

单词 cepa
主席女士,现在让我回 应
[...] 李国英议员提及政府如何利CEPA的 机 遇 , 促 进 香 港 [...]
的法律同 业 在内地 拓 展法律服 务的事宜。
Madam President, I shall now respond to the matters raised by Mr LI Kwok-ying concerning ways for the
Government to capitalize on the opportunities
[...] broughtabout by CEPAto encourage Hong [...]
Kong legal professionals to expand legal services on the Mainland.
事务委员会的委员欢CEPA关检 测和认证的新措施,认为有关措施可为香港的相关企业提供更多检测 [...]
Panel members welcomed the new measures related to testing and
[...] certification underCEPA,considering that [...]
the measures can afford relevant Hong Kong
enterprises more opportunities to provide testing services, thereby promoting trade between the two places.
例如,在经济发展方面,随着“一国两制”於《基本法》下得以落实, 香港在回归後得以保留世界贸易组织(“世贸”)成员的身份,并随着国家 在
[...] 2003年加入世贸,香港可以与北京签订“内地与香港关於建立更紧密 经贸关系的安排”(下称CEPA)。
For example, on the economic development front, with "One Country, Two Systems" being successfully implemented under the Basic Law, Hong Kong retains its membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO) after the reunification, and with China's accession to the WTO
in 2003, Hong Kong could enter into the Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic
[...] Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)with Beijing.
自 2003年 6 月中央政府与香港特别行政区政府签订了“ 内地与香港 关於建立更紧密经贸关系的安排”(下称CEPA),以及6 项补充协议以 来,内地不断扩大开放两地之间的服务贸易领域和加强彼此之间的经济 合作。
Since the Central Government signed the Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and the six Supplements with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in June 2003, the Mainland has kept on expanding the areas in trade and services between the two places, as well as promoting economic co-operation.
要落实深CEPA区政府应该积极争取降低香港各专业人士到内地 [...]
营业的注册资本要求,包括容许香港的中小型会计师及律师行,与内地会计 师及律师行联营业务,以及简化相关的申请营业程序。
ToenhanceCEPA's benefits, the SAR [...]
Government should proactively strive for a lowering of the requirements for registration
of various types of Hong Kong professionals who wish to develop their businesses in the Mainland, including permitting small and medium accountancy firms and law firms of Hong Kong to establish joint venture businesses with their counterparts in the Mainland, and streamlining the relevant application procedures for business operations.
[...] 各部门联系,以配合国家《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲 要》规划的推展工作,其中包括CEPA措施伸延至内地其他地 区。
Members also urged the SAR Government to proactively liaise with the Central Government ministries for the implementation of the Outline of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and
Social Development of the People's Republic of China, including the
[...] gradual extensionofCEPA measures to other [...]
主席女士CEPA16 个月之 後 , 现在是 作出评估并 稳 固 基 础 的时 候 , 以 了 解 香 港 的律师如何利CEPA的 机遇, 以 及 我们还 可以把 握 甚 麽 其他机遇。
Madam President, with CEPA having been implemented for 16 months, it is now time for us to conduct evaluation and stabilize the foundation in order to understand how Hong Kong solicitors can capitalize on the opportunities brought aboutby CEPA andwhat other opportunities [...]
we can grasp.
事实上CEPA部分细节 — 例如香 港公司和产品来源的定义 — 仍有待商榷和达成协议。
In fact, much of CEPA'sdetailssuch [...]
as the definition of a Hong Kong-based company and the origin of product — are yet
to be worked out and agreed on by both sides.
幸好香港已 经回归祖国,所以,在 2003 年,香港特区可以以世贸成员的身份,与中央
[...] 签订“内地与香港关於建立更紧密经贸关系的安排”(下称CEPA, 从而为香港经济复苏带来一个契机、一个景象。
Thanks to the reunification of Hong Kong with the Motherland, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) signed in its capacity as a member of the World Trade Organization with the Central Authorities the
"Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic
[...] Partnership Arrangement" (CEPA)in2003, which [...]
provided an opportunity and vision for economic recovery in Hong Kong.
就国家与东盟签订自由贸易协议中的承诺而言,中央早前已同意, 其与东盟签订的自由贸易协议中优CEPA诺,有关优惠会纳CEPA放措施内。
Regarding the commitments under the China-ASEAN FTA, the Central Authorities have already agreed that
all such commitments that are more
[...] favourable thanthe CEPA would be included as part ofCEPA's liberalization [...]
