在您戒烟时帮您解决焦虑、抑郁或心理健 康问题。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | Help with anxiety, depression or mental health while you are trying to quit. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
而且,他们认为教科文组织不应该力图代 替已经存在的地区政府间组织(如:欧盟),而是要加强同这些机构的合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Also, in their view, UNESCO should not try to substitute existing regional intergovernmental organizations (e.g. the European Commission), but rather strengthen its cooperation with these bodies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至如今,许多单 身父母得不到抚养费干脆就认了,甚至都没有尝试到法庭上去保护其子女的权 利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Until now, many single parents simply accepted the fact that maintenance was not paid and did not even try to protect the rights of their child in court. daccess-ods.un.org |
预计书记官处能实现各项目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 前南斯拉夫各国在 提供信息及其他形式的援助方面予以合作;(b) 诉讼程序不会因法庭无法控制的 原因而出现延误,如被告人患病、出乎意料的材料披露、请求更换辩护律师、请 求复审已审案件、影响诉讼程序的其他动议以及没有证人对陈述予以证明及提供 证词;(c) 法庭工作人员的更替率在可接受的范围内。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Registry is expected to meet its objective and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) the States of the former Yugoslavia cooperate in the provision of information and other forms of assistance; (b) there are no delays in the proceedings for reasons beyond the Tribunal’s control, such as illness of the accused, unforeseen disclosure of material, requests for replacement of defence counsel, requests for review of cases already tried, other motions affecting the proceedings or the non-availability of witnesses to certify statements and provide testimony; and (c) the turnover rate of the Tribunal’s staff remains within acceptable limits. daccess-ods.un.org |
请注意:房产代理或房东会观察前来检查物业的 人士,因此,您应该尽量给对方留下好印象,以 备您决定申请该物业。 tuv.org.au | Be aware that the agent or landlord will be looking at the people who come through the door so you should try to make a good impression in case you decide to apply for the property. tuv.org.au |
2) 如果从外接磁碟机复原影像,请尝试将该影像复制到其他存放区然後重新尝试复原,因为出 现的问题可能与硬体相关。 seagate.com | 2) If you recover the image from an external drive, try to copy that image to another storage and retry recovery as the issue may be related to the hardware. seagate.com |
两位发言者认为,拟议的计划似乎仍然存在上一个 C/4 文件结构分散、重点不够突出的问题,因而削弱 了本组织的影响,他们认为教科文组织仍然心有余而力不足,而且,如果本组织要在联合国大家庭重新赢得科 学领域牵头机构的信誉,就得面对一些困难的选择,采取新的具有强大影响的举措。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two speakers expressed the view that the envisaged programme rather repeated the fragmented, unfocused structure of the previous C/4 document, thus reducing the impact of the Organization, that UNESCO was still trying to do too much with its limited resources and that the Organization would need to confront some difficult choices to make room for new initiatives with strong impact, if it were to regain credibility as a leading science organization within the United Nations family. unesdoc.unesco.org |
你们已经听了各位报告人的报告;我就不 再重复他们的报告了,因为这完全是白费功夫,因此,我只想作一个综述。 unesdoc.unesco.org | You have already heard the reports of the various rapporteurs, which I shall not repeat – that would be quite pointless – I shall merely try to offer a general synopsis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
食典委注意到:中期评估将于 9 月份或一两个月以后开始,取决于评估的资料范 围和必要的信息;当启动对信托基金部分活动的中期评估时,世卫组织将努力确定可能 的捐助者,以便不动用信托基金的短缺资源而进行评估;成员国的贡献和参与将贯串中 期评估的全过程。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted: that the mid-term review would start in September, or one or two month later depending on the scope of data and information necessary for the review; that while the mid-term review was initially part of the activities of the Trust Fund, WHO would try to identify a possible donor in order to carry out the review without drawing resources from the Trust Fund; and that the contribution and engagement of Members would be sought throughout the process of the mid-term review. codexalimentarius.org |
