塌 陷 即 木 材 表 面 塌 落 , 是 由 一 些 木 细 胞 的 严 重 变 形 引 起 的 (Mac kay和Ol i ve i r a 19 8 9 ) 。 wrcea.cn | Collapse is the caving in of the wood surface due to the severe distortion of some cells in the wood (Mackay and Oliveira 1989). wrcea.org |
大 多 数 工 艺 流 程 使 用 常 规 或 较 低 的 温 度 , 或 常 规 温 度 与 其 后 改 变 到 较 高 温 度 的 组 合 (Mac kay和Ol i v e i r a 19 8 9 ) 。 wrcea.cn | Most schedules use conventional or low temperatures, or a combination of conventional temperatures with subsequent change to high temperatures (Mackay and Oliveira 1989). wrcea.org |
尼日利亚大 使M.奥莫勒瓦先生当选 为工作组主席 ,Y.利亚多先生当选为副主席。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Ambassador M. Omolewa of Nigeria was elected Chairperson of the Working Group and Mr Y. Lijadu Vice-Chairperson. unesdoc.unesco.org |
泵 (A) 可由安装在 危险场所的本地控制 盒(C)和安装在非危险场所的变频 驱动器 (D) 进行控制,或可从计算 机(Y)上进行远程 控制。 graco.com | The pump (A) may be controlled by a local control box (C) mounted in the hazardous area, a variable frequency drive (D) mounted in the non-hazardous area, or remotely from a computer (Y). graco.com |
可以提及以下实例:(a)延长登记的有 效期(登记延期);(b)在已登记通知确定两名或多名有担保债权人的情况下删除 一名有担保债权人 ;(c)增添一名有担保债权人;(d)在已登记通知确定两名或多 名设保人的情况下删除一名设保人;(e)增添一名设保人;(f)删除设保资产;(g) 更改设保人的身份识别特征;(h)更改有担保债权人的身份识别特征;(i)有担保 债权人转让附担保债务;(j)有担保债权人排序居次 ;(k)有担保债权人权利排序 居次;(l)更改设保人或有担保债权人的地址; 及(m)更改对担保权可予强制执行 的最高金额(如予适用)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following examples could be mentioned: (a) the extension of the effectiveness of a registration (renewal of a registration); (b) the deletion of a secured creditor where two or more secured creditors are identified in the registered notice; (c) the addition of a secured creditor; (d) the deletion of a grantor when two or more grantors are identified in the registered notice; (e) the addition of a [...] grantor; (f) the deletion of encumbered [...] assets; (g) the modification of the identifier of the grantor; (h) the modification of the identifier of the secured creditor; (i) the assignment of the secured obligation by the secured creditor; (j) the subordination by the secured creditor; (k) the subrogation of a secured creditor’s right; (l) the modification of the address of a grantor or secured creditor; and (m) the modification in the maximum monetary amount for which the security right maybe enforced (if applicable). daccess-ods.un.org |
极性转换选择器端 子K是延伸出来的细级分接选择 器端子 (也 有M10螺丝用的孔 37)。 highvolt.de | Reversing change-over selector terminal K [...] is an extended tap selector terminal (also with throu gh-hole for M10 screws, Figure 37). highvolt.de |
允许提供注册地址服务 的第三方包 括 律 师 、审计 师 和 会 计 师。他们 在完 成“了解 您的 客户 (K Y C)”程序后 方 能 履行自己的 职责。 hance-law.com | Third parties that are allowed to provide domiciliation services include attorneys, auditors and accountants, who perform their duties after having performed a “Know-your-customer – KYC” procedure. hance-law.com |
合 资 格人 士:X e n i t h C o n s u l t i n g 的 G r a n t Walker 先 生 及M cEl royBr y a n G e o l o g i c a l S e r v i c e s 的Ker r y W h i t b y 先 生各自为 J O RC 所界定 的 合 资 格人 士,具有 与 所 考 量 的矿化类型及矿床类别以及其所进行工作相关的充足经验。 glencore.com | Competent Persons: Mr Grant Walker of Xenith Consulting and Mr Kerry Whitby of McElroy Bryan Geological Services are each Competent Persons as defined by JORC and have sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking. glencore.com |
