由香港大学联同中华文化交流基金会合办 的CrimsonSummer Exchange (CSE) 2011暑期学术文化交流课程,在各方的鼎力支持下完满结束。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | Co-organized by the University of [...] Hong Kong (HKU) andCrimson China Cultural Exchange Foundation Limited (CCCE F), Crimson Summer Exchange [...](CSE) 2011 ends [...]with resounding success with tremendous support from various parties. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
由 于Crimson不能接收消 息,所以电子邮件地址经常会被设置为发送回复后返回“无法投递”消息 [...]的内容。 redlion.net | S ince Crimson is not capableof receiving [...]messages, the email address will often be set to something that will return an [...]“undeliverable” message if a reply is sent. redlion.net |
通常 而言,您应为每个同步至给定服务器 的Crimson设备指定一个不同的基目 录。 redlion.net | You will typically specify a different base [...] direct ory foreach Crimsondevice that is synchronizing [...]to a given server. redlion.net |
配合其它属性,将此设置留为默认区域设置,会允 许Crimson根据操作员面板内选择的语言选取合适格式。 redlion.net | As with other properties, leaving this set to Locale [...] Defaul t willallowCrimson topick a suitable [...]format according to the language selected within the operator panel. redlion.net |
小组件可保存至磁盘,也可添加至资源窗格,或通过电子邮件 进行分发,进而 使Crimson用户能够更轻松地和其它用户或技 术支持进行合作。 redlion.net | Widgets can be saved to disk and be added to the Resource [...] Pane, or distributed via email, thereby allowing easier [...] coopera tion between Crimsonusersor between users [...]and Tech Support. redlion.net |
分割 属性定义了是否垂直扳动或水平扳动开关,进而定义 了Crimson解释用户触摸时应如何分割基元。 redlion.net | The Divisions property is used whether the switch [...] is thrown vertically or horizontally, [...] and t herefore how Crimsonshould divide the [...]primitive when interpreting touches by the user. redlion.net |
只要 PC 开始向 PLC 发送数据 ,Crimson和PLC 之间的所有通信就会被挂起,而且目标设备的两个端 [...]口将在软件中连接,这样一来,PC 就会直接与 PLC 对话。 redlion.net | As soon as the PC begins to send to the PLC, all [...] communic ations between Crimson and thePLC will be [...]suspended, and the target device’s [...]two ports will be connected in software, such that the PC will appear to be talking directly to the PLC. redlion.net |
数字格式 属性用于定 义Crimson是否应将数字设置为美国格式或当前所选 语言的特定格式。 redlion.net | The Numeric Format property is [...] used to d efine whetherCrimson will formatnumbers [...]using US format or using a format specific [...]to the current language selection. redlion.net |
Crimson仅将向一个接口发送给定 IP 数据包,因此,如果第一个 [...]以太网端口定义为,第二个以太网端口定义为,则这种配 置将导致发送至 网络的全部数据包均进入第一个端口,进而导致第二个 端口无法正确运行。 redlion.net | Crimson willonly eversend [...]a given IP packet to a single interface, so a configuration that, for example, defines the first [...]Ethernet port as and the second as will result in all packets for the network going to the first port, thereby preventing the second port from operating correctly. redlion.net |
虽然标 题是可译的,但当前版本 的Crimson仅使用美国版本的文本。 redlion.net | Although the title is translatable, [...] current versions of Crimsonuse only theUS version [...]of the text. redlion.net |
可指定仅主要分度或主要分度 [...] 和次要分度,从而手动定义网格线;也可为数据轴指定最小值和最大值并 由Crimson计算最佳网格线样式,从而自动定义网格线。 redlion.net | Gridlines may be defined manually by specifying either just major divisions or both major and minor divisions, or may be defined [...] automatically by specifying minimum and maximum values for the [...] data axi s and letting Crimson calculate thebest [...]gridline pattern. redlion.net |
最后,您还可以启 用Crimson独特的远程访问和控制功能,此功能允许 Web 浏览器查看目标设备的显示 [...]和控制其键盘。 redlion.net | Finally, y oucanenable Crimson’sunique remote access [...]and control feature, which allows a web browser to view the target [...]device’s display and control its keyboard. redlion.net |
