此外,将负担能力界定在 50%的供款以及家庭入息的 比例,这等同於将㆒批夹心阶层㆟士拒诸门外,粉碎了他们的置业梦想。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, to define affordability in terms of a mortgage to income ratio of 1:2 is tantamount to slamming the door on them and dashing their dream of property ownership. legco.gov.hk |
在看到她的朋友在公园休息,在与他们的宠物的可爱,彩虹的破折号(Fluttershy)的帮助下,试图找到自己的动物是她的宠物,使用一系列的比赛。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After seeing the rest of her friends out in the park on a playdate with their pets, Rainbow Dash (with the help of Fluttershy) tries to find herself an animal to be her pet using a series of contests. mt.seekcartoon.com |
仅可输入字母数字字符、破折号、下划线和空格。 graphics.kodak.com | Only alphanumeric characters, dashes, underscores and spaces are allowed. graphics.kodak.com |
对于除了黑色以外的其它颜色, 请添加或插入一个破折号和一个衬 套颜色代号, 这样代号就是按字母顺序排列。 swagelok.com.cn | For a sleeve color other than black, add or insert a dash and a sleeve color designator so that the designators are in alphabetical order. swagelok.com.cn |
不论您想从自己的汽艇跳入水中还是坐在皮船上乘风破浪-爱尔兰都为您准备好了。 discoverireland.com | And whether you want to dash through pristine waters on your very own jet-ski or ride the rapids in a kayak – Ireland’s got it sorted. discoverireland.com |
主席,只有这样的觉醒,我们才有可能阻止曾荫权再次搬出 2005 年的 方案;只有这样的觉醒,我们才有可能消灭建制派借 2012 年的方案,安插 更多特权分子的痴心妄想;只有这样的觉醒,当权者才会意识到民意不可侮 辱,然後认认真真地与社会商讨真实的普选方案,从而解决管治问题,杜绝 不公平的施政,为我们的社会还原是非黑白。 legco.gov.hk | Only with such an awakening will it be possible for us to dash the vain hopes of the pro-establishment camp to install more elements enjoying special privileges by means of the proposals for 2012; only with such an awakening will those in power realize that public opinion cannot be belittled, so that they will hold discussions with society on a genuine proposal on universal suffrage earnestly, in order to solve the problems in governance, eradicate the unfair practices in administration and restore right and wrong and black and white in our society to their proper niches. legco.gov.hk |
然后出现压力显示 压力低于 200 psi (14 bar, 1,4 MPa) 时则出现虚线。 graco.com | Dashes will not appear unless pressure is less than 200 psi (14 bar, 1,4 MPa). graco.com |
抗高血压饮食疗法(DASH)试验结果显示,在饮食中限制红肉、甜食和含糖饮料的摄入量,强调水果、蔬菜和低脂乳制品,同时包含鱼肉、坚果、禽肉和全谷食品,可以让收缩压和舒张压分别降低11.4和5.5毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) trial demonstrated that a diet limiting the intake of red meat, sweets, and sugar containing beverages, while emphasizing fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and including fish, nuts, poultry and whole grains can lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 11.4 and 5.5 mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果任何这些问题的回答是肯定的,你应该考虑在划线播放器,扬声器,低音扬声器和放大器检修系统。 hkcarworld.com | If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider overhauling your system with an in-dash player, speakers, subwoofers and amplifiers. hkcarworld.com |
这 种活动损害国际社会为重启对话所作的艰 苦努力,并使现有希望破灭。 daccess-ods.un.org | They undermine the painstaking efforts of the international community to relaunch the dialogue and dash existing hopes. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如另㆒位议员先前所说,我们知 道有㆟抱有期望,我们不想令希望幻灭,但我们必须以尽可能明智、宽裕而又审慎的 方法来满足这些期望。 legco.gov.hk | And to follow what the other Honourable Member was saying a moment or two ago, there are expectations, there are hopes which we do not want to dash but which we want to meet in as sensible and generous and prudent a way as possible. legco.gov.hk |
