如果您删 除cookie,请购买新的电脑,在不同的电脑上访问网站,以不同的登录名来登录,或者更改浏览器,您需要重新选择退出。 seagate.com | If you dele tecookies,buy a new computer, access the Site from a different computer, log in under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again. seagate.com |
当您访问网站时,我们可能会以 “ cookie”( 基本上是一个小型文本文件或单一GIF)形式在您计算机的硬盘驱动器上储存信息。 clarinsusa.com | When you view our websites we may store information on the hard drive of your computer in the form of a "cookie" (essentially a small text file or single GIF). clarinsusa.com |
买方卖方想知道他们的电脑上放置一 个cookie来记录网站上的导航和买方通过在线表格,资料由买方提供的信息资料拟保存完好。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The Purchaser is aware that Seller [...] wishes to place a cookie on their computer [...]to record information about the navigation [...]of the Buyer on the Website and the information provided by Buyer through the online form, information intended to be well preserved. en.horloger-paris.com |
关于更多货币的服务或附件信息,请联系企业Ag encyofSecurity FE NIX,a.s.。industrystock.cn | For more product information about the topic Money, [...] please contact A gency of Security FENIX, a.s.. industrystock.com |
通 过cookie产生的有关您使用本网站的信息通常被发送到谷歌在美国的服务器上并存储在那里。 wacker.com | The information [...] gener ated bythe cookieabout your use of [...]the website will generally be transmitted to a server in the USA and stored there by Google. wacker.com |
一位业界代表问,如英式早餐茶包(English Breakfast Tea Bags)在包装上 标明,茶包混合了锡蘭茶与印度 茶(ablendofCeylon and Indian tea),在配料 表上不标示“锡蘭茶葉及印度茶葉”(Ceylon tea leaves and Indian tea leaves)是 否可以接受。 cfs.gov.hk | One trade representative enquired if a package of English Breakfast Tea Bags marked on the packaging that it contained a blend of Ceylon and Indian tea, was it acceptable not to have an ingredients list stating “Ceylon tea leaves and Indian tea leaves”. cfs.gov.hk |
当您访问我们的网站时, 以cookie形式存在的信息可能会保存在您的电脑中,这样可以在您下次访问时自动进行用户识别。 wacker.com | When you visit our website, information in [...] the f orm ofa "cookie" may bestored [...]on your computer enabling automatic user [...]recognition when you next visit. wacker.com |
1998年,Lebel凭藉其对卑诗省的矿业开发所作出的卓越贡献获卑诗省和育空地区矿业协会 (Yukon Cha mberofCommerce)授 予E.A.Scholz奖章。 southgobi.com | In 1998, Mr. Lebel was awarded the E.A. Scholz Medal by the BC and Yukon Chamber of Mines for excellence in mine development in British Columbia. southgobi.com |
她的其他作品包括一卷十四行诗和诗歌、一本英国诗人奥斯卡·王尔德的和他的母亲王尔德女士的回忆录以及另外两本关于非洲的书:《破烂的边缘:非洲金矿的传说》(The Ragged Edge:Tales of the African Gold [...] Fields)(1895) 和 《一个非洲之子的罗曼史》 (ASonofAfrica:ARomance)(1899)。 wdl.org | Her other books include a volume of sonnets and poems, a memoir of English poet Oscar Wilde and his mother, Lady Wilde, and two [...] other books about Africa: The Ragged Edge: Tales of the African Gold [...] Fields ( 1895) andA Son of Africa: A Romance (1899). wdl.org |
如果您使用我们的网站无需注册或登录您的帐户,我们需要您继续使用我们的网站,我们默示许可使 用cookie,如果您设置您的浏览器允许上述1和2的目的。 leapfrog-properties.com | If you use our website without registering for or signing into your account, we take your continuing use of our website as implied permission for us to use cookies for purposes 1 and 2 above if you have set your browser to allow this. leapfrog-properties.com |
Cookie包含的信息是非常有限的,但可以使用,当您在我们的网站通过我们的网站跟踪和帮助你的旅程。 leapfrog-properties.com | The in formation thecookie contains isvery limited [...]but can be used when you are on our site to follow and help your journey through our site. leapfrog-properties.com |
如果输入您的城市或邮政编码以获取 Microsoft [...] 站点上的当地新闻或天气信息,我们可能 在Cookie中存储此城市或邮政编码,因此当您返回网站时将看到相应当地信息。 microsoftstore.com | If you enter your city or postal code to get local news or weather information on a [...] Microsoft site, we may store that city or [...] posta l code in a cookie so that youwill [...]see the relevant local information when you return to the site. microsoftstore.com |
请注意,链接到我方网站上的第三方站点也可能有使 用cookie,我非对此没有控制权。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | Please note that third-party sites which are linked to on our site may also use cookies, over which we have no control. lsbf.edu.sg |
如果您不希望在自己的计算机上储 存Cookie,可禁用浏览器系统设置中的相关选项。 voith.com | If you do not want to have cookies store d onyour computer, you can disable the relevant option in the system settings of your browser. voith.com |
Cookie是在用户的电脑中存储的一小段数据,与有关用户的信息关联。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | A cookie isa pieceof data [...]stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. beyondtheshock.com |
我们的网站服务商在您电脑上储存了少量的资料 —Cookie。studyinaustralia.gov.au | A cookie is a small amount of information stored on your computer by our web siteserver. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
电影导演及编剧很早便对精神分析等学问产生兴趣,自德国导演帕布斯特(Georg Wilhelm Pabst)於1926年拍成《灵的秘密》(Sec retsof aSoul)开始,东西方电影对影像如何深入「灵」(Mind)及「潜意识」(Subconscious)的探索便从未间断。 think-silly.com | Since ‘Secrets of a Soul’ by Georg Wilhelm Pabst in 1926, the mind and subconscious has been a consistent theme in films across the Atlantis. think-silly.com |
请注意,如果选择屏 蔽Cookie,您可能无法登录或使用那些依赖 于Cookie的M icrosoft 站点和服务的其他交互式功能,有些依赖 于Cookie的广告首选项可能无法应用。 microsoftstore.com | Please be aware that if you choose to block cookies, you may not be able to sign in or use other interactive features of Microsoft sites and services that depend on cookies, and some advertising preferences that are dependent on cookies may not be able to be respected. microsoftstore.com |
财务资讯 我们仅会出於收款目的使用您的财务资讯(如帐号或信用卡号码 )Cookie一些USANA网站会将某些称作 「Cookie」的 小资讯存放到访客的网页浏览器软体中。 resetdestination.com | Financial Information We use your financial information, such as account or credit card number, ONLY for billing purposes Cookies Some USANA Web site deposit certain bits of information called “cookies” in a visitor’s web browser software. resetdestination.com |