

单词 dna鉴定

See also:



(ancient bronze mirror)


inspect v
warn v

External sources (not reviewed)

4月,在美国俄克拉何马州的俄克拉何马城被发现的尸骨,有可能是2001年8月下落不明的日本女留学生的尸体,警察方面开始进 DNA鉴定。
Because the human bone, which was found in Oklahoma City in the US in April, could belong to a Japanese student who had been missing since August of 2001, the local police was to conduct a DNA analysis.
司法国际论坛/ 查谟和克什米尔邦人权论坛建议印度允许对查谟和克什米尔 邦的群葬坟和无标识坟墓中的尸体 DNA 鉴定,并允许这方面的国际调查。
IFJ/HRFJK recommended that India allow DNA profiling of the bodies from mass and unmarked graves in Jammu and Kashmir and allow for international investigation in this regard.147 A related recommendation was made by JS22.148 68.
DNA 鉴定行动 准则》的机构,美利坚合众国DNA 分析方法科学分 析工作组失踪人员委员会的代表,法医学家促进人权和人道主义调查联盟的代 表,医生促进人权协会国际法医方案,以及设在失踪人员国际委员的法医学方案 指导委员会的成员。
Original: English Genetics (ISFG), contributors involved in the establishment of the AABB Guidelines for Mass Fatality DNA Identification Operations, representatives of the Missing Persons Committee of the United States of America Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods, representatives of the Alliance of Forensic Scientists for Human Rights and Humanitarian Investigations, the International Forensic Program of Physicians for Human Rights and, the members of the Steering Committee on Forensic Science Programs (SCFS) at the ICMP.
在法医遗传学鉴定方面尤为重要的一个问题涉及利用幸存家人 DNA 参照 图谱鉴定受害者的身分。
A particularly important issue with regard
to forensic genetic identification has to do with the use of
[...] surviving family reference DNA profiles to identify victims.
该办公室采取积极行动打击垃圾邮 件,并参与修订允许公众获取公司登记簿内特定数据的立法,及参与 定 规范 DNA 数据的收集和使用的新立法。
The Office was active in the fight against spam and was involved in revising legislation that
permitted public
[...] access to certain data in the register of companies, as well as in developing new legislation to regulate the collection and use of DNA data.
香港大學李嘉誠醫學院生物化學系研究人員於2005年發現核纖層蛋白Lamin A基因變異可損DNA修復 功能,而令基因組變得不 定 , 導 致早老症。
In 2005, researchers from the Department of Biochemistry of The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine discovered that the
malfunction of Lamin A
[...] protein causes problems in DNA repair and unstable genome, leading to Hutchingson-Gilford [...]
Progeria Syndrome
(HGPS), a severe early onset of premature aging disorder in human.
伊拉克、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那及其他国家都在使用失踪人员国际委员会提供的 大型数据管理系统,这些系统包含基DNA 的大规模身鉴定工具
Iraq and Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries have been implementing large data management systems provided by the International Commission on Missing Persons, whose systems include large-scale DNA-based identification tools.
截至目前,在委员会提供的技术援助下,已采DNA 技术鉴别了 18 000 名失踪人员的身份。
To date, such technical assistance has led [...]
to the identification of a total of 18,000 missing persons using their DNA.
具体活动有编写工程科学方面的系列学习材料和教学材料“设计建造一个更加美好 的世界”,开始一项“关于工程教育、资 鉴定 和 质量保证的国际调查”,举办关于“工 程、科学和技术方面的妇女与性别问题”、“资 鉴定 - - 工 程 问题与专业惯例”和“工程和 技术促进消除贫穷”的专家讲习班。
Specific activities included the development of an “Engineering A Better World” series of learning and teaching materials in the engineering sciences, the launch of an “International Survey on Engineering Education, Accreditation and Quality Assurance” and expert workshops on “Women and Gender Issues in Engineering, Science and Technology”, “Accreditation – Engineering Issues and Professional Practice” and “Engineering and Technology for Poverty Eradication”.
他用这本帧使用的外来形式的抢劫,但不断变化,使他 DNA 不 稳 定 , 他 最终成为一个突变的所有外来形式。
He uses this to frame Ben for robberies using
the alien forms, but the constant
[...] changes makes his DNA unstable and he eventually [...]
becomes a mutation of all the alien forms.
他在答复代表们提出的问题时澄清了以下问题: 关于海关官员培训和许可证制度的
[...] 最后评价报告将讨论提供给海关官员的消耗臭氧层物 鉴定 设 备 是否是所需要的型号,而 且在数量是否满足需要;案头研究是实地考察的必要先头工作,使他能够向执行委员会证 [...]
