2008年10月适值前传统制表制造厂 Minerva [...] 的150周年纪念,新成立的“Minerva高级钟表研究院(Institut Min ervadeReche rcheenHaute Horlogerie)”现在迁入位于Villeret的彻底整饬一新的营业设施之内,并借此机会推出来自“万宝龙系列Villeret [...][...]1858”的新计时器: Grand Tourbillon Heures Mystérieuses大型陀飞轮腕表。 hautehorlogerie.org | Oct. 2008 To coincide with the 150th Anniversary of the establishment of the former traditional watchmaking [...] manufacture Minerva, the newly founded [...] ‘Insti tut Minerva de Recherche enHauteHorlogerie’ [...]is now ensconced in completely renovated [...]premises in Villeret and presents in the occasion a new timepiece from the “Montblanc Collection Villeret 1858”: The Grand Tourbillon Heures Mystérieuses. hautehorlogerie.org |
产品如欲使用该项标志,必须在 UL [...] 授权的测试实验室中通过相关检测,确认符合欧 洲EN标准下的高科技电机电子类产品规范。 ul.com | Products are eligible for the Mark on successful testing at [...] a UL Authorized Test Lab for compliance [...] with t heEuropean EN Standardsfor high-tech [...]electrical and electronic products. ul.com |
EN71为欧洲联盟所采用的玩具安全标准,ASTM [...]F963则为美国所采 用,而国际玩具自律安全标准曾经是国际标准,但已被删除。 legco.gov.hk | EN 71 and ASTM F963 are safety [...]standards for toys adopted by the European Union and the United States respectively, whereas [...]the IVTSS used to be an international standard which has already been withdrawn. legco.gov.hk |
我们的测试谨遵欧盟(包括最新的CEN ELECEN62209-1/2标准 和EN50360标准)、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚市场的标准和规范。 tuv-sud.cn | Our testing is carried out to standards and [...] specifications in the EU (including the [...] new CE NELEC EN 62209-1/2 standard and EN 50360 standard), [...]US, Canadian and Australian markets. tuv-sud.com |
例 如,有关 的标准检 定 机构差不 多每年 [...] 都 会更新玩具安全标 准EN71和ASTM F963,但有关 儿童产品的安全标准则经过较 [...]长 时 间才更新㆒次 。 legco.gov.hk | For example, the relevant standards institutes update toys [...] safety standards EN71 and ASTM F963 [...]almost annually, while the relevant safety [...]standards for children’s products are updated over longer periods. legco.gov.hk |
法国驻港澳总领事栢雅诺先生首先致词,并赞扬李博士作为「Comité d’hon neurdelaFr anceenChin e」及「Chapter of the Legion d’honneur in Hong Kong」主席,对促进法中及法港关系的重要贡献及地位。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | During his opening speech, Mr. Arnaud Barthélémy paid a tribute to Dr. Li, who has played an instrumental role in bringing France and China, and France and Hong Kong, closer together, as the Chairman of the “Comité d’honneur de la France en Chine” and as the Chairman of the Chapter of the Legion d’honneur in Hong Kong. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
支持这一说法的事实包括:人们从未发现过该书的西班牙语原作,而且 Coreal [...] 叙述中很大一部分都剽窃自法国探险家兼作家 JeandeLéry(1536-1613 年)1578 年所创作的一部很有影响力的作品《Histoire d'un voyage f aictenlaterre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique》(前往巴西大陆,即美洲,的航行史)。 wdl.org | This theory is supported by the fact that no Spanish original of the work has been found and that a great part of Coreal's narrative is plagiarized from an [...] influential work of [...] 1578 by the French explorer and w riter Jeande Léry (1536-1613), Histoire d'un voya gefaict en la terredu Bresil, autrement dite Amerique [...](History of a voyage [...]to the land of Brazil, also called America). wdl.org |
近日,我司自主研发生产的组合式空调机组、医院洁净手术室用空调机组、双冷源温湿度独立控制新风机组等AAHM系列末端设备系列产品顺利通过德国TÜV南德认证机构的欧盟高标准认证,此次欧盟标准认证针对空气处理机组产品性能的认证主要包 括 EN602 04-1/A1:20 09、 EN188 6: 20 07和 EN130 53/A1:2011认证,分别对产品的电气安全、机械特性和整机性能进行测试。 airmaster.com.cn | Recently, modular air conditioning units of the Division I independent R & D and production, the hospital clean operating room air conditioning units, double the cold source temperature and humidity independent control of the new air handling unit AAHM series of terminal equipment series passed the German TÜV SÜD certification body, the EU high standards of certificationthe EU standard certification for the certification of [...] air handling unit [...] performance includ ing EN60204-1/A1: 2009 , EN1886: 2007 a ndEN13053/A1: 2011 [...]certification, electrical [...]safety, mechanical properties and performance of the whole test. airmaster.com.cn |
