在对议程3.1的讨论结束时, 教育部门的助理总干 事Daniel先生回答了委员们 提出的问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the end of the [...] debate on i tem 3.1, Mr Daniel, Assistant Director-General [...]for Education, replied to the comments and observations made by the Commission. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为经验丰富的发明家及超过200项已获批准或正在申请中的专利的拥有人 ,Daniel先生深知将伟大的想法推向市场所面临的障碍和挑战。 tipschina.gov.cn | As an experienced inventor and [...] the holder of over 200 patents and [...] patents-pen ding, Mr. Danielknows well the [...]hurdles and challenges of bringing great ideas to market. tipschina.gov.cn |
这是一个基本人权,”托芒贡的协成种植园河园区总经理丹尼尔 .罗(DanielLo)表示:“并且它也能稳定员工。 unicef.org | This is a basic human [...] right,” saidDaniel Lo, thegeneral [...]manager of the Hap Seng Plantation River Estates in Tomanggong. unicef.org |
农业银行IPO 的国际知名投资者主要来自中国大陆、香港、中东、新加坡和澳大利亚,其中包括:澳大利亚柒集团控股有限公司、大华银行(UOB)、卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority)、科威特投资局(Kuwait Investment Authority)、渣打银行(Standard Chartered Bank)、 Rabobank NA、淡马锡控股( 私营) 有限公司(Temasek Holdings(Private) Limited)、中国资本( 控股) 有限公司(ChinaResources (Holdings) Company [...] Limited)、中旅集团(China Travel Services Group)、长江实业( 集团)有限公司(Cheung Kong (Holdings) [...] Limited) 以及艾地盟公司(Ar cherDanielMidland Company)。 australiachina.com.au | Internationally renowned investors in the Agricultural Bank’s IPO came mostly from China, Hong Kong, Middle East, Singapore and Australia, and include: Seven Group Holdings Limited, United Overseas Bank Limited (UOB), Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), Standard Chartered Bank, Rabobank NA, Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited, China Resources [...] (Holdings) Company Limited, China Travel Services Group, Cheung Kong (Holdings) [...] Limit edandArcher Daniel MidlandCompany. australiachina.com.au |
9月6日星期四晚, 捷克共和国教育部长Eduard [...] Zeman先生和教育部门助理总干 事 JohnDaniel先生向由国际教育局理事会主席Pieter [...]de Meijer先生主持的评审委员会选 定,并经教科文组织总干事批准的五名教育工作者和三个项目颁发了夸美纽斯奖章。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On the evening of Thursday 6 September, the Comenius Medal was awarded by Mr Eduard Zeman, [...] Minister of Education of the Czech [...] Republic, and Mr John Daniel, Assistant DirectorGeneral [...]for Education, to five educators [...]and three projects selected by the jury chaired by Mr Pieter de Meijer, President of the IBE Council, whose choices had been endorsed by the Director-General of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
圆桌会议的主席由副主席雷蒙德·兰德维尔德(苏里南)担任,由美国国务院 助理国务卿帮 办DanielReifsnyder 主持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The round table was chaired by the [...] Vice-Chair, Raymond Landveld (Suriname), [...] and mod erated by DanielReifsnyder, Deputy [...]Assistant Secretary, United States Department of State. daccess-ods.un.org |
哈龙技术选择委员会的共同主 席DanielVerdonik 先生提供了第 XXII/11 [...]号决定的后续更新信息,包括技经评估组和该委员会为使国际民用航空组织 (国际民航组织)参与停止使用哈龙的行动所做出的努力。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | M r.Daniel Verdonik, co-chair of the [...]Halons Technical Options Committee, provided a follow-on update on decision XXII/11 [...]on the efforts of the Panel and the Committee in engaging with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the transition from the use of halon. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
80%”这一数字来自联合国开发计划署。题为“残疾与贫穷:世界银行贫穷评估调查及其影 [...] 响”的讨论文件(Jeanine Braithwaite 和DanielMont,第 0805 号社会保护讨论文件,世界 [...]银行,2008 年 2 月)中广泛引用了这一数字。 daccess-ods.un.org | The figure of 80 per cent, which originated from the United Nations Development Programme, was quoted widely in a discussion paper entitled “Disability and poverty: a survey of World Bank poverty [...] assessments and implications” (Jeanine [...] Braith waite and DanielMont, SP discussion [...]paper No. 0805, World Bank, February 2008). daccess-ods.un.org |
圆桌会议有两位主讲人演讲,他们是拉丁美 洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)发展研究司司 长DanielTitelman,他是代表 各区域委员会参加的;另一位是贸发会议全球化与发展战略司司长 Heiner Flassbeck。 daccess-ods.un.org | The round table featured two panellists, Daniel Titelman, Director of the Development Studies Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), who participated on behalf of the regional commissions, and Heiner Flassbeck, Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies of UNCTAD. daccess-ods.un.org |