(5)“[*] Ink Near End”:* 墨水即将用尽(* 代表不同的颜色 :C、M、Y、K),如果您确定墨盒并不缺少墨水,可以拔插一次墨盒来消除这一信息,插出墨盒时只需把墨盒轻轻拔出一点即可(大约5mm,不宜拔出太多),机器发出“嘀、嘀、嘀”的响声后再插入,做这项操作不会影响机器的正常打印。 sc-union.com | (5 )"[*] Ink Near End ": * Ink running out (* on behalf of a different color: C, M, Y, K) , ifyou determine is no shortage of ink cartridges, you can swap a cartridge to eliminate this a message when you can simply insert a cartridge that you can pull out the cartridge gently (about 5mm, not pull out too much), the machine issued a "tick, tick, tick" sound after the insertion, to do this action does not which affect the normal print. sc-union.com |
主席提醒会议指出,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的体制建设项目已在议程项目 7(c)下得到处理(见第 73(k)段)。 multilateralfund.org | The Chair reminded the meeting that the institutional strengthening project for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had already been addressed under agenda item 7(c) (see paragraph 73(k)). multilateralfund.org |
大会第三十三至六十五届会议审议了这个项目(第 33/71 A 至 H、34/83 A 至 M、35/152 A 至 J、36/92 A 至M、37/78 A 至K、38/183 A 至 P、39/148 A 至 R、 40/18、40/152 A 至 Q、41/86 A 至 R、42/42 A 至 N、43/78 A 至 M、44/119 A 至 H、45/62 A 至 G、46/38 A 至 D、47/54 A 至 G、48/77 A 和 B、49/77 A 至 D、 50/72 A 至C、51/47 A 至C、52/40 A 至C、53/79 A 和 B、54/56 A 和 B、55/35 A 至 C、56/26 A 和 B、57/95、57/96、58/66、58/67、59/104、59/105、60/89、 60/91、61/98、61/99、62/54、62/55、63/82、63/83、64/64、64/65 和 65/85 至 65/87 号决议以及第 34/422、39/423、40/428、41/421、44/432、47/422 和 54/418 号决定)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its thirty-third to sixty-fifth sessions, the General Assembly considered the item (resolutions 33/71 A to H, 34/83 A to M, 35/152 A to J, 36/92 A to M, 37/78 A to K, 38/183 A to P, 39/148 A to R, 40/18, 40/152 A to Q, 41/86 A to R, 42/42 A to N, 43/78 A to M, 44/119 A to H, 45/62 A to G, 46/38 A to D, 47/54 A to G, 48/77 A and B, 49/77 A to D, 50/72 A to C, 51/47 A to C, 52/40 A to C, 53/79 A and B, 54/56 A and B, 55/35 A to C, 56/26 A and B, 57/95, 57/96, 58/66, 58/67, 59/104, 59/105, 60/89 to 60/91, 61/98, 61/99, 62/54, 62/55, 63/82, 63/83, 64/64, 64/65 and 65/85 to 65/87; and decisions 34/422, 39/423, 40/428, 41/421, 44/432, 47/422 and 54/418). daccess-ods.un.org |
根据各会员国在回复普通照会时提供的资料,本报告概述了各国为解决暴力 侵害妇女行为而采取的各项措施,这些措施涉及(a) 国际文书、立法及刑事司法 系统(第 63/155 号决议以下各段特别提及:第 11、12、13、16(b )、(c)、(d) 、(k)、(l)、(m)和18 段);(b) 国家行动计划、战略及国家协调机制和协作(特别 提及:第 16(a)、(f)、(g)、(j)、(n)、(q)和(t)段);(c) 包括提高认识和能力 建设在内的预防措施(特别提及:第 14、15、16(b)、(h)、(i)、(j)、(o)和(s) 段);(d) 向受害者/幸存者提供保护、支持和服务(特别提及第 15、16(l)、(m)、 (p)、(q)和(r)段);以及(e) 数据收集和分析(特别提及:第 16(e)段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on inputs received from Member States in response to a note verbale, the present report summarizes measures taken by States to address violence against women in relation to (a) international instruments, legislation and the criminal justice system (addressing in particular resolution 63/155, paras. 11, 12, 13, 16 (b), (c), (d), (k), (l) and (m) and 18)); (b) national action plans, strategies and national coordination mechanisms and collaboration (in particular para. 16 (a), (f), (g), (j), (n), (q) and (t)); (c) prevention measures, including awareness-raising and capacitybuilding (in particular paras. 14, 15, 16 (b), (h), (i), (j), (o) and (s)); (d) protection, support and services for victims/survivors (in particular paras. 15, 16 (l), (m), (p), (q) and (r)); and (e) data collection and analysis (in particular para. 16 (e)). daccess-ods.un.org |