目前公司的产品产自其自主研发建造的25兆瓦卷对卷薄膜太阳能电池生产线,产品已通过UL 1703和IEC 6 1646/EN61730国际标准认证。 tipschina.gov.cn | These modules, produced in Xunlight's 25 MW roll-to-roll production line, are certified to UL [...] 1703 and IEC 61646/EN 61730 standards. tipschina.gov.cn |
因此,本 联合报告采用前两份C/3文件所使用的编制格式,即打印的《综合报告》,其更多详情可登陆专 [...] 门网站查询:www.unesco .org/en/dg-report/2004-2005。另外,工作重点(MLA)在线详细报告包 [...]括对最近的第三十四届大会决定的其他要求(34 [...] C/89号决议)做出响应的新特征,即以表格的 形式提交计划实施情况,列明与预期成果相对应的已取得成果,并包含各国总部外办事处依照各 项工作重点所取得的成果的信息。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hence, this joint report is produced in the same format adopted for the two previous C/3 documents, namely a printed Synthesis Report with further [...] details made available on a dedicated [...] website www.unesco.org/en/dg-report/2004-2005. [...]Further, the online detailed report by [...]MLA includes new features responding to other requirements decided by the recent 34th session of the General Conference (34 C/Resolution 89), namely the presentation in tabular format of the performance of the programme showing the results achieved against the expected results and the inclusion of information on the results achieved by the individual field offices at the country level under the various MLAs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
新的欧洲标 准EN13779:2007将重点放在一年四季均实现舒适的、健康的室内环境,同时保证安装和运行成本可接受。 camfil.cn | The new Europe anstandard EN13779:2007 focuses [...]on achieving a comfortable and healthy indoor environment in all seasons [...]with acceptable installation and running costs. camfil.no |
这样可以将设备安装在安装导轨上(符 合EN50022)。 highvolt.de | This enables you to mount the device on a cap rail [...] (in acco rdancewith EN50022). highvolt.de |
评估包括:1)根据适用 的EN或ETAG 技术规范对产品进行型式检测;2)根据建筑产品指令CPD [...] 和技术规范中所提出的要求对工厂生产控制 (FPC) 过程进行初始检查;3)UL UK 将颁发 CE 符合性证书;4)根据 CFP要求,UL每年进行一次工厂生产控制监督检查。 ul.com | The investigation will include: 1) initial type testing of products to [...] the a pplicable ENorETAGtechnical [...]specifications and 2) an initial inspection [...]of the Factory Production Control (FPC) process to the requirements contained in the CPD and technical specifications; 3) UL UK will issue a CE Certificate of Conformity; and 4) UL will conduct an annual surveillance FPC inspection that is also required by the CPD. ul.com |
在大部分情况下采用箱式干燥器,根据塑料类型的不同采用或不采用安全装置根 据EN1539标准进行 操作。 nabertherm.de | In most cases, chamber dryers are used which, depending on the type of plastic, may or may not include [...] safety technolo gybased on EN1539. nabertherm.com |
有关报告以 「香港检测 [...] 香港认证」为题,於二零一零年三月三十一日发表,旨在制定检测和认证 业的发展藍图( 报告全文详見於相关网页( [...] 网址: www.itc.go v.hk/en/hkctc/HKCTC_Report_Eng.pdf))。他說,经济机遇委员会由行政长官 [...]於二零零八年十月成立後,於二零零九年九月在其下成立检测和认证局。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. S.M. CHOI introduced to the meeting a report released on 31 March 2010 by Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification (HKCTC) entitled “Tested in Hong Kong Certified in Hong Kong” to introduce the development plan for testing and [...] certification industry (Full text of the report [...] at: www .itc.gov.hk/en/hkctc/HKCTC_Report_Eng.pdf). [...]He said that the HKCTC was established [...]in September 2009 following the establishment of the Task Force on Economic Challenges by the Chief Executive in October 2008. cfs.gov.hk |
加 入En+前,Nossal 先生曾於 WMC Resources [...]Limited 任业务策略及发展执行总经理,负责业务 开发、企业规划、勘探、技术研究及项目发展。 mmg.com | P riortoEn+, Mr Nossalwas Executive [...]General Manager Business Strategy & Development at WMC Resources Limited, where he [...]was responsible for business development, corporate planning, exploration, technical research and project development. mmg.com |
我们是一家专业制造商和出口商在中国高层建筑给排水系统,我们的产品远销到世界许多国家,我们有超过15年的制造S ML的 EN877/DIN 19522/ASTM A888/CISPI301/CSA B70的投经验铁管和管件和接头和夹具 和 EN124沙井各种覆盖。 chinatrader.ru | We are a professional manufacturer and exporter in China for drainage system of high buildings, and our products are exported to many country of world, We have more than [...] 15 Years experience of [...] manufa cturingSML EN877/ DIN 19522/ASTM A888/CISPI301/CSA B70 cast iron pipe and fittings and all kinds of couplings a ndGrips andEN124manholecovers. chinatrader.ru |
