基尔肯尼是爱尔兰的手工艺品中心,如果你想找些特别的物品,那里绝对是理想的购物地。 discoverireland.com | Kilkenny is Ireland’s unofficial crafts centre and a great place to go if you’re fancy wandering around workshops and seeking out something special. discoverireland.com |
耕地面积不断减少,大量农 民在全国各地充当农民工。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Arable land is diminishing and many people are wandering the land as migrant workers. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
徜徉在森林里外的镇中心,他意外地打开一个门户网站,“圣诞城”。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Wandering in the forest outside the town center, he accidentally opens a portal to “Christmas Town”. seekcartoon.com |
(d) 停止以流浪、逃学或闲逛和其他“身份罪”对儿童定罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) To abrogate laws which criminalize vagrancy, truancy or wandering and other “status offences” for children. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于那正在犹豫几时该做什么,几时该查询,大家可以透过以上的月历一目了然。 4tern.com | For those who are wandering, what to do, when to check, you may look through the above IRD Online Tax Return Process Calendar. 4tern.com |
两人把流浪儿带到她们的旅馆过夜,准备隔天将其送到孤儿院。 clarinsusa.com | During their visit, they encountered homeless children wandering the streets. clarinsusa.com |
不同药物可改善患者的某些症状,如失眠、焦虑、精神恍惚、不安及抑郁等。 hsbc.com.hk | Different medications can also improve symptoms in patients with problems such as sleeplessness, anxiety, wandering, agitation and depression. hsbc.com.hk |
每一次到傍晚时分,羊儿们会穿梭葡萄园吃草和回家。 4tern.com | During dusk, sheep will return home and wandering around in vineyard. 4tern.com |
你去的“冬宫”和忘记有关的日常问题和使上可以花费小时只是徘徊,并观看观看,和我没有得到厌倦,我建议大家谁想逃离的喧嚣和日常生活的喧嚣来参观冬宫,和触摸的美丽,你不要不希望去那里。 cn.badgood.info | You go to the "Hermitage" and forget about everyday problems and so on can spend hours just wandering and looking to watch to watch, and do not get bored, I advise everyone who wants to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to visit the Hermitage, and touch the beautiful, you do not want to go there. en.badgood.info |
现在,这种杂食动物在水满村随处可 见,它们在路边和路上四处游荡,鼻子在 土里乱拱,三五成群地散布在村庄池塘旁, 或是拖着大大的肚子在房屋之间的空地上 蹒跚而行。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Now one can see the omnivorous creature everywhere in Shuiman, wandering next to or over the road, its snout in the rubbish, four of them by the village pond or dragging their stomachs across the ground between houses. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
颠沛流离辗转欧洲各地后,布鲁诺于 1591 年回到意大利。 wdl.org | After adventurous wanderings all over Europe, Bruno came back to Italy in 1591. wdl.org |
它看起来就像是一条被无聊与负面情绪所包围的成就与挑战的梦游之 路。 avatarepc.com | It seems to be a wandering path of accomplishments and challenges bordered by boredom and other negative emotions. avatarepc.com |
去年秋天,我决定结束自己的漂泊生涯,回到奥地利。 ski2.com | I decided last autumn to end my long years of wandering and return to Austria. ski2.com |
七一过後,如何在市民与中央之间周旋,民建联苦恼己久。 hkupop.hku.hk | After the 1 July rally, DAB has been distressed for a very long time by wandering between the local citizens and the Central Government. hkupop.hku.hk |
对于街头儿童人数的增长以及可根 据刑法以“身份罪”,比如流浪、逃学或闲逛而处罚儿童,委员会也感到震惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is also alarmed by the increase in the number of children in street situations and that children can be penalized under criminal law for “status offences”, such as vagrancy, truancy or wandering. daccess-ods.un.org |
