释义 |
Examples:mythical monstrous bird, cf Sinbad's roc—cf With his brains and her looks...—(cf Book of Songs) How fashion an ax handle? You need an ax—messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)—fig. bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7)—cf Still waters run deep.—cf Buddhist services for the auspicious reincarnation of the departed—cf Birthday of the Flowers on lunar 15th February and Mid-autumn Festival on lunar 15th August—cf Japanese surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945—cf Japan's surrender on 15th August 1945, celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea—cf four horsemen of the apocalypse—impractical (cf castles in the air)—before it happens (cf preventative measures)—fabulous sea monster, cf Leviathan or Jonah's whale—cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges—evil dragon in Western mythology, cf Revelations 14:12—Holy Infant (cf biblical nativity story)—cf Japan's surrender in WWII on 15th August 1945—wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)—homosexual, cf Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain— |