然而,由于在供应 商数据库方面遇到的各种问题以及在前几年所作的最新,存在审计线索不足问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, owing to problems encountered with the vendor database and the updates in previous years, in some instances, the audit trail was insufficient. daccess-ods.un.org |
开展了为青年提供工作机会的旅游活动,诸如 徒步旅行导游和当地特种鸟观看活动,这些活动有可能被私营部门的旅游计划所接受。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Tourism activities to provide work for young people include development of hiking trails and local birdwatching groups, which are likely to be accepted in the tourism programme of the private sector. unesdoc.unesco.org |
安装了有间隙的介质时,该距离等于物理标签长度加上一个 间隙、凹槽或洞(一个间隙、凹槽或洞的边缘到下一个间隙、凹槽或洞的 边缘)。 printronix.com | With gapped media installed, the distance equals the physical label length plus one gap, notch, or hole (trailing edge of one gap, notch, or hole to the trailing edge of the next gap, notch, or hole). printronix.de |
打印机将缓冲器中的内容全部打印在 介质上之后,才将介质送至前端,并将最后一个标签的尾部边缘置于 撕离位置等待撕取。 printronix.com | Printer prints on the media and sends it out the front until the print buffer is empty, then positions the trailing edge of the last label over the tear bar for removal. printronix.de |
这些都是进步的规定,如果 能够得到遵守,将确保处理申诉时有足够的文件线索。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These are progressive provisions which, if followed, will ensure a good paper trail for any appeals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从雨林小径到令人着迷的博物馆,从活力四射的多文化城市到对运动的热爱,澳大利亚独一无二。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | From rainforest trails to fascinating museums, vibrant multicultural cities to a love of sport, Australia is unique. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
第三,由于缺乏内部控制系统或可以用来从出口商回溯到开采地的文件追 查线索,妨碍几内亚当局识别可疑货物(见附件十六)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Third, the absence of a system of internal control, or a paper trail that can be used to trace diamonds from the exporter back to the mine, prevents the Guinean authorities from identifying suspicious shipments (see annex XVI). daccess-ods.un.org |
这是一个非常危险的方面, 内部监督办公室的审计工作也发现这一问题,它会对财务数据的完整性、财务信息的私密性 和安全性,以及系统审查跟踪记录的可靠性产生不利影响,原因是这些用户可以修改财务收 支情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is a high-risk area which was also identified in the IOS audit and could adversely affect the integrity of financial data, the privacy and security of financial information and the reliability of system audit trails since these users could modify financial transactions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于许多矿工尚未登 记,并缺乏从矿区到出口点的连续文件追查线索,加纳打击非法进口科特迪瓦钻 石的努力受到威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The presence of unregistered miners and the absence of a continuous paper trail from the mine to the point of export threaten Ghana’s efforts to combat the illicit import of Ivorian diamonds. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有操作员的输入,即创建、修改或删除电子记录,都必须记录在由电脑生成的安全审核跟踪文件中,记录谁在什么时候做了什么。 malvern.com.cn | All operator entries that create, modify or delete an electronic record must be recorded in a secure, computer-generated audit trail identifying who did what and when they did it. malvern.com |
由於我们的业务主要跟随总体经济趋势,尽管全球市场 已逐步复苏过来,我们察觉到一些政府客户紧缩开支,已开始对我们带来一些影响。 asiasat.com | As our business trails general economic trends, we began to see some impact among government customers who tightened budgets, despite the gradual recovery in worldwide markets. asiasat.com |
管理层指出,建立这样的系统以便在工发组织内各个级别和对所有活动提供全面的审计跟踪记 录需要大量资源,其实施可能会由于缺乏资源而在短期内受到限制。 unido.org | Management noted that the establishment of such a system providing a comprehensive audit trail at all levels and for all activities within UNIDO would be very resource intensive and its implementation might be constrained in the short term due to a lack of resources. unido.org |
电火花不应 “ 追着 ” 或围绕换向器表面。 graco.com | Arcs should not “trail” or circle around commutator surface. graco.com |
鉴于过程的独立性、移徙行程的 始点和终点的实际情况、以及开展跨国移徙及国内移徙的影响评估的必要性,评 估范围应涵盖在目的地国和原籍国产生的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Assessments should cover impacts in destination and origin countries alike, considering the interdependence of processes and realities at both ends of the migration trail and the need to conduct impact assessments that address both the transnational and national realities of migration. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,同时应对获得了披露资讯的所有人员进行书面记录,以保 留明确的审计线索。 disclosure-scotland.org.uk | It is also recommended that a written record is kept of all those to whom disclosure information is passed for the purposes of a clear audit trail. disclosure-scotland.org.uk |
回顾委员会在 2006 年核准引入企业资源规划系 统,她说,由于与当前提案同时提出的还有大量资金 需求,澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰代表团将评价这些 资金需求是否合理和适当,并确保提供与资源有关的 审计线索、进度标识和正当理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling that the Committee had approved the introduction of an ERP system in 2006, she said that, as the current proposals were accompanied by substantial funding requirements, the three delegations would judge whether they were reasonable and appropriate, making sure that audit trails, markers of progress and justification for resources were present. daccess-ods.un.org |