用混入香料的红酒,加入一点儿杏仁和葡萄干,可以的话再洒点伏特加烈酒,做出来的圣诞热酒 (glögi),是这冬季佳节的传统饮料。 visitfinland.com | Glögi is a traditional Christmas drink, made from spiced wine with a sprinkling of almonds and raisins and, whenever possible, a dash of vodka. visitfinland.com |
飞航安全调查委员会发布:立荣一架DASH-8-300型客机,正驾驶员於进场目视跑道时,因航机高度偏高故采取较大量之操作,使得正驾驶员之注意力局限於落地操作,未能确实接收管制员及副驾驶员提醒有关对错跑道之资讯,造成降落於未经指定跑道之事故。 asc.gov.tw | Aviation Safety Council (ASC) released the investigation report of an Uni Air Dash-8-300, the aircraft landed on a non-designated runway due to the captain had his attention limited to landing operations during approach, as a result of his excessive control to correct the aircraft that was slightly above the glide slope, thus failed to perceive the information from both the controller and the first officer (F/O) that the aircraft was aiming at the wrong runway. asc.gov.tw |
接下来再航行1,940海里前往法国的洛里昂,最后经过485海里的冲刺,抵达终点站——爱尔兰的戈尔韦。 iwc.com | This is followed by a 1,940-nautical-mile sprint to Lorient, France, and finally a 485 nautical-mile dash to the finish in Galway, Ireland. iwc.com |
拥有皮特的小狗(中脱离出来,从红宝石矛“的小狗1978特殊的,谁想要一个男孩的基础上同一个名字的书)和他的朋友短跑,多莉,杜克大学,和幸运的冒险。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Featuring the adventures of Petey the Puppy (which was spun off from Ruby-Spears' 1978 special,The Puppy Who Wanted A Boy based on the book of the same name) and his friends Dash, Dolly, Duke, and Lucky. seekcartoon.com |
花香与果香愉悦的协奏曲,以闪亮的红莓点缀於玫瑰与牡丹的完美融合,充满柔美女性气息的冉冉飘散,让整个森林都沉醉於粉红色的浪漫氛围。 tw.loccitane.com | Marvellous Flower - a joyful bouquet of tender roses and sweet peonies with a dash of sparkling berries. tw.loccitane.com |
我们应抓住这一机会―― 拿出诚意,展现透明度,保持开放的心态,再加上发挥些许创造力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We should seize that opportunity, with good faith and with transparency, with open minds and a dash of creativity. daccess-ods.un.org |
车载GPS导航系统的GPS系统已安装在汽车的仪表板,并有一个内置的GPS接收机,GPS接收机或我们甚至有两个安装汽车音响,可移动,便携式GPS导航系统,内置的GPS系统的。 hkcarworld.com | Car GPS navigation systems are GPS systems that are installed in the vehicle's dash and have either a built in GPS receiver, an add on GPS receiver or we even have two GPS systems that are installed car stereos with removable, portable GPS navigation systems built in. hkcarworld.com |
我们无权使这些希望破灭,那将使南北裂痕扩 大,并进一步加深我们各自社会内部的分裂,给各国 的治理和稳定带来无法估算的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | We do not have the right to dash those hopes, which would worsen the North-South fracture and further deepen the divisions within our own societies, with incalculable risks for the governance and stability of States. daccess-ods.un.org |
请记住,这必须在穿过繁忙的城市后在很短时间内完成。 bksv.cn | And remember, this had to be done in the short time available after the dash across the busy city. bksv.com |
品牌近日与香港光学会合作举办 “香港国际视光学术研讨会2012”,为视光学界及专业运动界提供一个国际级论坛,更特别邀请了英国拉夫堡大学运动视光学权威Dr. hk.eternal.hk | Recently, Adidas eyewear organised “Hong Kong International Optometry Conference 2012” with the Hong Kong Optometric Associations Ltd to bring a world-class forum and invited Sports Vision Specialist Dr. Nick Dash, BSc MCOptom DipASSV (University of Loughborough), to share the performance and characteristics of performance sport sunglasses including a new and unique Light Stabilizing Technology (LST™) and the latest sport collection —Adidas Performance Collection. hk.eternal.hk |
