这些实验的依据是人眼的视觉存留概念——眼睛与大脑会将连续 的影像拼接成移动的电 影。 motion.kodak.com | These experiments relied on a persistence of vision concept—the eye-brain combination is capable of melding a series of sequential images into a movie. motion.kodak.com |
结合庄严祟高的风格与超现实主义,Marlène Mocquet 巧妙地利用点滴和厚涂颜料所作的混合媒介创作出一个个人,充满诗意和奇异的宇宙,从而激起我们的好奇心。 frenchmay.com | Melding surrealism with the sublime, Mocquet masterfully executes her canvases in drips and impastos of mixed media, creating a personal, poetic and fantastic universe that piques our curiosity. frenchmay.com |
酒店设计理念是利用现代手段重建传统风格,栽种了樱花树和枫树,它是一座集古典和现代于一体的复合空间。 nikken.jp | Melding into its cherry and maple tree setting, the overall design concept is to reconstruct traditional styles using modern means, creating a space composition which integrates the classic and the contemporary. nikken.jp |