

单词 132-sources







虽然渔业的贡献,随着时间的推移不断下降,但 它对经济仍然是至关重要的,因为它是一些环礁食品和就业的主要来源。
While the contribution of fisheries has been declining over time, it still remains vital to the economy, as it is the main source of food and employment in a number of atolls.
(25) 讨论还围绕编制文件 33 C/5 应考虑的其他一些问题进行:因特网时代的言论自由;记者的安 全;制订利用信息的指导原则;关于公有信息的政策;图书馆和档案馆在建设知识社会中的作用 (还建议将其作为部门间合作的新专题);继续把世界记忆计划作为旗舰活动;关于使用开放源软 件的思考和指导原则;传播和信息的能力建设以及媒体专业人员的培训;公共广播事业;发展社区 多媒体中心;开发多种多样的和多语言的本地内容。
(25) The debate also highlighted other themes which should be taken into account in the preparation of document 33 C/5: freedom of expression in the Internet age; safety of journalists; development of guidelines for access to information; policies on public domain information; the role of libraries and archives in building knowledge societies (also proposed as a theme for new intersectoral cooperation); continuation of the Memory of the World Programme as a flagship activity; reflection and guidelines on the use of open source software; capacity-building in communication and information and training of media professionals; public service broadcasting; development of community multimedia centres; and development of diverse and multilingual local content.
各位部长认识到,数以百万计的世界居民依赖珊瑚礁及有关海洋生态系统 的健康来维持可持续的生计和发展,因为它们是主要的食物和收入来源,同时 还提供不受风暴、海啸和海岸侵蚀的保护。
The Ministers recognized that millions of the world’s inhabitants depend on the health of coral reefs and related marine ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods and development as they are a primary source of food and income and also provide for protection from storms, tsunamis and coastal erosion.
计算机软件业本身也是创新 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员认为在过去的十年左右时间内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。
The computer software industry is also a highly important source of innovation in its own right and its members argue that they have produced dramatic gains in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen.
There were, likewise, many elements of tannaitic tradition, especially the midrashic exegesis of the Bible, as well as numerous halakic interpretations, lexicographical and material, which were ready for incorporation into the Talmud in its more restricted meaning of the interpretation of the Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the standard halakic work, both as a source for decisions of questions of religious law, and, even more especially, as a subject of study in the academies, the Talmud interpretation of the mishnaic text, both in theory and in practise, naturally became the most important branch of study, and included the other branches of traditional science, being derived from the Halakah and the Midrash (halakic exegesis), and also including haggadic material, though to a minor degree.
34 即使人们已知材料的直接来源,这也未必是它的原始来源,特别是在普通情况下,材料的 获取是从多年积累的非原生境收藏中得到的。
34 Even if the immediate source of material is known, this may not be the original source, especially where material is obtained, as is very common, from ex situ collections that have been built up over many years.
开放源码软件活动的 发展,为个人增加了机会,可能通过记录理解发展中国家经济的生产部门创作和 采用先进软件产品的思路。
The development of the open source software movement has enhanced opportunities for individuals to acquire understanding of a documented logic of how advanced software products can be created and deployed in productive sectors of developing-country economies.
还需要做许多工作来促进补充的系统,能够沿供应链在来源控制和防 止食品安全危害,降低对终端产品的抽样和测试的依赖。
Much still needs to be done to promote complementary systems that will enable the control and prevention of food safety hazards at the source along the supply chain and decrease the reliance on end-product sampling and testing.
本集团将所赚取的会被视作源於印度的收入金额尚未获 印度法院厘定,因此仍未能确定该等收入之金额数目。
The portion of revenue earned by the Group that would be deemed to be Indian sourced is yet to be decided by the Indian Courts and is therefore still uncertain.
有几个成员国确认南南合作已成为发展援助 的一个重要来源,同时表示愿意与亚太经社会其他成员国合作和协调,以便 更好地挖掘中心的潜力服务于本区域。
Acknowledging that SouthSouth cooperation had become a major source of development assistance, several member countries expressed their willingness to cooperate and coordinate with other ESCAP member countries in order to better utilize the potential of the Centre for the region.
一位业界代表不同意黄先生的回覆,认为对於來自相同致敏來源的不同 配料,在一种配料中标示致敏來源(例如牛奶朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白质)已能 达到目的。
They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would serve the purpose e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein.
工作组满意地回顾到,在小组委员会 2009 年第四十六届会议上,由小组委 员会 2007 年第四十四届会议设立的科学和技术小组委员会与国际原子能机构 (原子能机构)的联合专家组提前一年完成了其多年期工作计划所载《外层空 间核动力源应用问题安全框架》的拟订工作,该《安全框架》于 2009 年获得小 组委员会第四十六届会议通过,并由和平利用外层空间委员会第五十二届会议 加以核可。
The Working Group recalled with satisfaction that at the forty-sixth session of the Subcommittee, in 2009, the Joint Expert Group of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), established by the Subcommittee at its forty-fourth session, in 2007, had completed, one year ahead of the schedule contained in its multi-year workplan, preparation of the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space and that in 2009 the Safety Framework had been adopted by the Subcommittee at its forty sixth session and endorsed by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at its fifty-second session.
没有其他人类活动能够象私营企业这 样将人员、资本和创新聚集在一起,创造生产型工作机会并提供有利可图的商品 和服务,这正是财富的源泉。
No other human activity matches private enterprise in its ability to assemble people, capital and innovation in order to create productive jobs and produce goods and services profitably — the source of wealth creation.