M.V.DefneY号的。船上的船员和乘客没有抵抗,以色列军队顺利控制了船只。 daccess-ods.un.org | The crew and passengers on boar d offeredno resistance and the Israeli forces took control of the ship without incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
这两家公司均提供财务 [...] [...] 资助并供应原材料、工程师及劳工予多所学校、学院及大学,包括 U N I KO L ( U n i ve r s ityofKol w e z i )、Kol w e z i 的Mat e n d o 学 校 、NyumbayaHeri学校及ISTA (Institut Supérieur [...]de Techniques Appliquées)。 glencore.com | Both have made financial contributions and supplied raw materials, engineers and labour to a number of schools, colleges and universities. glencore.com |
在细级分接选择器连接端 子K和n-1 旁M10螺栓的孔全是垂直的并固定在粗级分接选择器相应的压 层纸绝缘条上 (见 38 和第 16 节,图 8904778D)。 highvolt.de | Like the tap selector terminals K and n-1, the throughholes for M10 bolts are always arranged vertically (see Figure 38 and section 16, drawing 8904778E). highvolt.de |
在所附的图中,具体的内陆渔业( )被指 定到特定的四分圆(A、 B、C或D),取决于其根据环境和生产参数 (y轴)以及社会和经济参数(x轴)是如何表现的。 fao.org | In the accompanying figure, specific inland capture [...] fisheries ( ) are assigned to a given quadrant (A,B, C or D) depending on how they [...]perform according to [...]environmental and production parameters (y-axis) and social and economic parameters (x-axis). fao.org |
1989年5月27日,亚美尼亚公民 V.Min asyan 在一辆埃里温至巴库的火车上 被捕,并被发现持有一个爆炸装置。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 27May 1989, on a train from Yerevan to Baku, an Armenian citizen, V. Minasyan, was arrested and found to be in possession of an explosive device. daccess-ods.un.org |
粮农组织农业及消费者保护部助理总干事 J. M. Sumpsi 先生和世卫组织食品安全、 人兽共患病及食源性疾病部科学家 G.Moy博士代表世卫组织可持续发展及健康环境部 助理总干事 Weber-Mosdorf 女士分别宣布会议开幕。 codexalimentarius.org | The Session was opened by Mr J. M. Sumpsi, Assistant Director-General, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, FAO and Dr G. Moy, Scientist, Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Disease, WHO on behalf of Ms Weber-Mosdorf, Assistant Director-General, Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments, WHO, respectively. codexalimentarius.org |
2007年10月20 日来文的提交人 是Y. M.先生,车臣籍俄罗斯公民,1949年 生。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author of the communication dated 20 October 2007 is Mr Y. M., a Russian citizen of Chechen origin, born in 1949. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一规定在《国际军火贩运条例》的框架内执行安全理事会的行动,将 利比亚列入第 1 26.1(c)节,并修订了第 1 26.1(k)节对利比亚的原来政策, 宣布现行政策是拒绝所有向利比亚出口或以其他方式转让防卫物项和服务 的许可证或其他申请,除非安全理事会禁运令不加以禁止,并经认定符合美 国的国家安全和外交政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | This rulemaking implements the Security Council’s actions within the International Traffic in Arms Regulations by adding Libya to section 126.1(c) and revising the previous policy on Libya contained in section 126.1(k) to announce a policy of denial for all requests for licenses or other approvals to export or otherwise transfer defence articles and services to Libya, except where not prohibited under Security Council embargo and determined to be in the interests of the national security and foreign policy of the United States. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.2 1999 年3月9 日,提交人和另两名乘客 ,A.M.与K.K,被执法人员逮捕。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.2 On 9 March 1999, the author and the other two passengers, A.M. and K.K, were arrested by law-enforcement officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
