又如出自着名时装摄影师Mario Sorrenti之手,於1994年 替Dolce&Gabbana所拍摄的造型特集,那九十年代独特的气息和质感,哪怕在意大利也找不回了。 think-silly.com | There is also a photo book by Mario Sorrenti, feauting his campaign for Dolce &Gabbana in1994. think-silly.com |
它代表华丽的生活品味,唤起对甜美生活 (LaDolceVita) 年代的回忆,陶醉于Gucci及Riva尽得奢华旅游人士热捧的黄金岁月。 gucci.com | It is a symbol of a glamorous lifestyle that sparks [...] fond mem ories of La Dolce Vita- a golden age [...]when both Gucci and Riva attracted an [...]enthusiastic following among the international jet set. gucci.com |
所有的这一切开始于2002年,当这个公司开始进入联合品牌时代:与Paul Sm ith,Dolce&Gabbana 还有 Vivienne [...]Tam的合作。 labbrand.com | Everything started in 2002, when the company entered in co-branded agreements with [...] Paul S mith, Dolce& Gabbana andVivienne Tam. labbrand.com |
专门店的全新入口将电影 「DolceVita」(甜美生活)年代的着名大门重现眼前,在那里无数20世纪的影星及皇室成员被狗仔队疯狂追访。 gucci.com | The new entrance replicates the [...] famous do orof the DolceVita era,where [...]20th century movie stars and royals were caught by the paparazzi of the time. gucci.com |
尽管片中还是少不了“ LaDolceVita”的味道——“医生,我感到很孤独,因为我太富有了……”,但这并不是主要的。 citij.com | It's not completely [...] without this 'La Dolce Vita' flavor — [...]"Doctor, I am so lonely. citij.com |
Longines邀得香港小姐原子鏸小姐演绎名曲“I dreamed [...] a dream” 及”All that [...] Jazz”,紧接着有2009年东亚运动会中作拉丁舞表演的香港先生许家杰先生,连同五位拉丁舞拍挡演绎由着名拉丁舞老师周志坤先生编排的拉丁热舞,把 ladolcevita(甜蜜生活)的精神尽情发挥。 longines.cn | It was followed by the sensual Latin dance performance by former Mr. Hong Kong Jack Hui, who performed at [...] the 2009 East Asian Games, together with five great latin dancers, manifesting [...] the s pirit of la dolce vitato thefull. longines.fr |
随着意大利的大品牌(Gianni Versa ce、DolceeGabbana、Moschino、Gianfranco [...]Ferré……)在市场上崭露头角,带有品牌标签的服装逐渐被视为地位的象征,越来越多的人们渴望拥有和购买它们。 lillainternationalgroup.it | As the big Italian brands [...] (Gianni Ver sace, Dolce e Gabbana, Moschino, [...]Gianfranco Ferré…) started to establish themselves [...]on the market, labeled clothes turned gradually to be identified with a status symbol, and more and more people desired to own – and buy – them. lillainternationalgroup.it |