释义 |
Examples:interjection of surprise—interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer—lit. not harming a new feather (idiom); not commit the slightest offense against the people (of soldiers)—interjection of surprise or pain—commit suicide by cutting one's own throat—interjection or grunt of agreement—expression of recognition—run amok (idiom); to commit outrages—commit suicide by biting off one's tongue—Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character—criminal that commits crimes here and there and escapes thereafter—interjection of surprise or doubt—lie across the railway tracks (to commit suicide or to prevent trains from getting through)—a person of great moral stature does not remember the offenses committed by one of low moral stature—not shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed—Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of Iran, aka Ali Khamenei—Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist—commit suicide on the orders of a sovereign (old)—commit suicide to escape punishment—the right of immunity from arrest afforded by the Taiwan ROC Constitution, for the duration of meetings, unless caught actually committing a crime, members of the National Assembly, the Legislative Yuan, or a supervisory committee—commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably—committed information rate (Frame Relay)—modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent—commit suicide by hanging—break the law and commit crimes (idiom); malefactor—committing all manner of crimes—sb. who is romantically involved with sb. already in a committed relationship—啊 ()—Ah! what?My!less common: interjection of surprise • expression of recognition • interjection or grunt of agreement • interjection of surprise or doubt • interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer • modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent • Examples:哆啦A梦—Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character 啊哟—interjection of surprise or pain • |