为了模拟诸如汽车内的高温条件下色牢度的变化,应该使 用ENISO 105-B06 或 者 DIN 75202 [...](FAKRA)。 tfl.com | For simulating high temperature light fastness as occurs in automobiles, [...] the test procedureEN ISO105-B06 or DIN [...]75202 (FAKRA) should be used. tfl.com |
公司采用符合最高质量标准的先进制造工艺,以及通过了 DINENISO 9001:2000 和 14001:2005 [...] 及 ISO/TS 16949:2002 认证的质量管理体系,先后荣获了多项杰出商业奖项。 digikey.cn | The combination of advanced manufacturing processes geared to the highest quality [...] standards with a management system certified [...] accordi ngto DIN ENISO9001:2000 and [...]14001:2005 and ISO/TS 16949:2002 has already [...]won a number of distinguished business awards. digikey.ca |
多频道频移键控收发器专用于符合南美联邦通讯委员会(FCC)15.247和249部分标准以及欧洲电信标准组织(ET SI) EN300220规范的超高频(UHF)无线电设备。 tipschina.gov.cn | The multi-channeled FSK transceiver is intended for UHF radio equipment in compliance with the North American Federal Communications Commission [...] (FCC) part 15.247 and 249, as well as the European Telecommunication Standard Institute [...] (ETSI) spec ification,EN300 220. tipschina.gov.cn |
公司目前以 Microtherm GmbH 的名义获得多项机构认证,所有产品均已经过 UL、CSA、VDE、BEAB [...] 和多个其它机构的认证,并且拥有符合 IEC 要求 和EN60730 规格的 CB 证书。 digikey.cn | We presently have agency approvals, under the name of Microtherm GmbH, for all of our products with UL, CSA, VDE, [...] BEAB and several other agencies and also hold CB certificates according to IEC [...] requ irements and EN60730specification. digikey.ca |
最近,ISO已经批准了GOST标准作为俄联邦和独联体国家的地方标准,因此GOST标准就非常类似 于 EN/CE规范。 nemko.com | Recently, GOST Standard has been [...] approved by ISO as a local standard in Russian Federation and CIS countries and is [...] therefore quit e similar toEN/CEnormative. nemko.com |
TÜV南德意志集团是由英国皇家认可委员会按照ISO / IEC 17025 和EN45011 授权认可的微型、小型风力发电机产品认证机构。 tuv-sud.cn | TÜV-SÜD is accredited to carry out Product Certification for Micro and Small Wind Turbine by UKAS [...] under ISO / IEC 17025 and EN45011. tuv-sud.cn |
关于这些测试方法的细节资料,我们强烈 [...] 建议您去参阅所列出的国际标准(ISO)、欧洲标准 ( EN)和 瑞士皮革技术协会 (VESLIC)测试方法。 tfl.com | For detailed aspects of these tests then you are strongly [...] recommended to refer to the listed International [...] (ISO), European (EN) and Swiss Leather [...]Technologists (VESLIC) test methods. tfl.com |
STA工业液体分离净化设备达到很高的质量标准,附合相关的标准和规章比如欧洲协调标准,根 据 EN125 47 制定的离心机欧盟安全规章,和德国水资源法中的技术检验条款中的标准。 sta-separator.de | STA purification systems fulfil the highest quality standards and comply with the relevant guidelines and specifications, e.g. [...] CE directives, EU safety regulations for [...] centrifu ges as perEN 12547, andTÜV (German [...]Technical Inspection Agency) guidelines [...]for the German Water Resources Act, Paragraph 19 L. sta-separator.de |
如果制造商已经获得有效的ISO [...] 9001证书,这个过程则有些简单,因为ISO 90 01和EN13980的要求有许多重叠,因此实际的审核计划可以有所简化。 nemko.com | If the manufacturer already has a valid ISO 9001 certificate, the process is [...] somewhat simpler, as many of the requirements [...] of ISO 9001 and EN 13980 overlap, [...]and thus the actual audit scheme may be somewhat simplified. nemko.com |
作为一家实验测试机构, [...] 柏林光伏协会获得了IEC /ISO/EN/DIN17025、 IEC 61215、 [...]IEC 61646和IEC 61730标准认证。 wacker.com | As a testing lab, the Photovoltaik-Institut is [...] accredited to the IEC/ISO/EN/DIN 17025, IEC 61215, [...]IEC 61646 and IEC 61730 standards. wacker.com |
作为 CPD 通告机构(Notified Body), UL UK 利用 UL [...] 遍布全球的先进实验室网络,可对产品是否符合欧洲标 准(EN)和欧洲技术认可 (ETAG) 进行评估,并颁布 [...]CE 符合性认证证书。 ul.com | As a CPD Notified Body, UL UK can evaluate products to applicable [...] European Sta ndards (ENs)and European [...]Technical Approvals (ETAGs), utilizing UL's [...]network of state of the art test facilities, and issue a CE Certificate of conformity. ul.com |
电医学测试: 以CB、NRTL批准和ISO [...] 17025认证,在国际电工委员会/欧洲标准(I EC/EN)60601和I EC/EN60110系列的全范围内进行产品安全和电磁兼容(EMC)测试。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Electro-medical Testing: Product safety and EMC testing to the [...] full range of IEC/EN 60601 and IEC/EN 60110series with [...]CB, NRTL approval and ISO 17025 accreditation. sgsgroup.com.cn |