单词 | cid | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
例如,教科文组织积极参加了由美洲体育理事会 [...] (CADE), 伊美国家体育理事会(CID)和加勒比共同体(CARICOM)开展的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | For example, UNESCO actively participated [...] in the initiatives undertaken by the American Sport Council (CADE), the Ibero-American [...] Sport Council(CID) and CARICOM. unesdoc.unesco.org |
途径3: [...] 如果用户对输出质量有较高要求,对途径2生成的PDF文档,可再通过规范化器(Normalizer)将CID字库嵌入PDF文件中,实现高精度的输出。 oapdf.com | way 3: If the user a higher quality of the output requirements of means of 2-generated PDF [...] documents can be standardized through the browser [...] (Normalizer) to CIDfont embedded [...]in PDF documents, to achieve high-precision output. oapdf.com |
相信方正CID字库和方正畅流的组合,将给您带来效率、质量、管理、效益的全面提升。 oapdf.com | Believe that the CID font Founder [...] and Founder of the combination of smooth flow, will bring you the efficiency, quality, [...]management, effective comprehensive manner. oapdf.com |
关于国际舞蹈理事会(CID),必须指出的是,该非政府组织内部在其代表问题上存在 不同意见,导致其理事机构成员之间发生严重冲突,遗憾的是冲突各方均针对对方采取了法 律程序。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As concerns the International Dance Council (IDC), it should be noted that disagreements within this NGO regarding its representation have led to a serious conflict among the members of its governing bodies that has unfortunately resulted in judicial proceedings introduced against each other by the conflicting parties. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在此关键时刻,一家咨询公司,即“社区与机构发展公司(CID)”,在教科文组织开罗办事 处的持续支持下,设立了穆卡塔姆男子回收利用学校,以此帮助非正式的废物收集者走出长期 [...] 贫困。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At this critical juncture [...] the consultancy firm Community and [...] Institutional Development (CID), with continuous support of the UNESCO Cairo Office, se t up the Mokattam Recycling School for Boys as a [...][...]way to help the informal waste collectors to graduate out of long‐term poverty. unesdoc.unesco.org |
CIDFont文件即总字符集,包括了一种特定语言中所有常用的字符,把这些字符排序,它们在总字符集中排列的次序号就是各个字符的CID标识码(Index);CMap(Character Map)表即字符映射文件,将字符的编码(Code)映射到字符的CID标识码(Index)。 oapdf.com | The total CIDFont document character set, including a language-specific characters used in all these characters in order to focus their characters with the [...] total number of times [...] each characteris CIDID (Index); CMap (Character Map) Table mapping file that the characters will be encoded characters (Code) is mapped to the character ofthe CIDID (Index). oapdf.com |
您的合作伙伴ID(afcode、pid、CID等)会被Zamango服务器上的脚本取代,所以不必重新加入。 cn.zamango.com | No, it is not necessary, since your partner [...] ID (afcode,pid, CIDetc.)is substituted [...]by the scripts on Zamango server. zamango.com |
目前,方正通用CID字库已经通过测试,除了可以在方正RIP上输出外,同时支持其它RIP和各种PS打印机。 oapdf.com | At present, the CIDfont isnow GM [...] has passed the test, in addition to RIP in the output side, at the same time support [...]and a variety of other PS printer RIP. oapdf.com |
大大加快处理速度,中文CID字体的处理速度较True Type的字体快约66倍。 oapdf.com | ô greatly speed up the processing [...] speed,Chinese CID font processing [...]speed than the True Type fonts is approximately 66 times faster. oapdf.com |
CID格式是美国Adobe公司发表的最新字库格式,它具有易扩充、速度快、兼容性好、简便、灵活等特点,已成为国内开发中文字库的热点,也为用户使用字库提供质量更好,数量更多的字体。 oapdf.com | CIDformat isAdobe released the latest font format, [...] it is easy to expand and speed, compatibility, and is simple, flexible, [...]has become a hot spot to develop Chinese font, but also font for the user to provide better quality, more the number of fonts. oapdf.com |
(3)兼容性由于所有的CID字库中字形的描述都采用标准的Type [...] 1,格式,因而能和大多数操作系统、应用软件、输出设备兼容,跨越不同的平台。 oapdf.com | (3) compatibility ofthe CIDas aresult of [...] all of the character font used to describe the standard Type 1, the format, [...]which can and most of the operating system, application software, output devices compatible across different platforms. oapdf.com |
包括收音机和空调在内的功能单元从方向盘旁的出风口开始,继而线状排列环绕于转向柱,连接至副驾驶座,然后到副驾驶座车门前方向上并转回到驾驶室中央位置,最终到达位于收音机及空调控制面板上的中控信息显示器(CID)屏幕上。 bmw-i.cn | It begins at the air vents next to the steering wheel, continues in a line around the steering column, including the radio and climate controls, and finally moves on to the front passenger. Shortly before the front passenger door it then shears upwards, heads back towards the centre of the interior and reaches [...] the end of its journey in the central [...] informationdisplay(CID) monitor positioned [...]above the control panel for the radio and climate system. bmw-i.com |
(2)速度快在现有的打印机上通过兼容方式打印,CID字库的速度和OCF字库相当,但在以后直接支持CID字库的PostScript解释器上,速度可以加快50%,可以实现文档的高效处理,对业务量大的企业需求更为迫切。 oapdf.com | (2) faster than existing methods compatible printer to print through, CIDfont font considerable speed and OCF, but after the direct support of theCID font PostScript interpreter, the speed can accelerate to 50% can be achieved Document Efficient handling of large volume of business more pressing business needs. oapdf.com |
CID基本实现方法是发端交换机得到主叫用户终端设备 (电话机) 拨打的目的号码後,将主 [...] 叫识别资讯通过网间信令系统 (如 No.7 信令) 传送给终端交换机,终端交换机再将主叫识 别信息以移频键控 (FSK) 或双音多频 (DTMF) 的信号方式传送给被叫使用者终端设备。 holtek.com | The basic way [...] of implementing a CIDfunction isto use [...]the premises exchange to deliver the caller identity such as the [...]caller CPE (phone) number via the intervening signaling system (such as the signaling No.7) and send the caller identity using FSK or DTMF to the called CPE. holtek.com |
大约有十二 个组织与文化部门尤其有关:其中大多数还涉及到艺术、创作、文化产业,包括着作权或非 物质遗产领域,它们是:国际作家和作曲家协会联合会(CISAC)、国际舞蹈理事会(CID)、国际传统音乐理事会(CIMT )、国际民俗节目和民间艺术组织理事会 (CIOFF)、世界手工艺理事会(CMA)、国际唱机行业联合会(IFPI)、国际电影档案馆 联合会(FIAT)、国际笔会(PEN)、国际翻译工作者联合会(FIT)和国际出版商协会 (UIE)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some 10 of them are of particular significance to the Culture Sector: with the majority again concerned with the fields of the arts, creativity, the cultural industries, including copyright, and the intangible heritage. They are: the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), the International Dance Council (IDC), the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), the International Council of Organizations for Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF), the World Crafts Council (WCC), the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), International PEN (PEN), the International Federation of Translators (IFT) and the International Publishers Association (IPA). unesdoc.unesco.org |