布卢发送张伯伦在世界各地的雪橇,并试图让爱德华多·福斯特的烟囱滑下来,试图证明,圣诞老人是真实的,在这个过程中,成本可可她在商场圣诞老人的工作;布卢学先生Herriman只给一个目前大家(这是部分的原因,他试图证明圣诞老人是真的),并在他的自私出更多的礼物,在一个颇为有趣的方式试图使Herriman手。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bloo sends Wilt on a sleigh ride around the world and tries to get Eduardo to slide down the Foster’s chimney, trying to prove that Santa is real, and in the process, costs Coco her job at the mall as Santa; Bloo learns that Mr. Herriman is only giving one present to everyone (which is part of the reason that he tries to prove Santa real), and in his selfishness tries to make Herriman hand out more presents, in a rather interesting way. seekcartoon.com |
等级可为您节省很多时间,否 则搜寻备份存档中的多个档案时,您要花费很多时间试着猜测哪一个过期备份可以删除,但又 不会遗失重要资料。 seagate.com | Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can be deleted without losing important data. seagate.com |
商户应尽力遵从有关管制食物 中三聚氰胺的法例规定。 cfs.gov.hk | Traders were advised to try their best to comply with the legal requirements for controlling melamine in food. cfs.gov.hk |
2)若要从外部驱动器恢复映像,请尝试复制该映像至另一存储并重新恢复,因为该问题可能与 硬件相关。 seagate.com | 2) If you recover the image from an external drive, try to copy that image to another storage and retry recovery as the issue may be related to the hardware. seagate.com |
没有某一特定年度的关于歧视亚 美尼亚人的报告不应当被作为已经停止这种歧视的证据,特别是在各种其他报告 都表明阿塞拜疆的亚美尼亚人都在试图隐瞒族裔身份的时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | The absence of new reports on discrimination against Armenians during one specific year should not be used as evidence that such discrimination has ceased, especially when various other reports concurrently indicate that Armenians in Azerbaijan are trying to conceal their ethnicity. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们想要鼓励吸烟者使用 NMN,将对他们健康的影响降至最低,让他们继续尝试戒烟 (尤其如果他们已经尝试过,但是未成功)。 bootb.com | We’d like to encourage smokers to use NMN in order to minimize the damage to their health while they are keeping giving up smoking (especially if they’ve already tried and failed before). bootb.com |
此外,《公民和政治权利国际盟约》第 14 条第 3(d)款称,每个人除其他权 利外都应当有权“出席受审并亲自替自己辩护或经由他自己所选择的法律援助 进行辩护;如果他没有法律援助,要通知他享有这种权利;在司法利益有此需 要的案件中,为他指定法律援助,而在他没有足够能力偿付法律援助的案件 中,不要他自己收费”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, article 14, paragraph 3(d) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that everyone should be entitled, among other rights, “to be tried in his presence, and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it”. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有法院可以对个人 进行刑事犯罪的审理和判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only a court of law could try and convict a person for a criminal offence. daccess-ods.un.org |
面对这让人担忧的事实,政府想要扭转这一趋势并决心致力于减 少贫困,以更好地实现人权,尤其是尊严生活的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of this worrying situation, the authorities are trying to reverse those trends, with a resolute commitment to poverty reduction in order to allow greater enjoyment of human rights, particularly the right to live in dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在回答就作为巴西国家淘汰计划的一部分编制防止氟氯化碳排放限的技术标准的要 求时,作为执行机构的开发计划署的代表解释说,索然巴西法律禁止氟氯化碳的排放,但 一些行业的泄漏率仍然很高,政府正在与标准组织和私人部门合作设法解决此问题。 multilateralfund.org | In response to a request for clarification regarding the preparation of a technical standard for preventing CFC venting as part of the National Phase-out Plan (NPP) for Brazil, the representative of UNDP, as implementing agency, explained that, even though Brazilian law prohibited the venting of CFCs, some sectors still had high leakage rates that the Government was trying to address in partnership with standards organizations and the private sector. multilateralfund.org |
项目简介: 组合各种常用的开源框架,并尽量简化这些框架的用法。 javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Combinations of various commonly used open source framework and try to simplify the use of these frameworks . javakaiyuan.com |
