations, the Board had not taken a position on funding options for those liabilities, except for (a ) entities with limited mandates that were to expire, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; and (b ) voluntarily funded programmes and activities, for which unfunded and growing after-service health insurance liabilities could consume programme funds when voluntary contributions fell short.
客户存款㆖升港币㆒百五十㆔亿元,或 百分之㆔点六,增幅主要来 自储蓄及往来存款,定期存款则因为利率低企而减 少。
The growth was mainly recorded in savings and current accounts while time deposits fell in the low interest rate environment.
他指出这两份文件都谈到联合国 全系统面临的主要挑战,但是其中有一些专门针对教科文组织的职能,因此与下一个中期战 略密切相关。
He noted that both documents address major challenges for the entire United Nations system, but that some of them fell specifically within the mandate of UNESCO and therefore were relevant to the next Medium-Term Strategy.
虽然大部分这些仪器属於低风险级别,并 且不会受建议的规管制度所限制,但政府当局表示,那些会释 出能源或穿入人体的非正统仪器,即符合第II级或以上定义的医 疗仪器,将须注册。
Although most of these items fell into the low risk category and would not be subject to control under the proposed regulatory system, the Administration advised that for those non-orthodox devices that emitted energy or were invasive to human body, i.e. devices meeting Class II or above definition, registration would be required.
若湾仔发展计划第II期的预计人口密度较商业 或住宅用地的比率为低,便可减除委员对於政府当局会 趁机在有关的填海用地展开住宅或商业发展计划的担 心。
If the projected population density of WDII fell below the ratio for sites for commercial or residential uses, members' concern that the Administration would take the opportunity to carry out residential or commercial developments on the reclaimed site in question could be relieved.
The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the ban of the Church, though their author lived the life of a saint, and died, shortly after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.
有鉴于过去数日来叙利亚局势的升级,安全局势 日益严峻和危急——这些升级表现在持续的暴力行 径和相互炮击和射击,导致许多平民丧生,显然是叙 利亚政府提高了所谓的安全措施等级所致,它彻底违 背了它在阿拉伯行动计划以及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 与阿拉伯国家联盟 2011 年 12 月 19 日签署的有关阿 拉伯联盟驻叙利亚观察员特派团任务授权的议定书 中所做的承诺。
The security situation is increasingly grave and urgent in light of the escalation that Syria has witnessed in the past few days — the ongoing acts of violence, the shelling and firing and counter-shelling and counter-firing that have felled many innocent civilians in the Syrian Government’s clear resort to an escalation of the so-called security option, in complete contradiction of the commitments it took on in the Arab plan of action as well as in the protocol signed by the Syrian Arab Republic and the League of Arab States on 19 December 2011, on the mandate of the League’s observer mission in Syria.
此外,他遗憾地指出与具有法 律影响的第 33 C/92 号决议的执行有关的问题,再次未能自然而然地被列入法律委员会议程,而这些问题无可 争议地都属于该委员会的职权范围,还是这位委员对 34 C/19 号文件的地位问题提出了质疑,因为该文件未要 求大会做出任何决定,而它甚至要求对《组织法第 IV 条第 4 款所述向会员国提出建议书和国际公约之规则》 进行修改,因而他对在修改该《规则》时可能不遵循规定的程序表示担心。
He noted too, with regret, that once more matters relating to the implementation of 33 C/Resolution 92, which had legal implications, had not spontaneously been included in the agenda of the Legal Committee even though they undeniably fell within its terms of reference. He also asked about the status of document 34 C/19 which did not require the General Conference to take a decision, even though it referred to the need to amend the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, expressing concern that the regulatory procedures for amending the Rules of Procedure might be circumvented.
这些缉获量可能更密切 地反映零售而非批发市场,但联合王国边境管理局缉获的海洛因的纯度也有类 似的下降,尽管下降不太明显,从 2009 年第三季度的 58%降至 2010 年最后一 个季度的 31%(见图九)。
These seizures likely reflect more closely the retail rather than the wholesale market, but a similar, albeit slightly less pronounced, decrease was also observed in the purity of seizures made by the United Kingdom Border Agency, which fell from 58 per cent in the third quarter of 2009 to 31 per cent in the last quarter of 2010 (see figure IX).
除上文所披露者外,於二零零七年六月三十日,本公司并无接获任何其他人士(本公司董事及最高 行政人员除外)通知,表示其於本公司股份及相关股份中持有权益或淡仓,而须根据证券及期货条 例第XV部第2及第3分部向本公司披露。
Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2007, the Company has not been notified of any other person (other than the Directors and chief executives of the Company) who had an interest or short position in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which fell to be disclosed to the Company under Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO.
如果项目期内主伐,且为皆伐作业,则长期平均碳储量为项目期结束前最后一次主伐前的 碳储量的 50%。
Clear felling: the long-term average carbon stock is assumed to be 50% of the carbon stock before last clear felling of the project lifetime.
政府已经公布的防止酷刑 小组委员会的查访报告指出,大多数拘留设施低于国际标准,包括一些程序缺 陷。
The subsequent report by the SPT, which was published by the Government, noted that most of the detention facilities fell below international standards including several procedural drawbacks.