尤其是根据战略目标一(以兼顾各方利益的方式发展国际知识产权规范性框架)、战略目标三(为 利用知识产权促进发展提供便利)、战略目标五(为全世界提供知识产权信息与分析的参考源)和战略目 标七(根据全球政策主题处理知识产权问题),WIPO 在解决有关指标与方法和支持创新鼓励政策问题的 过程中能够发挥重要作用。
WIPO, especially under its Strategic Goal I (balanced evolution of the international normative framework for IP), Strategic Goal III (facilitating the use of IP for development) Strategic Goal V (world reference source for IP information and analysis) and Strategic Goal VII (addressing IP in relation to global policy issues), can play an important role in addressing the issues around indicators and methodologies and supporting incentives for innovation.
微 观 层 面 , 随 着 竞 争 对 手 港 口 汉 阳 港 计 划 於 二 零 一一年年中 关闭并 搬 迁 至 阳 逻( 即 武 汉 阳 逻 港 所 在地), 董 事 认 为 此 乃 极 佳 机 遇 , 可 令 武 汉 阳 逻 港 首 次 与 汉 阳 港 於 陆 路 运 输 成 本 方 面 处 於 同 等 竞 争 地 位 , 及 於 二 零 一一年 吸 引 更 多 费 率 较 高 的 武 汉 本 地 集 装 箱 业 务 , 从 而 增 加 本 集 团 武 汉 本 地 货 运 业 务 的 收 入 及 市 场 份 额 。
On the micro front, with the closure and relocation of the competitor port, Hangyang Port to the Yanglou area, where the WIT Port is located, planned to take place in mid 2011, the Directors welcome the opportunity for the WIT Port to compete on an equal footing with the Hangyang Port in terms of the land side transportation costs for the first time and to attract more Wuhan sourced containers with higher tariff rates to the port thereby increasing the Group’s Wuhan sourced cargo revenue and market share in 2011.
英国聚乙烯工业公司 (BPI) 在过去十年来不断发展 壮大,成功的策略让它成为了全球聚乙烯薄膜产 品的最大生产商之一,产品广泛应用于日常生 活中;公司的回收工厂负责重新处理英国境内工 业、商业、农业和其他来源的废料。
British Polythene Industries (BPI) has developed over the last decade to strategically become one of the largest producers of polythene film products worldwide which are used in everyday applications and its recycling plants reprocess waste from industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic source across the UK.
在适用的情 况下,环境方面的考虑也将逐渐成为采购活动的选择标准。
Environmental considerations will also gradually become, whenever relevant, a selection criteria in sourcing activities.
关于贸易问题,宣言的结论是,全球金融危机对发展中国家的影响,暴露了 这些国家过渡强调贸易自由化和缺乏确保贸易能提供发展筹资稳定来源的各种 机制所造成的脆弱问题。
Concerning trade, the declaration concluded that the impact of the global financial crisis on developing countries was exposing vulnerabilities resulting from too much emphasis on the liberalization of trade and a lack of mechanisms for ensuring that trade provided a stable source of development finance.
故董事相信,授出一般授权将为资金来源提供灵活性,使 贵公司可及时 把握任何潜在机会。
The Directors therefore believe that the grant of General Mandate will provide flexibility in the source of funding and allow the Company to grasp any potential opportunities in a timely manner.
这即是說,如果制冰的水含有致病微生物,在使用冰块时,这 些微生物或会活跃起來,并使食用冰块的人受感染。
This means that if harmful microorganisms are present in the source water from which the ice is made, they may also be viable in the ice when it is used, and capable of causing infection in the customer.
报告必须采取书面形式,并写明送交者的身份;如果信息来源不 是家庭成员,它必须有该家庭的直接同意,才可代表该家庭送交案件;它还必须 能与失踪人员的亲属一起就其命运采取后续行动。
They must be submitted in writing with a clear indication of the identity of the sender; if the source is other than a family member, it must have direct consent of the family to submit the case on its behalf, and it must also be in a position to follow up with the relatives of the disappeared person concerning his or her fate.
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第 3 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013 年最重要的趋势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的 IT 业增长和创新的‘第 3 平台’- 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、云服务、社交技术和海量数据,及建于它们之上的新兴高价值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年的大部分增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业 PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。
The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing on the 3rd Platform" (source: IDC) identifies “the most important trends and events in 2013 will cluster around what IDC calls the "3rd Platform" for IT industry growth and innovation — built on mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging high-value industry solutions built on top of them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth.
因此,采购和差旅服务将侧重于利用战略性采购提高价值;在确 保向本组织用户持续提供优质、面向客户的支助的同时,提高各项活动的效率。
Procurement and travel services will therefore focus on driving value through strategic sourcing and enhancing the efficiency of its activities while ensuring a continuous high quality and customer-oriented support to users across the Organization.
股息将於截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度在股东权益中确认为保留盈余 根据印度税务条例,本集团可能需要就提供转发器容量予在印度运作业务或从印度赚取收益的 本集团客户所支付的租金而缴纳印度所得税。
be recognised in shareholders’ equity as an appropriation of retained earnings in the year ending Under Indian tax regulations, the Group may be subject to Indian tax on revenues received by the Group in respect of income from provision of satellite transponder capacity to the Group’s customers for purposes of those customers carrying on business in India or earning income from any source in India.
(f) 案件应由可靠的信息来源送交工作组,该信息来源如果不是家庭成 员,必须说明被报告的受害者的家属已直接向其表示同意由其代表他们将该案件 送交工作组。
(f) A case should be submitted to the Working Group by a reliable source, which, if other than a family member, must indicate whether the reported victim’s family has given their direct consent that this case be submitted to WGEID on their behalf.
通过国家氟氯化碳淘汰计划建立的网站 已经成为各种利益攸关方获得各种最新信息的重要来源;并且还可以从该网站上下载各种 培训材料、时事通讯及其他技术信息。
The website developed through the NCCOPP has been an important and appreciated source of updated information for various stakeholders; and training materials, newsletters and other technical information will be available for downloading on the website.




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