6.2.5 所有运送到香港以外地区的府上送货服务,将 由DHL或由港龙 航空不时指定的其他公司处理。 dragonair.com | 6.2.5 All delivery outside of Hong [...] Kong for the Home Delivery Services [...] will be c arriedoutby DHL or suchothercompany [...]as determined by Dragonair from time to time. dragonair.com |
美国航空公司、德国邮 政DHL快递公司、Telefónica 和世界 联合劝募协会等全球性组织在全球推动认可和支持志愿服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Global organizations, such as American [...] Airlines, De utschePost DHL, Telefónica and United [...]Way Worldwide promoted recognition [...]and support of volunteerism on a global scale. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此协议有关的一项宣布, 指DHL将於香港国际机场发展及营运速递货运中心。 swirepacific.com | Relative to this agreement is [...] the anno uncement thatDHL will develop and operate [...]the Express Cargo Terminal at Hong Kong International Airport. swirepacific.com |
经济发展及劳工局局长:就蔡议员所关心的速递问题,我们现时其实已在机 场内设立了专用速递货运中心,那便 是DHL,即敦豪,它事实上亦因应正如 你所提及的趋势,加速发展它的设施。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR (in Cantonese): With regard to the issue of express cargo service which Miss CHOY So-yuk is concerned about, we have actually established an express cargo terminal in the airport, which is being operated by the DHL. legco.gov.hk |
2011年香港商业奖简介 香港商业奖於1990年 由DHL和香港南华早报创办,奖项的目的在於: 1) [...]每年公开表彰对保持及加强香港及珠三角洲的经济繁荣与国际地位做出突出贡献的香港工商业人士及机构; 2) 激发并维持企业家的精神,表彰并肯定优秀的企业管理标准。 prh.com.hk | ABOUT Hong Kong Business Award 2011 The Hong Kong Business [...] Awards were established by DHL and the SouthChina Morning [...]Post in 1990 with the following [...]aims and objectives: 1) To create an annual Business Awards to acknowledge publicly the vital contributions made by individuals and by companies in maintaining and expanding the economic viability and international stature in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta. 2) To create an environment through which the Business Awards will encourage and sustain the region's entrepreneurial spirit, and highlight and recognize excellent standards of corporate management and governance. prh.com.hk |
联邦快递公司 和DHL也是可靠的承运人美国邮政业务聘用各种各样的服务并且是好替代为更小的部分。 zh.aretiredcollection.com | F edExand DHLare also reliable [...]carriers U.S. Postal Service offers a variety of services and is a good alternative for smaller pieces. aretiredcollection.com |
2007年他加 入DHL,为其开拓在欧洲、中东、非洲及亚太地区的汽车业务。 cn.automotivelogisticschina.com | H ejoined DHL in 2007and since that [...]time has driven automotive developments in the EMEA region and Asia Pacific. automotivelogisticschina.com |
他於2005年获颁 发DHL╱南华早报香港商业奖之杰出管理奖,并於2006年荣获香港董事学会颁发杰出董事奖 [...]– 上市公司(香港交易所 – 恒生指数成份股)执行董事。 towngaschina.com | Mr. Chan received the [...] Executive A ward underthe DHL/ SCMP Hong Kong Business [...]Awards 2005 and the Director of the Year Awards [...]– Listed Companies (SEHK – Hang Seng Index Constituents) Executive Directors from The Hong Kong Institute of Directors in 2006. towngaschina.com |
2003 年埃尔敦先生 获DHL/SCMP商业成就奖,2004年获 香港特别行政区政府颁发的金紫荆奖。 aiginsurance.com.cn | He was named the DHL/SCMP Hong Kong Business [...]Person of the Year for 2003, and in 2004 was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star [...]by the Government of Hong Kong SAR. aiginsurance.com.cn |
DHLWorldwide Express 主 席 兼 行 政 总 裁 于 德 恒 先 生 表 示 : 「DHL很高兴 与 长 期 夥 伴 国 泰 航 空 公 司 达 成 这 项 联 营 协 议 , [...]全 力 支 持 香 港 以 至 亚 洲 [...]速 递 货 运 业 的 发 展 。 swirepacific.com | Chairman and Chief Exec utive OfficerDHL Worldwide Express Mr. Uwe Dör ken said: "DHL is delighted to enter this [...]joint venture [...]with our long-term partner Cathay Pacific to support express cargo growth in Hong Kong and Asia. swirepacific.com |
