

单词 9-centered







本机床是 NHX 系列 X 级卧式 加工中心最新和最大型号的机床。
This machine is the latest and largest model in the NHX Series, the X-class horizontal machining centers.
正如 秘书长此前给大会的报告(见 A/64/633 和 A/65/643)所述,当该战略得到全面执 行时,外勤支助部将实施战略规划、整合、质量控制职能,并在总部与会员国联 络;全球服务中心将执行现在由外勤支助部在总部执行的不需要与会员国和秘书 处其他部门频繁互动的业务往来职能;各特派团将在区域服务中心支持下直接向 维和人员提供服务。
As the Secretary-General has previously reported to the General Assembly (see A/64/633 and A/65/643), when the strategy is fully implemented, the Department of Field Support will conduct strategic planning, integration, quality control functions and liaison with Member States at Headquarters; the Global Service Center will perform the transactional functions now carried out by the Department of Field Support at Headquarters that do not require frequent interaction with Member States and other Secretariat departments; and missions, supported by regional service centres, will provide services directly to peacekeeping personnel.
教科文组织行动中的亲密盟友包 括位于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的人权促进国际中心、位于拉马拉的巴勒斯坦妇女研究和文献 中心以及位于金沙萨大湖区的妇女、性别与建设和平区域研究及文献中心。
Close allies in UNESCO’s action are the International Centre for the Advancement of Human Rights (ICAHR) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Palestinian Women’s Research and Documentation Center in Ramallah (PWRDC), and the Regional Centre for Research and Documentation for Women, Gender and Peace-Building in the Great Lakes Region in Kinshasa.
在 2009 年于布达佩斯举 行的世界科学论坛上,这此类活动包括:第三世界科学院(TWAS) 年度会议,77 国集团和中国科学与教育部长会议,由国际学会联盟 举办的人类尊严研讨会、世界青年科学家学院、以色列--巴勒斯坦科 学组织(IPSO)以及 77 国集团和中国的国际科学、技术和创新中心 等的理事机构会议,以及议会研究、科学和教育委员会成员会议。
At the World Science Forum 2009 in Budapest, such events included the annual meeting of the Third World Academy of Science (TWAS), a meeting of science and education ministers of the G77+China, a symposium on human dignity organized by the International Union of Academies, the governing board meetings of the World Academy of Young Scientists, the Israeli-Palestine Science Organization (IPSO) and the International Science, Technology and Innovation Center of the G77+China group, and a meeting of members of parliamentary research, science and education committees.
The instrument will automatically find the selected particles and collect a Raman spectrum from the center of each one.
若干代表请秘书处进一步增强与其他联合国单位之间的伙伴关系 和协作,诸如国际减少灾害风险战略(减灾战略)机构间秘书处、人道 主义协调事务厅、外层空间事务厅、以及与其他区域和次区域组织的 伙伴关系和协作,诸如东南亚国家联盟(东盟)、南亚区域合作联 盟、太平洋岛屿应用地质科学委员会、亚洲灾害防范中心、以及亚洲 减灾中心等在灾害风险管理和减少灾害风险领域内。
Several representatives requested that the secretariat further enhance partnerships and collaboration with other United Nations entities, such as the Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Office for Outer Space Affairs, and with regional and subregional organizations, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), in the area of disaster risk management and risk reduction.
2008 年举办的活动包括:蒙特里 国际研究学院和詹姆斯·马丁不扩散研究中心主办的题为“迈向 2010 年:《非洲 无核武器区条约》在加强《不扩散条约》的裁军目标方面的作用”的区域研讨会; “国际原子能机构面为核材料和活动有限的加勒比国家建立的强化保障体系区 域研讨会”;以及拉丁美洲社会科学研究院及挪威和智利政府主办的“核挑战” 研讨会。
Activities conducted in 2008 include the regional seminar “Towards 2010: the Role of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty in Strengthening the Disarmament Objectives of the Non-Proliferation Treaty”, organized by the Monterey Institute of International Studies and the James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies; the “Regional Seminar on the Strengthened International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguards System for Caribbean States with Limited Nuclear Material and Activities”; and the “Nuclear Challenges” seminar organized by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales and the Governments of Norway and Chile.