[...] http://www.unpan.org/cepa
The list of observers who attended the session
may be viewed on the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration website at
[...] http://www.unpan.org/cepa.
我也很同情局长及政府,因为事 实 上CEPA处至今 仍 未 能够落 [...]
实 , 肯 定 并 非 香 港 特 区 政 府所能够控制, 即 使把一个 大 关 卡 拿走了 ,大家也 会明 白 和同意 ,国内市场 仍 是 重重深 锁 ,令有意
到 国 内 开 创 业务的不同行业 从 业 员 面 对 困 难 重重。
I very much sympathize with the Secretary and the
[...] Government because CEPA'sfailure to realize [...]
its potentials is definitely beyond the
control of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR). Even if a major hurdle is removed, Members would still understand and agree that the mainland market remains closely guarded, thus creating numerous obstacles for practitioners of different industries intending to start up businesses on the Mainland.
在政改 方面, 行 政长官领导的特区政 府 , 多 年 来 表 现 得 兜兜转转, 缺乏 方向,起 步 亦 很 慢,但 我们仍 有两三 年 的 时 间,如果政 府可以用与争CEPA的决心行事,以对待 中央政府 般 的 尊 重和谦 和的态度面对香港市 民 和各 方不同 的 意见, 我相信不 难 在 2007 年 之前, 完 成 这个伟 大的历史任 务,为 特区政 府 在 後回归的历史上 ,划上 美 丽 的 句号。
If the Government is able to proceed with determination in a manner similar to their fight for CEPA, and if they face up to the people ofHong Kong and the various opinions from different quarters with the same respect and modesty shown to the Central Government, it is, I believe, not difficult to accomplish this grand historical mission before 2007 and thus, place a nice full stop in history for the SAR Government in the post-reunification era.
Separately, under
[...] the Supplement toCEPA signed on 27 October [...]
2004, we have successfully secured the agreement of the Mainland
to allow eligible Hong Kong residents to take part in the following 18 Mainland professional examinations related to the construction and engineering services: registered architect, registered structural engineer, registered civil engineer (geotechnical), construction supervising engineer, cost engineer, registered town planner, certified safety engineer, registered nuclear safety engineer, constructor, registered public facility engineer, registered chemical engineer, registered civil engineer (harbour and waterway), registered facility supervising engineer, environmental impact assessment engineer, real estate appraiser, registered electrical engineer, certified public valuer and registered consulting engineer (investment).
Through the efforts of the Mainland and Hong Kong, both
[...] concluded the consultation and signed the Supplement II to CEPA duringthe CEPA Joint Steering Committee High Level Meeting held on [...]
18 October 2005 in Hong Kong.
另 一方面 ,CEPA人 游 计 划下,在 2004 年 访 港 的 内 地 [...]
旅 客 多 达 426 万 人 次,带 来了 65 亿 元 的 额外消 费,直接带动了本港零售、酒 店、饮 食, 以 及 跨 境交通 服 务 等各行
各 业的发展,令 市面气 氛 更见畅 旺 。
On the other hand, under CEPA's Individual Visit Scheme, [...]
as many as 4.26 million mainland residents visited Hong Kong in
2004 and generated an additional $6.5 billion in tourist spending, giving a direct boost to the development of various trades and industries, including the retail, hotel, and catering sectors, as well as cross-boundary transport services, thus making market sentiments even more buoyant.
After continual and in-depth consultation, the Mainland and Hong Kong agreed on further liberalization of trade in
services and strengthening of
[...] cooperation in area of trade and investment facilitation of both sides and signed Supplement III to CEPA duringthe CEPA Joint Steering Committee High Level Meeting held on 27 June 2006 in Hong Kong.
2003 年《大陆与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排(CEPA)国大陆与香港共同努力,加强 [...]
经济联系的重要推动因素;加强合作的领域包括对原产地为香港的货物实行免关税贸易、向在中国大陆各个 行业中的香港服务提供商提供特惠待遇,以及为其贸易和投资提供方便。
CEPA,the"Mainland and Hong Kong [...]
Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" of 2003 is a central pillar of the combined effort
of mainland China and Hong Kong to strengthen economic ties, including tariff-free trade in goods of Hong Kong origin, preferential treatment of Hong Kong-based service providers in mainland China for various industries as well as trade and investment facilitation.
