美国加利福尼亚州森林湖的松下航空电子公司(Panasonic Avionics [...] Corporation)将负责提供机舱管理和乘客地址系统 (CMS)。tipschina.gov.cn | Panasonic Avionics Corporation of Lake Forest, CA, USA, has been selected to supply the Cabin Management and [...] Passenger Ad dress System (CMS). tipschina.gov.cn |
另外, 中国海监总队于 [...] 2010 年将海军巡逻舰 数量增加到 36 支,其中包括中国最快的监测 船CMS75。crisisgroup.org | Additionally, in 2010 the China Marine [...] Surveillance increased its total number of naval vessels on patrol [...] by 36, including the CMS-75,itsfastest surveillance ship. crisisgroup.org |
计算机和媒体 服 务(CMS)部以及自然科学中央图书馆所提供的全部资源都来 自一处。 igel.com | The entire range of resources offered by the Computer [...] and Me dia Service (CMS)department and the [...]Central Library for Natural Sciences all comes from one source. igel.com |
本文件所适用的主要法律为《社会安全法》第 18 篇, [...] 以及由联邦医疗保险及医疗补助服务中 心(CMS)依《社会安全法》所拟定的规章。 lacare.org | The principal law that applies to this document is Title XVIII of the Social [...] Security Act and the regulations created under the Social Security Act by the Centers for [...] Medicare & Medicai d Services, or CMS. lacare.org |
如果您 的CMS禁止javascript,您仍然可以使用专门的非脚本代码在网站上添加聊天功能,但游客监控和聊天邀请等有些功能会不可用。 providesupport.cn | If javascript is [...] prohi bited by your CMS youstill could add [...]the chat feature to your web-site by using special No-Script [...]Code, but some features, such as visitor monitoring and chat invitations, will not be available. providesupport.com |
於是 NAPCA 辅助热 [...] 线便开始和美国联邦医疗保险与 医疗补助服务中 心(CMS)及药房合作解决药物获得暂时承保的 [...]问题。 napca.org | As a result, the NAPCA Helpline began [...] working with the US Centers for Medicare and [...] Medicai d Services(CMS) and pharmacies to [...]access the temporary drug coverage. napca.org |
同时,使 用CMS卡片设计软件可以为打印UV图像提供更多额外的支持。 edisecure.de | T heCMS Card Designer disposes [...]of a new extended support of printing on the UV plane. edisecure.de |
它不需要任何数据库支持,但实现了高 级CMS的所有功能如:模块化,模板,户管理,高级权限系统和包含在主要模块中的文章,新闻,书签, [...]聊天和文件归档等等。 javakaiyuan.com | It does not require any database support , [...] but the realization of all the advanced [...] feature s , such as CMS:modularity , templates, [...]users management , advanced permissions [...]system, and included in the main module of the articles , news , bookmarks ,Chat and file archiving , and so on . javakaiyuan.com |
他曾在多家跨国企业担任法律顾问,包 括CMS能源公司(一个总部位于美国密歇根州的电力和天然气集团)的高级法律顾问。 squiresanders.com | He held several in-house counsel positions [...] with various multi-nationals, including [...] senior counsel atCMS Energy, a Michigan-based [...]electricity and natural gas utility. subscribe.squiresanders.com |
马先生擅长於内容管理系 统(CMS)、电脑辅助电话访问系统(CATI)、网上直播系统及手机应用程式开发。 hkupop.hku.hk | His expertise includes Content Management System, Computer-assisted Telephone Interviewing System, Web Live Broadcasting system, and mobile application development. hkupop.hku.hk |
该垃圾回收器基于SGen构建,使用的流程和Sun JVM的并发标记清除 (CMS)回收器相似。 infoq.com | Building on top of SGen, this garbage collector uses a process similar to Sun JVM’s [...] concurrent m ark-and-sweep(CMS) collector. infoq.com |
已投保本计划,且投保资格已由联邦医疗保险及医疗补助服务中 心(CMS)确认,可获得承保服务的联邦医疗保险会员。 lacare.org | A person with Medicare who is eligible to get covered services, who [...] has enrolled in our plan and whose enrollment has been confirmed by the Centers for [...] Medicare & Medic aid Services (CMS). lacare.org |
无论你的监控工具是单台电脑或一整面电视墙,Synology 的CMS的解决方案皆能提供最佳的安全监控系统,并可随业务需求弹性地进行调整,协助企业长期发展。 synology.com | Whether your surveillance environment is a single [...] PC or a set of TV wall in central control [...] room, Synol ogy’s CMS solution is able [...]to fulfill your request, even as your business grows. synology.com |
我们热爱的许多功能来与这一主题,选择您要使用 的CMS块非常大的数字,在您的处置精确的颜色。 pro-themes-plugins.com | We love the many features that come with [...] this theme, the ability to choose the exact color you want to use the [...] very lar genumbersofCMS blocksat your disposal. pro-themes-plugins.com |