此设置允许将多个文件放入同一个内存条,每 个Crimson设备将复制适用于其自身应用程序的文件。 redlion.net | This setting allows several files to be placed on a [...] single stic k,witheach Crimsondevice copying the [...]file that is appropriate to its own application. redlion.net |
跨越读取 选项指定 了Crimson是否会通过读取数据块优化读取操作——即 使这些块跨越了当前不在通信扫描上或未在数据库内引用的多个寄存器。 redlion.net | The Spanning Reads [...] option spec ifies whether Crimson will optimizeread [...]operations by reading blocks of data, even if those [...]blocks span registers that are not currently on the comms scan or referenced in the database. redlion.net |
Crimson设备将起到服务器的作用,等待客户端应用程 序连接并下载或上传文件。 redlion.net | T he Crimson device willact as [...]a server, waiting for client applications to connect and download or upload files. redlion.net |
如果启用了此 [...] 功能,则收到发送给若干收件人的消息的用户可以回复该消息,并且可以 使Crimson设备运行时将消息中继给其他收件人。 redlion.net | If this feature is enabled, a user who receives an SMS message that has been sent to [...] several recipients can reply to that [...] message, and have the Crimson device runtime relay [...]the message to the other recipients. redlion.net |
两种相对模式则会存储并解释相对于数据库或相对 于Crimson图像目录的图像路径,允许在不同机器之间移动数据库和图像文 [...]件,而无需过多担心绝对路径位置。 redlion.net | The two relative modes store and [...] interpret image paths relative to either [...] the da tabase or theCrimson image directory, allowing [...]database and image files to be [...]moved between machines without too much worry about absolute path locations. redlion.net |
这种情况下,进行大量传输的设备使用的波特率不得高于接收设备的 波特率,否 则Crimson等待数据被传输时可能会没有足够内存来缓存数据。 redlion.net | In this case, the device carrying out the larger transmissions must not be [...] using a higher Baud rate than the [...] device rece iving them, or Crimson may nothaveenough [...]memory to buffer the data while waiting for it to be retransmitted. redlion.net |
同年7月,台湾辜振家族旗下和信企业集团的昆仲投资基 金(CrimsonAsiaCapital) 向天时投入近一亿港元的直接投资,天时遂成为获得海外着名投资集团投入巨资的首间本地软件公司。 timeless.com.hk | J uly1997,Crimson Asia Capital, the [...]investment arm under the Koo Chen-fu family, directly injected close to HK$100million [...]into Timeless, making Timeless the first local software company to receive renowned investment from overseas. timeless.com.hk |
Crimson将使用设备的 RAM 来确保不会丢失任何数据,但是,如果写入操作过多,导致卡被锁定超过 [...]四分钟,则数据可能会被放弃。 redlion.net | Crimson will usethe device’s [...]RAM to ensure that no data is lost, but if too many writes are performed such that the card [...]is kept locked for four minutes or more, data may discarded. redlion.net |
据“哈 佛Crimson报”七月十九日报导,中国外交部已通知了美国驻华大使馆,杨建利被捕的消息将会在近期内通知到家属。 yangjianli.com | AAccirdi ngto "Harvard Crimson",The Chinese Ministry [...]of Foreign Affairs told the U.S. embassy that notice of Yang¡¯s arrest [...]will be issued to his family soon, although they did not say when that will be. yangjianli.com |
如果选择 了范围, 则Crimson会假设状态数据值按数字升序排列,如果标记数据小 于或等于一个状态的数据值但大于前一个状态的数据值 ,Crimson就会使 用该状态。 redlion.net | If Ranged is selected, Crimson assumesthat the state data values are in increasing numerical order and will use a state value if the tag data is less than or equal to that state’s data va lue [...]but greater than the prior state’s data value. redlion.net |
我 们还将块大小配置为八,从而为每个我们希望公布的标记分配一个 [...] Modbus 寄存器, 并将方向配置为设备 至Crimson,从而指示我们希望远程设备能够读写通过此块公布的 [...]数据项。 redlion.net | We have also configured the Block Size to eight so as to allocate one Modbus register for each tag we want to [...] expose, and we have configured the [...] Directio n as Device to Crimson, to indicatethat we [...]want remote devices to be able to read [...]and write data items exposed via this block. redlion.net |