一座爱尔兰西部的岛屿,一条环岛路,带我们回到旧时。 discoverireland.com | Step back in time on a trail around one of Ireland’s western islands. discoverireland.com |
(2) 一 项 为 确 保 公 帄 审 讯 向 排 拒 证 据 的 一 般 酌 情 权,其 诠 释 受 限 制,使 法 庭 只 可 以 在 证 据 引 起 偏 见 而 影 响 所 及 大 於 其 作 为 证 据 的 价 值 时 , 才 能 排 拒 此 证 据( 证 据 由 被 告 人 提 供 则 除 外 ) 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (2) a general discretion to exclude evidence to ensure a fair trail, interpreted quite restrictively so that the only basis on which a court could exclude evidence (other than that obtained from the accused) was if its prejudicial effect outweighed its probative value. hkreform.gov.hk |
在 2010 年出版的其题为“促进公平的时代:缩小差距, 开辟蹊径”的报告中,拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)提出,危机为 绘制新路线以及改变迄今遵循的主要发展模式提供了一个难得机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its landmark report entitled “Time for equality: closing gaps, opening trails”, published in 2010, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) argues that the crisis provides a unique opportunity to chart a new course to change the dominant model of development hitherto being followed. daccess-ods.un.org |
毒品和犯罪问题办公室支助平民证人到肯尼亚提供证词, 已经实现这些证人 100%出席对海盗的审判,并在必要时提供口译服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC provides support for civilian witnesses to travel to Kenya to provide testimony and has achieved 100 per cent attendance of those witnesses at piracy trails, with interpretation as required. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些信息包括远足径、郊 野公园的流动电话网络覆盖、学校、图书馆、体育中心、医院、公共无线上网热 点,以及政府办事处的位置等。 devb.gov.hk | Such information will cover hiking trails, mobile network coverage in country parks, schools, libraries, sport centres, hospitals, public wi-fi hotspots and location of government offices, etc. devb.gov.hk |
通过追踪金钱流向能够更好 地遏制所有犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | All crime can best be combated by following the money trail. daccess-ods.un.org |
回到目前的现场动作特点,女孩和她的祖母巴尔托的纪念,她解释说,艾迪塔罗德开拓者的比赛涵盖了相同的路径,巴尔托和他的团队从Nenana到诺姆。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Back in the present live action feature, the girl and her grandmother find the memorial for Balto, and she explains that the Iditarod Trail Race covers the same path that Balto and his team took from Nenana to Nome. seekcartoon.com |
拉加经委会还在推进一个雄心勃勃 的新的区域议程,在为第三十三届拉加经委 会会议编写的标题为“是实现平等、消除差 距和开辟新路的时候了” 的文件中对议程 作了简要阐述。 regionalcommissions.org | ECLAC is also promoting an ambitious new agenda for the region which is outlined in its document “Time for equality, closing gaps opening trails” prepared for the occasion of ECLAC’s thirty-third Commission Session. regionalcommissions.org |
该费用包括对參与或推介经纪、某些银行及其他财务中介机构的财务顾问或其 他雇员的报酬及开支(包括电话及间接费用);此等经纪、银行及财务中介机构协助处理购入 或赎回要求或处理股息的支付、定期向股东提供有关股东在基金股份中的狀况资料、向股东转 发本公司的通讯、按股东的需要向股东提供有关各基金所提供的个别投资机会是否适合的持续 意見、回应股东有关该等服务的查询,或培训人员提供该等服务。 cdn.sunlife.com | The Trail Fee which applies to Administrative Class Shares is paid to the Distributor for personal services rendered to Shareholders of the Funds and the maintenance of Shareholder accounts, including compensation to, and expenses (including telephone and overhead expenses) of, financial consultants or other employees of participating or introducing brokers, certain banks and other financial intermediaries who assist in the processing of purchase or redemption requests or the processing of dividend payments, who provide information periodically to Shareholders showing their positions in a Fund’s Shares, who forward communications from the Company to Shareholders, who render ongoing advice concerning the suitability of particular investment opportunities offered by the Funds in light of the Shareholders’ needs, who respond to inquiries from Shareholders relating to such services, or who train personnel in the provision of such services. cdn.sunlife.com |
只有继续沿着大会开辟 的道路前进,该部才能做到这一点,在第 34/182 号 决议中,大会促进建立一个旨在加强和平与国际理 解、以新闻自由流通为基础的新的、更公正、更有 效的世界新闻和传播秩序。 daccess-ods.un.org | It could do so only by proceeding along the trail blazed by the General Assembly when, in resolution 34/182, it advocated the establishment of a new, more just and more effective world information and communication order, one based on the free circulation of information and intended to strengthen peace and international understanding. daccess-ods.un.org |
情报合作必须受到法律( 包括人权保障措施) 和 透明规 章 制度的明文管 制,根据严格的程序(记录适当的“纸面记录”)授权,并由议会和专家机构进行管 理和监督。 daccess-ods.un.org | Intelligence cooperation must be clearly governed by the law (including human rights safeguards) and by transparent regulations, authorized according to strict routines (with proper “paper trails”) and controlled or supervised by parliamentary or expert bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |