单词 | ecco | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
时髦及优雅的款式固然重要,然而ECCO在设计的过程中,却时刻把实用价值放在首位。 ipress.com.hk | Smartness and elegance are naturally important, but usability [...] will always be ECCO's highestdesign [...]priority. ipress.com.hk |
丹麦造鞋专家ECCO全新FYM便服鞋系列是特别为现今追求创新及讲求步行自主舒适性的时尚型男而设计。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO CasualFYMis designed for [...] today¡¦s cool young men who seek innovation as well as individuality in their walk through life. ipress.com.hk |
自ECCO於一九六三年成立以来,其基本设计哲学一直是以坚定的信念,为顾客设计及制造最舒适的上班及闲暇时穿着的鞋款。 ipress.com.hk | Founded in1963,ECCO¡¦s fundamental philosophy [...] has always been to design and construct footwear for work and leisure, with [...]uncompromising attention to the comfort of users. ipress.com.hk |
在2012年他得到了EccoDomani年度最佳男装新设计师大奖。 shop.projectaegis.com | In 2012, he receivedthe Ecco Domani awardas best [...] new menswear designer of the year. shop.projectaegis.com |
国际着名鞋履生产商ECCO以结合舒适及型格为品牌宗旨,以卓越的品质、创新的科技及设计哲学「造鞋必需以足为本」,达致今日品牌的成功地位。 sogo.com.hk | ECCO, a world leading brand of shoes [...] combining style and comfort, has built its success on uncompromising quality, innovative [...]technology and the design philosophy, "the shoe must follow the foot". sogo.com.hk |
ECCO於欧洲、亚洲及南美洲共雇有超过八千五百名员工。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO hasmore than 8,500 [...] employees in Europe, Asia and North America. ipress.com.hk |
ECCO分别於全球四间ECCO旗舰店、二百五十间ECCO专门店、五百间设於各大百货公司内的商店、二千八百个销售点,以及十间货仓式零售店有售。 ipress.com.hk | HK$3 billion, a [...] 15-per centincrease. ECCOfootwear is sold worldwide in four flagship ECCO stores, [...]250 ECCOshops, 500 shops-in-shops and [...]2,800 points of sale, plus 10 factory outlets. ipress.com.hk |
ECCOFusion 系列於各大百货公司和皮鞋专门店的ECCO经销专柜,以及位於尖沙咀海运大厦的ECCO专门店有售。 ipress.com.hk | TheECCO Fusionis available from leading department stores, selected specialist shoe retailers and the ECCOShop in Ocean Terminal, TST. ipress.com.hk |
2009年11月18-20日,丰裕公司在上海新国际博览中心举办了第22届国际表面处理展览会,公司领导董事长总经理郑锡辉先生及董事温达明先生参加了本次展览会,合作伙伴韩国 KS [...] 公司、日本正英公司、丹麦卡尔丹公司、德国莱德公司、欧洲 Plasma 公司、瑞士ECCO公司之重要领导莅临我司展位指导。 fungyu.com.hk | In November 18-20, 2009, FUNGYU GROUP attended surface treatment of the 22nd International Exhibition in Shanghai, the Group's senior leadership - Chairman Mr. Zheng Xihui, and Director Mr Wen Daming personally attended the show, and a great honor to invite the friendly cooperation of foreign partners, including Korea KS Corporation, Japan [...] Company, Caldan, Lactec, Europlasma, the [...] important leaders of ECCO'stovisit thebooth [...]to made an important guide to our work. fungyu.com.hk |
时髦及优雅的款式固然重要,然而ECCO在设计的过程中,却时刻把实用价值放在首位。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO is aglobalplayer in the footwear [...] industry, with direct subsidiaries in Europe, the Far East and North America and partners all over the world. ipress.com.hk |
ECCO品牌自一九六三年由Karl Toosbuy先生创立後,至今已由丹麦南部小规模的工厂发展为国际皮鞋制造商,於全球拥有多达9,000名员工,合并年收入四十五亿欧元。 ipress.com.hk | Founded in 1963 by entrepreneur [...] Mr. Karl Toosbuy, ECCOhas grown from a [...]small factory in Southern Denmark to an international [...]shoe manufacturing group with almost 9,000 employees worldwide and a consolidated annual turnover of £á 450 million. ipress.com.hk |
国际鞋类生产商及品牌ECCO总部设於欧洲丹麦,由1963年成立至今已有40多年历史。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO Sko A/S is an international [...] shoe brand founded in 1963 by Karl Toosbuy in Denmark. ipress.com.hk |
欧洲丹麦ECCO全新SHARK系列是自信满盈的都市女性最佳配搭。 ipress.com.hk | With the newSHARK from ECCO, youngconfident females [...] have met a new best friend. ipress.com.hk |
拥有四十年历史的舒适及顶级鞋类产品,每年销售达一百万对的ECCOSoft系列,凭藉其成功经验,推出全新时尚女装轻便鞋ECCOFusion。 ipress.com.hk | 40 years of extraordinary comfortable and top quality footwear, [...] coupled with one [...] million soldpairs of ECCO Softa year, tell the story of tremendous success leadingto the new ECCO Fusion- the latest [...]frontier in ladies casual shoes. ipress.com.hk |
在赢得颇具声望的EccoDomani时尚基金之前,Siki作为初级设计师在Helmut [...] Lang工作。 shop.projectaegis.com | Before winning the prestigious Ecco DomaniFashion Foundation [...] award, Siki put in time as Senior Designer at Helmut Lang. shop.projectaegis.com |
详情可浏览ECCO网页www.ecco.com/hk或致电客户服务热线3151 7973。 ipress.com.hk | For further [...] information, pleaseseewww.ecco.com/hk or cutomer hotline [...]3151 7973. ipress.com.hk |
ECCOFusion 为您的双足提供极舒适及完全自由活动的感觉,配合时尚的设计,同时为您带来悦目的视觉享受。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO Fusion providesultimate [...] comfort and complete freedom of movement, coupled with a stylish updated design that will [...]carry away your feet and delight your visual senses all at the same time. ipress.com.hk |
ECCO是唯一一个鞋类生产商同时拥有并管理生产线的每一个步骤,在产品的设计、开发、生产每个细节都贴心承担。 sogo.com.hk | ECCO isthe only major shoe [...] manufacturer to own and manage every step of the shoemaking process, and its employees are the [...]life force behind its products, designing, developing, producing, and taking responsibility for every detail. sogo.com.hk |
自ECCO於一九六三年成立以来,其基本设计哲学一直是以坚定的信念,为顾客设计及制造最舒适的上班及休闲时穿着的鞋款。 ipress.com.hk | ECCO is an international [...] group founded in 1963 by Karl Toosbuy in Denmark. ipress.com.hk |
在(c)类奖项方面,纽约ECCODesign主席陈秉 鹏先生获得世界杰出华人设计师奖项。 legco.gov.hk | In category (c), Mr. Eric [...] Chan,Presidentof ECCO Design,NewYork, was [...]awarded the title of the World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer 2010. legco.gov.hk |
立即上 www.eccoaction.com 登记,或到香港任何一间ECCO专门店内填妥参加表格,即可参加是次大抽奖,赢取双人来回马来西亚沙巴亚庇之旅,一睹东南亚最高峰神山之雄伟风貌。 ipress.com.hk | To participate in the contest, entrants must register online by visiting www.eccoaction.com or by filling out a registration form available at ECCO¡¦s retail outlets across Hong Kong. ipress.com.hk |