In response to questions from representatives, he clarified that the final report on the evaluation of customs officers training and licensing system projects would cover the question of whether the equipment supplied to customs
officers for identification of ODS was of the
[...] required type and number; that a desk [...]
study was a necessary precursor to a field
study, enabling him to verify with the Executive Committee that he was indeed studying the issues that the members considered most relevant; and that the determination of subjects for evaluation was made independently by him, as desired by the Executive Committee, and then discussed collaboratively within the Secretariat.
具備 DNA 排序設備及技術的 實驗所,將可根據數據庫內DNA 資料,為定食品提 供定服務
Laboratories with DNA sequencing equipment and technique will be able to provide authentication services based on DNA information in the database.
在项目设计、建造和实施阶段需要 专题专家参与各种活动并为其提供协助,包括审查 鉴定 培 训 材料和桌 面程序、开展集成测试、进行用户接受度测试、培训用户并在部署期间 提供支持。
The subject matter experts are required in the design, build and implementation phases of the project to participate and provide assistance in a variety of activities, including reviewing and validating training materials and desk procedures, performing integration testing, conducting user acceptance testing, training users and providing support during deployment.
取得的成果包括:从制度规范角度巩固了对法案进行性 鉴定 的 程序和机 制;为其实行奠定了方法论基础;对《宪法》,一系列法典、法律和法案进行性鉴定;设立了总统下属的国家妇女、家庭和性别发展问题委员会;在吉尔吉斯 共和国议会形成了必须获得《法律草案性 鉴定 结 论 》的惯例;推广了使用按性 别划分的统计信息的惯例;建立了监测和评估妇女地位的国家体系;根据《北京 行动纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《千年发展目标》制订了相应 的性别指标。
The results: there has been an institutional and normative strengthening of procedures and mechanisms for the assessment of draft laws and regulations from a gender perspective; a methodological basis for such assessments has been created; the Constitution, a number of codes, laws and legislation are now subject to assessment from a gender perspective; the President’s national council on questions relating to women, the family and gender mainstreaming is now functioning; it has become the practice of the Parliament to receive an assessment of proposed legislation from a gender perspective; the use of gender-disaggregated statistics has grown; a system of national mechanisms has been set up to monitor and evaluate the status of women; and standardized gender indicators have been produced on the basis of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Millennium Development Goals.
因此,如果不能获得一 个或更多的内部证人或高度专业化 鉴定 人 ,调查过程的难度可能远超过战争罪 案件。
Hence, without access to one or more insider witnesses or highly specialized expert witnesses, the investigative process may well be much more difficult than that in a war crimes case.
摩尔多瓦共和国卫生部与国家统计局合作,在世界银行的资助和世界卫生 组织欧洲局专家们的帮助下,开始准备预计在 2008 年上半年开展的家庭调查,
[...] 以便于评估与卫生保健相关的家庭支出,其中包括在对缴纳保费时需要国家补助 的人员更加公正客观鉴定后对 其非正式支出项目的评估。
In cooperation with the National Bureau of Statistics, under the auspices of the World Bank and with the contribution of the experts of the European Bureau of the WHO the preparation of the organisation of the household survey have been initiated, planned for implementation in the half of 2008, which will allow the valuation of the healthcare related expenses, including of the informal payment with a much more
objective identification of persons that require direct financial protection
[...] from the state when paying insurance premiums.
建议建立该中心的依据是《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(1972 年)的各项原则, 特别是缔约国应努力“促进建立或发展有关保护、保存和展出文化和自然遗产的国家或地区 培训中心,并鼓励这方面的科学研究”(第 5 条),应与本公约指定的三个咨询机构 [国际
文物保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)、国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)和世界保护自然 联盟(IUCN)]合作(第 13