维珍妮曾於 2002 年及 2003 [...] 年荣获香港工业奖生产力优异证书,其後更获得 2006 年DHL/南华早报香港商业奖颁发之杰出企业奖。 yiah.org | Regina Miracle was granted with various awards such as the Productivity Certificate of Merit of the Hong [...] Kong Awards for Industry in 2002 and 2003 as well as the [...] Enterpris e Awardofthe DHL/SCMPHong KongBusiness [...]Awards 2006. yiah.org |
DHL在上周 宣 布 於 香 港 国 际 机 场 发 展 和 营 运 货 运 速 递 中 心 , 且 将 成 为DHL最先进 的 中 亚 洲 货 运 中 心 , 对 是 次 协 议 起 着 重 大 意 义 。 swirepacific.com | Important to this agreement was the [...] announcement las t weekthat DHLwill develop and operate the Express Cargo Terminal at Hong Kong International Airport which will s erve asDHL's state-of-the-art [...]Central Asia Hub. swirepacific.com |
速 递 货 运 中 心 预 计 在 二 零 零 四 年 落 成 [...] 启 用 , 届 时 将 取 代DHL现时於 香 港 国 际 机 [...]场 香 港 空 运 货 站 速 递 中 心 内 的 中 亚 洲 货 运 中 心 。 swirepacific.com | The Express Cargo Terminal, once completed in [...] 2004, wil l replace DHL'sexisting Central [...]Asia Hub, located at the Hactl Express Center [...]at Hong Kong International Airport. swirepacific.com |
2009 年 11 月,达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆启动“联合国会员国:记录在案” [...] (http://www.un.org/d epts/dhl/unms/)。开发这一新的资源,是为了简单、直 [...]接地获得各种现有联合国数据库和网站的已有资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | In November 2009 the Dag Hammarskjöld Library launched “United [...] Nations Member States: On the Record” [...] (http://www.u n.org/depts/dhl/unms/). This new [...]resource was developed to provide easy and [...]direct access to information available from a variety of existing United Nations databases and websites. daccess-ods.un.org |
招商局保税物流有限公司和德国邮 政DHL前日启用了位于前海湾保税港区 的DHL前海湾综合物流创新中心,该项目总面积71000平方米,未来将作 为DHL南中国货运门户和全球物流战略重要支撑点,是招商保税 与DHL在前海的首个合作试点项目。 xulituo.com | LTD. And [...] the G erman postDHL hadopenedthe gulf bonded harbor area located on the front of the gul f before theDHL comprehensive logistics innovation center, this project has a total area of 71000 square meters, the future will be prominently as DHL freight portalsand global logistics strategy important anchor, investment promot ion bondedand DHL isin the sea before [...]the first cooperation pilot project. xulituo.com |
第二批6台钻机的物流服务将 由DHL和俄罗斯Polet Airlines(CJSC)航空公司提供,后者提供了一架安托诺夫An-124型货运机来承担运输钻机的任务。 solidgroundmagazine.com | Logistics services and transportation for the second batch of six [...] drills wer e providedby DHL andairservice company [...]Polet Airlines (CJSC) of Russia, which [...]furnished an Antonov An-124 cargo plane for efficient transportation of the machines. solidgroundmagazine.com |
此外 ,DHL、广汽菲亚特、南京爱立信熊猫通信有限公司、东芝物流、Delta、Toll [...]Warehousing以及优尼派特等企业,也都在1月份与普洛斯签订了新合约,或者扩展了租约内容。 glprop.com | I n addition, DHL, GAC-FIAT, Nanjing [...]Ericsson Panda Communication, Toshiba Logistics, Delta, Toll Warehousing, and Unipart [...]also signed new or expansion leases with GLP in January. glprop.com.cn |
另外,还正在努力深化与私营部门,特别是 与DHL等物流公司的伙伴关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts are also under way to deepen partnerships with the private sector, particularly with [...] logistics com paniessuch as DHL. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的产品供亚马逊、博世、可口可乐、敦豪速 递(DHL)、宝洁、西门子、沃尔玛以及雅马哈(摩托车)等众所周知的全球知名名牌公司日常使用。 interroll.com | Our Products are in daily use by [...] global brands everyone knows, like Amazon, [...] Bosch , Coca-Cola, DHL, Procter &Gamble, [...]Siemens, Walmart and Yamaha (Motorcycles). interroll.com |