其他派代表出席本届会议的实体包括:亚洲备灾中心、亚洲减灾 和应对灾害网络、亚洲理工学院、亚洲再保险公司、人道主义援助和 民事保护总局(欧洲联盟委员会)、红十字会与红新月国际联合会、国 际全球航空航天监测系统项目国际执行委员会、国际标准化组织、日 本宇宙航空研究开发机构、太平洋岛屿电信协会、以及日本遥感技术 中心。
Other entities represented included: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network; Asian Institute of Technology; Asian Reinsurance Corporation; Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (European Commission); International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; International Committee on the International Global Monitoring Aerospace System Project Implementation; International Organization for Standardization; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Remote Sensing Technology Centre of Japan.
c) 向制冷剂维修技术人员分发了基本维修工具,建立了一个制冷剂系统的再循 环试行中心和两个汽车空调机再循环中心。
(c) Distribution of basic service tools to the refrigeration service technicians, the establishment of one pilot recycling center for refrigeration systems, and two recycling centers for MAC units.
服务内容包括协调和完成信息系统的一般审查和应用系统的监控点有效性的审查 - SSAE16 验证(即以前的SAS70等)、信息系统的一般监控审查和其他特别审查、 按美国萨班斯-奥克斯利 (Sarbanes-Oxley) 法案的要求作信息系统的监控及实施和协助企业进行测试的工作、为数据中心及其信息系统在应用系统的监控和一般信息系统的监控作审查 、内部网络审查 - 如IBM的AS/400、Unix、 Microsoft Windows和其他操作系统核实其安全性、建立IT审计方法和工作方案以协助进行内部和外部审计等。
In recent years, Ester is providing IT auditing and consulting services to the clients in Hong Kong and in the United States covering manufacturing, retail businesses, education, banking and financial services industries, etc. Details of services include coordinating and completing information systems general and application controls SSAE16 (previously SAS70) examinations, Information Systems General Control Reviews and other specialized reviews; assisting organizations with the implementation and testing of Information Systems in support of Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements; performing Information Systems reviews of data centers, focusing on application controls and general control areas; experience reviewing network and operating system’s security such as IBM AS/400, UNIX, Microsoft Windows and others; assisting in creation of IT audit methodologies and work programs for both internal and external audits performed.
高压交流配电: 在大多数的美国数据中心,不间断电源(UPS)系统向服务器提供 208 伏的供电。
Higher-Voltage AC Power Distribution: In most U.S. data centers, the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system delivers power to the servers at 208 volts.
In 2008, ATI received permission from the China National Tourism Administration for Representation Office status in Beijing to represent destination products, promotion and training for all 50 United States and opened the CHINAMERICA Tourism Training Center with the State of Pennsylvania.
通过 MCVD 流程,OFS 能够精确控制每条光纤对纤芯的折射率, 包括纤芯的中心区域。
The MCVD process enables OFS to precisely control each fiber’s index of refraction across the core, including the core’s center region.
下列非政府组织的观察员: 开罗人权研究所、欧洲法律和司法中心、 南美洲印第安人理事会、宗教间国际、联合国观察组织。
(c) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Cairo Institute for Human Rights, European Center for Law and Justice, Indian Council of South America, Interfaith International, United Nations Watch.
委员会特别注意到科斯莫 斯伙伴的主席在 2009 年 2 月 3 日的答复中提到,自心理学和社会变化中心创始 人去世后,该变化中心的活动基本停止,可能会结束与联合国的联系,同时科斯 莫斯伙伴的主席将继续代表该中心,直到该中心获得咨商地位为止。
In particular, the Committee noted that the President of Kosmos Associates had mentioned in her reply dated 3 February 2009 that since the death of the founder of the Center for Psychology and Social Change, the Center for Psychology and Social Change had been somewhat inactive and would probably end its connection with the United Nations, and that in the meantime the President of Kosmos Associates would continue to be its representative until Kosmos Associates gained consultative status.
倘 阁下 之股份於本公司香港股份登记处登记,应将代表委任表格交回香港中央证劵登记有限公司, 地址为香港湾仔皇后大道东183号合和中心17M楼,或本公司之香港主要办事处,地址为香 港九龙观塘伟业街108号丝宝国际大厦12楼1208-16室。
If your shares are registered with the Company’s Hong Kong share registrar, you should deposit your form of proxy at Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong or the Company’s principal office in Hong Kong at Unit 1208–16, 12/F, C-BONS International Center, 108 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
还可 用于其它领域,例如配送中心或自动化包装 设备的高速分拣机。
Further application areas are for example, high-speed sorters in distribution centers or automated packaging equipment.
现有的数据记录是在 DB2 系统上整理并在计 算机中心汇集的。
The existing data records were consolidated on a DB2 System and pooled in the computer center.