我可以告诉大家,目前CEPA先行先试”安排下, 香港的服务提供者已可以在福建开设数方面的服务,包括设立医院、 [...]
I can tell Members that, at
[...] present,under CEPA's early and pilot [...]
implementation arrangement, our service providers can
provide certain services in Fujian, such as setting up hospitals, holding exhibitions and providing overseas exhibition services.
CEPA取得成 功,端视於两地能否互相信任和达成共识。
CEPA's success hinges on [...]
whether the two sides can establish trust and reach consensus with each other.
It led to the signing of the
[...] SupplementIV to CEPAon 29 June 2007 [...]
for further liberalization of trade in services in the
Mainland for Hong Kong and strengthening cooperation in the area of finance between the two places.
CEPA放措施是相关产业进入和开拓内地市场的 [...]
CEPA's liberalization measures [...]
provide a very important platform for the relevant industries to enter and open up the Mainland market.
生态和地球科学处的能力建设活动,尤其是:地球科学;人与生物圈计划青年科 学工作者奖和青年科学工作者研究类人猿补助金;教科文组织热带森林综合管理 地区研究生院 (ERAIFT);其它类似的补助金计划、学习中心和以生态系统为
主的培训班以及依据环境科学评估结果对政策制定者的培训;教科文组织支持 《生物多样性公约
[...] 》(CBD)交流、教育和公众宣传全球倡议CEPA工作计 划;培养政府官员协调实施《生物多样性公约》(CBD)、《联合国防治荒漠化 [...]
activities related to capacity-building in the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, especially: geosciences; MAB Young Scientists Awards and the Research Grants to Young Scientists on Great Apes; the UNESCO Postgraduate Regional School on Integrated Management of Tropical Forests (ERAIFT); other similar granting schemes, learning centres and ecosystem-based training courses, as well as training for policymakers based on the findings of scientific environmental assessments; UNESCO’s
support to the Communication, Education
[...] and PublicAwareness(CEPA) Programme ofWork [...]
of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD); capacity-building for public officials in the harmonized implementation of the CBD, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD); and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
To widely publicize the commitments relating to construction and related engineering services, construction related professional services, real estates services and
urban planning services
[...] under the “Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement” (CEPA), this Bureau together with the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Commerce jointly organized aCEPA Forum for the Construction Sector” in [...]
Hong Kong on 8 June 2006.
In order to enable the construction industry to have a better understanding of the latest Mainland market situation and development
opportunities as well as to explore how to make
[...] the best use of the CEPAconcessions to enter [...]
the Mainland market, this Bureau and
the University of Hong Kong jointly organized the "Forum on the Exchange and Co-operation between the Construction Industry of the Mainland and Hong Kong" on 7 December 2005 in Hong Kong.
[...] 外商在中国地区组建企业(包括香港和澳门),WTO/CEPA分析, 公司控股运营结构咨询,香港和中国大陆税收体系,中国大陆关税和进出口程序,中国大陆外汇管理体制,个人所得税筹划,中国大陆收益和资金回流等等。
Scope of services: foreign investment
corporate formation in China (including Hong Kong
[...] and Macau), WTO/CEPA implications, corporate [...]
holding and operating structure advice,
Hong Kong and PRC taxation system, PRC customs duty and import/export procedures, PRC foreign exchange regime, individual income tax planning, repatriation of earnings/funding from the PRC, etc.
In addition,the HKSAR Government has been organizing a series of large scale "Hong Kong Week" promotional activities in different provinces and cities of the Mainland since the implementation of CEPA on 1 January 2004.
中国内地与香港特别行政区(香港特区)於2012年6月签署《内地与香港关 於建立更紧密经贸关系的安(CEPA)协议九》。
The Supplement IX to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) was signed between the Mainland of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in June 2012.
[...] 关於建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》CEPA实施,国际贸易组织(WTO)的市场开放以及一些世界级的盛事的准备工作(例如,2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海博览会),正是我们拓展大陆业务的黄金时机。
Taken into account of the agreement of Closer Economic Partnership
[...] Arrangement (CEPA), the market [...]
opening by WTO, in addition to specified preparation
for world-class events such as the 2008 Beijing Olympic games and the 2010 Shanghai Expo, we can foresee this is a golden opportunity for our business.




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