3) 向 关 联 方 租 赁 物 业:本 集 团 在 本 期 以 每 平 方 米30~''5元 的 价 格 向 关 联 方 租 赁 物 业。 zte.com.cn | 3) Leasingpropertytorelatedparties:Propertieswerelea sedtorelatedpartiesbythegroupat30–''5yuanpersquare metre during the period. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
其它处于水下、只有在低潮时露 出海平面,或人工修建部分露出大潮水面的海上标志只 能拥有 500 米的安全区。 crisisgroup.org | Other features that are submerged, only above sea-level at low tide, or that are artificially built up above the tide are only entitled to a 500-metre safety zone. crisisgroup.org |
评估团发现部分海岸线有焦油球形状的油污染的痕迹,这是海滩上经常看到 的,估计每平方米有25-30 毫克。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mission found traces of oil pollution along part of the coastline in the form of tar balls, which were frequently found on beaches, with estimates of 25-30 mg per square metre. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的 卫星队伍及服务由装设於大埔之十一枚高性能的天线负责监控,其中一枚天线为 11.3 米、一枚 9 米、 五枚 7.3 米和四枚 6.3 米。 asiasat.com | Our satellite fleet and services are controlled and monitored from Tai Po’s eleven high performance antennas: one 11.3 metre antenna, one 9 metre antenna, five 7.3 metre antennas and four 6.3 metre antennas. asiasat.com |
换言之,在欧洲每吸食一细条可卡因就相当 于毁掉一平方米安第斯热带雨林,所消耗的这笔钱 可在西非购买 100 发 AK-47 步枪子弹。 daccess-ods.un.org | Or, to put it another way, consider this: a line of cocaine snorted in Europe destroys one square metre of Andean rainforest and buys 100 rounds of AK-47 ammunition in West Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于马尔代夫的 1 200 岛屿中 80%的岛屿海拔约为 1 米,它们到本世纪 末可能部分被淹没。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 80 percent of the Maldives’ 1,200 islands are about 1 metre above sea level, they could be partly submerged by the end of the century. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲国内机构则仍然负责热核实验堆场址上某些建筑物的建设,特别是 12,000 平方米的极向场线圈建筑物,该建筑物将用来组装热核实验堆使用的极 向场线圈。 daccess-ods.un.org | The European domestic agency, for its part, remains responsible for constructing certain buildings on the ITER site, notably the 12,000-square metre poloidal field (PF) coil building, which will be used for assembling PF coils for the ITER reactor. daccess-ods.un.org |
各区邻舍休憩用地和地区休憩用 地,应设法在短期内达到每人每种用地各有最少一平方米的官方标准。 procommons.org.hk | In short-term, both the per capita local open public space and the district public open space should reach the minimum standard of at least 1 square metre respectively. procommons.org.hk |
2 396 000 美元的经费包括用结构上更耐用的外膜替代现有门舱外墙和屋顶 的费用(1 450 600 美元);建造一个 12 米 x8 米的安全房间和一个正面水泥墙, 以防止车载简易爆炸装置的影响(459 000 美元);购买消防系统(337 200 美元); 和安装一个缓冲闸(Hescobastions)、加固正门、更多的周边照明和生物特征运 动出入控制(149 200 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision of $2,396,000 comprises the costs of replacing existing porta-cabin exterior walls and roofs with a more durable structural external membrane in the amount of $1,450,600; constructing a 12-by-8-metre safe room and a concrete brick wall facade to prevent the effects of vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices ($459,000); purchasing a firefighting system ($337,200); and installing a sally port (Hesco bastions), reinforced main gate, additional perimeter lighting and biometric movement access control ($149,200). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们现在 说的是,在本世纪海平面可能上升 1 米。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are now talking about a 1-metre sealevel rise possibly occurring this century. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一些小岛屿发展中国家,海平面上升可 能是最严重的安全威胁,它危及到马尔代夫这样 的低地小国的生存,该国 80%的土地高于海平面 不到一米,因此可能在未来 30 年中消失。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the case of some small island developing States, sea-level rise presents perhaps the ultimate security threat, jeopardizing the very existence of small low-lying countries such as the Maldives, where 80 per cent of land is less than one metre above sea level and could therefore disappear over the next 30 years. daccess-ods.un.org |
就连武装司令部都 被深达一米多的洪水淹没,使得工作更加混乱停滞。 crisisgroup.org | Even the headquarters of the armed forces was inundated by more than a metre of water, adding to confusion and delay. crisisgroup.org |
经西撒特派团调查,波利萨里奥阵线提出的 4 项指控被证实为违规行为: 在缓冲地带置放 200 米长的有刺铁丝网围栏、在限制区建造一座飞机场以及通过 修建一堵新的石墙增加护堤高度。 daccess-ods.un.org | After investigation by MINURSO, four Frente Polisario allegations were confirmed as violations: the placement of a 200-metre barbed-wire fence in the buffer strip, the construction of an airfield in the restricted area, and the raising of the height of the berm through the construction of a new stone wall. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 将任何物件当如私人行李带上公司的船只,除非该物件为小型手提篮、袋或包 裹,而重量全都不超过 12 公斤或体积全都不超过 0.028 立方米,则不在此限, 但乘客可在任何繁忙时间以外时间乘坐公司的船只时,携带合理数量的手提行 李。 starferry.com.hk | (a) take on to any of the Company's vessels as personal luggage anything other than small handbaskets, bags or parcels all of which shall not exceed either 12 kilograms in weight or 0.028 cubic metre in measurement, except that passengers may take with them on to the Company's vessels a reasonable quantity of hand baggage at any time except during rush hours. starferry.com.hk |