此外,我们的浏览器可以很轻松地集成到任何第三方Windows或Web应用程序以及几乎所有流行 的CMS、运行在ASP.NET平台的程序“Sharepoint、DotNetNuke等。 evget.com | Moreover, our viewers can be easily implemented into any [...] third-party Windows or Web-application as well as [...] almost any popular CMS, operatingon the [...]ASP.NET platform: Sharepoint, DotNetNuke etc. evget.com |
但是由于大多数的博客都是个人博客,而且用户也许并不需要通过注册才能发表评论(但是并不能发表和编辑文章),所以你的博客也许并不需要进一步的复杂的用户帐号管理面板——像那些社区论坛或大 的CMS站点一样。 readtheweb.info | Provide a site-wide language choice is essential but not enough, what is better is that your registered users can have their own user account’s option which can set the language they prefer to view your weblog ( But since most weblog is just one author, and the end user may need not register to post comment but never can edit or write articles, so [...] your weblog may not need much more complex user account control panel like those [...] large com munity forum or CMS website has. readtheweb.info |
联邦医疗保险与医疗补助服务中 心(CMS)今日发表一个建议性规则,要求大部份的参与Medicare的服务及用品提供者给Medicare [...]受益人一个书面通知书,告诉他们当他们顾虑到所接受的与Medicare 有关的医疗照顾的质量而想联络Medicare质量改良机构(QIO)的时候有何权利。 napca.org | The Centers for Medicare & [...] Medicaid Services (CMS)issued a proposed [...]rule today that would require most Medicare-participating [...]providers and suppliers to give Medicare beneficiaries written notice about their right to contact a Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) with concerns about the quality of care they receive under the Medicare program. napca.org |
当 召 开 每 星 期 会 议 讨 论 病 人 [...] 个 案 时,X 姑 娘 需 要 从CMS及该USB 分 别 印 制 有 关 [...]第 一 及 第 二 类 病 人 的 医 疗 资 料 作 开 会 及 存 档 之 用 。 pcpd.org.hk | Before attending the weekly clinical meetings to discuss medical cases, Nurse X [...] had to print the clinical consultation notes of patients of [...] both ca tegories fromCMS andthe USBfor meeting [...]and filing. pcpd.org.hk |
用户可透过一 台CMS主伺服器管理分布在各处的录影伺服器与 IP 摄影机、集中设定使用者权限、观看各录影伺服器上的即时影像与录影片段,或指派多台摄影机进行即时影像分析。 synology.com | It centralizes the management of widely spread recording servers and IP cameras, including setting their user or group credentials and permissions, watching live feeds and playback recordings as well as conducting intelligence video analysis of multiple IP cameras, all on a CMS host. synology.com |
下次聚会时间为2009年1月23日,聚会议程为:Christoph [...] Schröder律师/博士 (CMSHasche Sigle律师事务所,汉堡)将就“在中国进行争端解决”作简短报告,在中国受过专门法学教育的中国法专家董一梁先生(BRÖDERMANN [...][...]& JAHN律师事务所,汉堡)将就“与中国有关的跨文化法律问题研究”作简短报告。 ceac-hamburg.com | The programme for the next meeting shall include a speech of Dr. [...] Christoph S chröder (CMSHasche Sigle, Hamburg) [...]on “Dispute Resolution in China” [...]and a speech of Yiliang Dong (Brödermann & Jahn, Hamburg), a Chinese trained legal expert, on “Intercultural Issues related to China”. ceac-hamburg.com |
产品编号 :CMS1520我们提供15公斤。或20升包装食用油,vanaspati,棕榈油,椰子油,芥末油,豆油,石油化工产品,油画颜料,药品,化妆品或奶粉,糖果及其他类似产品方锡容器的机器。 chinatrader.ru | I tem Code: CMS1520 We offer15 kgs. [...]or 20 litres square tin container machines for packing edible oil, vanaspati, palm oil, [...]coconut oil, mustard oil, soya oil, petrochemicals products, oil paints, pharmaceutical products, cosmetic or milk powder, confectionery and other such products. chinatrader.ru |
升级迅速安全,文件管理简 单CMS软件版本的升级和附加功能模块的激活,都是通过简单的 [...]许可文件更新完成的,而许可文件可通过邮件发送,实现即时 升级。 edisecure.de | FAST, SECURE UPGRADES AND EASY STOCK [...] MANAGEMENT Upgrade theCMS editions andactivate [...]additional optional modules using the [...]convenient license manager to provide immediate upgrades by email via software license file. edisecure.de |
通过dtSearch [...] Web的操作,Spider可以扩展搜索数据库的范围,从站点本身的数据到一个公共的第三方站点的内容(公开可用且安全的),还能支持各种各样的内容(HTML,XML,ASP.NET, MSCMS,SharePoint等。 evget.com | Operating through dtSearch Web, the Spider can expand the scope of the searchable database beyond a site's own data to content on a third-party Web sites (both publicly available and secure), including [...] support for a wide variety of content [...] (HTML, XM L,ASP.NET, MS CMS, SharePoint,etc.) and [...]WYSWYG hit highlighted displays. evget.com |