总体上 ,CDS应当是有效的工具,强化打击IUU捕鱼的现有努力, 同时还改进有水产品进入国际贸易的发展中国家的经济回报和社会发展的机制。 fao.org | O n the whole, CDSs should providean effective [...]tool to strengthen existing efforts to combat IUU fishing while also providing [...]a mechanism for improved economic returns and social development for developing countries that trade fish internationally. fao.org |
欧洲委员会(EC)正在实施2010年1月1日生效 的CDS64,目的是阻止IUU捕捞 的鱼进入欧洲市场。 fao.org | The European Commission (EC) is moving forwards with the [...] implemen tation of itsCDS that took effect on [...]1 January 2010.64 Its purpose is to stem [...]the flow of IUU-caught fish into the European market. fao.org |
2010年,CCAMLR表达了对公约区内自2009年起预计的IUU产量增加的关切, 认为,尽管在控制国民以及实 施CDS方面取得进展,但没有显示IUU捕鱼的显 [...]着下降。 fao.org | convention area had risen since 2009 and concluded that, despite [...] progress in the control of nationals and the [...] implemen tation of CDSs, IUU fishing did [...]not appear to be declining significantly. fao.org |
通过发行教科文组织信息处理工具光盘促进了软件 的交互使用;重新组合了计算机处理系统/科学信息 综合系统 (CDS/ISIS)和国际通用资料信息与管理 (IDAMS)这两个受欢迎的软件包以及相关的文件 和工具;通过在世界范围发行软件,加强了信息管理 和资源共享;与可能的合作伙伴举行了咨询会议;建 立了一个网络基地,以便 把CDS/ISIS和 IDAMS 开 发成来源公开的软件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Facilitation of interconnection of applications through release of UNESCO Information Processing Tools [...] CDROM; Regrouped the two [...] popula r packages(CDS/ISISand IDAMS), as well as related documentation and tools; Reinforcement of information management and resourcesharing through the worldwide distribution of the software; Consultative meetings with potential partners; Establishment of basis for a network for the d evelopmentofCDS/ISIS and IDAMS as Open [...]source software. unesdoc.unesco.org |
总的来说,我们认为在未来 10 年,新兴市场更加稳定的宏观 [...] 经济前景将是世界经济的一个持续特征。这样也将继续降低这些国家的风险水平,从而也影响 到CDS(见BBVA 研究部最近关于新兴市场主权风险的经济观察)。 bbvaresearch.com | Overall, we argue that a more stable macro outlook in EMs is a lasting feature of the world economy for the next 10 years and that this will continue to push [...] down the risk perception of these [...] countries and, thereby, theCDS (see our BBVAResearch’s [...]recent economic watch on sovereign EMs). bbvaresearch.com |
2012年3月至5月,在中国移动TD-LTE二阶段规模试验中,我公司 的CDSLTE路测软件广泛应用于爱立信、诺西、阿朗、大唐等多个系统设备厂家,协助各系统设备厂家顺利完成规模试验测试。 hugeland.com | During the TD-LTE two-stage scale test of China Mobile from March [...] to May in 2012, our CDS LTEdrive test software [...]was applied in a wide range of system [...]equipment manufactures, including Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, DT, etc. to assist them to complete the scale test successfully. en.hugeland.com |
惠捷朗公司 的CDSLTE路测平台系统不仅完成了全部的检验内容并顺利通过,更是在项目中充分展示 了CDSLTE路测系统的特点和功能,达到了理想的效果,获得了工作组同事及合作伙伴的认可与赞扬。 hugeland.com | CDS LTE drive test platform of Hugeland not only has completed and passed all test items successfully, but more gave full display of the features and functionsof CDS LTEdrive test system [...]and obtained satisfactory [...]effect, which was recognized and praised by the work group and partners. en.hugeland.com |