具有一米的较高空间分辨率的 KOMPSAT-2 将使得韩国遥感的竞争力更 强,机会更多。 oosa.unvienna.org | KOMPSAT-2, with a higher spatial resolution of one metre, will bring stronger competitive power and more possibilities to remote sensing in Korea. oosa.unvienna.org |
皇后镇奢华滑雪胜地的许多大规模酒吧与Hidetsugu Ueno-san自己在银座的小酒吧High-Five形成了非常鲜明的对比,银座的房产价格在日本最贵,每平方米超过了20万美元。 tipschina.gov.cn | The spacious bars in the luxury ski town in Queenstown are in total contrast to Hidetsugu Ueno-san's own pint sized bar 'High-Five' in Ginza that boasts the most expensive real estate in Japan at over $200,000USD per square metre. tipschina.gov.cn |
如在没有必要的情况下,距离某人不足一米的话,会让其感到不舒服 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Standing closer than one metre from another person unnecessarily may make them feel uncomfortable. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在目前圈定的Zuun Mod钼铜矿床以外,已经进行了少量钻探工作,Zuun Mod钼铜矿床位于称为南部走廊的3.2公里长800米宽的矿化区内。 tipschina.gov.cn | Limited drilling has taken place outside the area of the currently defined Zuun Mod molybdenum-copper deposit which is situated in an area known as the South Corridor, a 3.2 kilometre long, 800 metre wide mineralized zone. tipschina.gov.cn |
一位原始设备制造商客户要求海卓泰特设计一个多头拉伸装置,能够同时拉伸最多 88 个螺栓,用于连接 38 米长的叶片轴承回转支撑。 hydratight.com | An OEM customer asked Hydratight to design a multi-stud tensioning device which was capable of simultaneously tensioning up to 88 bolts, to be used to connect a 38 metre long blade to a bearing slew ring. hydratight.com |
如果球还在比赛中而有违犯发生在比赛面积外,而且该违犯是本规则任 何部分所无法涵盖时,罚踢将在对应於该违犯发生的地点而距离边线15 公尺的地点判给。 irblaws.com | If an offence is committed outside the playing area while the ball is still in play, and if that offence is not covered by any other part of this Law, the penalty kick is awarded on the 15metre line, in line with where the offence happened. irblaws.com |
b) 任何面对通道,可能引起人群在公众范围聚集的电视屏幕/电脑屏幕,必须摆放在展位范围内往后一米 的地方。 siaf-china.com | b) Any TV screen / computer monitor facing the public aisle that could potentially cause crowding in the public areas is required to set back 1 metre inside their booths. siaf-china.com |
这座最先进的厂房,占地面积 50,000 平方公尺,备有印刷电路板组件装配线、硬碟机生产线,并提供测试运作-这一切都是专为处理该区域日益显着的大量生产需求而设计。 seagate.com | The 50,000 square metre state-of-the-art facility houses automated printed circuit board assembly lines, hard drive product lines and testing operations — all designed to address the increasing demand for volume production in the region. seagate.com |
该实验的负责人大卫•埃尔斯沃思(David Ellsworth)教授说:“这是在南半球首次开展此类实验。该实验和现有的10米高整树箱法试验场将共同为我们提供非常重要的新信息,用以帮助我们在 气候变化期间对澳大利亚特有的林地与森林进行管理。 australiachina.com.au | The leader of the FACE experiment, Professor David Ellsworth, says, “This experiment is the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, and coupled with the existing 10 metre-tall whole tree chamber facility we have, will generate critical new information for the management of Australia’s unique woodlands and forests under a changing climate. australiachina.com.au |
原告认为这些钵体栽植土壤与双 方事先的约定(每立方米含“40 千克 Baraclay”)不符,从而要求被告赔偿那 些因使用上述钵体栽植土壤而受到损害的针叶树。 daccess-ods.un.org | The appellant claimed that the potting soil did not conform to what was agreed (40 kg of clay per cubic metre) and claimed damages for the conifers that were destroyed after being grown in the potting soil. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年2 月,澳派景观设计工作室中标取得了高度达350 米普利门中心的设计合同,竣工后该中心将成为济南最高的大楼,中心有高端写字楼、零售店面和一座新公园。 australiachina.com.au | In Feb 2010, ASPECT Studios has won a design contract for the 350-metre high Pulimen Center, which will be the site of the tallest building in Jinan after completion, comprising high quality offices, retail outlets and a new park. australiachina.com.au |
所以, 该 590 平方米的土地,虽然业权属於该项目的发展商, 但亦不能用作为地盘面积以计算入现时的住宅发展项目 的上盖面积百分率及地积比率。 devb.gov.hk | Although the title of the 590 square metre land belongs to the developer of the development project, the land cannot be used for the purpose of calculation of the percentage site coverage and plot ratio for the current residential development project. devb.gov.hk |
已经确认组织支付的每平方米翻修总价是合理的,符合一般 做法,然而,临时办公室的每平方米价格略高于Ecole Militaire支付的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was confirmed that the overall price paid by the Organization per square metre of renovation was reasonable and within general practice, however, the price per square metre of the temporary offices was slightly higher than that paid by the Ecole Militaire. unesdoc.unesco.org |