麻省理工学院 的B.ClarkBurchfiel编辑和成都地质矿产研究所的Chen [...]Zhiliang合作完成了一本介绍25年以来麻省理工学院与中国各机构的合作成果的书籍。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Ed itors B. Clark Burchfiel of the [...]Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Chen Zhiliang of the Chengdu Institute [...]of Geology and Mineral Resources have compiled into one volume the results of more than 25 years of cooperative work between MIT and agencies in China. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在接受饰演年轻 的ClarkKent之前,曾经拒绝了 该角色两次。 stardoll.com | Turned down the [...] role ofthe young ClarkKent twicebefore [...]accepting it. stardoll.com |
在 7 月 16 日第 26 [...] 次会议上,理事会继续进行对话,听取 了Clark女士和世 界卫生组织助理总干事兼联合国系统行政首长协调理事会管理问题高级别委员 [...]会副主席 Denis Aitken 博士就三年期全面政策审查的一些选定主题作出的陈述。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 26th meeting, on 16 July, the Council [...] continued its dialogue session and heard [...] presenta tions by Ms.Clark and Dr. Denis Aitken, [...]Assistant Director-General, World Health [...]Organization, and Vice-Chairperson, High-level Committee on Management, United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, on selected themes of the triennial comprehensive policy review. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的兄弟企业McKe nzieClark能够高质量完成零售和企业标识项目,同时引领着专业艺术品管理领域的发展。 csm.com | High quality retail and corporate signage projects from our [...] sister comp any McKenzie Clark, who also lead the [...]field in professional artwork management. csm.com |
高盛资产管理公司旗下的替代投资与经理人选择纽约公司常务董事兼对冲基金策略首席投资官 KentClark表示:“我们非常看好亚洲基金管理公司和有利的时机,在一定程度来说是因为他们目前的表现看起来比过去要好,同时它们也为西方基金公司提供了更有吸引力的替代选择。 tipschina.gov.cn | We're very bullish on Asian managers and the opportunity set, partly because both seem better today than in the past and [...] offer strong alternatives to Western-based [...] funds ,"saysKentClark,New York-based managing [...]director of the alternative investments [...]and manager selection group and CIO of hedge fund strategies at Goldman Sachs Asset Management. tipschina.gov.cn |
Leo ng和Clark(2003)发展了研究文化对象的一个框架,其分为三个不同的级别:有形的、物质的外在层次,行为的、习俗的中间层次和意识形态的,无形精神的内在层次。 uigarden.net | L eong andClark (2003)developed a [...]framework for studying cultural objects that is distinguished by three special levels: [...]the outer “tangible” level, the mid “behavioral” level, and the inner “intangible” level. uigarden.net |
Beatrice [...] Faumuina女士访问了纽约联合国总部,她在访问期间会见了粮农组织联络处的官员,礼节性拜访了前新西兰总理、联合国开发计划署新任署长H elenClark女士。 fao.org | Ms. Beatrice Faumuina visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and on that occasion she met staff members of the FAO Liaison [...] Office and paid a courtesy visit to the new Administrator [...] of UN DP, Ms. Helen Clark, formerPrimeMinister [...]of New Zealand. fao.org |
开发署署长 H elenClark女士在开幕词中指出,很多社会中存在“经济增长 [...]和人类发展脱节”的情况,目前这些社会正取得全面进步,但却遗弃了身陷贫困 的赤贫者。 daccess-ods.un.org | M s. Helen Clark, Administratorof the [...]UNDP, noted in her opening remarks that there is “a disconnect between economic growth [...]and human development” in many societies that are making overall progress but leaving behind the poorest of the poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
在之前的研究基础上(Moalosi, Popovic, & Hudson, 2004; Wu, Hsu, & Lin, [...] 2004; K. Lee, 2004; Leo ng&Clark,2003),本文提供了研究文化对象的一个空间架构,如图1总结:其中文化可以被分类为三个层次:(1)物理或者材料文化——包括食物,服装,交通等等。 uigarden.net | Based on previous studies (Moalosi, Popovic, & [...] Hudson, 2004; Wu, Hsu, & Lin, 2004; [...] K. Lee, 2004; Leong & Clark, 2003),thispaper offers [...]a framework for studying cultural [...]objects, as summarized in Figure 1 (R. Lin, 2005, 2006), in which culture can be classified into three layers: (1) physical or material culture- -including food, garments, and transportation-related objects, (2) social or behavioral culture--including human relationships and social organization, and (3) spiritual or ideal culture--including art and religion. uigarden.net |
这期我们有目前炙手可热”Tapworthy: Designing [...] Great iPhone Apps" 作者 JoshClark和其中文译者脉可寻的产品总监包季真,及阿里巴巴国际站UED的非海归土鳖型设计师高峰,和前Frog [...]Design设计总监现Ark [...]Design联合创始人王心磊。 userfriendly.org.cn | Presented in [...] this issu e are JoshClark,author ofthe bestselling [...]“Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps”, BAO Jizhen, [...]Chinese translator of and Product Director of Maketion, GAO Feng, non-sea-turtle UED designer of Alibaba International Site, and WANG Xinlei, ex-chief-designer of Frog Design and co-founder of Ark Design. userfriendly.org.cn |
悉尼医生马克•利德威尔(Mark [...] Lidwel)发明了起搏器,格雷姆•克拉克(Gr aemeClark)发明了人工耳蜗植入系统,巴里•马歇尔(Barry [...]Marshall)和罗宾•沃伦(Robin Warren)发现了幽门螺杆菌是胃炎和消化性溃疡的最主要诱因,伊恩•弗雷瑟(Ian [...]Frazer)研发了预防宫颈癌的乳头状瘤病毒疫苗。 australiachina.com.au | The invention of the pacemaker by Sydney doctor Mark [...] Lidwell , Graeme Clark’s development [...]of the cochlear implant, Barry Marshall and [...]Robin Warren’s discovery that Helicobacter pylori causes most gastritis and peptic ulcers and Ian Frazer’s vaccine for human papilloma virus to prevent cervical cancer, are just some of the major medical breakthroughs and innovations to come from Australia. australiachina.com.au |