省级刑事法院可以调查和审判确定国家利益委员会和宪法监护委员会 成员、部长和副部长、政府三个分支的高级顾问、大使、总检察长、审计庭长、 法官、州长、军方和警方准将以上官员以及各省情报部的局长。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provincial criminal court can investigate and try offenses by members of the Expediency Council, Guardian Council of the Constitution, ministers and vice-ministers, senior advisors to the three branches of the governments, ambassadors, prosecutor general, president of the Auditing Tribunal, judges, governors general, and military and police officers above the rank of brigadier general and directors general of intelligence ministry in provinces. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您的计划赞助者要求您在获得请求药物 前尝试另一种药物,或计划限制您请求的药物数量或剂量,您也可请求例外处理(处方集例外处理)。 lacare.org | You may also request an exception if your plan sponsor requires you to try another drug before receiving the drug you are requesting, or the plan limits the quantity or dosage of the drug you are requesting (a formulary exception). lacare.org |
因此,各国都必须尊重、保护和增进个人在自己宗教或信 仰团体内沟通的自由,与他人分享自己信念的自由,通过与信念不同的人进行沟 通而开拓自己视野的自由,珍惜和传播有关宗教或信仰问题的信息的自由,以及 采用和平沟通方式试图说服他人的自由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, States have to respect, protect and promote the freedom to communicate within one’s own religious or belief group, to share one’s conviction with others, to broaden one’s horizons by communicating with people of different convictions, to cherish and develop contacts across State boundaries, to receive and spread information about religious or belief issues and to try to persuade others by means of peaceful communication. daccess-ods.un.org |
行预咨委会在其关于维持和平行动支助账户的报告 (A/49/904)第 21 段中,就定义“核心”和“非核心” 要求的尝试提出了评论意见,并“认识到,继续试图 为核心和非核心员额和活动编成随意而定最后免不了 陷于僵化的人为的标准的做法可能不再有用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 21 of its report on the support account for peacekeeping operations (A/49/904), the Advisory Committee commented on the attempt to define “core” and “non-core” requirements and “recognized that it may no longer be useful to continue to try to compose arbitrary and, in the end, inevitably rigid and artificial criteria for core and non-core posts and activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会对确保索马里的责 任追究无所作为;而形成鲜明对照的是,安理会积极行动,打击海盗,包括今年 早时考虑建立专门的索马里法院,审判索马里和区域内海盗嫌疑人,包括拥有治 外法权的索马里专门打击海盗法院。 daccess-ods.un.org | The inaction of the Council to ensure accountability in Somalia is in sharp contrast with, for instance, Security Council initiatives on combating piracy, including by considering earlier this year the establishment of specialized Somali courts to try suspected pirates both in Somalia and in the region, including an extraterritorial Somali specialized antipiracy court. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于索马里法庭审理的问题,联合国开发计划署 (开发署)和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办) 的协助将使邦特兰和索马里兰“每年仅能多起诉大约 20 起案件”(S/2011/360,第 10 段),但无法做到再 维持三年。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the issue of jurisdiction in Somalia, the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) will enable Puntland and Somaliland to try only “around 20 additional cases each per year” (S/2011/360, paragraph 10), but not for three more years. daccess-ods.un.org |
古巴反对美国政府所采用的非法机制,后者正是借此冒称其有权证实其他国 家在恐怖主义方面的行为并发布带有歧视性、选择性和政治动机的名单,同时保 持双重标准,不将本地区针对古巴和其他国家公然从事骇人听闻恐怖主义行为的 肇事者绳之以法,却让他们逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba rejects this illegitimate mechanism whereby the United States Government arrogates to itself the right to certify the conduct of other nations with regard to terrorism and to publish discriminatory, selective and politically motivated lists, while maintaining a double standard by failing to try the avowed perpetrators of horrendous terrorist acts against Cuba and other countries in our hemisphere, instead allowing them to remain at large. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 使受行政拘留者能够及时与其自选的律师联系,以其所理解的语言立 即告知其所受的指控,向其提供资料准备辩护,即时将其带上法庭,在其本人或 律师在场的情况下进行审判。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Grant administrative detainees prompt access to counsel of their own choosing, inform them immediately, in a language which they understand, of the charges against them, provide them with information to prepare their defence, bring them promptly before a judge and try them in their own or their counsel’s presence. daccess-ods.un.org |