可以旋转360度的福伊特径向推进器确保了完美定位。 voith.com | Voith Radial Propellers that pivot 360 degrees ensure perfect positioning. voith.com |
单向推力球轴承可以承受单个方向的轴向载荷,但不能承受径向 载荷。 schaeffler.com | Single direction axial deep groove ball bearings can support axial forces in one direction, but must not be subjected to radial loads. schaeffler.com |
应用实例有: LED平面背投显示屏用发光二极管框、 接线盒的轴向和径向密封, 以及光伏组件框架上的单根电线密封等。 wacker.com | Applications include LED fittings for background lighting in flat screen monitors, axial and radial seals in connection sockets, and single-wire seals for the housing of solar collectors. wacker.com |
轴承径向 载荷也会引起类似的误差。 heidenhain.com.cn | Bearing compliance to radial shaft loading causes similar errors. heidenhain.hu |
径向排列的圆柱压力弹簧将电机的转矩从初级耦合零件转移到次级耦合零件。 voith.com | Radial aligned cylindrical pressure springs transfer the motor torque from the primary coupling part to the secondary one. voith.com |
后 卡套的几何形状有助于产生先进的工程铰链-夹箍作用、这 种作用可把轴向运动转化为卡套管上的径向挤压作用、操作 时只需要很小的装配扭矩。 swagelok.com | The back ferrule geometry allows for an improved engineering hinging-colleting™ action that translates axial motion into radial swaging action on the tube, yet operates with a low assembly torque requirement. swagelok.com |
有关设备包括 Tenney 公司的震动测试系统、动态横向疲劳 试验机器、径向疲劳、不分光红外线分析仪、火焰离子化探测器、 化学发光分析仪、Labsphere 公司的测角光度计、MI Technologies 公司的天线测量系统、半电波暗室、混响室、电磁干扰测试接收 仪、键合强度测试仪、X 光非创伤性测试机器、直线球径仪、扫 描分光光度计等。 legco.gov.hk | The equipment would include Tenney vibration test system, dynamic cornering fatigue machine, radial fatigue, nondispersive infrared analyzer, flame ionization detector, chemiluminescent analyzer, labsphere goniophotometer, MI technologies antenna measurement system, semi anechoic chamber, reverberation chamber, EMI test receiver, bond strength tester, X-ray NDT machine, linear spherometer and scanning spectrophotometer, etc. legco.gov.hk |
因滚道是与轴承轴成一定角度的,所以轴承也可以承受径向负荷。 schaeffler.cn | Since the raceways are at an angle to the bearing axis, the bearings can also support radial loads. schaeffler.us |
无电感功率薄膜电阻器和电流感应电阻器,提供轴向、径向和 TO 型封装,以及 SMT 晶片和 D-Pack 型封装。 digikey.cn | Non-Inductive Power Film Resistors and Current Sense Resistors in Axial, Radial, and TO-Style Packages, and SMT Chip and D-Pack style packages. digikey.ca |
使用客户定义的测试模板,您可以清楚地看到球杆仪所测量的机床性能特性指标(如ISO230-4中的圆度和半径偏差、位置公差、垂直度、反向间隙等)随时间而变化的情况。 renishaw.com.cn | Using a customer defined test template to allow 'like for like' you can now clearly see how many of the machine performance characteristics measured by the ballbar (e.g. ISO 230-4 circular and radial deviations, positional tolerance, squareness, backlash etc) have varied over a period of time. renishaw.com |
MBX 出色的机械设计使其能够处理径向和轴向上的机械偏差,同时仍能保持优良的电气性能。 hubersuhner.com | The mechanical design is outstanding, allowing the MBX to cope with mechanical misalignment in radial and axial directions and still hold an excellent electrical performance. hubersuhner.com |
圆柱滚子轴承,在运动状态下可达到的转速是由内部径向游隙决 定的,请参见表。 schaeffler.com | In the case of cylindrical roller bearings, the achievable speed is determined by the radial internal clearance in the operational state, see table. schaeffler.com |
法国巴黎为既有城市,在奥斯曼(Georges-Eugène Haussmann)擘画之下,於十九世纪中期大幅翻修市区,修筑知名大道与放射状都市计画,启发美国芝加哥、俄罗斯莫斯科等地的知名设计。 thisbigcity.net | Paris, the existing city, received a complete urban-overhaul in the mid 1800s by the revered Georges-Eugène Haussmann with his famous wide-avenue and spoke and radial urban plan that inspired famous urban designs for places like Chicago and Moscow. thisbigcity.net |
根据调查报告建议的方案,具高度文 物价值的“ 米字型监狱大楼”(即现存D 仓监狱大楼) 会原址 保留。 legco.gov.hk | As recommended in the archaeological investigation report, the radial plan prison buildings with high heritage significance (that is, the existing D Hall) will be preserved in situ. legco.gov.hk |
成立于2009年,我们专门生产农业轮胎,载重汽车轮胎,工程轮胎,载重轮胎,载重子午线轮胎,PCR轮胎,主要品牌有“喷气石”,“高智”,我们还广泛开放的OEM合作。 chinatrader.ru | Founded in 2009,we specialize in producing Agricultural Tyre,Truck Tyre,OTR Tyre,TBR Tyre,Radial Truck Tyre,PCR Tyre,the main brands are "JET STONE" , "HONESTAR",We also open OEM cooperation broadly. chinatrader.ru |
为了达到最好的印刷效果,印刷机主滚筒必须无游隙支撑的,并且在定位轴承侧径向和轴向都是刚性定位的。 schaeffler.cn | To achieve the best possible printing results, main cylinders in printing machines must be guided clearance-free and rigidly on the locating bearing side, both axially and radially. schaeffler.us |