在常闭触点 K100: 31/32 中断 [...] K20 控制(闭锁接下来的操作)期间,常闭触 点K100:21/22 断开 TG 260、IOX1:23/24 至释放线圈 Q1:C1的电气连接,并抑制电机保护开关跳闸,电机保护开关跳闸会导致驱动通过监 [...]视系统停机。 highvolt.de | While the K100: 31/32 break contact interrupts control of the K20 (blocks a new tap-change [...]operation), the K100:21/22 break contact [...]severs the electrical connection between TG260, IO-X1:23/24, and the Q1:C1 trip coil and prohibits motor protection from being released, which would result in a shut-down of the drive by the monitoring system. highvolt.de |
应用交流:1 35°C下TCB 中的聚乙烯的本征粘 度Y-501 粘度计是传统上测定聚乙烯溶液粘度所用的玻璃管的准确、高效的替代设备。 malvern.com.cn | Application communication: Intrinsic viscosity of polyethylene in TCB at 135°C The Y-501 Viscometer is an accurate, efficient replacement for the glass tubes traditionally used in polyethylene solution viscosity measurement. malvern.ru |
在高中及大学时期 ,C. Y.曾代表台湾参加许多国际程式设计或资讯竞赛并屡获佳绩,包含曾在1996年参加国际资讯奥林匹亚获银牌奖。 geniusvision.net | In high school and college, C. Y. represented Taiwan to attend numerous international programming contests, including International Olympiad in Informatics 1996 and won Silver medal. geniusvision.net |
在利比亚发现的便携式防空系统多为 SA -7b(9K32M)型,这是 1970 年代和 1980 年代在苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟生产(少量在保加利亚和塞尔维亚生产) 的第一代便携式防空系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most of the [...] man-por table airdefence systems found in Libya are model SA-7b (9K32M), a first generation man-port able air defence system [...]produced in the 1970s [...]and the 1980s in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and in Bulgaria and Serbia to a lesser extent. daccess-ods.un.org |
名为“CtoD”的 link 从 sequ enceY中的活 动C开始,到直接被嵌套在外层 [...]flow 中的活动 D 结束。 huihoo.org | There is a link named "CtoD" that starts at [...] activity C in sequenc e Y and ends at activity D, [...]which is directly nested in the enclosing flow. huihoo.org |
结合巴黎xichouensis(H .李)Y.H. Ji,H.李 & Z.K.周(Acta Phytotax。 Sin。 44: 612. 2006) 在为中国的植物群科处理的出版之后出现。 flora.ac.cn | The combination Paris xichouensis (H. Li) Y. H. Ji, H. Li & Z. K. Zhou (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 44: 612. 2006) appeared after publication of the family treatment for the Flora of China. flora.ac.cn |
在另一 案(K.M.诉瑞士)中,委员会认为无 任何迹象表明申诉人在离开土耳其后曾与库尔德工人党合作(第 107/1998 号来文,6.6 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In another case, K.M. v. Switzerland, the Committee considered that nothing indicated that the complainant had collaborated with the PKK after his departure from Turkey (communication No. 107/1998, para. 6.6). daccess-ods.un.org |
对组织, 个人违犯工艺转让合同的制裁包括: a- 惩罚违犯 178 b- 惩罚损害赔 偿c-被迫按合同执行 d- 暂时停止合同之执行 '- 停止合同之执行 e- 废除合 同k-不违反越南法律基本原则, 不违反国际贸易习惯, 不 违反越南社会主义共和国为成员资格之国际条之其 他办法由各方进行协商。 nistpass.gov.vn | g/ Other measures agreed by the parties which are not contrary to the basic principles of Vietnamese law, international trade practice, or treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party. nistpass.gov.vn |