

单词 14-story-tall


pavilion (usu. two-storied)

classifier for stories of buildings; layers of cakes, paint, thin glass


(e) 澳洲政府各部 门 及机构 制备各类刊 物,让 工 业 界 及国民 知 悉 政 府 在温室效应问题方面所 采取的措施、当 中的成 功 事 例,以及国家和 国际间的相 关政策发展。
(e) the Australian Government departments and agencies produce various publications aimed at keeping industries and the general community informed of greenhouse-related initiatives, success stories and developments in national and international policies.
这些宣传讲述推翻被征服的故事并宣扬自决和自主的权利,这可帮 助解释为什么基于性别的暴力似乎不仅发生率高,而且在以前曾被征服的社区和 国家内被容忍。
These narratives tell stories of overcoming subjugation and asserting the rights of self-determination and self-definition, and may help to explain why the incidence of gender-based violence appears not only to be high, but also to be tolerated in formerly subjugated communities and States.
市中心极具吸引力的 移民博物馆 讲述着移民的故事,他们从世界各地前来,将南澳大利亚变成了自己的家园。
The fascinating Migration Museum in the City Centre tells the stories of migrants who came from all over the world to make South Australia their home.
成功活动中的积极因素包括当地社区的大力参与、与当地非政府组织和当地政府的良 好合作伙伴关系、发现筹资机会的能力。
Positive factors identified in the success stories include the strong involvement of the local communities; sound partnerships with local NGOs and local government authorities, and the ability to spot resource mobilization opportunities.
Severus was alter accused of having been in youth a worshiper of idols and a dealer in magical arts (so the libellus of the Palestinian monks at the council of 536), and Zacharias is at pains to refute this calumny indirectly, though at great length, by relating interesting stories of the discovery of a hoard of idols in Menuthis in Egypt and of the routing of necromancers and enchanters at Berytus; in both these exploits the friends of Severus took a leading part, and Zacharias asks triumphantly whether they would have consorted with Severus had he not agreed with them in the hatred of paganism and sorcery.
在 7 个地方(埃塞俄比亚、苏丹南部、肯尼亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚、斯威士 兰、南非)对社区卫生与发展的先进经验、成功的事例和有效的卫生技术文件的编制工作开 展了研究。
The study was carried out in seven countries (Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Swaziland and South Africa) to document best practices, success stories and effective health technologies in community-based health and development.
技术创新领域的成功案例包括原地浸取技术、能源效率、减少用水需求、以 及增强机器人技术和其他技术,以减少能源需求和人类面临的风险。
Success stories in the area of technology innovation included techniques for in situ leaching, energy efficiency, reductions in water requirements, and enhancements in robotics and other technologies to reduce energy demand and the risks posed to humans.
文字作品-书籍、演讲、杂志和报纸文章、小说、故事、诗词、 论文、剧本、课本、网页、广告、舞谱。
Written works – books, speeches, magazine and newspaper articles, novels, stories, poems, essays, plays, text books, web pages, advertisements, and dance notations.
(i) 展览和标语:采用相关故事、艺术和照片作为 2011 国际森林年活动的 一个部分,联合国森林论坛秘书处计划设立展览和标语展示,显示人们为世界各 地可持续森林管理采取行动的小场景并体现“森林在你我生活中”的主题。
(i) Exhibits and banners: Using the stories, art and photos collected as part of the International Year of Forests, 2011 activities, the United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat plans to create exhibits and banner displays which would feature vignettes of people’s actions for sustainable forest management around the world and embodying the theme of “Forests in Your Everyday Life”.
代表们提到一些采取这些政策措施的国家所取得的成功经 验,这些国家加强了初级商品供应链中增值的机会。
Delegates referred to success stories in a number of countries adopting policy measures to enhance prospects for value addition in the commodity supply chain.
