单词 | epdm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
使用柔性材料的标准卫生密封垫,如EPDM、丁腈橡胶、氟橡胶或 硅胶。 graco.com | Use a standard sanitary gasket of flexible material such as EPDM, Buna-N, fluoroelastomer, or silicon. graco.com |
为了获得最好的密封效果,应使用标准柔性材料 Tri-Clamp® 型卫生密封垫,如EPDM、丁腈橡胶、 氟橡胶或硅胶。 graco.com | For best sealing results, use a standard Tri-Clamp® style sanitary gasket of a flexible material such as EPDM, Buna-N, fluoroelastomer, or silicon. graco.com |
执行器中的气动隔膜材质为EPDM或NBR橡胶,材质由所控制介质 参数决定。 cloriuscontrols.com | The diaphragm is made of EPDM or NBR rubber, depending on the medium to be controlled. cloriuscontrols.com |
三元乙丙橡胶密封圈(EPDM)不适用于矿物型流体(如油, 油脂等……),避免密封圈和该类流体直接接触。 staubli.com | Never use Ethylene-Propylene seals with fluids of mineral origin (oil, fat etc…). staubli.com |
密封件要能经受高压以及大幅温度波动的考验,我们专门开发的EPDM就能在这些应用条件下表现出最佳性能。 tss.trelleborg.com | Seals have to withstand high pressures along with wide temperature fluctuations and we have specifically engineered this new EPDM to be best-in-class in these conditions. tss.trelleborg.com |
软密封阀座可以更换,并可根据流动条件采用EPDM、NBR 或 FKM材料制成。 voith.com | The soft-sealing seat is replaceable and is [...] available in EPDM, NBRor FKM materials, [...]depending on flow applications. voith.com |
汽车发动机上的软管、传送带、垫圈和密封器为在发动机温度下保持性能需用EPDM橡胶制造。 vanitec.org | The hoses, belts, gaskets and seals of automobile engines which have to maintain their properties at engine temperature are made fromsynthetic EPDM rubber. vanitec.org |
EPDME8T89的运行温度范围为-55 °C 至 +135 °C/ -65 °F 至 +275 °F,符合NAS 1613 Rev 5标准,并由法国LRCCP独立认证符合NFL 17-241 41B8。典型应用为飞行控制系统,推力反向器制动系统,通用液压及制动系统。 tss.trelleborg.com | Compliant with NAS 1613 Rev 5 and independently accredited by LRCCPin France to NFL 17-241 41B8, EPDM E8T89 has an operating temperature range of -55 °C to +135 °C/ -65 °F to +275 °F. Typical applications are primary and secondary flight controls, thrust reverser actuation systems, braking systems, general hydraulic and actuation systems. tss.trelleborg.com |
所有型号的产品均可选用氟碳橡胶密封圈(FPM) 、 三元乙丙橡胶密封圈(EPDM)或全氟橡胶密封圈(FFKM)。 staubli.com | Fluorcarbon (FPM), Ethylene-Propylene (EPDM) and Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) seals are available on all models. staubli.com |
在接近沟槽侧,阶梯格栅配备有EPDM橡胶密封,在底部 有两个可调螺栓以保证水平储存。 kd-group.dk | Towards the duct sides, the Step Screen [...] is provided with a rubber sealing of EPDM rubber [...]and the bottom has two adjusting screws to ensure horizontal storage. kd-group.dk |
在认真地倾听您的设计要求后,我们提供解决方案的人员可能会向您推荐三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)耐候密封部件、阻燃型材或耐臭氧材料。 elastoproxy.com | After listening to your design requirements, our solutions providers may suggest ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) weatherseals, flame-retardant profiles, or ozone-resistant materials. elastoproxy.com |
在测试中,EPDM混合材料在高温条件下,在所有的IV型及V型磷酸酯航空液压油(为由NAS 1613 Rev5所指定的HyJet及Skydrol品牌)中表现出了良好的稳定性。 tss.trelleborg.com | In tests this new EPDM compound exhibits good stability at elevated temperatures in all type IV and type V phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, known under the HyJet and Skydrol brands, as specified in NAS 1613 Rev 5. tss.trelleborg.com |
这样您便可以确定所择材料之特性,诸如在60个硬度测定单位条件下的乙烯、丙烯与二烯单体橡胶(EPDM)的标准拉伸强度。 elastoproxy.com | In this way, you can determine material properties such as the standard tensile strength for ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber at 60 durometers. elastoproxy.com |
