养和医院物理治疗部统筹主任锺宝娟根 据Danny的体能及专业数据分析,为他设计合适的训练计划。 hksh.com | Ms. Eva Chung, Coordinator of Department [...] of Physiotherapy of HKSH, draws up an individualized [...] training plan for Danny according to his [...]fitness and data analysis. hksh.com |
上述矿产资源估计已 经DannyKentwell先生审阅及批。 glencore.com | The mineral resources estimates set out above were reviewed [...] and approve d by MrDanny Kentwell. glencore.com |
但是走近细看,这棵树却是与众不同的;在它的脚下有一块铭牌,写道:“纪念我们的创办人、领导、朋 友DannyLewin,1970年5月14日至2001年9月11日。 akamai.cn | But upon closer inspection, this tree is different; at its roots [...] lays a plaque that reads: "In memory of our founder, [...] leader and friend, DannyLewin, May 14, 1970 [...]to September 11, 2001. akamai.com |
当地的SGI会员及美国SGI理事长丹尼‧永岛 (DannyNagashima)也一同参与了当天的活动。 sgi.org | Local SGI members participated in the day's events, together with SGI-USA [...] General D irector Danny Nagashima. sgi.org |
而QS的一家主要网站负责人丹尼•比尔纳 (DannyByrne)则强调,欧洲大陆受益於“比英语国家更平等的教育体系”。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | A sDanny Byrnewho runs one of QS’s [...]main websites points out, Continental Europe has the advantage of “more egalitarian [...]systems than English-speaking countries”. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
不过,世 [...] 事多变迁,今天《南华早报》的一段报道,是 由DannyGITTINGS 写的,内 容说行政长官在施政报告中提出“杀局”时,政府主要官员其实是反对的, [...]但後来行政长官不听政府主要官员的劝告,坚持“杀局”,因而政府变成了 先决定,後谘询,所以这篇稿的作者认为“杀局”的建议未必这麽容易便可 以通过。 legco.gov.hk | But there is an exception to everything. There is a [...] report from Mr Danny GITTINGSin the [...]South China Morning Post today which says [...]that the top officials in the Government were opposed to the idea of "scrapping" the Councils when the Chief Executive brought it up in the policy address. legco.gov.hk |
据路透社引述,伊扎克·拉宾的前 军事项目主 任DannyZamir 指出,参加加沙行动的士 兵也曾经谈到对巴勒斯坦平民的无端射击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Danny Zamir, head of the Yitzhak Rabin pre-military programme, was quoted by Reuters as saying that the soldiers who had participated in the Gaza operation had also “talked about unwarranted fire on Palestinian civilians”. daccess-ods.un.org |
同属毅行勇士的养和医院骨科专科医生黄惠国医生 向Danny解释心跳率与运动表现的关系,并提供专业分析和建议。 hksh.com | Dr. Jimmy Wong, Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology of HKSH who is also a devoted Trailwal ker participant, explains how heart rate affects sports performance, and provides professional advice to Danny. hksh.com |
MCM首席执行 官DannyWirianto表示:“在移动广告领域,Amobee是唯一一家在为大型出版商和广告客户提供综合移动广告平台方面拥有良好业绩纪录的公司。 tipschina.gov.cn | When it comes to mobile advertising, Amobee was the only company that has a proven track record of providing a comprehensive mobile advertising platform for big publishers and advertisers," said Danny Wirianto, MCM CEO. tipschina.gov.cn |
自1996年发表《Trainspotting》以来 ,DannyBoyle或许是最被忽视的电影导演之一;但随着《Slumdog [...]Millionaire》在2008年奥斯卡摘下八项大奖,导演在影坛的活跃程度与日俱增。 think-silly.com | Since releasing [...] ‘Trainspotting’ in 1996,Danny Boyle has been under [...]the radar until ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ took eight major awards in the Oscars 2008. think-silly.com |
一举拿下2009年奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards®* )的最佳影片奖(Christian Colson)、最佳导演奖 (DannyBoyle)、最佳原创音乐奖(A. R. Rahman)、最佳原创歌曲奖(A. R. Rahman和Sampooran Singh Gulzar共同创作的《Jai Ho》)以及最佳改编剧本奖(Simon Beaufoy)等多项大奖的《贫民窟的百万富翁》还捧得四个金球奖(Golden Globe Awards®)奖项,包括最佳喜剧类影片奖、最佳导演奖 (DannyBoyle)、最佳原创配乐奖(A. R. Rahman)和最佳改编剧本奖(Simon Beaufoy);以及七个英国电影和电视艺术学院电影奖(BAFTA® Film Awards**)奖项,包括最佳电影奖(Christian Colson)、最佳导演奖 (DannyBoyle)、最佳音乐奖(A. R. Rahman)和最佳改编剧本奖(Simon Beaufoy)。 businesswirechina.com | Garnering top honors at the 2009 Academy Awards®* including Best Picture – Christian Colson, Best Director –DannyBoyle, Best Original Score – A. R. Rahman, Best Original Song – A. R. Rahman and Sampooran Singh Gulzar for “Jai Ho,” and Best Adapted Screenplay – Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire also won four Golden Globe Awards® including Best Motion Picture - Drama, Best Director –Danny Boyle,BestOriginal Score – A. R. Rahman and Best Adapted Screenplay – Simon Beaufoy, and seven BAFTA® Film Awards** including Best Film – Christian Colson, Best Director –Danny Boyle,Best Music – A. R. Rahman and Best Adapted Screenplay – Simon Beaufoy. businesswirechina.com |