释义 |
Examples:brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)—single seat (in theater)—the Capital Theater (in Beijing)—box (in a theater or concert hall)—go on stage (in the theater)—charity performance (theater in former times)—real location (not a film studio set or theater)—filled capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc)—(military) theater of operations—actor's lines (in theater)—Yangge opera, a rural form of theater—last item on a program (theater)—Kunqu opera, influential musical theater originating in Kunshan, Jiangsu province in Yuan times—folk theater consisting of recitation accompanied by clapper board rhythm—focus light (e.g. in theater)—(old) stalls (front rows in a theater)—interval (between acts in theater)—Yuan dynasty theater, including poetry, music and comedy—amateur player in theater—morning show (at theater)—model theater (operas and ballets produced during the Cultural Revolution)—kyōgen (a form of traditional Japanese comic theater)—sound field (in a room or theater)—next-to-last item on a program (theater)—catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)—top military commander for a country or theater of operations—amateur performance (in theater)—classifier theater performances—classifier for heavy objects, such as machines, TVs, computers; theater performances— |