从低密度聚乙烯注塑盖,到乙烯基浸塑盖,到耐高温乙烯基浸塑盖,再到硅橡胶和EPDM橡胶盖,茂凯都能提供经济实惠,优质耐用的产品来满足来满足客户的使用要求:装配或运输过程中的防护,产品外观的装饰或遮蔽等。 mocap.com.cn | From injection molded low density polyethylene plastic and dip molded vinyl plastic to high temperature silicone and EPDM injectionmolded rubber, MOCAP manufacturers the Low Cost, High Quality products to satisfy your requirements. mocap.com |
外胶层及内胶层所用EPDM橡胶可赋予软管海上或淡水船只所需应用属性。 teknikum.cn | EPDM rubber used in the cover and tube provides the hose with the necessary characteristics for applications in maritime or freshwater vessels. teknikum.cn |
的核心是透明材料科学,EPDM,CR(氯丁橡胶),NBR(丁腈橡胶),FKM(氟橡胶)和氟橡胶发泡(海绵橡胶),其中介绍所有常用的密封材料 - 如橡胶型材。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The centerpiece is a clear material science, which presents all common seal materials - such as rubber profiles in EPDM, CR (Neoprene) and NBR (Nitrile), FKM (fluoroelastomer) and FKM foam (foam rubber). en.developmentscout.com |
是其中的三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)密封腔与PP载体组装团结一致方法2K。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | It is a method 2K wherein an EPDM seal cavity with a PP carrier is assembled cohesively. en.developmentscout.com |
在烯烃类树脂(PP,PE)的基质中使烯烃类橡胶(EPR,EPDM)微细分散而形成的高性能热塑性弹性体。 m-kagaku.co.jp | THERMORUN™ is a high-performance thermoplastic elastomer made up of an olefin resin (PP, PE) matrix and a finely-dispersed olefin rubber (EPR,EPDM)domain. m-kagaku.co.jp |
我们所提供的不同型号的该产品您都可以选择内衬为硅胶Silicone 或者酊氰橡胶EPDM材质。 normagroup.com | Depending on the profile type (a or b) the rubber profiles are available either in Silicone or EPDM material. normagroup.com |
甲基丙烯酸三元共聚物系列产品,它们能良好地粘合在非极性材料(如聚丙烯、高密度聚乙烯和三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)以及诸如金属、玻璃和聚酯等高极性产品)上。 exxonmobilchemical.com | A family of methyl acrylate acid terpolymers, they adhere well to nonpolar materials such as polypropylene, [...] high-density polyethylene and ethylene-propylene diene [...] (EPDM) rubber, aswell as to highly [...]polar materials such as metal, glass and polyester. exxonmobilchemical.com |
应用交流:EPDM弹性体FIPA 元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)是一种随机无定形弹性物,其可在 60C 的下在 THF 中四分钟内测量完毕。 malvern.com.cn | Application Communication: FIPA of EPDM elastomers Measurements of Ethylene Propylene Diene (EPDM), a random amorphous elastomer, is carried in 4 minutes in THF at 60 C. Molecular weights and intrinsic viscosities by FIPA and conventional GPC are in good agreement. malvern.com |
利用硬质聚氨酯海绵,异氰尿酸酯海绵,聚乙烯海绵,发泡EPDM海绵各自所具有的特性(保温性,隔热性)并顾及到施工性的产品一应俱全。 inoac.co.jp | INOAC supplies environmentally friendly products that are designed to enable easy installation, while providing them with heat and thermal insulation characteristics of such materials as rigid urethane foam, isocyanurate foam, polyethylene foam and EPDM foam. inoac.co.jp |
汽车用密封条主要是由具有良好弹性和抗压缩变形、耐老化、臭氧、化学作用、较宽的使用温度范围(-40℃~+120℃)的三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)橡胶发泡与密实复合而成,内含独特的金属夹具和舌形扣,坚固耐用,利于安装。 slmfj.com | Automotive sealing strip is mainly used with good elasticity and resistance to deformation, resistance to aging, ozone, chemical reaction, a wide temperature range (-40 ℃ ~ +120 ℃) of EPDM rubber (EPDM) rubber foam Composite made with dense, containing a unique tongue-shaped metal clamps and buckle, durable, good for installation. slmfj.com |