

单词 120-handle



way of handling sth.




正在开展各项计划以 提高陆地和航空运输实际上的互联互通,使货物装卸现代化和区域合作。
Programmes were ongoing to enhance physical connectivity in the areas of land and air transport, modernization of cargo handling and regional cooperation.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, 因此减少了空中飞行时间;减少零部件库存,因为老化的中型和重型车队的主要 维修工作及事故维修和油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
一位业界代表问,易腐坏食物如验出含有并非拟议规例范围内的除害剂,又或并非 最高残余限量/再残余限量名单上的除害剂,而验出的残余量没有超出规管水平,业界 应如何处理。
A trade representative sought advice on the way in handling perishable food that was detected with pesticide falling outside the scope of the proposed Regulation or not covered by the list of MRLs/EMRLs but the level of residue detected did not exceed the regulatory level.
在泵送易燃或 有害流体时,必须将废气排放到安全的区域,要远离人 群、动物、食品加工区及所有火源。
When pumping flammable or hazardous fluids, you must vent the exhaust to a safe place, away from people, animals, food handling areas, and all sources of ignition.
任职者将负责指导对 地勤辅助设备的各项要求的规划和提供工作,以支助特派团的飞机运行、加油、 旅客上下、货物装卸、机场和空港安全标准和设备、坠机紧急救援车辆和设备, 包括对工作人员职等、资格和经验的要求,为此向特派团提供指导意见、起草 工作说明、编写对承包商的招标书和编写部队派遣国提供的飞机支助单位的工 作说明,确定设备规格,与其他部门密切联系,以拟定设备和车辆的预算和系 统合同,并就培训要求提供指导。
The incumbent would be responsible for directing the planning and provision of aerospace ground support equipment requirements to support aircraft handling, refuelling, passenger handling, cargo handling, airfield and air terminal security standards and equipment, emergency crash rescue vehicles and equipment in missions, including requirements for staff levels, qualifications and experience by providing guidance to missions, drafting statements of work, developing requests for proposals for contractors, preparing the statements of work for aircraft support units of troop-contributing countries, determining equipment specifications, liaising closely with other sections to establish budgets and systems contracts for equipment and vehicles, and providing guidance on training requirements.
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全 国委员会分发光盘,发行《电视媒体操作技能》新手册及为全国委员会设计的网站模板,出 版简讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》第四和第五版。
Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars (Bangkok, Riga, Dar es Salaam cluster), the distribution of the CD-ROM for National Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling the TV Media” and the creation of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions of the newsletter NCP Synergy.
为了避免污染流体,应使用管道将废气排出流体产品 区之外的地方,并远离人、动物或食品加工区域。
To avoid contaminating the fluid, pipe the exhaust air to vent outside of the fluid product area, away from people, animals, or food-handling areas.
研 究结果所提供的科学资料,有助当局评估食用冰对公众健康带來的风 险、为零售店铺制订处理食用冰的衞生指引,以及决定日後管制食用冰 的制造和处理的路向。
The results will provide scientific information to assess the risk of edible ice to public health and to assist in developing hygienic handling guidelines on ice for retail businesses and in making management decision on the way forward for the control of production and handling of edible ice.
把这些产品带入爱沙尼 亚市场的公司,有义务收集和按规定处理这些产品所产生的废物,并负担所有相 关费用。
Companies bringing these products to the market in Estonia are under the obligation to ensure the collection and compliant handling of waste generated from these products and cover all related costs.
本报告确认了人权高专办认为可以作为人权高专办和常 设论坛之间交换意见的主题领域,包括讨论:(a) 常设论坛可以向人权高专办提 供的咨询意见性质和形式;(b) 人权高专办每年向论坛提供的资料的性质 ;(c) 论坛成员在人权高专办国家一级的活动中可与其进行的合作;(d) 改善人权高专 办和论坛观察员(尤其是国家和土着人民组织)之间对话的方式方法 ;(e) 处理 可能在论坛届会上提出的人权申诉的妥善方法。
The present report identifies areas that OHCHR considers could be the subject of exchanges between the Office and the Permanent Forum, including a discussion on (a) the nature and form of advice that the Forum can give to OHCHR; (b) the nature of the information provided annually by OHCHR to the Forum; (c) the possible cooperation of members of the Forum with OHCHR in its activities at the country level; (d) the ways for improving dialogue between OHCHR and observers to the Forum, especially States and indigenous peoples’ organizations; and (e) the appropriate ways of handling human rights complaints that may arise at sessions of the Forum.