有国际社会支持的另外一些 组织不那么勤奋,很遗憾,这种情况导致未经适当调查确认的数字到处流传,基 于未核实报告的惊人故事的广泛传播。
Other organizations that have backing from the international community are less diligent, a situation that, unfortunately, leads to figures being circulated that are not confirmed by proper inquiry and the spread of alarmist stories based on unverified reports.
This series of stories, essays and multimedia features seeks to accelerate and elevate adolescents’ fight against poverty, inequality and gender discrimination.
尽管有上述成功的例子,但联合国仍缺乏一个连贯的总体战略,以确保以综 合方式来开展预防冲突的努力,并对其可支配的以及区域组织内所设的各种工具 及机构加以最佳利用,以有效履行《联合国宪章》第六章规定的和平解决争端的 义务。
Notwithstanding success stories like these, the United Nations still lacks a coherent, overarching strategy to ensure that conflict prevention is pursued and achieved in an integrated manner, making the best use of the tools and agencies at its disposal and of those within regional organizations, in a manner that effectively discharges the obligations, under Chapter VI of the Charter of the United Nations, for the pacific settlement of disputes.
我们当然明白, 社会上有不少声音认为港台应该保留下来,尤其是电视部一直制作了不少好 的节目供大家观赏,如“狮子山下”,“铿锵集”、“杰出华人系列”、“华 人青年音乐家系列”等,而电台的部分 phone-in 节目,亦十分受欢迎,更是 政府掌握巿民脉搏的一个重要环节。
Of course, we are aware that many voices in the community have supported the stay of RTHK, particularly on the grounds that its television division has produced quite a number of quality programmes for public entertainment, such as "Under the Lion Rock", "Hong Kong Connection", "Success Stories Series", "Young Chinese Musicians Series", and so on; and its phone-in programmes of the radio division have also been very popular, serving as an important means for the Government to keep a finger on the pulse of the public.
影片和多媒体科将发展成为一个视频制作室,定向制作信息丰富 的、引人入胜的内容,包括采访、新闻内容、纪录片、知识产权成功故事和宣传点。
The Film and Multimedia Section will evolve into a video-centered production studio, which will produce targeted, informative and engaging content, including interviews, news content, documentaries, IP success stories and promotional spots.
在区域使用方面,Teletrax 广播监测系统发现,在通过卫星传送的联合国电 视广播平台报道的使用量中,有 54%来自中东,与上一年相比增长了 20%。
In terms of regional use, the Teletrax monitoring system shows that 54 per cent of the pickup of UNifeed stories from the satellite transmission was from the Middle East, a 20 per cent increase compared to the previous year.
非洲各通讯社和报纸也发布了有关“十年”启动活动的新 闻和专题报道。
African newswires and newspapers also ran news stories and features on the Decade launch.
有 一些成功的事例——例子包括斯里兰卡的 Hatton 国民商业银行,以及印度的几 家私人银行通过国家农业和农村发展银行启动的方案——但尝试发展小额金融 业务的许多商业银行面临很多问题,而没有实现必要程度的扩展。
Although there are success stories — examples include Hatton National Commercial Bank in Sri Lanka, and a number of private banks in India through a programme started by the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) — many of the commercial banks that have tried to develop microfinance activities have faced considerable problems, and have not achieved the needed levels of outreach.
在这方面,全体工作组建议,委员会提供的资料应当涉及那些空间技术及 其应用能发挥特别重要作用的组合专题;注意可持续发展委员会查明的那些跨 领域问题;查明空间系统可与地面系统互补以促进综合解决办法的那些领域; 并且除了区域和国际合作实例之外,还应酌情纳入可以提供有益例证说明委员 会所作全面贡献的国家成功范例。
In that regard, the Working Group of the Whole recommended that the Committee should contribute to the thematic clusters in which space technology and its applications played a particularly important role; pay attention to the cross-cutting issues identified by the Commission; identify areas where space-based systems could complement terrestrial systems in order to promote integrated solutions; and include, as appropriate and in addition to examples of regional and international cooperation, national success stories that might provide useful examples for the overall contribution of the Committee.
