足以用来操 作CNC接头上的任 何CNC输入引脚 组合。 grindingcontrol.com | It will be adequate to operate any combination of the CNC inputs on the CNC connector. grindingcontrol.com |
可手动设置、测量和监测,也 可以用大多 数CNC数控系统的程序控制执 行。 heidenhain.com.cn | Setup, measuring and monitoring functions can be performed manually or—in conjunction with most CNC controls—under program control. heidenhain.hu |
如 果CNC碰撞锁定设置为关,则此输入引脚被忽略。 grindingcontrol.com | This input is ignored if the CNC Crash latch is set to OFF. grindingcontrol.com |
与竞争对手的机床比较 ,CNC控制系统与高效驱动技术 的相结合使能源消耗减少了 30%。 moriseiki.com | Here the CNC control, combined with efficient drive technology, ensures an energy consumption that is up to 30 percent reduced in direct comparison with competitor machines. moriseiki.com |
我们选用最好的组件,延续我 们先 前CNC的成功要素,例如可扩展性、 适应性、独特 的CNC功能、标准接口以及 PLC 编程等,然后更新并改进整个系统。 numroto.com | We took the best components, kept [...] those elements behind the success of our p revious CNCs, suchas scalability, flexibility, unique CNC [...]functions, standardized [...]interfaces and PLC programming, then renovated and improved the complete system. numroto.com |
它通过逐一报告沿线性轴定义的回转轴中心和车床中心线的误差(通常存储 在CNC中),为用户提供机床优化所需的建议修正数据。 renishaw.com.cn | Errors in pivot points and lathe centre [...] lines defined along the linear axes (as [...] commonly sto red in CNCs) arereported [...]individually, providing users with recommended [...]correction values for machine optimisation. renishaw.com.tr |
geniSYS 帮助全球客户消除了昂贵的拆卸成本,它提供下列操作功能: [...] 稳定的、可重复的切割,发热量最少,无需用手,确保最大安全性,不需要复杂 的CNC编程,预装的螺纹铣削和钻孔程序可以方便地更改镗孔直径、深度和应用场合;geniSYS [...]提供创新的快速切割技术,维护成本低,而且 [...]geniSYS 还能够快速、轻松地切割大多数具有锈蚀和杂质的金属。 hydratight.com | Helping customers around the globe eliminate expensive dis-assembly costs, the geniSYS offers these operational features: a stable and repeatable cut with minimum heat generation, [...] hands free guarded cutting for maximum [...] safety, no com plex CNC programming required [...]with preloaded thread milling and boring [...]programs that can easily change bore diameters, depths and applications, the geniSYS offers innovative quick cut technology and low maintenance costs, plus the geniSYS has the power to cut most metals, corrosion and impurities with speed and ease. hydratight.com |
据法国国家电影中心 (CNC)和法国国际电视台(出口法国电视节目的公司)去年公布的数据,这些销售赚了2640万欧元,比2009年增加了13.7%。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | According to the statistics published last September by the CNC (France’s National Centre of Cinematography) and TV France International, the company responsible for exporting French programmes, these sales brought in 26.4 million euros, an advance of 13.7% on 2009. consulfrance-hongkong.org |