由于滚动元件的X形配置,这些轴承可以支持来自两个方向上的轴向力,两个方向上的径向力,倾斜扭矩负荷以及单个轴承位的负荷的合并。 schaeffler.cn | Due to the X arrangement of the rolling elements, these bearings can support axial forces from both directions as well as radial forces, tilting moment loads and any combination of loads with a single bearing position. schaeffler.us |
夹紧套筒将轴向夹紧力转移 到活塞杆上,因此能在适当的位置固定并夹紧活 塞杆。 ringspann.de | The clamping sleeve transmits the radial clamping forces to the piston rod, thereby holding the piston rod firmly in place. ringspann.de |
激光雷达系统为利用激光定位、角速度及实体反射特性作回波测距、方 向判定及目标辨别,包含特殊的发射、扫描、接收及信号处理技巧。 daccess-ods.un.org | Laser radar systems embody specialised transmission, scanning, receiving and signal processing techniques for utilisation of lasers for echo ranging, direction finding and discrimination of targets by location, radial speed and body reflection characteristics. daccess-ods.un.org |
它提供了一套完整的,通过数字枢纽集合控制的径向和线性仪表、数字显示器及状态显示器。 evget.com | Nevron Gauge for SharePoint is an advanced web part, which delivers a complete set of radial and linear gauges, numeric displays and state indicators which are driven by pivot data aggregation. evget.com |
此外,单螺杆压缩机上平衡的径向和轴向力设计减少了设备轴承的应力,使得运营和维护成本非常低,同时还能提供其他类型压缩机都无法提供的性能。 emerson.com | In addition, the balanced radial and axial force design of the single screw compressor reduces stress on the unit’s bearings, resulting in very low operating and maintenance costs while delivering a performance unachievable with any other type of compressor. emerson.com |
存在主轴径向负载的应用,萨澳丹佛斯推荐选用锥轴或凸爪式弹性联轴器。 sauer-danfoss.com | We recommend tapered shafts or clamp-type couplings for applications with radial shaft loads. sauer-danfoss.com |
HUBER+SUHNER 提供了一系列具有轴向或径向偏差的固定及“浮动”连接方案。 hubersuhner.com | HUBER+SUHNER offers a range of connectors for fixed as well as “floating” configurations with any axial or radial misalignment taken out by the outer contact of the jacks. hubersuhner.com |
Pulsar-35的特色包括可以实现精确的植入准确性的三轴输送系统,该系统得益于与Pulsar-18同样卓越的支架设计——包括专为股浅动脉(SFA)疾病用支架设计的高多轴灵活性和最佳径向力等特色。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Pulsar-35 features a triaxial delivery system designed to provide precise implantation accuracy, and the system benefits from the same outstanding stent design as the Pulsar-18 -- including features such as high multiaxis flexibility and optimized radial force specifically designed for the challenges of SFA stenting. tipschina.gov.cn |
这些径 向凹痕说明在 MHSU 上时卡套管的 插 入 深 度 正 确 。 swagelok.com.cn | This radial indentation indicates the tube was properly bottomed in the MHSU. swagelok.com.cn |
城市的各个功能设施围绕中心的滴水湖扩散式的分布开来:湖畔林荫大道,商务区,500米宽的环形城市公园,以可供13000人居住的块状街区为单位组成的居住群呈放射状排开。 chinese-architects.com | The use structure is divided into radial rings from the inside to the outside: promenade, business district with high density, 500 meter wide ring-shaped city park, block-like residential districts for 13,000 people each situated along radial roads accord-ing to the principle of a compass card. chinese-architects.com |
自沈阳子午线轮胎模具有限公司1987年从德国AZ公司引进了子午线活络模具制造先进技术,建成了中国第一条活络模生产线,率先使国内子午线轮胎行业实现活络模具国产化。 china-sanmao.com | LTD 1987 from Germany AZ company to introduce the meridians mould manufacturing advanced technology, activate collaterals built China's first loose mold production line, take the lead in that domestic radial tire industry can activate mould localization. china-sanmao.com |
菌落在CYA上25℃培养7天,直径38-55mm,具放射状皱纹或平坦,偶有分离物的埋伏型菌丝超越气生菌丝约2mm;质地绒状;分生孢子结构大量产生,分生孢子面蓝绿色、暗绿色和灰绿色,近于叶绿色、林肯绿色、紫杉绿色和暗橄榄灰色;菌丝体白色;通常无渗出液,偶有分离物产生;反面绿褐色,黄褐色或微褐色,灰褐色;可溶性色素通常缺乏或微弱。 gncebest88.com | In CYA 25 ℃ colony training seven days, 38-55 mm in diameter, with radial wrinkles or flat, I have separate matter ambush type hyphae beyond gas hyphae about 2 mm born; Quality of a material of cloth with soft nap; Conidium production of large Numbers of structure, conidium face, dark green and turquoise, to green leaves, Lincoln, the yew green and dark green olive gray; Mycelia white; Usually without exudate, accidentally have separate matter produce; Opposite green brown and tan or light brown, beige; Soluble pigment often lack or weak. gncebest88.com |
是一个非常高的新一代主轴最小速度可达120.000,140.000和200.000的-1 要结合优异的性能:这里展示的主要是径向误差只有0,03微米,0,05,非常高的动态稳定性,较大的轴向和径向刚度,热膨胀系数低,几乎无限的保质期。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Presented is a new generation of spindles min extremely high speeds of up to 120.000, 140.000 and 200.000-1 should combine with extraordinary properties: Featured here are mainly a radial error of only 0,03 to 0,05 microns, a very high dynamic stability, a large axial and radial rigidity, low thermal expansion and a virtually unlimited shelf life. en.developmentscout.com |