在大荷兰人公 司CEOBernd Meerpohl 感人的发言中,他感谢所有员工、商业伙伴和来自地方政府的合作伙伴在过去岁月里的共同合作。 bigdutchman.de | In a gripping [...] speech, Big DutchmanCEO Bernd Meerpohl thanked [...]his employees, business partners as well as partners from [...]the local government for the great team-work during the last years. bigdutchman.de |
由首席执行官 (CEO)带领的委员会致 力于倡导国家政策改革,来增进退休储蓄项目的有效性,并面对所有 [...]美国公民推广此项目。 massinsight.com | T he CEO-led Councilis committed [...]to advocating for national policy reform to improve the effectiveness of retirement savings [...]programs and extend these programs to all Americans. massinsight.com |
她甫加入这家投资银行时担任美洲部首席运营官(COO),随后在2007年获任命为UBS证券有限责任公司首席执行 官(CEO),负责UBS的经济交易商(broker dealer)运营。 onsemi.cn | She joined the investment bank as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Americas [...] group, and was in 2007 also named Chief [...] Executi veOfficer(CEO) of UBS Securities [...]LLC which is responsible for UBS’ broker dealer operations. onsemi.com |
通过此次交换生活 ,CEO和副CEO有机会亲身体验到兄弟中国的产品在小型企业地上作业中的使用。 labbrand.com | During the swap,CEO and viceCEO had a chance [...]to experience the conditions in which Brother products are used on the ground by small businesses. labbrand.com |
2008年亲自运作慧聪研究院的资本引入,成功与美国百年品牌邓白氏达成合作,并被任命为新合资公 司CEO,带领慧聪邓氏研究向更高的山峰挑战。 ece-china.com | In 2008, Mr. Zhao handled in person the capital infusion into Huicong Research Institute and succeeded in partnering with [...] the US centennial brand D&B. He was [...] then appo inted as theCEO of thenewjoint venture, [...]leading Huicong D&B Market Research to achieve new heights. ece-china.com |
对,我们是IT专家,因为我们受过专业培训,在需要时为C IO和CEO解决IT相关的问题。 mckinseychina.com | Yes, we are IT experts as we are trained to solve [...] problems f orCIOsand CEOs on IT related topics [...]when needed. mckinseychina.com |
标题出自玛莎拉蒂公 司CEO罗伯托•隆奇的原话:“我们未来几年的目标是每年售出15000辆汽车”,以及“我们有大约10%的员工专业从事品质管理”。 maserati.com.cn | The ti tle referstoCEO of Maserati, Roberto [...]Ronchi’s, words "Our goal in years to come is to sell 15,000 cars per year" [...]and "About 10 per cent of our employees are dedicated to quality". web.maserati.com |
以波音737为原型设计的大型公务机, 是CEO们的终极梦想。 vantageshanghai.com | A business private jet that gets its design from the Boeing 737, the BBJ being [...] the ultimate dr eam ride for CEOs. vantageshanghai.com |
在确 定CEO薪酬的长期奖励时,委员会亦将考虑其认为相关的有关其他因素:本公司 的业绩、股东回报及可供比较之公司向行政总监提供类似奖励的价值,以及在 过去几年 向CEO提供的奖金。 southgobi.com | In determining the long-term [...] incentiv e component of CEO compensation, the Committee will also consider, among such other factors as it may deem relevant, the Company's performance, shareholder returns, the value of similar incentive awards to chief executive officers at comparable companies and the awards givento the CEO in pastyears. southgobi.com |
该网络按照功能命名 ,CEO、CFO、 CIO 和 CPO 等管理人员能够通过此网络交流专业知识、分享最佳实践和互相学习。 china.blackstone.com | The Network is delineated [...] by fu nction, soCEOs,CFOs, chief information [...]officers; chief purchasing officers, etc. can exchange [...]expertise, share best practices and learn from each other. blackstone.com |
