

单词 12-analyze
教科文组织正在分析和确认切入点,以便该组织参与和 配合国家工作队在支持边缘化社区方面所做出的努力。
UNESCO is analyzing and identifying entry points where the Organization can participate in and complement the UNCT’s efforts in supporting the marginalized communities.
因此,在分析非歧视和平等含有妇女性别内的差 别这一问题时仍有重大的挑战。
Consequently important challenges remain in analyzing both non-discrimination and equality as implicating intra-gender differences among women.
如果不进行原因分析便在电动机构上继续进行分接变换操作,可能导致有载分 接开关和/或变压器损坏。
Performing additional tap-change operations on the motor-drive unit without a analyzing the cause of the red event can lead to on-load tapchanger and/or transformer damage.
女权主义议程经常包括从 社会结构层面分析和解决暴力问题。
Feminist agendas often include analyzing and addressing the problem of violence from the social structural level.
因此,WIPO 积极与联合国系统内外的各个国际合作伙伴开展合作,以便通过下列方式帮助 共同解决重大挑战:释放创新和知识产权潜力,营建一个更为公平的世界;分析创新、知识产权和 技术转让之间的关系(将酌情包括各种形式的知识共享、研发与产能的转让,其中包括合作、能力 建设、许可使用和技术改造与传播);以及开发实用工具。
WIPO therefore cooperates actively with diverse international partners, both within and outside the UN system, in order to contribute to shared solutions to major challenges by: unlocking the potential of innovation and IP for a more equitable world; analyzing the relationship between innovation, IP and technology transfer (to include, as appropriate, various forms of knowledge sharing, the transfer of R&D and productive capacity, including collaborations, capacity building, licensing and technology adaptation and diffusion); and, developing practical tools.
会议恳请粮农组织与其他相关国际组织合作,帮助成员国搜集和分析关于气 候变化影响(特别是地方层面的)和不同农业生产系统排放的可靠数据和信息,为 规划和决策工作提供参考。
The Conference requested FAO, in collaboration with other relevant international organizations, to assist member countries in collecting and analyzing reliable data and information on climate change impacts, especially at local levels, and on emissions from different agricultural production systems, to support planning and informed decision making.
所反映的那样,与会者重申,贸发会议应该继续发挥重要作用,监测分析 危机后全球经济的演变情况以及国际贸易体系的未来前景、各种不同的发展政策 选项、并支持发展中国家执行危机和增长战略和积极的贸易政策。
Participants reaffirmed, as reflected in the President’s Summary (TD/B/57/8), that UNCTAD should continue to play an important role in monitoring and analyzing the evolution of the post-crisis global economy and the future of the international trading system, the different development policy options, and supporting developing countries in post-crisis growth strategies and proactive trade policy.
委员会还建议与家长一起鼓励并创造条件让儿童参与分析自己的处境和未 来的前景。
The Committee further recommends that children, along with their parents, be encouraged and enabled to participate in analyzing their situation and future prospects.
The reason for using the quota system is because we found that, after analyzing each CE election survey, there are significant differences towards the support of the two candidates with people of different gender and education attainments.
Because we have gradually developed over time many rating surveys which covered the ratings of CE and Principal Officials under the accountability system, the top 10 Legislative Councillors, people's most familiar non-official members of the Executive Council, the top 10 members of the HKSARG Preparatory Committee, and so on, in order to avoid duplications and to spare more resources and manpower for other survey topics, in October 2005, we decided to concentrate only on recording and analyzing the "naming" results.
全国人权中心运行的 15 年期间,成功形成了相应的信息收集和分析系 统,包括国家人权报告的信息收集和分析,这也保障了编写和及时向联合国相应 的条约机构提交国家报告。
In the 15 years since its establishment, the Centre has developed a satisfactory system for collecting and analyzing information to be included in the periodic reports on human rights that has facilitated the preparation and timely submission of reports on human rights to United Nations treaty bodies.
例如,军法署署长在审查涉及毁坏财产的一个具体事件 的过程中,建议对新指令再作几处澄清,其中包括:(a) 更明确地标示被视为特 别“敏感”而且其毁坏应经更高层批准的的场地;(b) 分析和解决如何在不同情 况下运用相称原则的问题;(c) 让各级指挥官和各地区更好地贯彻新的现行指 令。
For instance, the MAG, in the course of his review of a specific incident involving destruction of property, has recommended several additional clarifications to the new order, including: (a) identifying more clearly sites that are considered to be especially “sensitive” and whose destruction should require more senior level of approval; (b) analyzing and addressing how the issue of proportionality should be implemented in different situations; and (c) better incorporating the new Standing Order at all levels and regions of command.
通常情况下,CCGP 采用“协商一致”作为基本手段,委员会 同意执委会和食典委的意见,研究多数表决通过标准的效果并分析这个机制的利弊。
While the general sense of the CCGP was to use consensus as a primary tool, the Committee had agreed that the Executive Committee and the Commission reflect on the usefulness of having a study on introducing qualified majority voting on the adoption of standards, analyzing advantages and disadvantages implied by such system.
英才中心的建立将有助于在同执法机构、国家调 查机关和安全部队——例如警察、海关官员、检察官 和法证小组——以及具有预防犯罪的观点和领导能 力的培训机构和学院的密切合作下,改进数据的收 集、对区域面临的局势和挑战进行详细评估、分析中 美洲和加勒比每一个研究与活动领域中的趋势,以及 制定关于打击和预防有组织犯罪的技术援助方案。
The setting up of centres of excellence will contribute to improving data collection, producing detailed assessments of the situation and the challenges faced by the region, analyzing trends in each of the respective areas of research and activity in Central America and the Caribbean, and developing technical assistance programmes to combat and prevent organized crime in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies, State investigative bodies and security forces — such as police, customs officers, prosecutors and forensic teams — as well as training institutes and academies with perspectives and leadership on crime prevention.
我亦很荣幸能赞助此书的出版,让更多人观察及可以进一步了解本地的创业市场发展, 分析及把握市场机会,缔造无限商机,延续香港的企业家的精神。
It is also my honour to have the opportunity to sponsor the publication of the book, so that more people can observe and further understand the development of entrepreneurship in Hong Kong, analyzing and seizing market opportunities, creating unlimited business opportunities and continuing Hong Kong’s entrepreneurial spirit.
分析过程包括以下步骤: 1.着重对记录进行分析,把它当作新作品或新的内容表达; 2.确定词汇表并为确定关联关系发挥作用; 3.起草专用术语,确定其范畴,以表格的形式表述出来。
1) Analyzing the record as if it represents a new work or a new expression; 2) Identifying the vocabularies acting as a clue in determining the associations; 3) Documenting the terms and their fields in worksheets.
这些经验的基础是一个数据库,其中包含了来自全球200 种以上造纸污泥的数据,以及为分析造纸污泥组成与燃烧性质特别开发的测量过程。
The basis of this is a database containing data on more than 200 types of sludge from all over the world and a specially developed measuring procedure for analyzing sludge composition and combustion properties.
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