我们 的DTP团队在技术能力、质量保证和项目承接量方面具有突出的优势,使文思海辉能够 将DTP作为本地化生命周期中的一个重要组成部分。 pactera.com | O ur strong DTPteam has the technical capabilities, quality assurance systems, and scalability, to enable Pacte rato treat DTPas anintegral component [...]of the localization lifecycle. pactera.com |
我们的解决方案使我们能够在加快翻 译、本地化 和DTP流程,并且显着削 减成本的同时,创建高品质的多语言文 档。 soget.net | Our solutions enable us to create high [...] quality multilingual documents while speeding up translation, [...] locali sation andDTP processes and cutting [...]costs considerably. soget.com |
文思海辉在处理桌面排版 (DTP)领域经验丰富且语种覆盖广泛,包括产品手册、技术文档、市场材料、屏幕截图和图片等。 pactera.com | Pactera has abundant experience in handling [...] desktop publishing (DTP) withfulllanguage [...]coverage, including product manuals, technical [...]documentation, marketing materials, screenshots, and graphic manipulation. pactera.com |
阿拉伯语、中文、日语、俄语:通过各 [...] 种技术资源直接将文本内容翻译成原 始DTP格式,并根据任何语言和字母进行 调整。 soget.net | Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian: technical [...] resources enable texts to be translated [...] directly in t heoriginal DTP format and subsequently [...]adapted to any language and alphabet. soget.com |
DTP有兴趣从[原产国 ]调查植物、微生物和海 洋大型生物,并希望在调查中与 [原产国政府或原产国组织 ]进行适当合作。 wipo.int | DTP has an interest in investigating [...]plants, microbes and marine macro-organisms from [Source Country], and wishes to collaborate [...]with the [Source Country Government ("SCG") or Source Country Organization(s) ("SGO")] as appropriate in this investigation. wipo.int |
我们使用各种桌面出版工具,成为客户 任何语言的文档策划、创建和印刷以 及DTP服务的理想外包合作伙伴。 soget.net | We use all desktop publishing products, offering [...] our services as outsourcer for the planning, creation and printing of [...] documentat ion andfor DTPservices inany language. soget.com |
DTP/NCI 意调查[原产国 ]的植物、陆地和海洋微生物以及海洋大型生物,希望 [...]有 与[原产国组织]合作进行调查。 wipo.int | DTP/NCI hasan interest in [...]investigating plants, terrestrial and marine microorganisms and marine macro-organisms from [Source [...]Country], and wishes to collaborate with the [Source Country Organization ("SCO")] in this investigation. wipo.int |
我们为您从编辑到出版的整个翻译流程提供管理服务,还能够提供所有主要国际化 [...] 服务:软件和网站的本地化、营销产品的创造性翻译、多语言创作、图形 和DTP、网页设计、企业术语库和文档的创建和更新。 soget.net | We can manage your entire translation process, from editing to publishing, as well as all the main internationalisation services: localisation of software and websites, transcreation [...] of marketing products, multilingual authoring, [...] graphi csand DTP, webdesign, [...]the creation and updating of corporate terminology and documentation. soget.com |
作为药物发现项目的一部分 ,DTP与各种组织签订了合同,以便在世界范围内搜 集植物、微生物和海洋大型生物。 wipo.int | As part of the drug [...] discov ery program,DTP has contracts with [...]various organizations for the collection of plants, microbes [...]and marine macro-organisms worldwide. wipo.int |
无论是简单的活动,或是涉及翻译、校 审、编辑、图形 、DTP和印刷的复杂文 档处理项目,我们的销售和项目经理始 [...]终积极为您专门定制从概念到成品阶段 的完整工作流程。 soget.net | Our s ales and project managersare always [...]willing to define customised workflows, whether for single activities or complex [...]documentation processes involving translation, proofreading, editing, graphics, DTP and printing - from conception to the finished product. soget.com |
DTP/NCI将作出真诚努力,向[原产国]的[原 [...]产国组织](作为[原产国]政府指定的代理)转让与药物发现和发展相关的知 识、技能和技术,但要求合作方提供双方可以接受的保证,以保护与专利技术相 关的知识产权。 wipo.int | DTP/NCIwill makesincere [...]efforts to transfer knowledge, expertise, and technology related to drug discovery and development [...]to [SCO] in [Source Country] (as the agent appointed by the [Source Country] Government), subject to the provision of mutually acceptable guarantees for the protection of intellectual property associated with any patented technology. wipo.int |
除了专业的翻译和校对人员,我们还和医生、IT [...] 专家以及其他技术领域(特别是工业)的专家 、DTP等人员合作。由于这种团队合作和每个小组成员的崇高敬业精神,Ando [...]Translations 得以确保交付的所有产品的最高质量。 ando.cz | Aside from professional translators and proofreaders, we also cooperate with doctors, IT specialists, and [...] specialists in other technical (particularly [...] indust rial) fields,DTP etc. Thanksto the [...]teamwork and maximal commitment of the [...]individual team members, Ando Translations ensures the top quality of all products delivered. ando.cz |
图像设计大专课程的毕业生可以从事相关领域的工作,包括了平面设计师 、DTP艺术家、包装设计师、视觉效果师、企业设计师、内部设计师、色彩分析员、插画家、艺术总监、创意总监、数码图像艺术家、设计顾问、数码影印员、活动设计师及陈列展示设计师。 systematic.edu.my | Graphic design career paths cover all [...] ends of the creative spectrum including: [...] Graphic Designer, DTPArtist,Packaging [...]Designer, Visualiser, Corporate Designer, [...]In-house Designer, Colour Separator, Illustrator, Art Director, Creative Director, Digital Image Artist, Design Consultant, Digital Printer, Event Designer, Display Artist. systematic.edu.my |
本学期的翻译实践课程共 15 课时,为期 3 [...] 个多月,培训内容紧密结合学校课程,主题包括“本地化翻译的特点”、“英文技术写作概论”、“翻译过程中常用软件及工具讨论”、“专利法与专利文献的翻译”、“科技翻译的特点和取词”、 “DTP基础培训”等。 sunyu.com | The training revolves closely around the school's courses and covers topics including "Characteristics of Localization Translation", "Overview of Technical English Writing", "Common Translation Software and Tools", "Translation [...] of Patent Legislation and Literature", "Characteristics and Wording of Technical [...] Translations" and "Basic DTP Training. sunyu.com |
因此,我们从与客户建立联系起到根据目标语言进行最 终DTP服务和调整的整个过程中,都注重收集和管理客户特定的术语,以便能够在翻译和编辑相关的服务中使用。 turrisbabel.hu | This is why, from the moment of establishing contact all the way [...] to t heeventual DTP services and adaptation [...]to the target-language, we collect [...]and manage the customer-specific terminology in order for us to be able to use it during the whole range of translation and editing-related services. turrisbabel.hu |