By submitting your stories and/or images you agree to allow Special Olympics, Inc. its Accredited Programs, subsidiaries and affiliates ("SOI") to use the content on its or their website/s, as the case may be, for non-commercial use and to promote Special Olympics.
Finish is Black Jack stories are going on a flight and he had a dream that I have an endless journey on a train journey without knowing the destination.
结果领域 3.5:切实有效的知识共享系统,包括传统知识a 共享系统在全球、区域、分区域 和国家四级得到建立,以便为决策者和终端用户提供支持,具体做法包括找出并交流最佳 做法和成功事例。
Outcome area 3.5: Effective knowledge-sharing systems, including traditional knowledge,a are in place at the global, regional, subregional and national levels to support policymakers and end users, including through the identification and sharing of best practices and success stories.
至於「优质短篇或实况戏剧」方面,按照平均欣赏指数排列分别有港台的「生活逼人来」、「执法群英 II」、亚视的「精彩活一生」、港台的「风雨夜归人」、「爱在瘟疫蔓延时」、无线的「廉政行动2004」、港台的「几许风雨」和「小时候」,一共八个,当中港台占六个。
As with "Quality short drama series/reality dramas" sorted in terms of their average AIs, RTHK's "Difficult Life", "On the Beat II"; ATV's "Awakening Stories of Drug Addicts"; RTHK's "Mid-night Workers", "Love at the Age of SARS", "Love at the Age of SARS"; TVB's "ICAC Investigation 2004"; RTHK's "After the Rain" and "When We Were Young", altogether eight programmes are in this category.
需要查明并分析确实有效的成功案例和政策,这也应当包括努力确 定如何在不同的情况下采取最佳方式适用并实施这些政策,以及如何推广这些政 策。
Success stories and policies that had worked needed to be identified and analysed, and this should include efforts to determine how best those policies fitted and could be implemented in different contexts and how they could be scaled up.
需要开展以下工作对上述工作进行补充:就正面案例对所有三 个支柱的影响进行周全的事后评估,利用联网简编和网络社区进行系统知识交 流,以最大限度地增强对可持续发展成果的作用。
It would need to be complemented with robust ex post evaluations of the impact of positive case stories on all three pillars, as well as systematic exchange of knowledge through online compendiums and communities, to maximize the impact on sustainable development results.
创业亦被认为是一条 理想的致富途径,成功的创业者更拥有崇高的地位和尊重,在大众媒体上亦经常出现其报导;此外, 大部分人均认为创业者是有才华和谋略的人。
Entrepreneurship is regarded as an appropriate way to become rich; entrepreneurs have high status and respect; their stories are frequently in the media and most people think of them as competent resourceful individuals.
我还请大家把受害者参与国际刑院诉讼程序这一里 程碑视作另一种形式的赔偿,因为受害者在法庭上讲述自己的故事,亲眼目睹伸 张正义的过程也有助于其愈合过程。
I also invite you to think of the milestone of victims’ participation in the Court’s proceedings as another form of reparation, as telling their stories in the courtroom and seeing justice being done also contributes to their healing process.
LOUIS, April 17, 2012 – Building on the success of its award-winning “It’s Never Been Done Before” advertising campaign, Emerson (NYSE: EMR) has added two new customer stories to its three-year campaign that highlights the company’s innovation and engineering expertise in a variety of applications and projects around the world, including in extreme conditions and remote locations.
提高援助透明度的几个成功经验表明,公布援助信息可说明导致援助量波动 的国内发展筹资来源不足的情况、附加条件和政治分歧,并说明分配给两性平等 和妇女赋权的援助信息不足的情况。
The few success stories in making aid more transparent demonstrate that publishing information on aid may shed light on the lack of domestic sources for financing development, conditionalities and political disagreements, which lead to volatile aid, and on the lack of information on aid allocated to gender equality and women’s empowerment.




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