目前,主办天基信息平台各区域支助办事处的有六个国家机构 (阿尔及利亚空间局、伊朗空间局、尼日利亚国家空间研究和发展局、巴基斯 坦空间和高层大气研究委员会、罗马尼亚空间局和乌克兰国家空间局)和四个 区域组织(位于日本神户的亚洲减灾中心、位于内罗毕的资源测绘促进发展区 域中心、位于特立尼达和多巴哥圣奥古斯丁的西印度群岛大学和位于巴拿马城 的拉丁美洲和加勒比潮湿热带地区水中心)。
Currently, UN-SPIDER regional support offices are being hosted by six national organizations (the Algerian Space Agency, the Iranian Space Agency, the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission, the Romanian Space Agency and the National Space Agency of Ukraine) and by four regional organizations (the Asian Disaster Reduction Center, based in Kobe, Japan; the Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development, based in Nairobi; the University of the West Indies, based in St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; and the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC), based in Panama City).
关於上文第 13 段 (c)项,4,921,000 元的预算是用以购置提升警务 处现有主干网络的网络设备,以便应付两个资料中心的资料同步处理 工作。
On paragraph 13(c) above, the estimate of $4,921,000 is for the acquisition of network equipment to enhance the existing backbone network of HKPF to cater for the data synchronisation between the two data centers.
在计划和预算文件以及执行报告中应用了基于研究成果而设计的计划规划、监测以及 评估方法/为总部外办事处成果管理(RBM)和工作计划管理提供帮助/在总部和总部外办事 处 开展成果管理制(RBM)的培训活动:战略规划编制局于 2003 年 6 月成立了一个课题小 组,研究如何将教科文组织的管理文化和实践转移为可衡量的、透明的成果管理。
Results-based programme planning, monitoring and evaluation approaches refined and applied in programme and budget documents, reports on the implementation/Assistance provided to field offices in results-based management (RBM) and work plan management/Training in RBM developed and offered at Headquarters and in field offices: BSP established in June 2003 a small team with the remit to work towards centering UNESCO managerial culture and practice on measurable and transparent results.
According to the consolidation approach of Unicom Group, the mobile call center client service system (10010) and the landline network call center client service system (10060) needed to be generally merged and retrofitted as soon as possible to have a uniform client service interface and create a uniform service image for the company while consolidating client service resources and processes, realizing full-business client service support and constructing a client service center with uniform support to full 3G business and integrated service and marketing, with 3G service innovations as a chance, to fulfill the ultimate objective of enhanced service function and creation of a service edge.
特别 是,它吁请检察长对拘留所采用酷刑或虐待手段的指控进行调查,36 并明确规 定军事司法系统不应扣押平民,而应将扣押的所有平民移交普通民事司法系统处 理,它促请检察长检举任何拒不执行法庭裁决的官员,并认为这类官员均应撤 职,它建议总理颁布明确指令,通知所有相关官员,对治安部门进行清理整顿的 法律要求不针对行政部门雇员。
In particular, it called on the General Prosecutor to investigate any allegation of torture or ill-treatment in detention centers;36 it specified that civilians should not be subject to detention by the military justice system, but that all civilian detainees should be transferred to the ordinary civilian justice system; it urged the General Prosecutor to prosecute any official who refuses to implement a court decision, and that any such official should be dismissed from his functions; and it recommended that the Prime Minister issue clear directives instructing all relevant officials that clearance by security services is not a legal requirement for employment in the civil service.
针对视障儿童的方案,包括提供盲文课本 和盲文机器,并建立了两个为有特殊需要的儿童服务的资源中心,教师和学生可 通过该中心获得教学材料。
For the visually impaired programmes include provision of Braille text books, Braille machines and the establishment of two resource centers for special needs children where teachers and pupils will access teaching and learning materials.
本报告通篇进一步详细介绍了所制定的这些措施,其 中包括专门设计的职业培训方案,以及鼓励针对劳动力市场职业需求开展职业培 训的方案;成立阿拉伯人口经济发展管理局;将领取收入补贴者纳入劳动力市场 的措施;促进妇女就业的措施,如通过扩大日托中心提供的援助――该措施支持 妇女就业并可增加妇女的可支配收入;以及为更多的残疾人安排劳动就业。
Among the measures developed, further elaborated throughout this report, are specifically designated vocational training programs, including programs to encourage vocational training for occupations in-demand in the labor market; establishing the Authority for Economic Development of the Arab Population; measures for integrating income maintenance recipients in the labor market; measures to promote women’s employment such as extending assistance provided by means of day-care centers, a measure that supports the employment of women and increases the disposable income; and advancing the integration of persons with disabilities in the work force.




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