根 据波兰电子通讯办公室(UKE)的一份调查显 示,固定电话是当地联系的最重要方式。 paiz.gov.pl | According to a UKE survey, a fixed-line phone is an important mean of contact for local calls. paiz.gov.pl |
根据UKE的报告,2009年超过84.9%的波兰 人表示已经使用移动电话。 paiz.gov.pl | According to the UKE report, in 2009 more than 84.9% people declared that they have used mobile telephones. paiz.gov.pl |
根据报告显示,通讯网络租用市场的零售 额在2008年底达到了4.48亿兹罗提。 paiz.gov.pl | According to the UKE report, the value of the retail connection lease market reached over PLN 448 million by the end of 2008. paiz.gov.pl |
z 业务拓展部经理姚美玲荣膺「杰出个人奖内部支援服务组银奖」。 aia.com.hk | the Silver Award for “Internal Support Service Individual Award”, received by Business Development Manager, Ms. Uke Yue. aia.com.hk |
的投资支出才能使基础设施建设保持合 适的步伐水平。 paiz.gov.pl | As a result, the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) – Poland’s communications market regulator – published report which concluded that telecommunications operators should increase investment spending by 30 percent to reach a level where the appropriate pace of infrastructure development can be maintained. paiz.gov.pl |