[...] 条),切实利用可由世界遗产委员会“向培训文化和自然遗产鉴定、保 护、保存、展出和恢复方面的各级工作人员和专家的国家或地区中心提供(的) [...]
国际援助”(第 23 条)以及缔约国“应……努力增强本国人民对本公约第
1 和 2 条中确定 的文化和自然遗产的鉴赏和尊重”(第 27 条)。
The proposed institute is rooted in the principles of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, including efforts by States Parties “to foster the establishment or development of national or regional centres for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage and to encourage scientific research in this field” (Article 5), cooperation with the three Advisory Bodies so designated under the Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN) (Article 13), effective utilization of international assistance, which may be provided by the World
Heritage Committee “to national or regional centres for the training of staff and specialists in
[...] the field of identification, protection, [...]
conservation, presentation
and rehabilitation of the cultural and natural heritage” (Article 23) and State Party efforts to “strengthen appreciation and respect by their peoples of the cultural and natural heritage defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention” (Article 27).
已 围绕下列假设做过研究:(a) 细胞和组织对低剂量辐射的适应性可使它们对癌症 的发展更具抵抗力(适应性反应);(b) 辐射对免疫系统的影响——免疫系统负责 识别并摧毁异常细胞——可影响癌症发展的可能性;以及(c) 辐射可产生变化, 从而对细DNA 的稳定产生 持久的、可传递的影响(基因组不稳定性),并且(或 者)激发从受损细胞向未受损的邻界细胞传送信号(旁观者效应);基因不稳定 和旁观者效应被认为是改变辐射相关癌症风险的可能因素。
There have been studies relating to the following hypotheses: (a) that adaptation of cells and tissues to low doses of radiation might cause them to become more resistant to cancer development (adaptive response); (b) that the effects of radiation on the immune systems, which recognize and destroy abnormal cells, could influence the likelihood of cancer development; and (c) that radiation can produce changes that create long-lasting and transmissible effects on the stability of cellular DNA (genomic instability) and/or trigger the transfer of signals from damaged cells to their undamaged neighbours (bystander effects); both genomic instability and bystander effects have been suggested as possible factors that modify radiation-associated cancer risk.
观察员表示,从他的 观点看,对DNA 重组 疫苗处理的动物的食品安全给予进一步指导可能是 定 联 合标 准的适当选题。
The Observer stated that, in his view, further guidance on the food safety of animal treated with recombinant-DNA vaccines could be a good subject for the development of a joint standard.
尤其是,基金支持拉丁美洲一些致力于为强迫失踪受害者家庭提供法律援助的项 目,包括通DNA 检测,确定失踪儿童。
In particular, the Fund supported a number of projects in Latin America aimed at providing legal assistance to the
families of victims of enforced disappearances, including for the
[...] identification of disappeared children, through DNA testing.
警 務 處 和 政 府 化 驗 所 亦 會 訂 立 詳細指引,明 確定 如 何 使DNA 資 料 庫 , 以確保 資 料 庫 不 會 被 濫 用。
The police and the Government Chemist will also draw up specific guidelines governing the use of the information stored in the DNA database, so as to ensure that such information will not be used improperly.
在培养阶段,细胞被一个定的DNA染 色 介质染色。
In the flow cell, the stained somatic cells are exposed to light of a specific wavelength.
在欧洲和中亚网络,有一些活动旨在预防非法贸易,如:吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯 坦和中国在 2005 年举行的三边会谈;与世界海关组织的区域情报联络处建立合作关系;
通过鼓励欧洲和中亚网络各国参与,支持亚洲及太平洋区域办事处的补天行动倡议和自愿 事先知情同意;在区域情报联络处情报部门和国家级臭氧干事之间建立合作关系;将《执
[...] 法人员指南》翻译成俄语;验证摩尔多瓦的制冷 鉴定 仪 ; 吉尔吉斯斯坦开发软件系统, 用于海关行政部门之间的数据交换。
In the ECA network, several activities aim to prevent illegal trade, e.g. a trilateral meeting with Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and China in 2005, establishment of cooperation with the regional intelligence organization (RILO) of the World Customs Organization (WCO), support of ROAP initiatives Sky Hole Patching and voluntary Prior Informed Consent by encouraging ECA network countries to participate, establishment of cooperation between RILO Intelligence and ozone officers at national level, translation of Guide for