在秘书处代表对 177 EX/51 号文件作了简要介绍之后,一些专家谈到了下属问题:对预 算外活动的必要监督;“目标/预定预算外活动的追加计划”的预计内容、格式和编排以及 随后与出资方的集体和单个磋商;处理自利资金的安排;教科文组织对预算外活动收取费用 的政策。
After a brief introduction by the representative of the Secretariat of document 177 EX/51, several experts addressed the issues of adequate monitoring of extrabudgetary activities; the expected content, format and presentation of the “additional programme of targeted/projected extrabudgetary activities” and the ensuing collective and individual consultations with the funding sources; the handling of self-benefiting funding arrangements; and UNESCO’s cost recovery policy for extrabudgetary activities.
确保埃及遵守国际义务,包括防止非法或未经授权获取核材料的义务, 以及防止干预合法使用此类材料的义务,此类材料包括盗窃、虚报、威 胁、破坏和非法贩运等刑事犯罪活动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全 处理所有领域中各类电离辐射源,以便保证对个人、社会和环境的保护, 并确保在核或放射材料、器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监 管当局授权的除外。
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe handling of sources of ionizing radiation of all types in all fields so as to guarantee the protection of individuals, society and the environment and to ensure that no activity is undertaken in connection with nuclear or radiation material, equipment and technologies, except as authorized by the regulatory authority.
中国完成了环境卫星应用系统的建造,这个系统由九个分系统组成,以分 阶段方式在环境监测和检查、生态系统保护、环境紧急情况处理、环境影片和 图像评估以及其他重要任务中应用环境遥感技术。
China has completed the construction of its environmental satellite application system, which consists of nine subsystems, applying environmental remote sensing in a phased manner to environmental monitoring and inspection, protection of the ecosystem, handling of environmental emergencies, assessment of films and images of the environment and other important tasks.
本人获本幼稚园的核准校长同意,并特此同意及代表他/她同意,教统局、为政府学券计划 提供服务的承办商,以及其他获政府正式授权的人士,可查阅本表格所载述关於本人及有关 校长在本表格所提供的个人资料,以作表格第 VI 部「提供/处理个人资料」第 2 段所载的用 途。
I have obtained the consent of the approved principal of the Kindergarten and hereby give consent on his/her behalf and my consent, to EMB and the contractors of the Government which provide services to the Government in connection with the PEVS and other persons duly authorized by the Government to access my and such principal’s personal data provided in this application for the purposes set out in paragraph 2 of Part VI of this application form on Provision/Handling of Personal Data.
秘书处的代表指出,就 如何处理被没收的氟氯化碳进行管制的决定以及相应的行动计划,已获得缔约方大会第十 六届会议的核准(第 XVI/27 号决定)。
The representative noted that a decision regulating the handling of seized CFCs and the respective plan of action had been approved at the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties (decision XVI/27).
1.7 本行须待收到下述各项,方接受认购、购入、转换、转移或赎回单位的指示:(i) 已妥为 签署由本行或有关基金指定的申请书或请求书(视情况而定);(ii) 如属认购或购入,须待 收到款项及(iii) 任何其他必须的资料或文件。
1.7 An instruction to subscribe, purchase, switch, transfer or redeem the Units will only be accepted by us for handling upon receipt by us of (i) the duly signed application or request in the form required by us or in the form required by the relevant Fund (as the case may be), and (ii) in the case of a subscription or purchase, the receipt of payment, and (c) any other necessary information or documentation.
D. 第四,所有个人和实体都应建立机制,允许任何有关方面就示警红旗地区矿 物的开采、贸易、处理和出口情况表达关切,并记录这些关切,特别是在涉及到 刚果民主共和国东部武装团体、犯罪网络和(或)严重侵犯人权者和(或)受制裁个 人和实体的卷入时更应如此。
D. Fourth, all individuals and entities should develop mechanisms allowing any interested parties to voice and record concerns regarding the circumstances of mineral extraction, trade, handling and export in red flag locations, particularly in relation to the involvement of armed groups in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; criminal networks and/or perpetrators of serious human rights abuses and/or sanctioned individuals and entities.
