正是因为 上述原因,我们必须努力尊重和珍惜各 位Dover员工的个体差异。 dek.com | It is for these reasons that we must strive to respect and value the [...] differences ofour fellow Dover employees. dek.com |
此外,我们不可利用 我们 的Dover邮件地址在博客、留言板、讨论组或其他公共论坛上发布信息,除非这样做是我们履行职责 [...]所需。 dek.com | In addition, we may not post information to blogs, [...] message boards, newsgroups or other [...] public foru msusing our Doveremailaddress, unless [...]we do so in the course of our duties. dek.com |
报告您的疑虑有益于我们的道 德文化,并帮 助Dover将对我们的员工、其他利益相关者、公司以及品牌所造成的任何损害降到最小。 dek.com | Reporting your concerns contributes to our ethical [...] cultur e and helps Doverminimise any damage [...]to our fellow employees, other stakeholders, Company and brand. dek.com |
即使您不再 为Dover工作,您仍有 责任保 持Dover信息的机密性和专有性。 dek.com | You have a dut y to keep Dover’s information confidential and proprietary [...]even after your employment ends. dek.com |
对于英国大的吸引力之处是它便捷的位置:它只需不到两小时,穿越整个北加莱海峡大区是一个不到90分钟的车程,距离Calais渡轮码头与 从Dover到Calais端口。 leapfrog-properties.com | For British the big attraction of the department is its convenient location: it takes less than two hours to cross from Dover to Calais by Ferry with the whole of the Nord Pas de Calais region being less than a 90-minute drive away from the Calais ferry port. leapfrog-properties.com |
在与竞争对 [...] 手接触时要时刻保持谨慎,一旦不知道如何采取适当行动,就请咨询您的主管 和Dover法律部。 dek.com | Always be cautious when dealing with competitors and consult your [...] line man ager and the DoverLaw Department whenever [...]you have questions about taking the appropriate action. dek.com |
制造装备:两片罐生产线由世界一流的设备完美构成,冲杯机、拉伸机、彩印机、打底机、内喷涂机等由美国Stolle公司提供;烘房由英国Greenbank公司提供;缩颈翻边机由美国Belvac公司(隶属于世界5 00强DOVER公司)提供;即使是输送线系统、线控系统,也全部由美国公司制造(如美国Fleetwood、Codi公司等)。 cofco-pack.com | The cup machine, stretching machine, color printing machine, padding machine and the spraying machine are provided by the US company Stolle; the drying room is provided by the UK company Greenbank; the necking flanging machine is provided by US company Belvac (under DOVER, the Global 500 company); the transmission line system and line control systems are also manufactured by the US company , Fleetwood, Codi, etc. The first phase production speed is up to 2000 cans/minute (the second phase will be 2400 cans/minute), which is currently the most advanced two-piece can production line. cofco-pack.com |
请记住,未经授权,您不得试图代 表Dover发言, 也不应感到一定要给外界的询问提供答案。 dek.com | Keep in mind that you should never [...] attempt tospeak on Dover’s behalf when not [...]authorised to do so, and should not feel [...]pressured to provide answers to outside inquiries. dek.com |
我们必须遵守所 有Dover联营协议,遵照相关规定, 将 对Dover信息和系统的访问限定于特定人员。 dek.com | We must abide by allDover jointventure agreements that specify and limit acc ess to Doverinformation [...]and systems to certain individuals. dek.com |
今年是Nike Air Force 1诞生30周年,Nike特别与英 国DoverStreet Market合作推出全球限量发售的DSM AF1系列,并运用防水与透气性兼备的Ventile织物打造。 think-silly.com | This year is the 30th anniversary of Nike Air Force 1’s establishment, Nike specially launch the world’s limited-edition DSM AF1 series in cooperation with the Dover Street Market from England, created by applying Ventile, a waterproof yet breathable fabric . think-silly.com |
在本规范中,您可以找到很多资源,帮助自己在开 展Dover业务时尽可能做出最佳决策。 dek.com | You will find many resources throughout our Code to help you make the best possible [...] decisions whe n conductingDover business. dek.com |
大多数国家/地区的反腐败法律禁止 疏通费,而即使在当地法律允许的情况 下Dover也禁止此类付款。 dek.com | The anti-corruption laws of most countries prohibit [...] facilitating pa yments, and Dover, too,prohibits such [...]payments even when allowed by local law. dek.com |
人物专访方面,以一系列艺术界名人、政治人物为对象制作雕塑模型而引起国际热话的美国设计师Michael Leavitt;最新与伦 敦DoverStreet Market合办书店的IDEA [...]Books创办人Angela Hill等是今回的主要部分。 think-silly.com | We’ve also interviewed an outstanding designer, Michael Leavitt from United States, who most widely known for handmade action figures of [...] artists and politicians, and Angela Hill from IDEA Books that had been [...] invited to work withDover StreetMarketrecently. think-silly.com |
首先是基本型号 的DoverShoes,配上Barrie Last鞋楦趋向保持修长风格,鞋内单层无衬里的结构令穿者更感舒适。 think-silly.com | The b asic styleDover Shoes are made with [...]Barrie Last to keep its slim shape in place. The absence of lining gives more comfort. think-silly.com |