Enforcement Officers into Russian, certification of
[...] refrigerant identifiers in Moldova, [...]
development of a software system to exchange
data between customs administrations by Kyrgyzstan.
在斯洛伐克,2002年DNA 分析法》定了利用DNA 分析进行身份确认 的条件以及进行这类分析所需的权限。
In Slovakia, the DNA Analysis Act of 2002 establishes the conditions for the use of DNA analysis for the identification of persons and the competence required to perform such analysis.
拟编列 193 100 美元,用作进行以下特派团规划/评估/咨询活动所需的差 旅费:审查鉴定和加 强外地行动的信息技术安全;监督开发、执行、认证及遵 守国际标准化组织标准(ISO 27001)的情况;开展改革管理工作并对连续性和新 拟议的信息系统提供支助;评估 鉴定 在 信 息和通信技术司现有资源范围内使用 订约人员进行集中开发、执行和支助的情况。
An amount of $193,100 is proposed for travel to undertake mission planning/assessment/consultation
activities as follows:
[...] the review, validation and strengthening of field operation IT security; oversight of the development, implementation, certification and compliance with the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 27001); change management and support for continuing and newly proposed information systems; assessment and validation of the use [...]
of contracted personnel
for centralized development, implementation and support within the context of all resources available to the Information and Communications Technology Division.
如果将此解决方案 与视频光纤端面检测器和 OTDR
[...] 搭配使用,您就能够轻松地检测脏污或损坏的连接器,查看连接器和光纤端面的清晰视图,并且实现 完全链鉴定。
Combined with a video fiber inspection probe and an OTDR, this solution lets you
easily detect dirty or damaged connectors,
[...] providing a clear view of connectors [...]
and fiber ends and enabling complete link characterization.
[...] AU/Dec.245(XIII))所产生的对非洲联盟的义务;在上述决定中,首脑大会“定鉴于联 合国安全理事会对非洲联盟的要求从未采取行动的事实,非洲联盟成 [...]
98 条关于豁免的规定,对苏丹总统奥马 尔·巴希尔的逮捕和移送不予合作”,2010 年 7 月在乌干达坎帕拉举行的首脑大 会第十五届常会(Assembly/AU/Dec.296(XV)号决定)重申了上述决定。
The African Union Commission expresses its deep regret that both the statements and the decisions grossly ignore and make no reference whatsoever to the obligations of the two countries to the African Union arising from decisions Assembly/AU/Dec.245(XIII) adopted by the thirteenth ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of
State and Government, wherein the
[...] Assembly “Decide[d] that in view of the fact that the request [...]
by the African Union has never
been acted upon (by the United Nations Security Council), the African Union Member States shall not cooperate pursuant to the provisions of article 98 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court relating to immunities for the arrest and surrender of President Omer Al-Bashir of the Sudan”, which decision was reiterated (decision Assembly/AU/Dec.296(XV) at the fifteenth ordinary session of the Assembly in July 2010 in Kampala, Uganda.
(e) 全面落实劳工组织专家委员会、针对在非法煤矿劳动和在露天煤矿评 鉴煤的等级及装载煤的儿鉴定各项 公约和建议书的适用情况、于 [...]
2010 年就 《1973 年(第 138 号)最低年龄公约》提出的个人意见中所载各项建议,在缔约 国消除任何此类最有害的童工形式。
(e) To fully implement the recommendation contained in the 2010 Individual Observation concerning Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138) by the ILO Committee of Experts on the Applications of Conventions and
Recommendations relating to the
[...] identification of children working in illegal mines [...]
and engaged in the grading and loading
of coal on open surfaces, with a view to eradicating any such worst form of child labour in the State party.
运用我们的工厂评估检查表,我们的审核员可以进行玩具指令审核程序(工厂评估、工程风险等 鉴定 、 纠正措施),我们也可与您一同创建检查表以满足您的特殊需要。
Our auditors can run the toy directive audit program (factory assessment, identification of the factory risk level, corrective actions) using our factory assessment check-list or we can create a check list with you to meet your specific needs.




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