释义 |
Examples:send armed forces to suppress—the Japanese armed forces—ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque homeland and freedom), Basque armed separatist group—the crime of armed rebellion—Janjaweed (armed Baggara herders used by the Sudanese government against Darfur rebels)—People's Armed Police (PAP)—decisive engagement between opposing armed forces—Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)—Mahdi army, Iraqi Shia armed militia led by Moqtada Sadr—goods sent under the protection of an armed escort—(in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force—an armed secret agent squad—infantry armed with crossbow—armed escort (of travelers or merchants' caravans)—eliminate (by armed force)—abandon armed struggle and return to raising cattle [idiom.]—bare one's left arm and take off one's cap as an expression of sorrow—Sagittarius spiral arm (of our galaxy)—triceps brachii (back of the upper arm)—actuator (arm of a lever)—carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder or side)—Perseus spiral arm (of our galaxy)—wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk)—Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our solar system)—take sb's hand or arm in a too familiar way—lever arm (i.e. perpendicular distance from the fulcrum the line of force)— |