时间和忙碌的步伐,我们需要在现有的生活方式,通过之前,万宝龙 的CEO的解毒剂:“我们的品牌有一个传统的艺术和文化,因为我们相信,听一场演唱会古典音乐,欣赏歌剧,参加一出戏,只是觉得在博物馆的艺术家的激情和创造力,我们可以把这种平衡。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Before the passage of time and the hectic pace that we needed the current lifestyle, the CEO of Montblanc has an antidote: "Our brand has a tradition of supporting the arts and culture, because we believe that listening to a concert classical music, enjoy an opera, attend a play or simply feel the passion and creativity of an artist in a museum, we can bring this balance. finding the time to go down a notch, to expand our field of vision, to recharge our batteries, taking into account the point of view of the artists is to inspire each of us and make us better. inspiration can come from the same master craftsmen in the field of watchmaking . en.horloger-paris.com |
来自多家业务顶尖的中国公司的着 名CEO和人力资本从业员,将於会议期间分享他们在中国及国际人力市场中,成功扩展机遇并克服挑战的经验、见解和理念。 chi.mazars.cn | During the [...] conference , prominent CEOs and HumanCapital [...]practitioners from some of China's top performing companies will [...]share their experiences, insights and ideas to successfully maximize opportunities and overcome challenges on the Chinese and international labor markets. mazars.cn |
贝尔优也是许多顶级公 司CEO的家园所在,他们发现在这里同中国做生意更容易,和美国其他城市相比,贝尔优-西雅图地区是离中国最近的城市之一。 bellevuecn.com | Bellevue is [...] also a ho mefortheCEOs of many world-class [...]companies, who find that doing business with China is easier because [...]Bellevue-Seattle is the shortest distance to China of any US city. bellevuecn.com |
我在这一行业待得很久,所以知道, 若CEO们开始公开讨论一个潜在的问题,通常意味着该问题已经很大,他们只是在试图让投资者准备好面对未来不可避免的难看数据。 youngchinabiz.com | I’ve been in this business long enough [...] to kn owthatwhen CEOsstartto openly discuss [...]a potential problem, it usually means [...]that the problem is already quite large and they are simply trying to prepare investors for the inevitable ugly numbers that lie ahead. youngchinabiz.com |
来看看创业公司带来的新技术如何改变计算的未来 新兴企业峰 会CEO讲坛是一个令人兴奋的快节奏环节 将提供被邀请 的CEO一个机会对投资者 分析师和技术领袖介绍他们的公司 产品和战略 同时得到各方的宝贵意见和建议 gputechconf.cn | The Emerging [...] Companies Summit “CEOonStage”is a lively and fast-paced program that provides i nvitedCEOs an opportunity [...]to present their companies, [...]products and strategies to a panel of investors, analysts and technology leaders, who in turn will provide insightful feedback. gputechconf.cn |
另外,她也是战略传播、争议问题管理、品牌定位以及利益相关者管理、企业和产品营销、企业社会责任平台和数字战略等方面的专家和高级顾问,为世界500强公司 的CEO提供相关策略咨询。 bmleadershipinstitute.com | She is a senior advisor to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies specializing in strategic communications, issues management, brand positioning, stakeholder engagement, corporate and product marketing, CSR platforms and digital strategy. bmleadershipinstitute.com |
依托中国电子商务研究中心拥有的100余位国内知名专业分析师、特约研究员,以及院校专家教授、知名企 业CEO、顶尖实战专家,每年度编制近百份电商主题研究报告,并接受企业定制各项报告,承接政府部门、行业协会与企业委托的课题研究、项目申报等专业研究工作,并拥有领先的电子商务行业数据监测系统来实现对行业运行的数据监测、分析。 zccor.com | Relying on Chinese e-commerce research center has more than 100 domestic well-known expert analysts, freelance researcher, as well as [...] institutions experts and professors, [...] well-know n corporate CEO'stop combat experts, [...]the annual preparation of thematic studies [...]of nearly 100 electricity providers, and accept the companies to customize the reports for government departments, industry associations and enterprises commissioned research, project reporting and other professional research, and a leading e-commerce industry data monitoring system to run on the industry's data monitoring and analysis. zccor.com |