就构成持续关連交易的该等现有租赁协议中的 每一项协议而言,按照上市规则第 14.07 条计算所得的适用百分比率均在有关现有租赁协 议订立时有效的上市规则第 14A.34 条订明的豁免范围内,因此该等现有租赁协议中的每 一项协议须符合上市规则第 14A 章的申报及公告规定,但获豁免遵守上市规则第 14A 章 中有关独立股东批准的规定。
In relation to each of those Existing Tenancy Agreements which constituted continuing connected transactions, the applicable percentage ratios under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules fell within the threshold prescribed in Rule 14A.34 of the Listing Rules in force at time the relevant Existing Tenancy Agreements were entered into and each of the Existing Tenancy Agreements was therefore subject to the reporting and announcement requirements but exempt from the independent shareholders’ approval requirements under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
在 1999 年至 2003 年期间,外国直接投资额减少了 47%,但减少主要集 中在两个国家中(阿根廷和巴西);这一次的减少分布在整个区域,尽管巴西的减 少额在减少总额中占了很大一部分。
Between 1999 and 2003, FDI flows fell by about 47 per cent, but then the drop was concentrated in only two countries (Argentina and Brazil), while this time around, the downturn was spread across the region, although diminished flows to Brazil accounted for a significant proportion of the total decline.
阿富汗的大麻树脂缉获量从 2008 年创记录的 水平(271 吨)下降到 2009 年 10.5 吨的较低水平,略低于 2009 年占全球缉获总 量的百分之一。
The amount of cannabis resin seized in Afghanistan fell from a record level in 2008 (271 tons) to a relatively low level of 10.5 tons in 2009, accounting for slightly less than 1 per cent of the total amount seized worldwide in 2009.
(c) 提出了另一种办法,即界定属于程序规则范围之内而非范围之外的各 类索赔。
(c) Another approach was suggested, which was to define what types of claims fell within the scope of the procedural rules rather than those that fell outside them.
尽管伊斯兰国家组织认为,在整个审查进 程中所提出的许多问题不属于已经商定的范围,但伊斯兰国家组织在整个进程中 都一直愿意以建设性的和开放的精神来听取和讨论所有提议。
In spite of the fact that, in the OIC’s view, many of the issues raised throughout the process fell outside what had been agreed upon, the OIC had always been ready to listen to and discuss all proposals with a constructive and open spirit throughout the process.
一位成员指出,这一条件适用于《蒙特利尔议 定书》缔约方第二十届会议第 XX/7 号决定以及第 58/19 号决定所涉所有消耗臭氧层物质销 毁项目。
One member pointed out that the condition applied to all ODS destruction projects that fell under decision XX/7 of the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, as well as decision 58/19 of the Executive Committee.
他要求决定草案的提议者解释他们为何认为原料用途属于 《蒙特利尔议定书》的管辖范围。
He asked for an explanation as to why the proponents of the draft decision considered that feedstock uses fell under the purview of the Montreal Protocol.
鉴 于与秘密拘留有关的侵犯人权行为属于以上各方的任务授权范围,同时为了避免 各项工作的重叠并确保各方的互补性质,上述四位任务负责人决定联合开展相关 的研究。
Given that the violation of rights associated with secret detention fell within their respective mandates, and in order to avoid duplication of efforts and ensure their complementary nature, the four mandate holders decided to undertake the study jointly.
铁矿石价格於年内大部 份时间维持合理稳定,但於十月面对中国买家罢买而急剧下跌,最 终於年底回升至低於140美元/吨的水平。
Iron ore was reasonably stable for much of the year, but dramatically fell away in October facing a Chinese buyers strike before eventually recovering at the end of year below the $ 140/t level.
尽管美国强力支持联合检查组的改革,目的是振 兴该机构并创造更多在整个联合国系统加强问责制 和实效的机会,但联检组自己对这方面各个选项所作 的分析不符合能有助于联检组促进联合国系统的成 果和问责制的那种大胆和意义深远的改革。
While the United States strongly supported reform of the Joint Inspection Unit, with the aim of revitalizing that body and creating more opportunities to strengthen accountability and effectiveness throughout the United Nations system, the Unit’s own analysis of the options in that regard fell short of the kind of bold and far-reaching reform that would help it to promote results and accountability in the United Nations system.
14 岁的阿玛山卡尔.乔斯 (Umashankar Joshi) 发表了一篇 10 岁男孩坠入印度恰蒂斯加尔邦某村庄水井的报道。
Umashankar Joshi, 14, reported on the near drowning of a 10-year-old boy who fell into an uncovered well in a village in Chhattisgarh, India.
CMM 和 Huaying 的代表告诉专家组,从 Bisie 采购没有问题,因为 2012 年初已将恩杜马保卫刚果民兵组织赶出该区域,矿山现在由政府控制。
Representatives of CMM and Huaying told the Group that purchases from Bisie were not problematic because NDC had been dislodged from the area at the beginning of 2012 and the mine currently fell under Government control.
有证据显示,增加的需求和来自认证咖啡的较高利润刺激咖 啡种植农通过砍伐灌木和较高大的树木来增加生产,严重损害了森林及其生物多样性。
There is evidence that the increased demand and higher profits from certified coffee provides an incentive for coffee farmers to intensify production by slashing the undergrowth and felling larger trees, effectively destroying the forest and its biodiversity.
(4) 如 在 指 控 某 人 犯 了 特 别 法 定 条 文 项 下 的 未 遂 罪 的 诉 讼 程 序 中 , 在 法 律 上 有 足 够 证 据 支 持 判 定 那 人 所 作 出 的 行 为 是 入 上 文 第 3 条 第 ( 3 ) 款 的 范 围 , 则 他 的 行 为 是 否 入 该 款 的 范 围 这 问 题 属 一 关 乎 事 实 的 问 题 。
(4) Where, in proceedings against a person for an attempt under a special statutory provision, there is evidence sufficient in law to support a finding that he did an act falling within subsection (3) of section 3 above, the question whether or not his act fell within that subsection is a question of fact.




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