释义 |
Examples:Wenzong Emperor, reign name of Yuan Dynasty emperor Tugh Temür (1304-1332), reigned 1328-1332—Pu Yi, personal name of the last Qing emperor (reigned as child 1909-1911), the subject of Bertolucci's biopic The Last Emperor—Descendants of the Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emperor (i.e. Han Chinese people)—Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815—Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Mongol emperor and conqueror—Yuan Shikai (1859-1916), senior general of late Qing, subsequently warlord and self-proclaimed emperor of China—crown in the form of a horizontal board with hanging decorations symbolizing the emperor of China—form of address reserved for a queen, ancestor, emperor etc—burn the books and bury alive the Confucian scholars (one of the crimes of the first Emperor in 212 BC)—one who does not fear the death of thousand cuts will dare unhorse the emperor (proverb)—era name (subdivision in the reign of an emperor)—Yongzheng, reign name of Qing emperor (1722-1735)—Showa, reign name of Emperor Hirohiof Japan 1925-1989—place where the emperor listened lectures (traditional)—An Lushan (703-757), famous general and favorite of Tang emperor Xuanzong, eventually precipitated catastrophic An Shi rebellion (755-763)—essay on current affairs submitted the emperor as policy advice (old)—a Qing prince who was the designated successor emperor Guangxu until the Boxer uprising—Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God—(of a court official) present a memorial to the emperor (old)—high-ranking officials in the court of a Chinese emperor—bestow a surname (of emperor conferring favor on ethnic group)—Mt Li near Xi'an with the tomb of the First Emperor—childhood (typically used in reference an emperor)—posthumous name given second emperor of a dynasty—war of 1402 between successors of the first Ming Emperor—Qianlong or Ch'ien-lung, emperor of the Qing dynasty, reigned sixty years (1735-1796)—Heisei, reign name of Japanese Emperor Akihito, from 1989—grant of territory by an emperor or monarch (old)—centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party— |