但 是 , 该《 条 例 》 并 未 达 至 改 动 在 London, Chatham andDover诉South Eastern Railway Co16一 案 中 订 定 的 以 下 一 条 普 通 法 规 则 的 地 步 : 在 双 方 没 有 明 示 或 默 示 协 议 的 情 况 下 , 债 权 人 无 权 获 得 任 何 虽 过 期 缴 付 但 在 诉 讼 程 序 开 始 之 前 已 缴 付 的 款 项 的 利 息 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The Ordinance does not however go so far as to change the general common law rule laid down in London, Chatham and Dover v South Eastern Railway Co16 that a creditor in the absence of express or implied agreement has no right to interest on sums paid late but before legal proceedings are commenced. hkreform.gov.hk |
DSM AF1共有深蓝及纯白两款配色,将於7月20日在东京银座以及7月28日在伦 敦DoverStreet Market率先发布,9月1日将於香港发售。 think-silly.com | DSM AF1 is available in navy blue and white, first launch on 20th of July [...] in Gin zaTokyo and DoverStreet Market on the [...]28th July. think-silly.com |
Q:为何首间NOWHERE期间限定店安排於英国 的DoverStreet Market开设,而不选址东京? think-silly.com | Q: Why choseDover Street Market as [...]its first re-launch, not somewhere in Tokyo? think-silly.com |
请记住,我们决不可为了自己而利用在 使 用Dover公司财产或信息时,或凭借我们在公司的职位而发现的任何业务机会,除 非DoverCorporation 以书面方式明确放弃相关机会。 dek.com | Keep in mind that we may not take for ourselves any business [...] opportunities that we [...] discover while using Dover company property or information, or through our position with our company, unless expressly waived in writingbyDover Corporation. dek.com |
之后您应与您的主 管谈话或致 电Dover法律部报告这种情况并寻求更多建议。 dek.com | You should then speak to your line [...] manager or call the DoverLaw Department to [...]report the situation and seek further advice. dek.com |
此外,我们不可 对Dover竞争对手或其产品或服务发表错误或误导性的毁谤 言论。 dek.com | In addition, we may not make disparaging statements that are false [...] or misl eadingaboutDover competitors or their [...]products or services. dek.com |
您有责任了解并遵守您在代表任 何Dover公司工作时适用的所有公平竞争法。 dek.com | It is your responsibility to know and adhere to all the fair competition laws that apply to the work you [...] do on behalf of anyDover company. dek.com |
如果对针对某项产品或技术的出口控制存 在疑问,请联系您的当地合规协调员 或Dover法律部。 dek.com | Please contact your local compliance [...] co-ordinator or the Dover Law Department in case of any doubt regarding the export controls on a [...] particular pro duct ortechnology. dek.com |
更多有关公司就选择供应商和其他业务合作伙伴所持观点的信息,请咨 询Dover供应链 团队。 dek.com | For additional information regarding our Company’s position on supplier and other business partner selection, [...] pleas e consult theDover SupplyChain team. dek.com |
本《供应商行为规范》(简称本 “供应商规范”)是 《Dover商业行为和道德规范》(简称 “Dover规范”)的延伸,它为供应 商 与Dover公司开展业务设立了标准。 dek.com | This Supplier Code of Conduct (this [...] “Supplier Code”) is an [...] extension ofthe DoverCorporation Code of Business Conduct and Ethics ( the “DoverCode,”and establishes the standards for conducting bus iness withDover. dek.com |
Dover承诺在当地法律允许的范围内,在最大程度上为您的信息保密,并尽力严格保证仅对需要知情者披露举报的 [...]信息。 dek.com | Dover iscommittedto keeping [...]your information confidential to the fullest extent reasonably possible under local law, and [...]strives to disclose reported information only on a strict, need-to-know basis. dek.com |
而以Tyvek材质打造的鞋舌标签印有17-18字样,代表了Comme [...] des Garcons Lo ndonDoverStreet Market的门牌号。 think-silly.com | The Tyvek-made tongue tab is marked with 17-18, representing the street number of Comme [...] des Ga rcons LondonDover StreetMarket. think-silly.com |
N:那时Jun的UNDER COVER经已 在DoverStreet Market发售,而我亦希望将BAPE®放到店内。 think-silly.com | N: Jun’s UNDER [...] COVER is stocked inDover Street Market, and [...]I wanted to put BAPE® in the shop too. think-silly.com |
供应商必须了 解无 论Dover在哪一国家/地区开展业务 ,Dover的义务和要求均适用,还要认识到在某些情况 下 ,Dover及其供应商开展业务时还必须遵 守Dover运营业务所在的其他国家/地区的法律。 dek.com | The Supplier must [...] recogni zethatDover’s obligations and requirements extend to all countries where Dover does business, and that in some cases, Dover- and its suppliers - are required to conduct business in accordance with the laws of other countri esin which Dover operates. dek.com |
上述信息包 含Dover当前、之前和未来潜在客户、供应商和其他业 务合作伙伴的业务方法、定价和营销数据、战略、计算机代码、屏幕、表格、实验性研究和信息。 dek.com | This information includes business methods, pricing and marketing data, strategy, computer code, screens, forms, experimental research and information about Dover’s current, former and prospective customers, suppliers and other business partners. dek.com |