彼得森警告说,也不建议让你的狗在一辆卡车床上自由活动。 hkcarworld.com | It's also inadvisable to leave your dog wandering loose in the bed of a pickup truck, Peterson warns. hkcarworld.com |
此外,她的头仅侧一下就有三种模式:互动式散步、观看、聆听和跳舞的注意模式;设计生动的日常声音和动作的学习模式以及回放学习顺序的响应模式。 tipschina.gov.cn | She also features three modes that can be accessed with just a tilt of her head : The modes include Attentive Mode with interactive wandering, seeing, hearing, and dancing; Learning Mode to program an animated routine of sounds and movements; and Responsive Mode to play back the learned sequences. tipschina.gov.cn |
第三,和有争议的,神秘的,AL -哈拉智(857-922),作为一个生活在他周围徘徊布道者谁聚集了大量的弟子。 mb-soft.com | A third, and controversial, mystic, al-Hallaj (857-922), lived as a wandering preacher who gathered around him a large number of disciples. mb-soft.com |
Quidam》无名的城市、路人,孤独街角中穿插的撑伞巨人、陪伴Lost Child上路的小丑、不愿让矫健身体留下的没有生命的灵魂,配合仿如蕴藏旋转木马的奇幻舞台,空中飞人、跳火圈的传统技艺,如梦似幻地展现眼前。 think-silly.com | Quidam’ — anonymous pedestrians in an unknown town, giant with umbrella wandering in the street corner, clown with lost child, spirit who refuses to leave its functioning body… all these in an astonishing stage unfolding the flying trapeze and fire-loop jumping. think-silly.com |
乔治是出生在Tehouma在安提阿教区,主教和被祝圣的流浪686阿拉伯人在11月,他当时看到Akoula。 mb-soft.com | George was born in the Tehouma in the Diocese of Antioch, and was ordained bishop of the wandering Arabs in November, 686; his see was at Akoula. mb-soft.com |
春秋季形成的新配对,通常包括一直在研究地游荡的无亲缘关系的个体。 actazool.org | When new pairs formed during summer-autumn they typically consisted of unrelated individuals that had been wandering throughout the study site. actazool.org |
他们参加观鲸航游,看到了海豚和三条懒懒的鲸鱼,并花了一个下午逛充满乐趣的卡拉拉(Carrara)周末市场。 australia.com | They spotted dolphins and three sleepy whales on a whale-watching tour and spent a fun afternoon wandering the Carrara weekend markets. australia.com |
物妖》,结合马戏式的情境、现代舞的张力和戏剧性的效果,加上令人目眩的杂技元素,构成一幅魔幻迷人的意象。 yp.mo | Together they have conceived and perfected a mix of performing genres wrapped in a dreamlike circus universe inhabited by wandering acrobats and oddly beautiful creatures. yp.mo |
我不认为失去的羊代表已得救赎但走失了的以色列人,而是未得救赎的以色列人,他们的特点就是没有听,并容易走远,不与已得救赎羊群认同。 bcbsr.com | I don't think that the lost sheep represents the redeemed of Israel who got lost, but the unredeemed of Israel who characteristically hadn't listened and was prone to wandering far away, not identifying with the redeemed flock. bcbsr.com |
人们四处游走探索、拍照、欣赏艺术、聆听音乐、享用美食与派对,他们在过往废弃的空间里创造新记忆,希望水牛城人民能和这个空间产生情感,更愿意保护这些建筑。 thisbigcity.net | People were wandering around exploring, taking photos, admiring art, listening to music, eating and partying. thisbigcity.net |
假若真主为世人所犯的罪恶而惩治他们,那末,他不留一个人在地面上;但 他让他 们延迟到一个定期,当他们的定期来临的时候,(他将依他们的行为而报 酬他们) ,因为真主确是明察他的众仆的。 shahroudi.com | Say unto those of the wandering Arabs who were left behind: Ye will be called against a folk of mighty prowess, to fight them until they surrender; and if ye obey, Allah will give you a fair reward; but if ye turn away as ye did turn away before, He will punish you with a painful doom. shahroudi.com |
对观福音阐明了这个信仰的犹太根源, 象犹太人在进入应许之地前在旷野俳徊一样, 它们讨论的题材适合于使人为理解约翰福音和书信作准备。 bcbsr.com | The synoptics clarify the Jewish roots of the faith and like the Jews wandering in the desert before entering the promise land, they deal with material appropriate to prepare one to understand the gospel of John and the letters. bcbsr.com |