911 Turbo S仅限搭载七速保时捷双离合器自手排变速箱(PDK)传送动力至保时捷循迹管理系统(PTM)。 pap.porsche.com | The 911 Turbo S comes exclusively with seven-speed Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) (Porsche’s Double-Clutch Gearbox) conveying drive power to Porsche Traction Management (PTM) all-wheel drive. pap.porsche.com |
搭载PDK的车型还可选配全新三辐拨片式跑车方向盘,右边拨片为升档;左边拨片为降档。 pap.porsche.com | And as an option, the new six-cylinder may be combined for the first time with Porsche’s seven-speed PDK Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (Double-Clutch Gearbox). pap.porsche.com |
保时捷的研发工程师们特别专注於Panamera的燃油经济性:搭载采用DFI燃油直喷技术的高效能V8动力元件、轻量化工程结构、引擎自动启闭功能、超群的空气力学设计、创新的PDK双离合器自手排变速箱以及多项尖端科技,有效的减少了磨耗与液压损失,从而令Panamera的燃油经济性成为同级四座GT跑车的典范,也再次成为该级距车款中的标竿。 pap.porsche.com | Porsche’s development engineers have given particular attention to the Panamera’s fuel economy: featuring highly efficient V8 power units with Direct Fuel Injection, intelligent lightweight construction, automatic Start-Stop, optimum aerodynamics, Porsche’s innovative Doppelkupplungsgetriebe and various technical features consistently reducing frictional and hydraulic losses, the Panamera offers truly outstanding fuel economy for a four-door Gran Turismo of this calibre, again setting new standards against its direct competitors. pap.porsche.com |
除了已获全球车迷一致肯定的Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe(PDK)双离合器自手排变速箱与首度搭载的引擎自动启闭功能之外 ,Panamera还拥有了多项首次应用於豪华性能跑车级距中的创新科技,包括於各个悬吊弹簧上皆装载额外气瓶的全新保时捷自主调整气压式悬载系统,以及顶级Panamera Turbo所配备的主动式空气力学套件:可依车速进行多面向调整的後尾翼。 pap.porsche.com | Apart from the PDK Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe or Double-Clutch Gearbox and the first Start-Stop system in conjunction with automatic transmission, the technical innovations the Panamera is introducing for the first time in a production model in the luxury performance class include Porsche’s new adaptive air suspension with additional air volume on-demand in each spring as well as active aerodynamics featuring a rear spoiler with multi-dimensional adjustment moving up at the appropriate speed on the top-of-the-range Panamera Turbo. pap.porsche.com |
在传动系统方面,根据车型的不同,Panamera将会标准配置六速手排变速箱或是保时捷最新的七速双离合器自手排变速箱(PDK),然而搭配手排变速箱的车型也可选配广受好评的PDK双离合器自手排变速箱。 pap.porsche.com | Depending on the model, power is transmitted by a six-speed manual gearbox or Porsche’s new seven-speed Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) (Double-Clutch Gearbox) available as an option on all models within the range not fitted with PDK as standard from the start. pap.porsche.com |
搭载保时捷双离合器自手排变速箱(PDK)以及引擎自动启闭系统,两款车型在新欧洲驾驶循环测试中的油耗皆可达到每百公里低於10公升的优异表现:Panamera的油耗为每百公里9.3公升﹔Panamera 4则为每百公里9.6升。 pap.porsche.com | Equipped with PDK Porsche-Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (Porsche Double-Clutch Gearbox) and Auto Start Stop, both models consume far less than 10 litres of fuel on 100 kilometres in the New European Driving Cycle: The Panamera makes do with a mere 9.3 litres/100 kilometres (equal to 30.4 mpg imp), the Panamera 4 averages 9.6 litres/100 kilometres, equal to 29.4 mpg imp. pap.porsche.com |
此外也可选配 Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) 保时捷双离合器自手排变速箱;它具备七个档位,绵密的档位切换完全无损推进动力,并可实现更快的冲刺速度及更佳的燃油经济性。 pap.porsche.com | The seven-speed Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) can be delivered as an option; it enables faster acceleration and better fuel economy. pap.porsche.com |
Carrera 车型搭载全新 3.4 升水平对卧引擎可达 350 匹 (275 千瓦) 最大马力,另若搭载选配 PDK 的 911 Carrera ,拥有每 100 公里仅消耗 8.2 公升汽油的燃油表现。 pap.porsche.com | The Carrera with the new 350 hp (257 kW) 3.4-litre boxer engine and optional Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) consume a mere 8.2 litres per 100 kilometres based on the NEDC – 1.6 l/100 km less than its predecessor. pap.porsche.com |
拜标准配备的跑车计时套件所赐,只需按一下按钮,Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) 保时捷双离合器自手排变速箱便能将引擎动力连绵不断地传送至保时捷循迹管理系统 (PTM),特别突显其四轮驱动动态性能。 pap.porsche.com | The way in which at the push of a button the Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) transmits the engine output to the all-wheel drive (PTM) – thanks to the Sport Chrono package featured as standard without interruption to the power flow – is especially dynamic. pap.porsche.com |