本新闻稿中的技术信息已由Pangolin董事长、AIG成员、哲学博士、理学士 LeonDaniel博士审核并通过。 tipschina.gov.cn | The technical disclosure in this news release has been reviewed and [...] approved by D r.LeonDaniels,B.Sc. tipschina.gov.cn |
于敏博士是现任哈佛医学院麻萨诸塞洲总医院肿瘤中 心DanielHaber 博士实验室的讲师。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Dr. Min Yu is currently an [...] instru ctor inDr. Daniel Haber’slaboratory [...]at Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School. chinese.eurekalert.org |
拜耳公司人用转基因药物(PMP)全球项目领导人John [...] Butler博士说:“我们很高兴能实现这个重要的里程碑,并且感 谢DanielMorse教授领导的Stellar优秀科研小组的共同参与。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr. John Butler, Global Project Leader of Plant Made Pharmaceuticals (PMP) for Bayer, said, "We are happy to have achieved [...] this important milestone, and appreciate working with Stellar's talented scientific [...] team, led by ProfessorDaniel Morse. tipschina.gov.cn |
民主党民调员戈托 夫(DanielGotoff)介绍了民意调查所显示的选民对2008年 [...]选举的态度,以及一些当前热点问题可能在竞选中产生的影响。 americancorner.org.tw | Democratic pollster Daniel Gotofftells us [...]what opinion polls reveal about voters’ attitudes toward the 2008 election and [...]how current hot-button issues might play out over the election cycle. americancorner.org.tw |
此外,在 2011 年 1 月 23 日星期日,以色列人用推 土机毁坏更多的巴勒斯坦农地,将伯利恒以南 Al Khader 镇的橄榄树、几十个葡 [...] 萄藤和扁桃树连根拔起,以便扩建只有犹太人可以使用的绕行道路,供附近 “Daniel”非法定居点使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, on Sunday, 23 January 2011, Israeli bulldozers destroyed more Palestinian agricultural land, uprooting olive trees and dozens of grapevines and almond trees in the town of Al Khader, south [...] of Bethlehem, for the purpose of expanding a Jewish-only bypass road to serve the [...] illegal sett lement of “Daniel”nearby. daccess-ods.un.org |
在战役中,常常会没有东西吃,这时只要吃一口Gala [...] picks就有力气了”一位俄罗斯护士在1905年 给DanielPeter的信中写到。 swissworld.org | It often happens during campaigns that you have nothing to [...] eat, and then a little bit of Gala picks you up straight away," wrote a [...] Russian mili tary nurseto Daniel Peter in 1905. swissworld.org |
Daniel曾经担任“TelstraSaturn”的顾问(负责IP在全国的上线及与“克莱尔通讯”合并组 [...]成“TelstraClear”),担任广播通讯有限公司/Kordia (那时政府部分,由新西兰电视台拥有)的网络构架师, 负责他们的全国性乡村网络的设计和实施 [...],及在Optus及Telstra担任各种不同的职位。 ormitaslovakia.com | Daniel has hadconsulting roles [...]at TelstraSaturn (in charge of the IP rollout across the country and systems merger with [...]Clear Communications – forming TelstraClear), Broadcast Communications Limited/Kordia (then part of the State Owned, Television New Zealand) as Network Architect, responsible for design and implementation of their nationwide rural wireless network and with Optus and Telstra in various roles. ormitaslovakia.com |
研发中心的新增业务能力将包括传感器和电子部件设计,多流体应用测试设备,环境测试和分析,以及高准(Micro [...] Motion®)科里奥利流量和密度仪表、罗斯蒙特(Rosemount®)涡街和电磁流量计 、Daniel®超声波和差压流量计的建模能力。 emerson.com | Engineering and development capabilities being added to the facility will include sensor and electronics design, multi-fluid application testing, environmental testing and analysis, and modeling capabilities for Micro Motion® Coriolis flow and [...] density meters, Rosemount® vortex and [...] magnetic flo wmeters, and Daniel™ultrasonic and differential [...]pressure flowmeters. emerson.com |
加州大学洛杉矶分校儿童精神病学家和精神科教授丹尼尔•西格尔 (DanielJ.Siegel)曾说过:“从婴儿期开始,人们通过感受养育者的情绪状态来调节自身的情绪状态。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Dr. Daniel J. Siegel[1] – child psychiatrist and clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine – said, “From early infancy, it appears that our ability to regulate emotional states depends upon the experience of feeling that a significant person in our life is simultaneously experiencing a similar state of mind. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
金之彩科技有限公司是广东省着名商标,以制造国内和国际名酒品牌包装盒闻名,为业界的翘楚,为国内品牌如五粮液、茅台、剑南春、泸州老窖、郎酒、洋河、汾酒、西凤及着名洋酒如尊尼获加(Johnnie [...] Walker)、杰克•丹尼( JackDaniel’s)、芝华仕(Chivas)、卡慕(Camus)生产包装,业务遍及国内及美国。 ipress.com.hk | One of Guangdong¡¦s leading trademarks in the printing industry, Jin Cai collaborates with numerous local and world-famous wine manufacturers in the production of tailor-made packages including Wu Liang Ye, [...] Moutai, Jian Nan Chun, Luzhou Laojiao, Langjiu, Yanghe, Fenjiu, Xifengjiu, [...] Johnnie Walker , Jack Daniel¡¦s, Chivas, [...]and Camus. ipress.com.hk |