重新显示时,您会看到所有已清除的值均显示为虚线。 suntechmed.com | On redisplay you will see dashes for all the values that have been cleared. suntechmed.com |
三剑客的锐气,在1625年在法国王室剑客谁为路易。 cn.moba-app.com | The three musketeers are dashing royal swordsmen in France in 1625 who serve King Louis. moba-app.com |
在非洲和中东,有超过200架庞巴迪CRJ系列支线飞机和Dash 8/Q系列涡轮螺旋桨飞机——包括大约42架Q400飞机——已投入运营或下单采购,并部署到各个市场。 tipschina.gov.cn | More than 200 Bombardier CRJ Series regional jets and Dash 8/Q-Series turboprops - including some 42 Q400 aircraft - are already operating, or are on order, in Africa and the Middle East where they have been deployed in a variety of markets. tipschina.gov.cn |
在不久的将来,DASH会扩大服务范畴到公关推广,头炮是一月举行的2013年香港青年时装设计家创作表演赛的赛後派对。 fashionally.com | In the near future, Dash will expand its service to events management and its first project would be a party for Hong Kong Young Fashion Designers’ Contest in January 2013. fashionally.com |
2.链条:更高强度的链条;对口处焊接精细,经过中频感应淬火处理符合ISO3007-1984国际标准链条技术要求;适应突发超重作业;手拉链手感更好;改变普通葫芦只能垂直向下拉,能从多方向、呈45°角拉拽,适应范围更大。 chinayudiao.com | 2. Chain: More the high strength chain; The contra-aperture place solders the specification meticulous , handling by that intermediate frequency induction quenches to accord with ISO3007-1984 international standard chain; Fit in with dash forward sending out superheavy school assignment; Hand zip fastener handle is much better; Change the average bottle gourd can only perpendicularity downward play, can assume 45' angles from much direction, play drag, accommodation is bigger. chinayudiao.com |
其液晶显示产品在汽车应用方面,包括GPS 全球定位导航、温度控制器、测速器、汽车音响、仪表板、时钟、档位指示器、电视等,产品主要供应欧洲、中国内地及南韩等市场。 prorsumgroup.com | The company offers complete display solutions for automotive, industrial and other product applications. Its LCD products for automotive use include GPS navigation, climate controls, speedometers, car audio, dash boards, clocks, gear indicators, and TVs, which are mainly supplied to such markets as Europe, China and South Korea. prorsumgroup.com |
后来的一项被称为“抗高血压饮食疗法—钠”(DASH-Sodium)的试验表明,限制钠的摄入量与抗高血压饮食相结合能够使收缩压和舒张压分别进一步降低3.0和1.6毫米汞柱。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | A subsequent trial called the DASH-Sodium trial showed that sodium restriction combined with the DASH diet can result in further reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressures by an additional 3.0 and 1.6 mm Hg respectively. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
李陵年少时,曾立志报国,他常说:“如果国家有难,我当奋不顾身”。 chinesestoryonline.com | When Li Ling was young, he aspired to devote his life to his country; he often said to others:" If our country is in danger, I would dash ahead regardless of my own safety " Unfortunately, his bad luck left him no chance to realize his ambition. chinesestoryonline.com |
许多人认为,城市园艺是天方夜谭,有些人或许怀疑,植物在水泥丛林里如何生长,在狭小生活空间也许显得局促,无法容纳花园,但只要发挥一点创意,再加上对绿色生活的热情,都会园艺绝对可能成真,以下提供五项要诀,让各位开始在大城市里打造花园。 thisbigcity.net | However, with a pinch of creativity and a dash of green-living enthusiasm, urban gardening is absolutely possible. thisbigcity.net |