她服务的机构包括:惠普、洲际酒店集团、Bursa [...] Malaysia、香格里拉酒店和 Resorts Malaysia、Ci ti、DHL以及新加坡旅游局。 sccci.org.sg | Erin works with companies operating in Asia on their CSR strategies and promoting CSR across the region, such organisations include HP, [...] InterContinental Hotels Group, Bursa Malaysia, Shangri-La Hotels and [...] Resorts Malaysia, Citi, DHL andThe Singapore Tourism Board. english.sccci.org.sg |
吴先生於一九九五年获《英文虎报》推选为该年度的「杰出领袖」,并於二零一一年获 《DHL/南华早报》颁授「商业成就奖」及於一九九三年获比利时已故国王博杜安一世(Baudoum [...]I)颁授雷欧骑士十字勳章(Cross of Officer in the Order of Leopold)。 cusef.org.hk | He was awarded “Business Person of [...] the Year by SCMP &DHL in 2011”and awarded [...]the Cross of Officer in the Order of Leopold [...]by the late King Baudoum I of Belgium in 1993. cusef.org.hk |
香 港 枢 纽 将 成 为DHL亚洲航 空 网 络 之 核 心 , 这 设 [...]计 主 要 为 提 供 快 捷 可 靠 的 亚 洲 区 内 速 递 服 务 。 swirepacific.com | The Hong Kong hub will be [...] the foc alpoint of DHL's Asian AirNetwork, [...]which is designed for fast and secure intra-Asian express services. swirepacific.com |
根 据 协 议 , 香 港 华 民 航 空 将 购 买 一 批 中 程 广 体 飞 机 , [...] 以 便 以 香 港 国 际 机 场 为 基 地 , 为DHL提供货 运 速 递 服 务 , 并 致 力 加 强DHL在亚洲 主 要 城 市 之 航 空 网 络 服 务 。 swirepacific.com | Under the agreement, Air Hong Kong will now purchase a [...] fleet of mid-range, [...] wide-body aircraft to operate an d enhance DHL'snetworkto the major cities in the Asia Pacific [...]region from the [...]airline's base at Hong Kong International Airport. swirepacific.com |
(b) 联合国文件研究指南(www.un.org/D epts/dhl/resguide/): 联合国文件和出版物概述,提供关于如何查找和利用这些文献的指 [...]导,并向研究人员介绍联合国的主要活动领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | (www.u n.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/):an overview [...]of United Nations documentation and publications that provides guidance on [...]how to locate and work with them and introduces researchers to major fields of United Nations activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
为有关海关和保险起见,我们通过邮 局/DHL,另外邮寄手册和CD,欧盟以外的国家通过TNT邮寄。 tankdesigner.de | For customs and insurance purposes, we will end the [...] manual and CD via Post/DHL withintheEU and [...]via TNT outside EU. tankdesigner.de |
我们理解所有货运公司的服务,如 :DHL,FedEx, UPS 等,都使用自己的货运航班,在 [...]国内线路不使用 X-射线设备检查客户包裹,对于运输胶片时,需要特别强调。 motion.kodak.com | We understand that express air package shipping [...] services such as Airborne,DHL,FedEx, UPS, etc. that [...]use their own aircraft, do not employ [...]x-ray scanning of customers' packages on domestic routes. motion.kodak.com |
我们更偏爱货物通 过DHL或EMS退还,这样能确保货物在运输的过程中被保护和被投保。 mary-ching.com | We prefer that items are [...] retur ned to us viaDHL or EMSto ensure that [...]they are protected and insured during transit. mary-ching.com |
超过250多名员工,以柏林为中心为我们的全球客户提供服务,其中包括奥迪、大众汽车、西门子、黛安芬、德国邮 政DHL、联邦政府、诺基亚、西门子通信、慕尼黑再保险和ENTEGA等跨国品牌。 metadesign.com | A total of 250 employees support such clients as Audi, Volkswagen, Siemens, [...] Triumph, Deut sche Post DHL, Nokia Siemens [...]Networks, Munich RE and ENTEGA. metadesign.com |
辐射作用是累计递增的,曝光的胶片受的 [...] X-射线越多,损害就越大,胶片经过的环节越少 越安全,联邦快递 和DHL在运输胶片时不经过 X-射线设备,但是会采用手检方式。 motion.kodak.com | A commercial carrier such as [...] Federal ExpressorDHL will ship film without [...]x-raying it, but they will inspect it carefully by hand. motion.kodak.com |