因此,乌克兰《刑法典》载有在某种程度上涉及可能扩散大规模毁灭性武器 活动的刑事责任的八项条款:第 258 条(恐怖主义法);第 261 条(对包含有可能 严重威胁环境的物体的设施发动的进攻);第 321 条(非法生产、制造、获得、运 输、转让和储存有毒及烈性物质用于出售目的或出售这些物质);第 326 条(违反 关于处理微生物或其他生物物剂或毒素);第 333 条(从乌克兰非法出口原材料、 投入、设备和技术用于制造武器,以及非法出口军事和专门技术);第 439 条(使 用大规模毁灭性武器);第 440 条(发展、生产、获得、储存、销售和运输大规模 毁灭性武器);以及第 441 条(生态灭绝)。
The Criminal Code of Ukraine thus contains eight articles which in one way or another are concerned with criminal liability for activities involving the potential proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: article 258 (Terrorist act); article 261 (Attacks on facilities which contain objects posing a heightened risk to the environment); article 321 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, transport, transfer and stockpiling for sales purposes or sale of toxic and potent substances); article 326 (Infringement of the rules on handling microbiological or other biological agents or toxins); article 333 (Illegal export from Ukraine of raw materials, inputs, equipment and technology for weapons manufacture, and also military and specialized technology); article 439 (Use of weapons of mass destruction); article 440 (Development, production, acquisition, stockpiling, sale and transport of weapons of mass destruction); and article 441 (Ecocide).
由 於 这 项 大 规 模 行 动 属 於 屋 宇 署 相 关 部 别 推 行 署 方 有 关 楼 宇 安 全 及 维 修 执 法 计 划 的 整 体 工 作 的 一 部 分 , 我 们 不 能 单 就 处 理 这 项 行 动 的 人 手 提 供 分 项 数 字 。
As the LSO is part of the overall duties of the concerned Divisions of the BD to implement its building safety and maintenance enforcement programme, we are not able to provide a breakdown of the manpower solely for handling this operation.
所有Monza 4芯片具有两个完全独立的天线端口,消除了标签盲点,极大提升了零售、行李处理和资产追踪等难以控制标签定位的实际应用中的读写可靠性。
All Monza 4 chips have two fully independent antenna ports, eliminating tags' blind spots and significantly increasing read and write reliability in real-world applications where tag orientation is hard to control, such as in retail, baggage handling and asset tracking.
特别是,需要具体 要求和保存技术(插文5),以保全营养质量、延长货架期、使腐败细菌活动最 小化并避免因糟糕的处理导致的损失。
In particular, specific requirements and preservation techniques (Box 5) are needed in order to preserve its nutritional quality, extend its shelf-life, minimize the activity of spoilage bacteria and avoid losses caused by poor handling.
该代表进一步告知食典委,最近召开的世界卫生大会(2008 年 5 月)已经通过了一个决议(WHA61.20),指出大会因粮农组织/世卫组织通过食典委 在婴幼儿配方粉法典卫生规范方面所进行的工作而受到鼓舞;敦促成员国通过应用和宣 传,执行世卫组织/粮农组织婴儿配方粉安全制备、贮存和处理准则,将细菌感染的危险 性降到最低,从而保证标签与法典的标准、准则的一致性,考虑到 WHA58.32 号决议;还 敦促成员国研究将母乳库中的捐赠乳喂养易受感染婴儿作为降低危险性策略的可能性。
The Representative further informed the Commission that the recently held World Health Assembly (May 2008) had adopted a resolution (WHA61.20) which indicated that the Assembly was encouraged by the work of the FAO/WHO through Codex on the Code of Hygienic Practice for Powdered Formulae for Infants and Young Children; that Member States were urged to implement through application and dissemination the WHO/FAO Guidelines on Safe Preparation, Storage and Handling of Powdered Infant Formula to minimize the risk of bacterial infection and to ensure that labelling conformed with standards, guidelines and recommendations of Codex taking into account resolution WHA58.32 and in addition urged Member States to investigate the possible use of donor milk through human milk banks for vulnerable infants as a riskreduction strategy.
Monza 4标签芯片有助于开展众多终端应用,包括物品级服装标记、资产追踪、个人体验和安全、材料处理、物流、监管链以及其他需要通过射频识别投资来改善可测量的企业流程的应用。
Monza 4 tag chips benefit numerous end-use applications, including item-level apparel tagging, asset tracking, personal experience & safety, material handling, logistics, chain of custody and others that demand measurable business process improvements from RFID investments.
但是,溢利增长受到寻求开展新商业机会及处理印度税务事宜引致专业费用上升、员工支出增加, 以及对一间附属公司的若干资产作出减值拨备所影响。
However, the profit growth has been impacted by increased professional fees in exploring new business opportunities and handling Indian tax matters, increased staff costs and the impairment charge on certain assets of a subsidiary.




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