负责系统集成技术的主管Martyn Suggett说道:“第5候机楼 的DALI智能照明控制系统很快被公认为业界应 用DALI技术的新基准。 tridonic.cn | Martyn Suggett, [...] Portfolio Technical Leader at BAA sai d:“The DALI-controlled lighting system at Terminal 5 has [...]quickly been [...]recognised as the benchmark for all major lighting installations within BAA. tridonic.com |
DALI控制 照明系统结合Clipsal的照明,应急照明和控制管理系统一起使用,每层楼都有一个控制面板,通过网络将设备连接到管理中心。 tridonic.cn | T heDALI control lighting system [...]combines lighting, emergency lighting and controls in one managed system from Clipsal, [...]located in switchboards on each floor and connected to an Ethernet network to the facility management office. tridonic.com |
21 时 00 分,一股武装恐怖团伙在 [...] Murak 将平民 Muhammad Abd u al-Dali从其住宅前绑走。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 2100 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted a civilian, [...] Muham mad Abdu al-Dali, from in front of [...]his home in Murak. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012 年 5 月 17 日晚 21 时 30 [...] 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在阿勒颇市中心 Nile 街尽头 的Dali环形转盘处引爆了爆炸装置。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 2130 hours on the night of 17 May 2012, an [...] armed terrorist group detonated an [...] explosive dev ice attheDali roundaboutat the [...]end of Nile Street in Aleppo city centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
伦敦希思罗机场第5候机楼应用了目前世界上最大 的DALI照明控制系统,该系统由2,600个三合一感应器;120,000个含 有DALI数字调光镇流器的灯具组成。 tridonic.cn | The lighting system designed by Andromeda Telematics for the new Terminal 5 at London Heathrow airport is the [...] world’s largest [...] controlled lighting control system. 120,000 light fitti ngs with DALI ballastscombined with 2,600 motion sensors provide energy-saving [...]lighting. tridonic.com |
锐高公司的EM PRODALI应急照明控制装置能对应急测试和报告功能提供全面的控制。 tridonic.cn | It has been achieved using [...] Tridonic ’s EMPro DALI emergencylighting [...]control units, which are designed to give total control [...]of the emergency testing and reporting functions. tridonic.com |
锐高生产的EM [...] PRO装置的特点是既可以作为一个独立系统运行也可以集成在基 于DALI的照明系统中。 tridonic.cn | The special feature of EM PRO units from [...] Tridonic is that they can be operated as individual systems or can be [...] successfully i ntegrated in DALI-basedlighting systems. tridonic.com |
新型753 -647DALI多功能主站模块可以连接多达64个传感器,从而无需再为亮度测量或房间占用情况识别额外安装总线系统。 wago.com | Thank s to the new DALIMulti-Mastermodule [...]753-647, up to 64 sensors can be connected, eliminating the need for installing [...]additional busses for for brightness measurement or presence detection, for example. wago.com |
在此新的候机楼中安装了2,900个智能开关接口和含有 KNX/DALI网关的870个控制面板,它们均通过KNX控制总线通信。 tridonic.cn | The lighting system is monitored and [...] controlled with the aid of the [...] KNX management system from Andromeda Telematics. 2,900 intelligent switch interfaces and 870 control panels conta ining KNX/DALIgateways were [...]installed in the new terminal, [...]all linked via the KNX control system. tridonic.com |
所有外围模块均内 置DALI灯具,能 够 根据自然 光调节照明水平。 iguzzini.com | All of the perimeter [...] modules are fittedwithDALI devices, which allow [...]the lighting level to be adjusted depending on the level of natural light. iguzzini.com |
情节犹如Louis Buñuel的电影般如梦似幻,景观的设定则仿 似Dali的画作,令短片充满超现实主义意味。 think-silly.com | The pattern of the lace is like shadow, interweaving throughout different settings. think-silly.com |
所有的灯具通过 72条DALI线进行分配,并配备锐高的智能照明控制元器件,比方说数字可调光PCA EXCEL one4all镇流器,数字可调光TE one4all变压器 和DALI-PCD 300 one4all前后相位调光器以及这些元器件的组合。 tridonic.cn | The luminaires, which are [...] distri buted via72DALI lines,areequipped with intelligent lighting control components from Tridonic, i.e. with digital dimmable PCA EXCEL one4all control gear, digital dimmable TE one4all transformers and leading-edge or tr ailing-edge DALI-PCD 300 one4all phase [...]dimmers, and combined into groups. tridonic.com |
好吧,如果您比较倾向超现实主义艺术,又对萨尔瓦多·达利(Salv adorDali)情有独钟,这里为您准备了一个着名的《第一次爆炸时的软钟》(”Soft [...]Watch at the Moment of First Explosion”)的钟表纹身。 iontime.ch | Well, if you’re more into surrealistic art with a soft [...] spot for Salvador Dali, here’s a clock [...]tattoo of the well-known “Soft Watch at [...]the Moment of First Explosion”. iontime.ch |
数控照明系统是室内外照明设备节能的关键技术 ,DALI协议被国际照明企业广泛应用。 st-japan.co.jp | Digitally controlled lighting is the key to energy [...] saving in building and outdoor lighting [...] installat ions and the DALIprotocol is now in [...]international use across the lighting industry. st-japan.co.jp |
同年,伯爵与艺术家萨尔瓦多‧达利(Salv adorDali)共同倾注创意激情,携手创作了 “Dalid’Or”。 piaget.com.cn | That same [...] year, Piaget collaborated with Salva dor Dali to produce a series entitle d “Dali d’Or. piaget.com |
传承了西班牙那些最振奋人心名字的精神,从 [...] Picasso 和 Miro,到 Salv adorDali,Joy Watches 继承了令人惊叹的原始设计精髓。 hk.ashford.com | And in the spirit of Spain’s most inspiring names, from Picasso [...] and Miro to SalvadorDali,Joy watchescome [...]with a heritage of original design that [...]is nothing short of spectacular. ashford.com |
在这两组灯之间是一些金属卤化物的聚光灯作为常规照明,每盏照明灯具的安装都以斜角的方式并配置了红,绿,蓝,白的彩色TALEXXeos P211-2模组,和TALEXXconverter K350DALIRGB驱动器以及可发出10° x 40°光线的TALEXXlens O211 聚光镜和菲涅尔镜。 tridonic.cn | Between these two sets of lights there are spotlights equipped with metal halide lamps for general lighting. Each of these luminaires is installed on a tilt-and-swivel mounting and consists of TALEXXeos P211-2 LED modules in red, green, blue and white with TALEXXlens O211 spot lenses and fresnel lenses for beam angles of 10° x 40° and TALEXXconverter K350 DALI RGB units. tridonic.com |
Dali女士(突尼斯)说,突尼斯在等待特别报告员 的最后报告的同时,充分致力于加强与所有特别程序 的合作以及更广泛地促进人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Tunisia) said that, while it awaited the results of his final report, her country was fully committed to increased cooperation with all special procedures and to the promotion of human rights more broadly. daccess-ods.un.org |
Dalid’Or”以达利创意锻造的金币为设计原型,融合达利的大胡子形象与其妻子的肖像,搭载Calibre 9P超薄机芯,沉着有力,犹如跳动不止的心脏,赋予腕表生生不息的活力。 piaget.com.cn | Within the watches’ golden cases lay Calibre 9P, its steady, seemingly endless ticking beating like the throbbing of a heart. piaget.com |